Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flynn
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Flynn Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

It was cold up in the Drangazi mountains. Colder then it should be. People claimed it was the towers doing, that it had affected the weather ever since it stood there. Yet the cold hadn't discouraged adventures, looters and fortune seekers to go up into the mountains and enter the tower. Of course, none of them had ever returned. Why would this time be any different?

The snow crunches under Hargrims heavy boots as he slowly makes his way up the mountain path. He didn't like the cold. Which was weird considering his heritage. He was a dwarf! The mountains were supposed to be his home. But they hadn't been for a long time. Ever since he took up the job as mercenary, Hargrim has been all around the world. He had seen plenty of places that were much better then this oversized snow covered rock.

However, the thought of his payment warmed his bones a bit. Sure, he'd heard the tales of nobody ever returning from the tower. But those were amateurs. He was a professional mercenary. He has had worse jobs. This was just some coo-coo's wizards tower with too many complicated puzzles and obstacles. Luckily, Hargram was an expert at solving riddles. Sorry, did I say solving? I meant blowing up.

After another hour of walking, the top of the tower could finally be seen over the treetops. It was nothing special. Just a badly layered tile roof with red bricks and a chimney sticking out. The rest has to be more impressive he thought while looking at the red roof. But that wasn't the case.

It didn't take long before Hargrim finally emerged from the forest and entered a clearing. In the middle of that clearing... The Wizards Tower. "What... That's it? I expected something more after all these stories I'd heard." And Hargrim was right. The tower wasn't impressive at all. It was like any old tower. Made from gray bricks in a circular shape, build upwards, as was usually the case with towers.

And now Hargrim couldn't even enter the tower to flee from the cold piercing wind. Nope. He had orders to wait for five others. Only then were they allowed to enter the tower. He sits down on the boring looking stairway, leading up to the boring looking door and waits.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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Wreathed in a weathered brown hooded cloak, Skrax made his way towards the Tower. The cold made him shiver, biting straight into his bones, as brittle as they were. The trek up the mountain ridge had been arduous but strangely peaceful, past the howling winds and pouring snow. He'd taken the trek as a chance to meditate, reciting the scriptures engraved on the prayer beads he wore around his torso and tattooed on his chest and back. Formless, the words cycled and circled in his mind, guiding and strengthening his journey forward.

Just previously, before he'd even entered the Drangazi range, he'd been a ways away, in the township of Anthorp, healing the sick and meditating on past teachings and scriptures. It was also there that he'd dealt with a nasty bandit gang that had been terrorising the town for their grain and livestock and women.

From there, word had reached him of the mysterious Tower. A mysterious employer, seeking hands to venture into the Tower for its riches and dark secrets. Several of his kin, wanderers in their own regard, had ventured into that dark place in search of its riches. None had returned. It had been ages since, and the chance was too tempting to pass up. Nevertheless, he mediated on his need to delve into the darkness, and his inner soul had said yes. If not for riches, for answers and to develop himself further in his everlasting quest for enlightenment. He was to meet five others, Seekers, just like him, and upon the forming of their little group their quest inwards would begin.

Downward he went, as the snow thinned and trees sprang to life around him through the carpet of white. Eventually the ridge led downward into a thick forest, teeming with wildlife. The sounds and smells of the forest sent his thoughts back home, to Caldaria. As he walked, staff ahead of him, he wondered about his family and his village. More than a decade had passed since his departure, and though such amounts of time were mere blinks of the eye to his people, it still felt like forever.

"I miss home."

The forest eventually turned into a clearing, and the Tower itself stood amidst the grass and foliage, decrepit and seemingly abandoned. Nearby, also emerging from the forest, was a dwarf, clad in some strange armour, with tools on several belts and a firearm strapped to his back. With a wave of his staff he approached the dwarf as he sat upon the stone staircase leading upward into the Tower's main floor.

