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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Grian Rothfell_

Grian trained his ears at the smoke, hoping to hear something identicating the thief's location. But after a short while, he heard nothing other than swears and the sound of vomiting people. Soon the smoke started to dissipate, along with Grian's hopes. It seemed like that guy managed to escape. Well nothing could be done, he thought to himself, and sheated his swords, double checking his belt. One og the guards lied in teh dust near to him, clearly about to throw up his dinner. Grian walked over to him to help the poor guy. "Atta boy, let it all out!" The guard finally threw up, leaving an oozing puddle in the courtyard's dirt. Grian just looked at him and wondered. This guy must not be very good with Yin magic. The basic Shamac spell shouldn't disorient people so much as to amek them throw up violently. But after scanning around, waiting for the guard to pick himself up it dawned upon Grian. The whole HQ was flooded with the smoke. His heart skipped the beat as his brain cycled through the possible outcomes. Thought he didn't mean to make such a fuss, if worst comes to worst he can rot in this place for a long time. Whatever this palce was, it seemed to have amplified magic. Just like how that thief's flashpowder almsot blew him up to smithereens. Tho this could help escaping if he was to eb thrown into jail. The sad groan next to him reminded Grian of the guard, and he rushed to help the man up.

With the guidance of the guard, and a handful of nausea stops, the two amde their way to the infirmary. Grian left the guard int eh caring hands of the doctor, and stretched his back as he examined the room fileld with sick people. Well, it seems like he was just too good. He knocked out almsot all the guards on the ground, so he could practically walk out of here easely. But another run in with that thief or teh organization that might have sent him would be bad for the knight's. Thought grian wasn't a man of the law, and he really didn't like humans as a race, he couldn't help but feel sad for these guys as living beings with a soul. He could imagine him and a few of them in a bar getting drunk. But, well, he had better things to do.

Grian left the infirmary and amde his way back towards the study. However he quickly met the angry gaze of Maria who seemed to be going to the infirmary. The cold look felt bad, but he could stnad it and looked back into Maria's eyes, fileld with determination.

"Okay i know what it seems like, but before we go ANY further let me say that I didn't intend to flood the palce. And I am sure it wasn't my fault it overspilled. My best guess is that it was the thing the thief was looknig for." Grian assessed the situation, and noted that maria didn't seem convinced yet. So he continued.

"Okay, do you remember how that thief almost scorched half your room with that flashpowder? Yeah, exactly! You cannot say two overuses just randomly happened. So I take my gander that the "thing" you are holding in your evidence room is interfering with magic around here." Grian sighed and stopped for a breather and to search for words. Ultimately he didn't want to get chained down, and he knew this was gonna be one of teh shittiest memories of his long life, but he decided that it couldn't get THAT much worse anyways.

"Look, here's the deal. I'll help you around the HQ cleaning up this mess, cause it was partially my fault. And I can see that youa re understaffed as it is, so you might want to take into consideration what you would do if more people came to retrieve your precious secrets. I don't think you all would be able to do too much. So I may be able to pinch in for the guard duty as long as people get stabilised here. Hell I can teach teh kids a thing or two about using a sword." Yeah, and a way to get some info. Grian was not one to hold grudges, so he started to hold the kids more fond. But that girl was still a brat, sitting on a VERY high horse. But jsut to clarify this weird and sudden deal, he spoke up one more time. "Momentarily of course. As long as you are in a need of men. Consider this the execution of law or whatever." Grian's face was red by this point after all the speaking. He looked at Maria, hoping that the guard captain would see attonement in his eyes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago


The old man would be met with a sigh, Faline tapping her foot to think things through. True, it didn’t seem like he was the shady type to do something devious. At least, not when there was a whole crowd to witness his actions. And he seemed genuine in his words to eagerly buy her meal. So while her words said otherwise, her body was already making her move forward, letting him lead.

“Ok but first tell me your name. Pretty sure I deserve at least that much if you’re gonna buy me something. Speaking of which, how do I know you’re not gonna pull a fast one on me old man? I don’t wanna fight you but I will if I find out you’re swindling me here,” the Kitsune said with a flick of her tail.

Reasonable questions considering the man was a stranger and even then it wasn’t like he was a threat. More like annoying and probably perverted, but certainly nothing for Faline to summon her blade over. She did take note of the bustling people glancing at them and wondered if the old man was a noted citizen around these parts. Questioning would no doubt yield to her the answer.

Yet something made her give pause and it wasn’t the old man. Faline’s ears twitched before they directed themselves in a peculiar direction. That was weird. For a moment she thought she could sense…wait, no, she wasn’t wrong. There was another Kitsune running around these parts?

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 9 days ago


"I apologize for that-" Eris looked down, not daring to cross Maria's gaze with her eyes, before a sudden cough interrupted her. It wasn't that Eris was so much ashamed because she had done something as unladylike as vomiting, but more because Eris tried to hide her reddened face with her hair. After all, this was the first time someone carried Eris in their arms such as Maria was doing. "I never had any contact with magic, that was a most unpleasant experience. However, I shall do whatever you dictate as compensation. I am not a warrior, but I can offer my other skills at your command, my status and origins might not matter on these lands but, I am sure that the knowledge from my homeland could be of great use." Eris coughed a bit more, before taking her hand away from her forehead. The effects of the spell, however it was were powerful, but they seemed to not be of the lasting kind.

