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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 9 days ago


"Japan and the United States, huh? So this phenomenon must be happening all across the world." Eris mused out loud as she listened to her peer replies, before asking another question of her own. "Join the knights? Are you two not afraid of dying?" Eris was afraid that such a question would make her come across as a coward, but in fact it was common sense, really. Once Ryan called for her, Eris turned her gaze to him with a curious look in her face. "I? Well, I was drawing, on my dormitory. The last thing I remember is getting drowsy and sleeping on the desk, then I woke up here. More importantly, I am curious as to why can we communicate with one another. Aside from my home language, I am fluent in both English and French however I am sure I am not speaking either of them now and I am sure I would not understand if we were conversing in Japanese. The only explanation I can think of is that getting transported to this world infused us with the knowledge of their spoken language, but not how to read it. If you really want answers, Ryan, learning about this world would serve you better, would it not?"

Once Tani mentioned that they could use the help of an artist, Eris thought that, if she could help the knights, maybe it would be easier for her to find a non dangerous living on this world. "Apologies for the interruption, Ma'am. I think I can try to help with that. If it is a rough portrait that you want." A couple minutes later, after fetching her drawing utensils, Eris presented a representation of Jiru to Tani.

"I hope that's enough, Ma'am. I am more used to drawing dresses and other clothes, but I have taken lesson on other forms of art as well. This portrait is as accurate as my memories can go." Eris said as she handed the drawing to the knight, waiting for Tani's reply.

@Heckno12@Rune_Alchemist@6slyboy6@ADamnFiddle@Lucius Cypher@liferusher
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 2 days ago


“Faline, and that’s all you’re getting from me,” the Kitsune said, though it was evident her interest was elsewhere. She could have sworn there was another of her species nearby…and it was coming from the capital. Soon she found herself turning in that direction, eyes narrowing as she gazed upon the mighty symbol of Lugnica.

“Yeah, something like that,” she answered in reply to his question and when she looked at Masuo she couldn’t help but glare. Because really…what kind of old man just led around young girls on the town? Was no one else questioning this? Well whatever. If anything happened she could punch him through a wall or something.

“You ever get the feeling that you gotta trust your gut instinct? Well I’m feeling that right about now and it’s more than just an empty stomach,” Faline said before up and running off towards the capital. “Keep up if you still wanna date old man,” she called back, eager to sustain the strange feeling overtaking her as she got closer and closer to the capital. Was there really another Kitsune nearby?

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Masuo Ogai


When Masuo asked her name she somewhat snapped back at him. Masuo rose a brow at the girl her response and looked somewhat confused on why she was acting this way.

"That is so harsh Faline-chan~"

The fox kept being distracted the entire way that they walked. She didn't seem into conversation and even a little hostile to the old man now. Was it that important whatever was bothering her? This wasn't fun for Masuo either. Masuo gave a concerned look at the girl and stopped walking to see if the girl was really all that fine.

The girl stopped too and said about the feeling she had in her guts. Masuo kept his concerned look as the girl had already started running off. He looked after her as she said to follow her if he still wanted to give her some food. Well that was a weird demand. He was the one offering her food after all. The old man began stumbling towards the direction the fox girl went too to. He would take some time longer to arrive but he was dedicated to get the fox back at his side again after seeing her enthusiasm for the food. With patience he began his journey.

"W-wait up Faline-chan~..."

Daisuke sat next to her at the table. He seemed to be cheerfuller than she was about this. How could he take this so light heartedly. Stuck in a weird world where they dress you up like you are their pet. Everyone you cared about just gone. Disappeared, or rather she had disappeared from them. They must be worried sick about her.

Aya gave Daisuke an annoyed look and jolted her face away from him to hide her embarrassment. Her hairs swayed behind her head as she now looked at the ground next to her and pulled open her mouth again in a rather snappy fashion.

"Don't look at me you idiot!... It's embarrassing."

Her voice turned a little softer after her first line definitly making her sound a tad sad. Perhaps not only about her attire but the situation too. Aya had to get her mind off it a little or she would ruin everyone's mood. Her head timidly turned back to the table again. Making eye contact would only get her to be more flustered. Her voice was a little gentler this time she spoke. Even Aya had her good sides after all.