"Ho there, stranger! Are you perchance one of the five others I am to wait for?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oni_
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Oni_ Moment In Flux

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In the Drangani mountains a lone figure was trekking through the snow, dressed in an unusual and impractical robe for the weather. A cold wind was blowing and it prickled at his flesh. The only truly warm clothing the figure wore was a scarf which seemed to be particularly shoddy and cheap. Rucks rubbed his arms, he really needed some warm clothing from this realm. The Nymphs in the dream didn't have too strong a grasp on warm clothes, it was always sunny in their groves and Rucks didn't have the heart to tell them that they didn't make great scarves, he made a note to buy a proper one next time he decided to travel in the mountains.

Beside him was a small fire ferret, pulled from an unknown realm by Rucks. It wasn't quite what he expected - he would have much preferred an abominable snowman or something just as ferocious. But the occasional flame it let out proved to be worth it, after his long trek he'd even found himself beginning to mutter to it, "Damn it's cold... Very cold. Should have gone through the dream, should have gone through the dream. Agh! Why did this fucking wizards tower have to be far up north anyway? And in a mountain range of all things! No, no it could have been in the nice warm grasslands, but here I am trekking through a mountain,".

But then he saw it, the wizards tower that he had been so eagerly hiking towards, he almost let out a small whoop, but controlled himself. It wasn't huge and bounding towards the sky like he had expected. Had the rumours of it's many rooms been incorrect? Or was there some magic involved here - that was a stupid question of course there was. It was just concealed well, that was all.

As he drew closer and closer to the tower itself the snow began to thin, grass bloomed and trees began to spring up in droves. The sun was harsher too, without the snow to haze it's glare. Warmth was still fleeting however as Rucks approached the clearing where two figures stood, that was what? Three others for him to wait for in this weather? He wasn't looking forward too it.

His companion ran forward jumping out of the trees towards the tower. It may have been a spectacular sight, if the creature didn't dissolve into the atmosphere as the contract with it ended. "Well, that entrance could have been somewhat more dramatic. Poor thing must have been having such a blast. But, on the bright side... people! I suppose you two are to be my fellows within the tower? Or have I managed to get the wrong one somehow?" he half exclaimed, not even waiting to see if he had been noticed, or if the two he spoke two were already talking.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

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The cold winds of the Drangazi Mountains were certainly not for the faint of heart. Indeed, several stories of many a traveler being blown off the massive structure’s side were too commonplace in this cruel environment. Rumors of cannibals and all sorts of other creatures also lingered by, scaring off the weak-minded and those of frail will.

Even so, there remained a certain few that dared to cross its treacherous paths for the pursuit of glory and conquest. But for one specific individual, the prospect of power and prize did not catch her interest. Indeed, the existence known only as Marianne sought nothing but goals much loftier for the common man to imagine. Goals that she was aloof of herself.

The girl was obviously not dressed to accommodate the cold but the harsh winds seemed to have little effect on her as a whole. If anything, her single seen eye narrowed in ever greater interest as she caught sight of three people who seemed to be waiting for more. One of them was closer to her than the others, a handsome man if her sight was to be held as faithful.

Smiling, she gently walked through the crunching snow until she stood right beside him. Upon closer inspection, she found him to be speaking to the first two that had arrived. She also noticed the area around them begin to change slightly, the weather a little warmer than it was before.

Well then. Wasn’t this all sorts of interesting? Padding along to the nearest man’s side, Marianne slowly reached out and tugged on his arm. With a smile, she looked up at the man and grinned, unfazed by the contrast of warm and cold around them. She said nothing, merely smiling at him and waiting for a reaction of some kind.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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High up above, Jacoby and Chomp were gliding through the sky. With Jacoby's leprechaun enhanced luck, the winds were carrying them there with all due haste, and their was not a single cloud or bird in the sky to get in their way. In anticipation of the cold, Jacoby had put on a large fur coat. Chomp on the other hand needed noting to keep himself warm. There was little that could penetrate his skin, and the cold was not counted among that which could.

As they passed the largest mountain on the range, their destination came into view. Upon seeing the tower, Chomp began to wonder if they had come to the wrong place. Chomp decided to consult Jacoby.
"Of course we have the right place" Jacoby said.
Chomp was still unsure. The tower was quite small.
"Well things are not always what they seem to be, Chomp" Jacoby said to his companion.