"By the way, I think I am better now. I do not pretend to impose on you, Ma'am. Please, let me down, I am sure I can hold myself." Eris finally said as the hall began to be filled with more and more fantastic looking figures, most of them knights of some sort as well as the wolf man that cast the magic that confused Eris. The platinum haired girl, opted to remain quiet until she was addressed, however.

@Heckno12@Rune_Alchemist@6slyboy6@ADamnFiddle@Lucius Cypher@liferusher
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ADamnFiddle
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ADamnFiddle Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Maria von Hohenzollern

Royal Capital Lugnica
Iron Bell Knights HQ

@Lucius Cypher

It appeared that some sort of detachment branch of knights was to assist in the current debacle that had occurred within the Iron Bell fortress-like HQ. Though Maria wished it to only be an internal conflict. To get other knights into this debacle would be something Maria would prefer not to do.

The situation from an outsider’s perspective looked grim, however, it had just concluded. Though Maria was the only person able to really act in a manner that would have brought the two suspects into potential custody, she had acted in the way that would preserve the most lives.

“A knight’s duty isn’t to fighting against the enemies of the kingdom, but to protect each and every citizen to the best of your ability.”


“The sword is to protect, not to hurt. But know that you are a servant of the state, and one day they may call upon you to perform your duty”

Maria’s father had told her something like that a long time ago when Maria first seemed interested in the sword. At the time, Maria didn’t really understand what her father was saying, but after a long amount of time of consideration and understanding, she had realized what the sword’s purpose was to her. The sword was a tool to protect all those she could protect. Her body was the shield of the kingdom, protecting all that she could. Though a tad bit idealistic, Maria would at the very least protect what her hands could currently grasp.

At the same time, Maria was someone who believed criminals should be punished. But if it is a contest between protecting her fellow man and capturing someone, it was very likely she would want to pick the one that saves lives.

After all, that is what a “hero” would do. A “hero” of a great war.

However, to see a familiar face was something that she didn’t really mind. To see two familiar faces was something to relish in the fact. Maria was someone to enjoy the company of her fellow knights. After all, she respected those who take their time to learn the sword.

“Greetings, Lady Tani and Sir Malakeus,” Maria greeted her two fellow knights. Of course, Maria had nothing but the highest respect for those who would take up the sword for the kingdom. After all, how could one not respect the bulwark of protection against the Demon Beasts that plague the land and imperialist thoughts of others?

“Though the current situation may seem bad, no one was injured thanks to my actions. Though the perpetrators of the actions might have escaped, I placed more value on the knights in my order and the guests in my manor. Though regrettable that these individuals had made their escape, I cannot say I do not believe my actions were worth preserving my fellow man.”

Maria was merely being honest with the pair.

“A man I had invited might have affiliation with a thief who attempted to access the Knight’s evidence room in an attempt to steal something within. Perhaps a crime recently had involved someone who would rather certain evidence be trampled and burned, or perhaps it was a bit more benign than that. Either way, I am afraid I have failed as a knight for my inability to secure any possible leads.”

There was also the issue of the girl on her back. Maria believed herself to have placed her down earlier. Perhaps it was a miscalculation on her part or perhaps the writer is just dumb. Probably the latter. Maria placed the girl down, as per her request.

“I am sorry Miss Eris for any of what you had experienced today, on behalf of the Iron Bell Knights. No civilians should be involved in affairs like this. If there is anything I can do for you to make up for what had happened, please inform me, and I will try my best to fulfill your expectations.”

Maria was someone who believed that those who had experienced something bad should be rewarded in the very least. Simple things could be done to rectify the situation at hand. To provide someone she knew not about with something simple would be the best choice of action the representative of the iron bell could provide.

“As for the … uh .. incident, worry not. I am not as petty to sully the name of a lady,” Maria told Eris in a way that others around her could not hear the conversation between the two.

Maria was then confronted by Grian, whom of which she seemed a bit peeved at for his actions. The flash powder might not have done as he had said it had done, her room mostly in tact for the time being, The flash seemed to have been for the purpose of disorientating opponents. Luckily for Maria, she had come out unharmed.

Shamak, however, was a curse like magic, even at low ranks that causes disorientation of an area. For those inexperienced to the effects of magics, even a normal shamak could cause vomiting or vomiting. Maria was just glad that no one was injured during the spell. At higher ranks, it is not unusual to cause insanity, but even at lower ranks the spell can cause death if the affected begin to fight one another in the smog.

Maria placed her hands behind her back in a cross-like fashion to the demihuman Grian, studied him for a bit, then proceeded to speak.

“Though I will admit this branch is understaffed, I will state that I do not trust your words.There exists nothing in the evidence room that would increase the magic of an individual. It just so happened you utilized a spell on inexperienced individuals. As for your second offer, though our branch does require assistance, I cannot say that I can really trust you after what you had did. I wished to chase the thief that had entered the area, and you seemed to have prevented me from accomplishing my goal. Surely you can understand my hesitation to trust such an individual. However, for the time being I will begrudgingly accept your offer.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Seirei No Hai
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Seirei No Hai

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Overcome with joy, Blanc pushes Kyle aside as she hopped in front of Vesta, grabbing her head with a pretty smile as star-like irises appear in her eyes. She constantly bows and thanks her for her support in actually giving them free lodging even if it is just for a few days. Tears fall from the elf's eyes, these weren't the dramatic tears of sadness or joy... rather the more comical one in the form of the latter.

