Avatar of 6slyboy6


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Current Potato
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I'm alive
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Status updates, huh? Who needs those anyways, pfft
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6 yrs ago
I figured I should update my status. Tada!
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7 yrs ago
What IS on my mind?



Loves Teddy Bears|Twenty Something|Can't Speak Russian|Is Potat


Let me properly introduce myself. I am Sir Spud the Fourth, and I have been a potato for the longest time ever. I never denied it to be completely honest, but it is only recently that I embraced it. Now I have evolved from a simple couch potato to a fully grown royal potato. A dapper kawaii potato. And I dare say, knowing that you are a spud, makes life a lot easier. Just chill and let everyone else care about all their meaningless things because at the end of the day you'll know: chilling is the way to go.

I try to spend minimal effort on things that I don't care about, and procrastination might as well be my middle name. But that doesn't mean I ONLY rest. Sometimes a 'tato gotta do what a 'tato gotta do. And if that something happens to be things I like, then you cannot find anyone better than me. I am an omnipotent being capable of virtually any task to a limited degree, and I am not shy to admit it. I may not be the MOST AWESOMEST in a thing, but I am sure as hell MORE AWESOMEST than most people are at everything. But hey, I'm not here to brag, even if I am probabaly better at it than you


All those nights laying in my couch, I thought about the cool shit that I cannot do. That I cannot see. But I pictured them in front of myself like they were real, and that infuraited me. Then I found the Guild, and I lived happily after. I have been on the site for 2 years now, and I have seen many RPs, and played with many people. I wish I have found the site earlier, but I am glad that I've even found it. Now all those fantasies can be written down and my mind can rest at ease at night, without being constantly troubled by ideas.

When I RP, I love myself some good Sci-Fi or Fantasy. But hey I am filthy casual, I can go for anything with an interesting setting. I don't trouble myself on small details if the plot is good, but if you get somwthing wrong you can expect me to tell you about it. Some even go as far as to think that I am angry or something, but I am too chill for that. If anything I'm more of the funny type, so you can expect me to try and write some shitty jokes or post memes I found on the internet. Anyways, you'll see what I mean when we RP together.


Used to be something else here, but I'm happy to say that it's replaced because of a positive change. I now work as a full-time 3D artist in the animation industry, churning out shot after shot for some of your favorite game intros and trailers. Can't say anything about them before you even ask, and even though I'm still new to the industry I love it and I already know that this will be my passion for a long time. So hopefully in a few years I'll have a proud portfolio of animations that were done by yours truly that I can show off to all the lovely people of the guild.


Now I may have hobbies like the above mentioned, but there are some more things that I love in life. Here is a handy list of things you can always talk about with me:

  • Gaming: This one I am quite proud of, I'm a serious gamer with capital G. Not as much time for it nowadays, but still true.
  • Music: All kinds of electronic music, but I am a sucker for Queen and Powerwolf. Or Breakbot... anything music.
  • Anime: We all have an Otaku in us, but it's bigger for some people. For me it's just big enough.


Be chill folks, getting fed up about stuff is a recipe for disaster. You gotta learn to be patient and let things go, or you'll end up a wrinkly old man/woman with only bad memories about life. Even if you do fuck-all every day, you can live a content life by taking things easy. With that said, as always, stay safe and stay classy.

Most Recent Posts

Gonna make a second char, as it seems to be the trend here. I wanna get into the Inn group, or make me own set. Whi knows
Does "get gud" count as a "Get well soon"?
If so then get gud quick. We need you Senpai

Wellp, glad you like it. Now I can rest easy that I could go to art school any minute
@KRIEEEGWait rule 34 researches? Whaaaaa....

Also I feel like I always nail Banana's character. It always looks so damn cool
I am confused why we haven't reached a 1000 OOC posts yet. With all our 9000 players
@Banana@KRIEEEG I swear to god I overdid myself this time. behold teh power of MS paint

Edit: Damn shoulda added *fap fap fap* sounds under teh table. :(
You are a clairvoyant!
How did you know i was writing a post!
To quote Bashurcraft:
"Wow a burning bush! Im in teh awe of magnification!"