"Say, where did you come from? Before I ended up here I lived in Kyoto, Japan. I-I'm just kind of curious you know. We might be stuck here for a while after all... D-do you reckon they have like fun things to do here... They don't have television or manga after all..."

The giant went downstairs as well just like Kondo. The fox seemed to have left from the roof. She wondered if she would cause more ruckus by falling off roofs now. The giant was happy to see that Aya had joined them too. He was really to kind for such a big man. She was still a little envious at him for his height but reckoned he hadn't any sayings in his build just like hers. Perhaps he had the same kind of problem but the other way around. She hadn't considered something like that yet! Aya stayed quiet for a while before she gave a reply back at the giant with both her hands between her lap definitly making her seem uneased by the conversation.

"N-no problem... Hehe... he."

It still felt uneasy talking to the giant. The giant had taken a chair from his room which was really big! Aya could sit in it 4 times easily! So bigggg. Out of nowhere the giant poked up 4 silver coins, was he gonna have that much stew?! He spoke, he was gonna pay for her and Daisuke too?! She couldn't accept that! He gave a short explanation on why he did it and Yoshinobu took a few coins from him.

"Wha! N-n-no you really don't have t-too!"

Aya stared at the bowl of stew in front of her a little bedazzled by how much it was. If she knew the currency system in this land she would have been able to tell if it was much equivalent to the amount of money he gave her. Aya stared at the others open mouthed definitly seeming a bit bedazzled by everything.

Daisuke asked if he could pay in any other way than money. Yoshinobu knew the boy and Aya didn't have any money on them so already kind of prepared for it. Aya wasn't that good of a maid yet but accepted that she deserved a meal since she struggled a lot on her first day and with Daisuke. He could wash the dishes or something at the end. She hadn't really thought things through for the boy yet but was likely to think up something in the end.

Kyojin had gotten his chair from his room which caused Yoshinobu to smile kindly at him. This giant was already really prepared for everything here. He had to adapt to society after all. He asked for four bowls in which Yoshinobu rose her hand to her hand and swung it down like a pirate.

"Aye sir!"

Yoshinobu grabbed three bowl and used the big soup spoon to fill the bowls. With full hands she walked over to the table and placed the bowls in front of Aya, Daisuke and Kondo. Kondo already started eating away while Aya politely waited. Yoshinobu yanked two coins out of the giant his hands and gave him a wink.

"You paid for your assistant and you then!"

Yoshinobu got over towards the bar again and got out a bigger bowl from behind the bar. She filled up the bowl with a lot of stew and placed both hands underneath. It was after all fair policy. He might have seen her do this a lot more with food. Everyone deserved a fair share like they deserved the same amount of money for working right?

"One, two..."

She lifted up the huge bowl and slowly walked over towards the table. It didn't take her long and almost looked effortless in others their eyes. She placed it down in front of him and smiled before walking back behind the bar again to get her own stew and sit down next to Kondo.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 8 mos ago



Dante and Avery arrive at the inn to be cutely greeted by a young lady with girl's hair. When he heard a high pitch scream Dante raised ears and tail, turn the source of the noise, and quickly move Avery behind him like he was guarding her. Only to find that the source of from an embarrassed young maid women. When i learn that there was no danger he relaxed lowering his tail and ears before letting Avery move him behind him. thought there was no danger he couldn't help but scratch the back of his head in confusion. "What the hell was that about?" Dante asked quietly before moving right next Yoshinobu is "Is that maid okay?" he asked her sounding both calm yet worried. he found the whole situation unusual, however, at the same time he could help but be wary of the green-haired lady on account that Avery told him that this place was a bit shady. So he did his best to stay between Avery and Yoshinobu until Avery answered two question. "Also who is she?" Dante asked Avery quietly. "Do you know here well?" He asked her wondering if she was okay to trust. From the moment he enter Dante start to acted like Avery unofficial bodyguard.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 day ago


Nodding his head, Malakaus left Eris to her business. Reinhardt wasn't a surname he's ever heard... In fact, the mere fact she had a surname was a bit strange to him. Most peasants didn't have one, and even better known people hand pseudonyms or titles attached to their names. Things like "Mathel the Butcher" or "Eryn of Asteria" and such. If Eris had a proper surname, did she perhaps come from a noble family...? Well, it didn't matter to Malakaus. It wasn't as if Eris wished to be a knight, if anything she seemed to not want anything to do with violence. It was understandable; not everyone can stomach it. Malakaus only wished he could help in other ways, but his social connections were rather limited. Sure he could call in a favor with various outlying villages and farmers, but Malakaus was rarely ever in the city, and thus had no connection to the more wealthy or powerful people.