Nevertheless she continued to sniffle and talk in slurred, adorable sentences before the sniffling died down and that she decided to walk back to her previous position just a few centimeters away from Vesta.

She would stand up straight and wipe the tears off her eyes with her hands before nodding. "A-again... I thank you so... it isn't all the time that a human offers free lodging to an elf out of the kindness of their heart. Whether or not you're showing that I would gladly accept it. Now for the "meat shield" what's Blanc gonna do with him.

"Can we both have separate rooms? Perhaps he would get the lower quality one if possible." If Vesta could read through the statements that the elf was spewing she could feel her aura of annoyance towards Kyle right beside her. It didn't look like Blanc was going to wait forever for Kyle to even speak. Perhaps he should speak now.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Heckno12 That Guy

Member Seen 17 days ago


Royal Capital Lugnica

"Oi, how did you sneak up on me like that? No fair!" Jiru asked in a surprised yet hushed voice, normally it would be pretty difficult to get the drop on him without some kind of Divine Protection. His tail flared up slightly in surprise before calming down when he realized she wasn't one of the people pursuing him. "A bit of both I had to make sure I shook off a mangy mutt." Jiru said with a hint of disdain. He hated wolf-like demi-humans. Perhaps it was instinctual, but the feeling always seemed to be mutual. "That and I might be just a little late." Jiru smirked deviously. "On the plus side, the dog made the mistake of using 'Shamac' in the middle of the Iron Bell Headquarters so...so I doubt he or the knights could even be following me."

Jiru grinned at his temporary accomplice. Working alone was fun and all, but it would definitely be a nice change of pace. Besides, with someone that didn't mind doing the killing they could get so much more done. This was a pretty promising endeavor. In fact, if she killed the owner of the place, he could ransack the whole place and the guy wouldn't even care! Two codes bypassed in one mission. This was just wonderful.

"So, I like the mask...maybe I should get one of my own." Jiru said eyeing Tsuiho's mask. It would be pretty helpful if he was spotted. For now, however, he picked up a cloth fruit sack that someone had left on the ground and poked holes in the eyes. "Like it?" His smile was probably obvious even through the brown bag. It certainly wouldn't be permanent, the material was a bit scratchy, and his ears didn't seem too fond of it given their light twitching. He'd probably at least attempt to keep it on for the mission.

Ryan Dreane

"Tired huh? Same here." Ryan said with a sigh. Truthfully, everything that had happened that day was weighing him down quite a bit. He hadn't really noticed given the excitement, but he was definitely tired too. "Yeah, I guess that's appropriate given the situation. I think I've had enough excitement for a while." He said yawning.

All things considered, it was a miracle that Ryan hadn't had some kind of breakdown. He put his back against the wall and slumped over, sitting on the ground and exhaling. At the very least the thought of a few other people being in the same situation made him feel much less alone. Heck, they might even be able to figure it out given enough time. Maybe it was selfish of him to think that way, but it didn't really matter. No matter what he thought it wouldn't change the fact that they were all stuck, plain and simple.

"Well, at this point I think we're all aware this isn't some incredibly lucid dream." Ryan said with his head in his hands. "The only thing we can do is join the knights and hope the answers fall into our laps." He said just barely letting a bit of exasperation into his words. In all likelihood they wouldn't find out how they got there, but the knights might actually lead them to some semblance of safety.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 day ago


Once more Malakaus bowed his head to Iron Bell Knight Commander Maria, as well as fellow knight Tani. His head turned slightly towards the wolfman, who tried to excuse his actions, blaming it on the castle grounds and trying to name his own punishment. Maria, understandably, was hesitant to accept the wolfman’s deal considering his impressions so far. However seeing that the Iron Bell knights are in some need of assistance she reluctantly accepted his offer. If it were Malakaus, he would at least imprison the wolfman not only for allowing the thief to escape due to his reckless usage of magic, but also harming both knights and innocents. It doesn’t matter if it was an accident; he needed to be responsible for his reckless actions. But alas, Malakaus was not an Iron Bell knight, so ultimately the wolfman’s punishment wasn’t his call to make.

”Knight Commander Maria von Hohenzollern and Royal Knight Tani Harumi, at your soonest convenience I must speak to you about important matters of our countrymen. I see there are more immediate concerns for you to worry about however, so I shall await your audience when you are able.”

Bowing his head towards the two knights, Malakaus was about to leave when he noticed something of note. For starters, Malakaus looked at some of the non-knights in the room and noticed they had odd clothing. He’s not seen anything like their dress before. Perhaps they were foreigners? What they were doing here Malakaus could not guess, but if they were guest then they needed to be treated as appropriate. All the more reason why the wolfman’s actions were even more reprehensible. Two seemed to be recovering from the effect of their spell, so Malakaus spoke to Eris, the only nearby stranger.

”Forgive me. I did not know the Iron Bell Knights were entertaining guests. I am Malakaus Firebelly, knight errant. To whom do I owe the pleasure?”

Malakaus also heard, albeit vaguely, that two of the guests had intentions to join the knights. He wasn’t sure if the Iron Bell knights intended to take them in as squires or had other intentions for them, and ultimately it was still not his place to say. However if they needed to prove themselves in both battle and with dealing with the peasantry, then Malakaus certainly had an idea. But he’ll have to at least inform the two knights here first before he left without another word for more adventures.