Grian Rothfell_

Grian trained his ears at the smoke, hoping to hear something identicating the thief's location. But after a short while, he heard nothing other than swears and the sound of vomiting people. Soon the smoke started to dissipate, along with Grian's hopes. It seemed like that guy managed to escape. Well nothing could be done, he thought to himself, and sheated his swords, double checking his belt. One og the guards lied in teh dust near to him, clearly about to throw up his dinner. Grian walked over to him to help the poor guy. "Atta boy, let it all out!" The guard finally threw up, leaving an oozing puddle in the courtyard's dirt. Grian just looked at him and wondered. This guy must not be very good with Yin magic. The basic Shamac spell shouldn't disorient people so much as to amek them throw up violently. But after scanning around, waiting for the guard to pick himself up it dawned upon Grian. The whole HQ was flooded with the smoke. His heart skipped the beat as his brain cycled through the possible outcomes. Thought he didn't mean to make such a fuss, if worst comes to worst he can rot in this place for a long time. Whatever this palce was, it seemed to have amplified magic. Just like how that thief's flashpowder almsot blew him up to smithereens. Tho this could help escaping if he was to eb thrown into jail. The sad groan next to him reminded Grian of the guard, and he rushed to help the man up.

With the guidance of the guard, and a handful of nausea stops, the two amde their way to the infirmary. Grian left the guard int eh caring hands of the doctor, and stretched his back as he examined the room fileld with sick people. Well, it seems like he was just too good. He knocked out almsot all the guards on the ground, so he could practically walk out of here easely. But another run in with that thief or teh organization that might have sent him would be bad for the knight's. Thought grian wasn't a man of the law, and he really didn't like humans as a race, he couldn't help but feel sad for these guys as living beings with a soul. He could imagine him and a few of them in a bar getting drunk. But, well, he had better things to do.

Grian left the infirmary and amde his way back towards the study. However he quickly met the angry gaze of Maria who seemed to be going to the infirmary. The cold look felt bad, but he could stnad it and looked back into Maria's eyes, fileld with determination.

"Okay i know what it seems like, but before we go ANY further let me say that I didn't intend to flood the palce. And I am sure it wasn't my fault it overspilled. My best guess is that it was the thing the thief was looknig for." Grian assessed the situation, and noted that maria didn't seem convinced yet. So he continued.

"Okay, do you remember how that thief almost scorched half your room with that flashpowder? Yeah, exactly! You cannot say two overuses just randomly happened. So I take my gander that the "thing" you are holding in your evidence room is interfering with magic around here." Grian sighed and stopped for a breather and to search for words. Ultimately he didn't want to get chained down, and he knew this was gonna be one of teh shittiest memories of his long life, but he decided that it couldn't get THAT much worse anyways.

"Look, here's the deal. I'll help you around the HQ cleaning up this mess, cause it was partially my fault. And I can see that youa re understaffed as it is, so you might want to take into consideration what you would do if more people came to retrieve your precious secrets. I don't think you all would be able to do too much. So I may be able to pinch in for the guard duty as long as people get stabilised here. Hell I can teach teh kids a thing or two about using a sword." Yeah, and a way to get some info. Grian was not one to hold grudges, so he started to hold the kids more fond. But that girl was still a brat, sitting on a VERY high horse. But jsut to clarify this weird and sudden deal, he spoke up one more time. "Momentarily of course. As long as you are in a need of men. Consider this the execution of law or whatever." Grian's face was red by this point after all the speaking. He looked at Maria, hoping that the guard captain would see attonement in his eyes.
@Lucius Cypher Yeah, sure thing. I won't respons cause I think you put it out of contexr and I wish not to spam this OOC. Especially cause I am already up for a post
@liferusher different RP
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