Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by rush99999
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by CaughtInTheRiddle
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CaughtInTheRiddle The Goddess

Member Seen 8 mos ago


Age: Unknown
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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DJAtomika Second to Most

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name: Skrax
Race: Khepri

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 2 days ago

Name: Marianne
Race: Human
Age: 19
Marianne holds in her possession a talking grimoire named Lazarus for good reason. As a mage that practices in the dark arts, her magical prowess is unnaturally high for someone her age. Of course, such power does wonders in corroding the mentality of her person, making her unstable at times. Her most potent technique involves stealing the life of her enemies and using the resulting force to heal her own figure.

Though despite her eerily powerful control over the unnatural and…just plain disturbing forces, her mastery over the dark arts leaves her vulnerable to lighter arcane magics. That, and she hates bright magic due to it being hard to look at. Furthermore, she cannot speak on her own; thus, the sentient Lazarus takes the time to talk on her behalf due to their bonded nature.

A distant nomad from the land of Rexicorg, Marianne would rather not speak of her past, though it probably has to do with that eye-patch she’s always wearing. She hasn’t claimed it to be host to any magical powers, so there’s no reason for the secrecy. Even so, she will lash out without thought or reason whenever people question it.

Though to be fair, Marianne hardly speaks of anything at all these days, preferring to let her actions direct her. Whether she chooses not to talk or if her silence is the result of some past transaction is known by none except for the talking grimoire she carries around, Lazarus, who acts as her vocal piece.

Skimming the whole eye thing aside, Marianne’s mother taught her what she knew of magic while her father helped her to eventually read and write, inspiring her to create her own spells. In the present day, Marianne travels around simply for the sake of doing so, finding interest in the stories all around her.

Recently though, her interests lie in the current craze for the Wizards Tower going on. Usually not one to get involved in such stupid things as quests, she remained neutral no more when news of something fantastic lying in wait within the Tower drew her to explore its contents.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Name: Anubhat Sharpclaw

Race: Greater Demonbrood

Age: 127


Background: Anubhat is a great and powerful Succubi demonlord, who served as a commander in hells armies. It was nearly 500 years ago since demons came to this world in are formerly known as the Northern Mountains. Since then they call it the Charred Hills. In a single year the armies of evil gained a foothold and terrorised the lands around. He leaded the most daring assault in 6 DA (demon appearance) when the evil forces tried to siege massive fortress of Ironfall, the only remaining human stroghold between tehm and the Fertile Crescent. The battle raged for months, and during that time ash covered the skies. During a daring assault to finish off the tired humans Anubhat sacrificed himself to win the battle for the demons.

127 years ago he was reborn as a Greater Demonbrood. Normally Demonbroods are created to be demons, but Greater ones are the reincarnations of demons who served the evil side for long and proudly. He would get his powers back as soon as he gathered enough essence by doing evil deeds, and helping in evils forces to advance. However he has been sealed by a great wizard during a fight, and lost the baility to gather essence in exchange for the ability to generate it with anger. His seal is a sword that contains his demonic soul and prevents him from reaching his Demon form no matter how much essence he gets. Since then he has gone rouge trying to find someone who can remove the seal, so he can become the great demon lord he was once.

Skills: He is fueled by anger and his power reflect it. Naturally because of his demonic source he has inhuman strenght and speed, thought that doesn't mean he is as powerful as a demon. His ability to channel his anger can increase his combat abilities GREATLY to a point of unleashing all built up essence for a small duration of full use of his demonic powers. His sword is by default a shortsword but the angrier he gets the steel gets stronger and the sword gets longer. He doesn't posses any demonic abilites as a Demonbrood. However he could summon a demonling as a Greater Demonbrood, but he is yet to live with this ability.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Guilty Spark
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Guilty Spark A Relic of the Past

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: "My name is Athalzerus 'Iron-Blood'."

Race: "Some call my people demons, and they are not far wrong, but the Hekurians do not dwell in the hells. We live beneath the skin of the world, in the great cities hewn from living rock. There, we can feed on the purest veins of iron. A Hekurian can live a great deal of time without food, but without veins of iron nearby we cannot live together. If you have any questions, ask and I may answer."

Age: "I was born thirty and seven summers ago, though my people live far longer. Among them, I am young and rash."

Appearance: "I am exactly as you see me. Taller than any human, born from living rock, and burning hot to the touch. My eyes are molten pits, and my hair is a corona of flames."


Background: "I am a traveler, a rare thing among my people. I spent my first decades as a kovac, a weapon smith, spilling my blood night and day to arm the warriors of the Kryesor and to line his coffers. I grew weary of that burden, and forsook my place of honor to travel the surface. I discovered the value of my might to human lords, and sold them the strength of my arm. Perhaps I exchanged one cage for another? If that's so, then I prefer this cage. Its only bars are the sky, and they are well beyond my reach.

"I am eager for this quest to be underway; the Wizard's Tower will not conquer itself."

Motto: "Nothing has impeded me; nothing will."

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Flynn
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Flynn Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Name: Hargrim Stonespike
Race: Dwarf
Age: 99

- Tinkering
- Explosives
- Gun Handling
Background: "Like many dwarfs, I used to live in these mountains. Unlike them, I didn't like them. So I moved on."
Motto: "All you need to say is 'I'll pay'."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oni_
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Oni_ Moment In Flux

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Rucks Kennithson
The Dreamwalkers


Expert Conjurer
Adept Swordsman
Keen Eye

Rucks, like most of the magically adept of his kind awoke within the dream. There he stayed for 18 years, a shorter cycle than average, learning his magical arts among the nature spirits. Nymphs, Satyrs and fairies and the like. He learnt of conjuring, to rip beasts from other realms in order to help him in combat, and also dabbled in illusion, which he has long forgotten.

After his first cycle Rucks awoke within our realm, underneath a pale tree within a forest glade. Perhaps not of significance, but a romantic start to a great journey don't you think? In this cycle he mostly focused on learning to transverse realms freely, something most Dreamwalkers leave until their later life. He learnt it as while the Dream is exciting it rarely changes, whereas our realm does. Men build cities and have wars, fairies plant seeds and have tea parties.

So, he became a spellsword for hire and now, very recently he has been hired to delve into a wizards tower with other mercenaries. Who knows what excitement it will hold?

A motto? Since when do mercenaries have mottos? Do I look like some lord from a great house?

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Name: Durandal Hopsfield
Race: Mostly Human
Age: 37
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