Atisha followed after the dog-eared boy for as long as she could. He moved through the crowd, but was arrogant. He thought that simply being in the crowd would have been enough to lose her, but it’d take more than camouflage for him to lose Atisha. Though there were moments where he was lost amongst other demihumans similar to him, Atisha was able to keep track of him until he turned away from the crowds. Atisha followed, albeit at a distance. It was easier for her to blend into a crowd and trail someone since moving in a crowd wasn’t unusual, but off the main tracks it was easier for prey to notice a pursuer.

Not to mention that Atisha was more at home in a woodland environment then the urban alleyways of a city. Her steps echoed off the walls and her natural gait took consideration uneven ground and possible mud, holes, or rocks; solid ground underfoot was odd, to say the least. Nothing that would seriously impede Atisha, but it just continued to show that Atisha wasn’t in her natural environment.

Atisha moved as quietly as she could through the alleyways, her keen ears trying to pick out voices. Of course the city was absolutely bustling with noise, so the best she could do was try to focus her senses through the alleyways. Suddenly, Atisha heard some voices. One mentioning someone using Shamac in the middle of the Iron Bell HQ, which if what Malakaus said was true, was where he was going before they departed. Unfortunately Atisha couldn’t follow the voices as they echoed off the walls, but at least she was somehow close enough to hear them. So Atisha stayed in place, a blade in her hand in case ruffians try to assault her, and eavesdropped on the conversation as best as she could.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Kyle Hishamie

Kyle watched his two new friends conversate, as he was in deep thought. He start conversating with himself in his head.

"Ok so I died and came back to life, who would have thought it? This is obviously not a dream. What the shit? Fuck fuck fuck. Ok no need to panic. You're in a world with elves, magic, no true death. So its like a medieval RPG game. I should get a sword.....Oh my god I want a sword. I want a katana. No wait I wanna shoot lightning out of my fingertips."

Kyle snapped out his thoughts. When Blanc spoke of him. He smiled widely and nodded at Vesta in appreciation and in agreement with Blanc.

"Yea no thats fine. Im used to sleeping in not so great places so I dont mind having the lower quality room if we get seperate rooms. Thank you a lot of for helping us."

Kyle did a small head bow and playfully curtsied at Vesta.

"Since your upper class, you must know where the best place to buy weapons and supplies are right? I am hoping you could point us towards a trustworthy salesmen who inventories weapons of a decent caliber?"

Then Kyle remembered his end of their deal.

"Oh yea almost forgot. Your attendant. Where was he last seen? Believe it or not im a pretty sharp minded meat shield. Not a bad detective either."

@seirei no hai@lunarlors34
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Vesta Celestia

Vesta was taken aback by Blanc's overzealous response to her offer. She jerked backwards slightly as Blanc grabbed hold of her hand......didn't Vesta just warn that boy over there? Well she supposed she would let it slide....
However what was so weird about her offer? Why had it caused the elf to break down into tears? Did she say something wrong? Well she was saying what Vesta believe was some form of thanks, but her speech was slurred along with the sniffing and it coming out so fast that Vesta had no idea what exactly she was saying.
"I-it's not that big a deal." Vesta stuttered slightly at the begining of her response, her usual air of superiority faltering due to the shock of Blanc's response. However she recovered quite quickly as she cast a quick look towards Kyle.
"Perhaps he can just stay with Avery. That idiot needs a punishment as well." Vesta commented thoughtfully before shoving the thought process to the back of her head. She could work out those finer details later.
"Last place I saw Avery? Well I had some business which required me to stay at an inn within the capital. The ungrateful cur had just dropped an entire, open bag of flour on me before proceeding to hightail it out of there laughing like a maniac. Once I lost them in the crowd I couldn't track them and haven't seen them since....oh right. I'm still covered in flour." Vesta only just seemed to remember that she was covered with flour. She was definitely going to need a bath when she got back. She was actually tossing up now between searching for Avery and just going straight home. Avery would come back home eventually of his own accord...then again she also wanted to beat the everlasting shit out of him just as much for all the trouble he was causing her.
"Weapons? I'm sure my friend Mari would know more about that than me. I would never be so uncouth as to use something as crude as a weapon. I am a magic arts user, I have no need for a weapon. I'll ask take you to her if you wish." Of course Vesta was already intending to take them to Mari eventually to report the murder and the fact that Kyle had the ability to come back to life. Whether she believed her or not was the only thing holding her back right now.
A thought now occurred to Vesta as she talked. She had an inkling she knew where Avery might be now...
"However that idiot would be getting hungry by now surely....there's only place they would go. They seem to think I don't know about their sneaking out habit. To the Crescent Moon Tavern it is." Vesta spun on her heel and walked off now. She assumed that the two would follow suit, and since they were both new to the capital it would make sense for her to lead.