As they approached the clearing, Jacoby caught sight of 4 others. 1 of them was a dwarf. Jacoby immediately knew that this job was going to be fun. Dwarfs always brought many a weird and wonderful contraption to the table, and this 1 seem to have plenty. 1 of them seemed to be a human, but Chomp's superior sense of smell quickly deduced that he was in fact a dreamwalker. The aromas of the dream clung to the man like flies to fly paper. 1 of them was a khepri. A rare sight in the mountains. And the last 1 was a human. She looked somewhere around Jacoby's age, and he hoped that was the case because she was extremely cute.

"Greeterlings!" Jacoby said as Chomp landed next to Marianne and the person who's sleeve she had tugged on "I am Jacoby and this is Chomp. I take it you lot are here for the same reason we are, so Chomp and I look forward to working with you all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guilty Spark
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Guilty Spark A Relic of the Past

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With every lumbering step of the Herkurian, steam rose in clouds from the snow underfoot. The red-hot veins which normally ran throughout his rocky exterior were dimmed to feint lines by the biting wind, and he generally felt miserable. He wore no protection against the weather, because few materials would stand the heat of a Hekurian’s flesh. His only attire was a fire-blackened kilt made of the same heavy leather that blacksmith’s used for aprons, and a broad baldric of the same material holding some food alongside his massive half-axe, half hammer.

Reaching up to that belt, he grabbed an iron ingot and pulled it loose. He ate the metal in one mouthful, letting the heat of his fiery maw soften it before swallowing. As it hit his belly the veins that had begun to dim across his body flared up briefly, and the billowing stream of fire that was his hair brightened. It had been the third ingot he’d eaten since entering the Drangazi range, and that much food should have lasted him half the month.

Still, he had accepted the job and the word of a Herkurian, let alone a mercenary, was important. After several more minutes of leaving a watery trail up the mountain, the forest around him opened up into a clearing in which stood the unimposing structure that should be the Wizard’s Tower. By his count, the rest of his company had already arrived, which he had expected. He moved slow, and did not choose to change his pace for others.

He did not stop as he drew near the others, instead walking straight on towards the tower’s entrance, wanting to get his feet out of the snow as soon as possible. "This place is cold. I don't like cold."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 9 mos ago

Durandal Hopsfield headed up the mountains, not noticing the cold due to his lengthy robes. After almost being nearly forced to face eternal winter, the white mage's father had discovered how to construct clothes imbued with magic that were resistant to almost every type of environment, powered by a slow drain on the users mana pool. A slight drain on mana however was obviously better than dying of hypothermia, so Durandal was once again reluctantly thankful for yet another of the gifts his family had graced him with.

The white mage was told that his objective would be to explore the wizards towers and find it's riches, promising a substantial reward. Five others would accompany him.

Upon arriving at the scene an hour later, the mage was instantly convinced of that a small child would have been more appropriate for the mission. The tower was ... disappointing.

Ignoring the others for a moment, the mage tried to scan the tower for any trace of magic. Nothing. Aside from the bug creature, and some traces of energy left from the couple, Durandal picked up no magical energy from the tower. "That's ... Odd" It was more than odd, it was terrifying. The fact that it was a wizard's tower should have at least made the place detectable, which made this a sign that perhaps his previous assessment was a huge underestimation of the tower's dangers. The wizard who had created the tower clearly had a wealth of knowledge.

Guessing that these were the other five members of the exploration party, Hopsfield delivered a nod towards them and also started to head towards the tower door, seeking shelter in order to avoid continuing the drain on his mana. The party could talk inside if it needed to, and that was where he would observe each of his allies in greater detail.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flynn
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Flynn Magnificent Bastard

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Hargrim gets up from the stairs as he sees a strange creature approaching. "What are... you supposed to be? I mean, yes, yes I am." The dwarf doesn't even get the time to explain the situation before his eyes catch a man walking up to them and not even paying them a look. Hargrim raises his eyebrow at him and scoffs. "I'm guessing you're number three." He turns around, looking at the tower. When he turns back to look at the man, a new surprise awaits him.