So the knight simply stood there in silence. He tried not to eavesdrop, but with nothing else to do he couldn't help but hear everyone's idle conversations. One of the guests, Chieko, wanted to be a knight. So did the other guest, a boy named Ryan. Additionally, Ryan mentioned something about "America", and if he heard correctly, Cheiko said something similar, though Malakaus didn't quite catch what she said. Was this America a land they came from? If so, Malakaus had never heard of it. Granted, he was never a worldly person to begin with, so it wouldn't be a surprise to hear about lands beyond the borders. More importantly however, Cheiko and Ryan wanted to be knights. Malakaus felt confident he could teach them as his squires, even if they lacked a noble birth, training, or physique. No better time to improve then the present.

Eris continued to show her mystery by producing a rough sketch of the criminal who had burglarized the castle. It must have been the same one that he and Atisha saw climbing over the wall. It must be the same one, and Malakaus wondered what had become of the elf. He hoped she didn't get lost, or ran into trouble. As Eris left the two guests to speak to Tani about her drawing, Malakaus approached the two. He was vaguely aware of his intimidating presence; it was natural for someone as big as him wearing full plate armor. Fear was sometimes the appropriate responds to danger one is not prepared to face. Malakaus occasionally employed that fear to weaken his enemies, though he didn't always rely on it. The world was full of fools who would gladly jump into a dragon's maw and believe they have what it takes to come out whole.

"You two wish to become knights of the Iron Bell? That is no small task. You must first begin as a squire for a knight, learn from him, and earn distinction. And a knight must learn how to separate himself from a mere barbarian in plate. Education, strength, honor, and reputation are just four of the few things one must have before he can become a knight. And for a knight of the Iron Bell, you may have to work harder. Do you believe you have what it takes?"



Listening carefully, Atisha had hoped the voices would have indulged something of use to find or learn what they intended to do. But alas, it was vague, and this was likely only a meet up. Still Atisha felt like she was on the right path. She knew that the dog-eared boy was here, and he had a partner. That meant two separate leads Atisha could follow. but without knowing the in's and outs of the city, she couldn't hope to follow them even if she had them in her sights. She weighed her options. She could either try and continue her pursuit now, doing her best to navigate these alleyways to find the thief and his partner, or try to find her way back to Malakaus and see if he could help her with this matter. Atisha loathed to consider asking for his help, but she was no fool. She didn't even know her way out of these alleys, and if she wasn't careful she could easily get herself caught up in something beyond her ability. She didn't survive twenty years staging attacks on soldiers and their ships only to get taken out by low lives.

Sighing, Atisha allowed herself to retreat. She would need more information about the city before she did anything else risky. But now she needed to get back to Malakaus and the Iron Bell. Running through the alleys wouldn't help her, as this place was a maze. Fortunately Atisha looked up and noticed that there was still skies above her. Looking around Atisha noticed some barrels stacked up about half-way towards a building's roof. She sheathed her dagger only to take out her spear, and with a running jump she jumped high into the air, planted her spear on the top barrel, and vaulted herself onto a rooftop. From there she continued to run and jump until she reached one of the higher buildings. She could see the castle in the distance, so as long as she kept using the high ground she should not only be able to avoid getting lost in the alleys, but also avoid any other threats or annoyances that may find her.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ADamnFiddle
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ADamnFiddle Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Maria von Hohenzollern

Royal Capital Lugnica
Iron Bell Knights HQ


"If you have anything to discuss with me, I will presume it is urgent. You are not the sort to come wildly into the capital without any reason to do so."

Maria was a bit forward with her fellow knight, Sir Malakaus. This was not out of any sort of unfamiliarity. Though she had only met Malakaus a few times during his roams back to the capital, Maria knew that he was not the sort to sit idolly by. If he was back in the capital, there was either some serious business going on, or perhaps he was just on vacation with that squire of his.

...But considering the slight unease Maria detected from his statement. There might be something going on that Maria didn’t wish to delay.