Avery Ackbar Celestia

Avery couldn't help but smirk deviously at his comment of him being a smart ass. Well if someone set himself up so perfectly of course Avery would oblige in teasing them a little! And Dante was just so easy to do that to.
The comment of dating him, even if it was a joke, made him giggle into his hand. So Dante was convinced he was a girl huh? Excellent. Why would Avery want to correct that line of thought then? He would find out for himself soon enough....
Although at the mention of the pissing off armed individuals Avery seemed to whistle innocently while looking away. He wouldn't do that....again. Once a day was good enough for him....ok maybe three times. But no more than that! Maybe.
Avery now seemed to think about Dante's question for a moment....oh the temptation. Dante seemed to have ignored his previous comment of getting something to eat, but Avery decided not to be a smart ass on that comment....just this once he would cut the Inumimi some slack.
"Hmmm....well I know a good tavern nearby. I usually sneak out and visit there whenever we're in the capital. It's called the Crescent Moon. A bit shady but." Avery suggested as he started to lead the way there. It would also be a decent place to hide out from Vesta for the next little bit. Unless of course she knew about the tavern....nah. She wouldn't.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 8 mos ago


Damn his comment didn't even phase her, she seems like a strong individual yet he could help but think she enjoyed pissing people off. When Avery bought up getting something to eat Dante's tail and ear stood him, his ears begin droop backward behind him, his mouth hung open as he drooled a little before noticing and wiping his face. His stomach growl, it was way past time for him to eat. "Shady that no problem..." He said before cracking his knuckles, it was appaired that Dante was already sold on the idea. "I'm real good at fighting, with or without my sword, if anyone starts a problem I take them down real easy." Dante said with confidences. as he begins to stretch his arms just in case he needs to fight."What kind of meats do they serve?" He asked her curiosity as he followed her through the streets.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Seirei No Hai
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Seirei No Hai

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Blanc would nod, hopping about as she marched just a few centimeters behind Vesta. She would constantly glare at Kyle, who would be at almost the same distance behind to get over and become her meat shield from behind. She had to introduce her power to go along with it. A pulsating icy blue would be seen on her palm as she gestured Kyle to look at it first then turned back to face Vesta's backside as they walked the night market.

But hold on! Something was missing... she remembered carrying a paper bag full of Appas before this whole thing started. She stopped in her tracks and looked at the dusty cobblestone trail once more in fear and despair. She would frantically look around the current market alleyway and then at the trail, to which she realizes she was unaware of from before Tundo had "slept".

She started to clutch onto her head and fall to her knees, screaming rather comically and cutely as she fell on the ground. A gloom cloud seemed to appear above her as she muttered something about lost Appas during the run-in with Kyle.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 9 days ago


"Thank you, Lady Maria. The only thing I ask of you is that you allow me to apologize somehow. It is a matter of pride for me as well." Eris said with a serious look in her eyes, though she held a hand over her chest, casting her gaze aside when she noticed that the attention had once again shifted to those that seemed to have come from Earth, with she being the closest one to the natives, this made Eris feel slightly self-conscious, especially given that Eris' clothing made her feel exposed. Eris couldn't help but fidget in place as she tried to avert the sudden spotlight. "Like I said, I am no warrior, but if you could at least point me to a place where I could find a job, I could make up for the trouble I caused. Nevertheless, I will not bother you with that while you are busy. Please, excuse m- huh!?"

Eris gasped when the Malakaus addressed her in his thunderous voice, almost stumbling out of surprise. "I-erm, the pleasure is mine. I am E-Eris Reinhardt. I came here because a knight took me after I said I was lost." Eris wouldn't dare to mention that she came from another world, this would be just plain stupid, furthermore that wouldn't help her case at all. If nothing else that would only cause trouble to them all. "Excuse me, Lord Malakaus, I-I would like to try to talk with the others over there. We seem to have come from the same place, maybe they can help me?"

After asking for leave, Eris approached Ryan and Chieko, waiting for a breach in their conversation so that she could ask, "Hmm... I am sorry for interrupting you, but I have been meaning to ask, are you two from Earth as well? I am Eris Reinhardt, from Germany. I hope this does not come across as selfish, but seeing that there are more people that were, erm... summoned to this world is a relief. At least I can be sure that I am not hallucinating." Eris sighed a sigh of relief as she waited for their reply.

@Heckno12@Rune_Alchemist@6slyboy6@ADamnFiddle@Lucius Cypher@liferusher
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Kyle Hishamie

Kyle sighed at the frantic elf, looking from her to vesta back to her again unsure of what was wrong or what to do. Kyle walked over to Blanc and knelt beside her and laid a hand softly on her shoulder.

"Pray tell, what is the matter? I cannot help but be moved by sorrow and wish nothing more than to assist you in any way I can."

Kyle admitted to himself in his head that while he did not like seeing her upset, she did look rather cute.

@seirei no hai@lunarlors34
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Vesta Celestia

Vesta turned around quite quickly at the sound of Blanc screaming. Was that bandit woman back?! Had the angry mob gotten past her wall of earth?! No....then what was the problem?
Letting out an exasperated sigh she walked on over and listened to gloomy mumbling. So it was the boy's fault? At least that's what Vesta thought Blanc was mumbling. Kinda hard to work out exactly what she was saying.
"It seems your incompetent, useless ways have cost our friend here her bag of Appas'. I think." Vesta commented like it was none of her business. Which really, it wasn't. But it was getting in the way of her business of hunting down Avery.
"My suggestion would be to sell this fool off. Maybe trade him for a new bag of Appa's....hmm he mightn't be worth that much actually. You might only get one."