"A little girl! Of course! That was clearly missing! By the ancestors... How did we even mi-..." Before he has time to finish his sentence, a new pair comes almost falling out of the sky. A cheerily greet from Jacoby makes Hargrim rub his temples. "Okay, okay. I'm fine. This is fine. You're not going crazy Hargr-..." His eyes catch the sight of a lumbering titan, making it's way to the tower. "Never mind. I'm crazy. Why did I accept this job again?" He covers his face in his hands.

The giant figure walks up the stairs and lays his hand on the handle of the door. But before he has a chance of opening it, a new figure appears. He didn't say anything to them and simply walks towards the door, waiting for the giant to open it. Just now Hargrim notices the hand of the giant on the handle of the door. "Wait, wait wait! Do-...." It's too late. The giant opens the door. Instead of finding a simple hallway behind the door, the group sees a colorful portal swirling around. Before anyone has time to react, they all get sucked in.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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"You're not going crazy, master dwarf" Jacoby said reassuringly when Hargrim declared he was crazy "We can see him too. That's a herkurian, not a hallucination". It was then that Jacoby noticed Durandal. He opened his mouth to greet the new arrival, but before he could, Athalzerus opened the door.

"YAAHOOHOOHOOHOOEY" Jacoby hollered as the party was sucked into the portal. As they traveled through the portal Jacoby and Chomp were amazed by the dazzling color, the other worldly sounds, and the general trippyness of their current surroundings. "I never though I'd say this, but I've found something more fun than flying!" Jacoby exclaimed as they continued through the portal. "This is the most stunning sight I've ever seen!" Jacoby declared before noticing that Marianne was still next to him. "I stand corrected" Jacoby said "You outclass it by a mile".
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

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Marianne blinked, letting go of the arm she was holding to turn in the direction of a new voice. It sounded distinctively young and one obviously too enthusiastic for the grave journey they were all about to embark upon. Hearing the boy’s introduction, Marianne smiled kindly, bowing to show her manners. Well then, he certainly had quite the number of bones to play with.

Tilting her head, she watched the group up ahead move ever closer to the wizard’s tower. Taking that as her cue to follow onward as well, the otherwise silent girl winked at Jacoby before following the heated footsteps of a red, rock thing. The dark-haired girl only gave pause when the group halted, noticing the single white mage of the group daring towards the tower’s entrance alone.

The dwarf of the group-Marianne noted his name to be Hargrim-gave a call of warning before the tower’s entrance had been breached. A smile of amusement and curiosity crossed Marianne’s pale features as she stared the swirling vortex of color and sound. Soon, the feeling of forced motion overridded all of her senses and she found herself pulled towards the portal much like the others.

At that moment she noticed Jacoby beside her. Despite the whooshing of the world all around them, she could clearly hear his words directed towards her. She opened her mouth, letting loose a small giggle as she reached into her pocket to reveal a black book. However, her laughter went unheard and it was difficult to deduce if it was because of the rapid portal or her voice was just that soft.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oni_
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Oni_ Moment In Flux

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Rucks hadn't particularly coined on to the other members of their party arriving, not out of ignorance but more so out of the possible hypothermia he had contracted from staying out in the cold for too long. He was vaguely aware of a small girl tugging on his robe's sleeve but he thought it was some form of delusion. Then the big monster with a rider came crashing down, followed shortly by a demon-like man. In all honesty, it was hard to see why these weren't just visions as he neared death.

But then came Ruck's saving grace, the portal-door to the tower. As he was sucked in warmth flooded over his entire body, ridding himself of the potentially deadly condition that he had unwillingly contracted due to his own incompetence. Otherwise the feeling of the portal was not unlike travelling to the dream, it was familiar in some ways at least. Not quite as light and fluffy, but more vibrant and energetic. If it was taking them to another realm Rucks could not be sure, but he didn't push the theory out of his mind.