‘Though if it is an important manner like I believe it would be, I ask if you would like to schedule a meeting later today? It would be a pleasure to discuss any matters with you.”

Any ordain from a fellow knight was surely something important. After all, the job of a knight was one of hard-work and determination, at least in Maria’s eyes, and Malakaus was the sort to have accomplished such feats that would register Maria to respect his ability at the very least. Though perhaps the same would not be true of him to Maria.

After all, Maria’s family was decorated not on the flowers of peace, but the roses of war.

“I hear you got a new squire, Sir Malakaus. Did she return to the capital with you?”

Grian seemed to be ignoring her statements. Maria was forgiving, but she didn’t trust the man after what he had done. Perhaps she still trusted him more than she should. A normal knight might have thrown Grian in the dungeon for presumed affiliation with a criminal and the assist of escape, but at the very least Maria would believe that Grian, for the time being, had good intents behind his actions. He had not directly attacked anyone yet, and Maria believed the individual to be crazy in the event they decided to cause trouble at the time being. A single knight like Maria was bad enough, but three knights was something that one should never wish to face.

Maria had noticed that her headquarters had been completely stuffed with odd individuals at this time. More so than before. A collection of fantastical individuals the likes of which must only be through the application of fate. Malakaus had recently returned from the capital. Tani was on patrol and happened upon the Iron Bell Headquarters. There was Chieko and Ryan, now with the addition of Eris that seemed almost otherworldly, and there was the sly Grian who seemed both skilled at the sword and skilled at his words.

For what purpose were these individuals brought together?

Perhaps this was a sign of prosperity. At least maria hoped for such. Though Maria was not alive during the time, in recent years instability in the kingdom erupted in one of the bloodiest conflicts in history, and it was completely possible that something akin to this would occur again.

For the time being Maria was simply glad that no one was harmed from either the thief or the spell. After all, Maria deeply cared for each and every person she could potentially protect. As a Knight, she had sworn her sword to her lord, but her true calling; higher than what would be possible for a single person, was to protect any and all she could protect. That was the purpose of her sword. Though many consider the sword to be a weapon to harm, Maria’s father always told her to protect those with her sword rather than to intend to harm.

“Thank you, Lady Tani. Even if you had come late, I still appreciate your contributions. If there is anything you need as well, I would not hesitate to assist.”

Maria genuinely cared for her allies, and Lady Tani was someone she considered to at the very least to be friendly, which was a nudge above a simple ally in her eyes.

“Though I will attempt to heed your concern as to the group of individuals I have decided to train. After all, if my father was able to train someone like me into a highly skilled swordsman and knight, at the very least I could try to return the kindness on these good-hearted individuals, crazy as that might sound. I am sure you know how it might feel to want to join the knights, but I am not so easy as to give them a free pass. Free-er than your little bout I would imagine though. Perhaps I am a bit crazy, but I feel a degree of potential from these individuals.” .

With a bit light chuckle, Maria moved on to the next individual who wished her attention: one Miss Eris.

It had appeared that Miss Eris had drawn an image of the assailant, which was lucky for Maria since she was not able to get hide or tail of the infiltrator. A lucky circumstance that would give her the advantage in learning who wished to obtain rights to any evidence.

“I must thank you Miss Eris. With your drawing, I am sure we are closer to finding out who this person is. Though I had not provided you with much, you were able to give me something that could lead to an arrest. I must commend you.”

Maria examined the image that Miss Eris had drawn in an attempt to identify the perpetrator. Though no real names came to mind, at the very least she knew the man was, in fact, a man, who was a demihuman from what appeared to be of the “Neko” variant. With a drawing like this, assuming it was correct, Maria could likely track down this thief and eventually see him safe behind bars.

“As for an occupation, I will say that your skills as an artist are rather superb. Perhaps you could utilize your skill to sell to the nobility. Luxury goods seem to sell well in places like Gusteko. I could also arrange a potential job within the confines of the marketplaces, though I am not sure how glamorous that would be and a sure waste of talent with the brush. I’d even be willing to give you employment as a poster manager for the city knights, if you think you have the skill for such a job. I could also impart some self-defence to you as well if you are interested, or even simple learning could get you a position as a scribe.”