Avery Ackbar Celestia

Avery blinked blankly a couple of times at Dante's response. He was confused as to why Dante thought there would be a fight. Sure the place was shady as hell...however someone really had the guts to start anything there. Not that they were scared of the owner, but more of the giant friend he had.
Oh well. Avery didn't see much point in correcting that line of thought....Avery might instigate something after all. Better to be prepared now. He also refrained from adding he was more than capable in a fight as well. He would rather keep that as a surprise for now~
"Meats? I suppose it depends on what they can get. Mostly the usual suspects. You know steak, chicken or pork." Avery shrugged effortlessly as he thought about it for a moment. There wasn't much different to this Tavern than most in Avery's opinion. Only reason he enjoyed going was to interact with the people there.
Having arrive at the Tavern now, Avery pushed open the doors and made his way over to the bar to order.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Kyle Hishamie

Kyle was slightly irritated by Vesta's comment on selling him but he hid. He smiled and laughed it off.

"Oh come on noble princess, you wouldn't sell me off. Besides I am not really on the market at the moment. I am just sooooo tired from selling my body yesterday that I am just pooped. I didnt do anything this time either!"

Kyle tried to help Blanc up to her feet gently.

"Hey, no need to get upset. We can get more....Appas? Yea more of those no problem, just leave it to your favorite meat shield."

Kyle looked back at Vesta. He smiled but more forcefull than before.

"Good to know though that our Noble here would rather sell a living being off than to do something more sensible first. Ha ha ha ha ha."

@seirei no hai@lunarlors34

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago



He was tired? He wasn't assaulted by a mutt who tried to make her out to be a bad guy. He hadn't done anything annoying or tiring at all. She had half a mind to tell him so too, but she kept her mouth shut in the end. He was well, from earth, like her. It'd be a bad idea to at least not attempt being friendly. Granted, she wasn't exactly good at the whole friendly thing but she could hold her tongue when appropriate to not make something worse if she wanted too.

"Answers?" Chieko echoed in thought. While she was curious and she wanted answers herself, she doubted in the end that any of that would actually help them. She was fairly certain even if they found answers they wouldn't be able to get back to earth. It was a common trope in anime and Light Novels, and she was 100% certain this was exactly what this was. "I just want to join the Knights." Chieko said in a rather matter of factly, as if she wasn't interested in finding many of these answers.

She wondered briefly if she had any talent for this magic stuff? She'd love to learn it if she could. Before she could ponder it much, though, another person approached them. Someone else form earth? She introduced herself as Eris Reinhardt, from Germany.

"Chieko Okawa. From Japan." She replied sharply, likely coming off as a little harsh



Tsu laughed.

"Wow, you look like an idiot." She replied to Jiru, that serious tone dissipating the moment he had mentioned having a bit of 'trouble'. He sounded confident that he couldn't have been followed, but that was talk of a fool. You always had to be certain and watch yourself. He might not have been followed directly, but they would at least still be looking for him now. That proved to put quite a kink in their plans, but he was needed. She wasn't a thief, and she wasn't skilled with picking complicated locks or things like that.

The fox leaned against the wall of the alley, tail swishing idly in slight impatience.

"Sounds like quite the party," She giggled. A throwing knife that had been hidden up her sleeve found its way into her hand. "Sorry I missed it, but if you said you weren't followed that's good." As she spoke, she made the knife quite visible to Jiru, seeming to take great interest in inspecting the blade. "We won't have any problems, then." The knife disappeared back up her sleeve, offering Jiru a friendly smile.

"So, why don't you go on ahead? I have something I need to do, but I'll met you there. You're a big boy, you can take care of yourself~" With that, Tsu headed back for the rooftops. He said he wasn't followed, and he was probably right. Jiru was good at making sure he didn't get tracked in a situation like this.

But one couldn't be too careful she wasn't going to let him screw this job up. She'd watch the streets from above, see if she could see anyone following him on the way there.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Masuo Ogai


"Of course, you deserve to know. It is Masuo, Masuo Ogai. With who do I have the pleasure to eat with today? A fast one? Hahahaha, with this old body of mine I am in no state to pull something on you. I'm not that acrobatic as I used to be anymore."

Once the kitsune was sold on the old man being a good man she already seemed to be trusting him quite a bit. The old man was happy to see she wanted to skip along as date companion in his food adventure. The old man slowly started to move again, he lead them onto the big street again walking slowly at his own pace. He glanced at the kitsune out of the corner of his eyes lightly lighting his cheeks up with a pleasured blush. He had really reeled in a good catch today.

The kitsune seemed to be a bit distracted though. The old man watched the girl seeming slightly worried about what was up with her. She should enjoy the moment instead of being distracted by anything else. Masuo spoke up to her.

"Hey you okay? See anything intresting around?"

Sir Malakaus joined the fray. If she remembered his profile he was of a different race behind the helmet. Probably hated by many but still protecting them, that was something to be proud off. Tani faced the bigger knight with not much interest on her face and greeted the knight.

"Greetings sir Malakaus, well done with the formidable speed at which you assisted the problem at hand. The kingdom is forever gratefull for having such a knight in its troops."

Tani turned at Maria again to hear about what was going on in the Iron Bell headquarters. She doubted that they needed much help since it was a pretty big troop on its own but Tani still felt like giving the Iron Bells a hand at least. She might not have been the best at first aid but she could carry them to the infirmary. Maria explained about the thief in which Tani rose a pondering finger to her chin as she turned away just slightly.