After they landed Ruck's hallucinations became a reality - or rather, they ceased being hallucinations. The small girl, young compared to the rest of the group except maybe the one who rode upon the monster. She seemed strong in her own regards though, obviously not physically like the aforementioned monster rider, or even possibly the dwarf and almost certainly the demon - who Rucks, with a clearer mind, now recognised as a Herkurian. But instead mentally like himself, the mantis or even the mage who was easily given away by his lengthy robes which were unsuited to a warrior. Rucks was unsure how such a young one could be so strongly gifted, especially if she was human as her appearance lead him to believe. But some mysteries are best left unsolved, or at least postponed until later.

Next up was the one with the monster, Rucks seemed to recall a name, Jacoby... or Chomp? He glanced them up and down, Jacoby must be the human, he figured. A nice human name, Jacoby. Probably. He appeared to be of the roguish sort with his fancy steel claws although looks could be deceiving. The monster probably served to dispatch foes very quickly. Otherwise the lad left very little up to judge in his appearance.

The Herkurian was the next for him to spot, alongside the Dwarf which was a semi-amusing contrast of figures. The Herkurian stood very tall with muscles larger than any of a human. Rucks was actually quite scared of the creature, who looked like he had just been pulled from a pit of brimstone. Probably best to get on his good side. The Dwarf looked much like any other of his kind, short, loaded with gadgets and the such. Probably incredibly entertaining to be around.

Then left the final two, the other mage and the mantis. The mage wore long white robes, so, a white mage if he followed the ideal of wearing the colours of your chosen magic. One such ideal Rucks didn't share, instead wearing the dark green robes of many dreamwalker mages, embroidered with patterns which had great meaning in Nymph culture. The robes practically covered this figure up though, so Rucks didn't have much to go off of. The Mantis was just that, a Mantis. Rucks knew nothing of their kind so it left very little to go off of, other than a hint of magic in the air around him.

And then there was the room they had landed in, it was large, or it may have been more accurate to describe it as huge. Circular in nature, but not like anything a mere man could build, this room was perfectly circular, not a single hint of a jagged or squared edge anywhere, it must have taken years to try and build. But perhaps for a magician who could mask the portal from Rucks, it took a mere few moments to bend the stone to their will. There was a domed roof, strange for a tower since there would be little room above it, but the rooms size already toyed with the idea of reality and its constraints. The dome was held up with four pillars, each larger than a man in width and taller than the Herkulian by a clear meter. They were chiselled with elegant patterns, not unlike those you would see in the hall of a noble trying to show off his wealth, but whoever built this place didn't need petty patterns for that purpose. The floor was covered in tiles, tiny in size creating what Rucks would assume was a mosaic, however from his place on the floor (As he had yet to recover the strength to stand) he could not tell what said picture may entail.

The most interesting part of the room however was the inside of the dome itself, a picture of the stars. Or, was it? This picture you see, was unlike any Rucks had ever encountered, it seemed to adopt a three dimensional viewpoint; until one of the stars shot across the dome. No painting was four dimensional, not even a magician could pull that off surely? Rucks stared in awe as he gathered his strength and stood, he tried to voice his amazement but his throat stung as if he partaken in some extremely strong alcohol. He instead settled for staring upwards until someone else voiced awe for him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 9 mos ago

The white mage was suddenly sent through possibly the world's most colorful portal, with a rainbow of colors spinning around him. He thought he heard a few voices speaking, but the mage was too distracted by his surroundings to give them any real attention.

The portal stopped abruptly, depositing the parts into a dome shaped room. The room was bare aside from four large columns that supported the ... ceiling? Was it a ceiling? In place of where stone or wood would normally be, Durandal simply saw a starry sky. Like the dreamwalker, he initially believed it was an ornate painting. But when a shooting star moved across the white mage spoke before thinking.

"Wait Uhhh.... What the Hell?"

To him, the seemingly impossible roof was only the first of his issues with the area. He looked around, seeing that the room was incredibly large, perhaps larger than the original tower.

"This room couldn't have fit in the tower. That building was far too small ... and it was daytime outside ... right? Not the middle of the night?"

Acamen once again looked at the ceiling, and realized that he was starting to panic. He closed his eyes, concentrating on casting a simple cantrip. He summoned up a small orb of light over his head, more as an exercise of sanity than for any sort of practical purpose. With his mind cleared, he turned to the others.