Sir Malakaus seemed a bit busy discussing a few matters with the potential knights. Maria thought to but in the conversation as well, but decided to see what either of them had to say about his statements.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Avery Ackbar Celestia

Avery shut his eyes and took a deep breath through his nose as he entered the tavern. Ah.
Avery wasn't sure what it was about the smell of the place but it comforted him. Perhaps it smelled similar to the 'pubs' he had grown up around at home? Alcohol, food, sweat, dust. All familiar smells.
However he was startled out of this line of thought by a sudden, high pitched scream. Avery knew this kind of scream....it only ever came from frightened or embarrassed women, or the occasional man with a high pitched girly scream. But mostly women.
Avery of course knew this from the amount of such screams he had caused, but that was a story for another time. He cast a quick, questioning eyebrow raised look towards Aya. She was new...and cute!
Before Avery really had much of a chance to question it however, the ever beautiful, green haired barmaid Yoshinobu had made her way over to Avery and Dante. She was one of the few who knew Avery was actually a boy, simply because of her habit of loving to dress him up whenever he came up. Not that Avery minded at all, he absolutely adored her outfits! In fact he was kinda jealous of that maid outfit....
"Outfits you say?" Avery pondered aloud, casting a quick glance at Dante as he did. Oh yes. This could be fun....Oh Dante seemed to be whispering to him. Suppose he should stop daydreaming and answer the inumimi shouldn't he?
"It's ok Mr Dante me and her go waaaay back~" Avery half giggled, half whispered back to the obviously tense inumimi. Avery found his actions of acting like a bodyguard quite adorable~ Even though Avery knew his way around a fight, having someone to protect him was just so awesome!
As Yoshinobu embraced Avery in a short tight hug Avery returned the embrace. Upon both releasing the other however, Avery noticed the rather ominous, sinister look on Yoshinobu's face. However unlike Aya, Avery absolutely loved being dressed up in different outfits.
"Do as you wish oh honourable master! My body is yours to use as you so desire~" Avery responded as he threw his arms out to the side, ready to embrace the inevitable dressing up from Yoshinobu.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


@Lucius Cypher

Chieko looked at Eris somewhat blankly as she went on to ask if they weren't afraid of dying. Well, certainly being a knight would have its fair share of risks involved, but that extended to anything anyone did really. Besides, she already was fairly well versed in Law from home...though, that probably wouldn't help her much here, it wouldn't be too far off from what she wanted to do. Plus...well, Knights were cool. That totally wasn't her main reason, either, nope. Not at all.

"Knights are cool..." Chieko ended up admitted anyways, a small blush running across her cheeks at the admittance of it. It was childish really, but she didn't have much else she could do, did she? She didn't get long to think of the possibilities though. The orc - Malakaus walked up. The girl looked up at the tall man, seemingly unafraid or at least not intimidated by the size difference. She listened to him, unflinchingly as he went on to explain being a knight would be no easy task and the process of which one would need to become one. Distinction, Honor, Reputation. Of course she knew that. That was one of the reason she had always liked Knightly figures in fiction. She fixed Malakaus with a sharp, serious look though it was not meant to be hostile - only firm.

"Of course." She replied to the Orc. A short, but firm and confident statement. She didn't believe anymore words would be needed.


Tsu moved across the rooftops, keeping an eye on Jiru from above. It wasn't too difficult from above since he was wearing that ridiculous sack over his head. Anyone that would have been following him would have easily picked up that it was him, too. Unless they were just idiots. Either way, she didn't see anyone that looked like they were tailing him. Good, good, then. This mission's chances of success wasn't messed with and this would likely be easy enough as long as no one got in the way. She lingered only for a moment, one of her ears twitching.

That was odd.

Was...there another Kitsune around here? She hadn't seen or met many others, but it definitely felt like...not important. She leaped across the street onto another roof, easily making her way to where Jiru and their target were. After meeting up with him again, it didn't take them long to reach their targets residence. A fancy looking place, definitely meant for nobles. She had broken into similar places many times, though a lot more...creatively, then Jiru might have. She didn't have skills with lock picking, and usually had to get a little creative and sometimes a little risky.

She peered around the corner of the building they were currently hiding behind. A small alley near the residence. It didn't look to have any more security than the average place, which meant getting in would be fairly easy.

"You know what you're looking for." She said to Jiru in a quiet voice, turning her head to him. "It'd be best if we split up. Less chances of getting caught that way. I'm going to look for a way in...you do whatever it is you normally do to get in."