"I see, that is a real shame. Perhaps getting an artist to assist us might help. Do you happen to have seen his face at least? Or perhaps any of your knights. We can portray him and put him as a number one priority for the moment being. Someone just can't barge in and make clowns of the kingdom knights! Unacceptable! I don't blame you though Maria, you have done everything that you were able to."

Hearing from the others it was known that the one making the big black smoke cloud was no more than the demihuman. They didn't seem all to mad at him so Tani decided to do the same, she didn't want to get in between Maria questioning him, that would be quite rude of her.

Tani momentarily looked at the three odd looking people, 2 females and one male. They were seeming to join the kingdom's army. That was quite odd for people looking like this. No muscles, they didn't look like they could even hold a weapon and they were even having difficult times adjusting to magic. The smoke must have done a number on them. Tani got close to Maria and softly whispered.

"They look like a handful with the abilities they posses now. Are you sure you have time to handle all of them. It might take some while for them to get anywhere."

Tani silently looked at the three of them a step away from Maria now waiting for her answer. Were they from a different country? Most countries around Lugnica didn't have any magic after all so that might explain their weird looks.

With a sigh Aya walked into the bar of the tavern again, her clothes were hidden somewhere and she wasn't able to find them at all. Yoshinobu was pretty strong despites her looks and had gotten Aya out of the back of the tavern so she couldn't search for her clothes any longer. With her head down she silently walked over towards the table where the plates were put down nicely. She was pretty hungry after all that traveling to a new world and all.

When she almost sat down the front door of the tavern opened. Aya her eyes widened as her body froze in a walking pose. She looked at the bright light coming from outside and wanted to cry. Newcomers had entered the tavern to get a nice drink or food and now she was completely in the spotlight of her new audience. With a high pitched scream of embarrassment she squated down to the ground with her arms hugged around her knees. Her expression was in a pouting fashion as the warm hearted laugh of Yoshinobu could be heard in the background. With no word she sat there for a minute and eventually stood up to walk with a beet red face to her eating spot. She didn't look enjoyed at all.

Kondo had come down the stairs too and took the head of the table while he kept chugging his drink. He didn't look that bothered after drinking that much booze at all. Yoshinobu had picked up the small girl and placed her somewhere at the bar of the tavern. She didn't want to have the girl snooping at the back of the tavern all too much. The front door opened with two people standing inside of the door opening.

"Irashai mase!"

She let out a heartfull welcome and laughed at Aya looking completely flustered again. The girl was just too adorable to watch. She had to dress her up in different outfits once she had the chance. She had plenty of outfits her size. This wasn't a new customer like she thought but a regular! It was the young boy Avery. He liked to dress up as a girl for some reason which she didn't mind and always was addressed as a girl. Yoshinobu saw he brought a new friend or something!

"Heeeyy, came back for more fun outfits to wear?"

In the corner of her eye she could see Aya giving a mad pout at her at which she grinned back too. Yoshinobu walked from behind the bar towards Avery to give the cute boy a short hug. She felt like she had to kidnap him and give him a nice outfit. Maybe one like Aya. He would fit the piece. A somewhat sinister look was displayed on Yoshinobu her face as she thought about it and looked down at the boy.

"Care to come with me for a moment Aaaaavery~?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Heckno12 That Guy

Member Seen 17 days ago


Royal Capital Lugnica

"Yes ma'am!" Jiru exclaimed with an exaggerated salute before slinking silently back into the crowd. It would probably be a good idea to separate, two people in masks in the middle of the capital would look suspicious to say the least. That, or they'd look like travelling entertainers, which might be an interesting disguise to use at some point. Strangely enough, nobody seemed to pay too much attention to him even given his makeshift mask. Perhaps it was more common than he thought? At any rate, it would keep anyone from recognizing his face.

He wasn't too worried about anybody pursuing him, especially not now. If Tsu was here, anyone tailing them (hah, tailing) would probably have their life expectancies shortened significantly. Anyone that could get the drop on him so casually...it sent a light shiver throughout him as he moved. She was definitely an experienced assassin. In his line of work, being surprised like that was almost unacceptable...he'd have to work on that. As things were, Tsu could probably stab him in the back without him even being aware that she moved.

Calming himself and remembering that Tsu was his ally, if only temporarily, he got back to the task at hand. Their target was some rich kid, family full of tax collectors and such. Normally such a person would be the target of kidnappers and the like, but perhaps their client had something better in mind? Killing the guy and framing someone else was an interesting strategy, sure, but ransoming this guy would probably be pretty profitable given his family. Maybe this person wasn't too concerned with money, that would make some sense given the fact that they could afford both he and that kitsune. One thing he was certain of though, given how much even the nobility hated tax collectors, it would be difficult for one to find out their client's identity even if the framing failed.

His part of the job however, seemed to be the easiest, at least for him. Breaking into the family lockbox and retrieving some sort of brooch. Maybe it was because he wasn't a noble or a merchant, but he didn't exactly see how something like that could be used to frame someone. Eh, that didn't matter, he was being paid to do a job.

Ryan Dreane

Royal Capital Lugnica

@Lucius Cypher
[@gmailchan] I mean @Liferusher

"I mean, I want to join the knights too...but I'd also like to know what the hell is going on." Ryan said. Chieko's calm and blunt way of talking annoyed him slightly, but they were in this together. Whether any of them liked it or not.