"I'm assuming everyone is alright? I don't think I'm injured."

If someone was injured, it would be one of his jobs to heal them. It wasn't his favorite part of magic, but a hurt person right now would only add to the parties confusion.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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DJAtomika Second to Most

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Skrax stumbled through the portal and shook his head to relieve himself of the cobwebs. Inside, where the rest of his newfound companions were, the round chamber loomed, empty and quiet.

"I am alright, though I am unsure of where we are."

He sighed and patted himself down, relieved to find his prayer beads still hanging from his neck and staff gripped firmly in one hand. With a cursory glance around the room he saw the rest of his companions, and also the ceiling, which looked like an infinite night sky.

"Well whatever this place is, it's clearly magical in origin."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guilty Spark
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Guilty Spark A Relic of the Past

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Once he had opened the doors of the Tower, the gaping portal that appeared before him slowly drew him towards it. He dug in his heels, but otherwise didn't resist the effect, unsure whether it was normal or a trap. As he slid across the floor tiles, he turned to address his newly met party.

"Is this the way?" he paused as the dwarf soared by his head, hurdling into the portal. "Oh, okay," and with that simple utterance, he relaxed his muscles and fell face forwards into the coruscating singularity.

Athalzerus was launched from the portal in a high-domed room, where he slid face-first across a mosaic of small, but clearly not fragile tiles, until his momentum ground to a halt. Carefully, he stood up, turning to make sure the rest of the group had made it through before nodding to himself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flynn
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Flynn Magnificent Bastard

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Hargrim tumbles through the portal and is spit out within what seems like a second. He lands face first on the floor and slides a bit further before finally coming to a halt.
There was only darkness He couldn't see a thing! "By the ancestors! I'm blind! Wait..." The dwarf pushes himself off the ground. "Right, never mind. I'm fine."

He makes a quick headcount, making sure everyone is fine. Then he finally notices his surroundings. "Wait, this doesn't look like the tower." Noticing the ceiling he raises an eyebrow. "And that doesn't fit at all!" He frantically looks around, trying to find something that makes sense. "This is... bloody magic! Never should have accepted this job!"

The rest of his companions all seem rather calm about the whole ordeal. Maybe they were more familiar with magic, but Hargrim wasn't! He rather stayed away from it all, and now he was in the middle of it!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

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While the others may have been mesmerized or perhaps frightened by the new contents which surrounded them, Marianne only smiled all the wider. Moving away Jacoby, she stared at the endless void of space that seemed to be literally hanging over their heads, as if it was yet another gateway into some other world. Such things weren’t impossible by a wizard of true power and it was breathtaking to witness nonetheless.

Held in her hand now was the small, black book she had been fetching from her dress pocket. It was adorned with a simple cross pattern made of leather and was roughly the size of a moderate tome or grimoire. Still not uttering a word to her new companions, Marianne instead brought the book closer to her and moved her lips, as if speaking.

From her reaction-which included more of her noiseless giggles-the book seemed to be amusing her in some way. Still, it would do no good in sharing these pleasant wonders by herself. Spinning on her heels, the dark mage glanced around to make sure her new traveling companions were all fine. Once that had been ensured, she began walking around the impossibly circular room.

The massive pillars drew her interest, much like everything in the surrounding room. It was as if someone had intended this to be both an art gallery and an observatory at the same time. Oh what wondrous things that could lie at the heart of this tower! She knew it was good instinct on her part to take this job.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oni_
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Oni_ Moment In Flux

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Rucks let out a large cough as he cleared his throat, finally able to regain his voice. His first attempt to speak was a mere whimper, but then he was able to formulate his words properly.

"Okay let's start with something simple. Do not wear Nymph clothing in the cold, it does not work and you almost die from hypothermia. That's something I just learned, but let's move onto something more complicated for a second" Rucks began, getting panicky as the reality of the tower set in although still shocked from the cold, "Let's move on to the fact that at least four of us are mages, myself, mantis, white Mage as the little girl. I know this because I can sense the magical energies we all give off. Usually we hide these energies but since were of about the same level we can detect them since we are very adept at it. A weaker Mage would not be able to detect it. Keep that I'm mind when I say the Mage who made this tower was ridiculously powerful, clearly because they have hidden a whole range of magical attempts from all of us, at least no one has come forward to say they detected it. Firstly the fact that the weather changed outside the tower, that's kind of weather magic 101 but still, that was a big area. Secondly, timey-wimey inter dimensional portal that kind of felt like a less fluffy version of travelling to the dream. That's big magical thing number two, because mostly portals aren't real unless you have magic. Then we come on to the massive room inside of the tiny, tiny tower. That's some inter dimensional magic which I've never seen a Mage powerful enough to do. Not to mention the night sky, that is not a painting I saw a shooting star, I'm sure someone else did too. What are we dealing with here? This is a wizard unlike anything we have ever seen before, we are all very very good mages and none of us probably even come close to this sort of magic"

This tower was breathtaking, incredible. No wonder so many had flocked to it in recent years. But Rucks couldn't help think that everyone was taking it oddly well - except maybe the dwarf but they never took we'll to magic. They preferred their metalworking and tinkering.

The little girl hadn't even said anything, what was going on with her? She seemed to be just as powerful as any other Mage there, or perhaps she was just gifted at concealing her power. At the same time though she could be twice as strong and have very little experience hiding it. That was the only problem with detecting magic, it could only give you a rough comparison between yourself and another.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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When they were out of the portal, Jacoby and Chomp were met with a wondrous sight. Since there was no danger around at that moment, the 2 of them were more interested than worried by this magical turn of events. "Well" Jacoby said as he looked at the night sky above him "On the list of stunning things I've seen today, this is a solid 3".

Jacoby and Chomp then looked at the dwarf and the dreamwalker. Neither of them seemed to enjoy their new surroundings. Jacoby couldn't understand why they were so worried at the moment. This wasn't the dangerous kind of magic, so why make a fuss about it. "So we were sucked into a portal through the space time continuum and got booted out into a room where the night sky is the ceiling. Big deal!" Jacoby said "I mean come on! This is just the entrance and 2 of us are already panicking at the sight of a little magic" Jacoby looked at Hargrim "I thought dwarfs were supposed to as sturdy as the mountain they were born in" he then looked at Rucks "And as for you dreamer, I'm fairly certain you've seen stranger things than this in the dream. Don't deny it".
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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"No. Nothing close to this. I can only heal, not conjure this amount of...wonder."

Skrax lowered his hood and took in the sights of the tower proper. With staff in hand he took to slowly pacing around the circular chamber, his gaze staring up towards the ceiling, through the starry sky that he knew was false. After a while he returned his gaze back to the sides of the chamber, looking around for an exit or perhaps a door.

"Well, in any case, we need to decide where to go from here. Anyone...have any ideas?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flynn
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Flynn Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hargrim frowns as the human belittles him. "Why listen here ya' big punk. First of all-..." The dwarf doesn't get time to finish his insult as the night sky above their heads begins to shift and swirl. It seems the endless void losses his... endless and starts to shape like a face with eyes for stars and nebulous for lips.

The lips part and a booming but monotone voice greets the group. "A warm welcome from the master, adventures. He hopes you will enjoy your stay and that you may survive longer then the previous group. If you are ready to continue your journey, please stand in the middle of the room." The mouth opens even further and a beam of light shoots out of it, covering the entire floor between the pillars in a bright light.

Hargrim looks up in amazement before shaking his head and throwing his hands in the air. "Of course! Talking stars! That's what was missing! Ugh... Whatever. No other thing to do then listen to the magical head I'd say." He simply shrugs and walks towards the beam of light. Some might think he actually lost his mind, others, who knew Hargrim, would simply say he lost his care.

With no time for anyone to stop him, the dwarf steps inside the beam of light. As soon as he is completely covered in the light he is blinded. As his sight slowly returns, he can see he's no longer in the room with pillars. The room he is standing in is completely empty, bare for a pedestal with a button on top of it."Well, this certainly isn't an improvement." His eyes scan through the room as he waits for his companions to man up and step through the portal as well.
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