Looking at the girl that had just introduced herself and the large knight, he nodded. "Ryan Dreane, American." He said simply. "Nice to meet you too. I'm glad I'm not the only one that had entertained that selfish thought." Ryan said forcing a small smile. It was good to hear that someone else felt the same way.

He hated to admit it, but that larger knight, Malakaus as he had introduced himself, intimidated him quite a bit. While he didn't seem like a bad person by any stretch, the sheer fact that this man could probably crush him effortlessly made him nervous. It was stupid to feel this way of course, there was no way he'd be put in a situation like that.

Seeing the lady knight that had walked in before hand looking at them while whispering to Maria. He could only assume it was something about them being unfit to join the knights. If that's what she was saying, he couldn't help but agree. Unfortunately, unfit or not, they had to try.

Turning back to the others, he had a stray thought. "Hey, Eris right? If you don't mind me asking, what were you doing before you got to this world?" It was something he had to confirm. It wouldn't really help anything to know, but any answers would be good.

Even if getting transported here was somehow caused by shopping, as insane as it sounded, what were they going to do? Shop until they magically went home? Yeah, no that would make even less sense than getting here in the first place did.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Soragoku
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Soragoku the kame style is with you

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The fox and Aya where upset with Daisuke's analysis of "cuteness" between them, the fox dropped to her hands and knees with a disappointed look on her face. She remarked that she herself was datably cute, and that she'd never had any sexual experiences before. This came to a surprise to Daisuke, at first glance of her, that's not something he with think of her. Aya yelled at him, but stumbling over her own words in anger. She stomped towards the door and tried her hardest to pull it open, but it wouldn't budge.

"Ahh! I didn't mean to offend the two of you!"

Daisuke's face blushed with embarrass.

"Now that I think about it, I think you look datable too!"

Daisuke tried to correct the situation with his words, he didn't intend to make the fox upset about his opinion. His thoughts on his choice of words being poor turned out to be right. The fox stood up and laughed it off, and playfully swatted his face with her tail. It tickled him a little, he pulled back his head and puffed a little air out of his mouth to blow the fur away from it. The fox looked up at the sky for a few moments, and turned to the rest of the group to politely dismiss herself before she left.

The door to the terrace they were on swung open, and Yoshinobu stepped out of the doorway. She had made dinner for everyone to enjoy, and requested one "silver coin" for a bowl of whatever the meal was. Daisuke doesn't have any type of money from this world, but he's starving, he hasn't eaten anything in hours. He follows after Aya and Yoshinobu walking down the stairs.

Yoshinobu instructed them to sit and wait for their dinner if they wanted to eat. Aya was at the back of the tavern looking for her clothes, but Yoshinobu dragged her out. It didn't look like Aya found her clothes with the red expression on her face.

The tavern door opens and Daisuke looks over with a curious expression. What looked to be a girl and a guy entered the tavern, Yoshinobu welcomed the two of them. She talked to the purple haired girl so casually, they must be friends, or she is a regular.

Daisuke walked towards the bar to take his seat, and sat next to Aya. He gave her a casual smile.

"Hey, Yoshinobu. I don't have any money, is there some way I could work off the meal's payment?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kyojin couldn't help but smile at Aya, the mention of how he was right and such a word did not sound bad at all, after all if they were allowed to wear such things as this then the word in fact sounded wonderful! Besides it was nice to get a smile for what he was saying for once, though it did not last long as the girl discovered that she would have to work for her stay here.. As nice as he was even he expected something in return for free room and board, more so since it was his friends place and he had to do it as well! Thankfully she agreed to the terms and conditions before getting mad at the boy

"Hmm, I should use this word cute more often, I like the sound of it"

He commented and nodded in agreement with himself, but suddenly froze as Aya yelped and he noticed what she was trying to do!

"Maybe the skirts could be a little longer in the final design..."

Letting out a deep chuckle as the girl took the chance of the door opening to escape into the inn, Yoshinobu seemed to enjoy this, even if the sound of pots and pans smashing about was not as enjoyable... Though when the subject of food came up Kyojin smiled away like a fool, so pleased that the food that he had brought being put to food use, to feed him!

"Right, just let me go to my room and grab the money and something else and I will be right down."

While everyone was getting ready downstairs to eat, Kyojin had taken out some coins from his savings and also picked up his own personal chair! It was more like a throne to normal people but to him it was the perfect size for his large stature, and he had gotten very use to carrying it downstairs. With the char over his shoulder he moved out of his room and then locked the door behind him, making his way down the steps before placing the chair down, it sounding more like a mighty slam due to its weight.

"Ahhh, perfect. Ah, you have decided to join us Miss Aya? Good, good."

Giving a nod in greeting to Kondo and then moving to take a seat in his own chair, clapping his hands together and then rubbing them with a look of excitement for a nice meal! Looking towards Daisuke as he asked how he could work off the meals payment the large hard working giant could not help but appreciate such an attitude! Still as he patted his hand on the table he held up four fingers with the other, between each was a silver coin, and she likely knew what was coming!

"Yoshinobu four bowls! Please! Ah, also if you have no work for these two then I shall gladly pay for a bowl for them... Daisuke can simply help me with a little of my work heh. Though I feel after you dressed up Aya she has worked for her meal for your... tastes."
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