With that, the fox split off from Jiru again, not giving him much time to say anything much on the matter.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The three strangers were talking in strange dialects and discussed about a weird topic which Tani couldn't follow. Tani glared at the three for a moment, she wanted to know what they were talking about a little. Perhaps it was a code?

Listening to them more only made her head spin so she shrugged and lightly shook her head concentrating her mind elsewhere. When Tani said something about getting posters out the skinny looking girl jumped out in front of her and offered her assistance. Tani raised her eyebrow for a moment and placed both hands in her sides as she looked peculiar at the girl that had pulled out her drawing book. She knew it was paper but it looked quite fancy. A nobel perhaps? Eris was finished in only a few moments and handed the drawing to Tani.

Tani accepted the drawing gracefully and handled it with care by using both her hands to hold it. She glanced over the drawing and looked up at Eris again.

"This is not bad miss, it would be an enlightenment to know the name of the artist. You are not from here I assume?"

Tani handed the drawing further to Maria as she spoke to the ambitious girl. Maria spoke up to Tani too. She was gratefull for Tani her contributions although it wasn't much. She felt happy to help an ally in need after all and that was what most counted in plenty of cases. She stated that she wanted to help them grow like others helped growing her. Fair point, that was one of the things the royal knights did after all. Plus they could always use soldiers small or big.

"I do understand what you mean, I once was a guppy too after all."

She still was with that tiny frame of hers. Luckily she did grow in combat ways and a small body was quick after all. Maria looked back at the poster again as Tani gave a word herself.

"We need to press this and hang it around the city. It happened recently so he likely still has the same appearance. Did you know what he wore perhaps?"

The other strange girl commented that knights were cool, Tani was happy to hear that. She only didn't suspect it to come from someone older than 5. Tani couldn't blame the girl looked cute saying it like that.

The blonde boy had moved closer to Yoshinobu to ask if the maid was okay after having filled the bar with terror by her scream. Yoshinobu gave a bright nod at him but glanced away for a moment as she talked. Clearly displaying she was lying to the new boy. She felt like Aya would eventually give in

"Yeah totally! She is a little grumpy about her situation though, cheer her up with a compliment if you can!"

Yoshinobu had gotten her hands on the cute boy. She already started taking him away towards the back as he was still talking to Dante but she didn't care. She wanted to give Aya a friend to play with. Once Avery somewhat weirdly gave Yoshinobu the permission her hands went loose. She removed most of his clothes just like Aya's and undid his hairs. She gave the boy a cute lolita mini dress with knee socks under them. It already felt satisfying. She didn't have much fancy shoes though so he had to do with his own.

"You look the piece once again today! Anything more or want to show the others?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Skepic
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Skepic Spookbuster

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


They hurriedly made there way though the slums, Addison being tugged along by Hamaguchi. The medic wondered why she was suddenly in a hurry, but decided to not think on it too much.

"It is doable, the people here are mostly nice to each other so it isn't the worst." Hamaguchi responded as they went. This was both surprisingly and yet oddly not for Addison. While it always seem typical of areas like this to be pits of infighting and crime, it made more sense, logically speaking, if they worked together more often and looked out for each other, because in the end, who would? Well, people did things that don't make sense, so for Addison hearing this, it was somewhat of a relief. She didn't feel like stabbing anybody in front of her new, adorable friend.

The pair arrived soon in a clearing, the cat girl slowing to stop and glancing around. Just across from them was three children playing. Two of them were definitely twins, who looked very much like Hamaguchi. The third was a young boy, who didn't share as many features as the twins, but was nonetheless a definite sibling. Addison watched with a warm smile as Hamaguchi ran up to them and hugged them. She felt a small pang of homesickness, remembering her own little sister back in the States, but she quickly repressed it. No use being sad in front of these adorable little things.

Once Hamaguchi was done snuggling with her siblings, she passed out the food she had bought at the market and introduced Addison. Suddenly, Addison felt somewhat guilty for taking Hamaguchi up on her snack offer. Now Addison was even more resolute in repaying that small kindness. Addison gave a small wave and a smile, and the kids reacted appropriately shy, with the exception of one of the twins who approached her.

"Nice to meet you Addiwson. My nawme iws Eli. Want a bite?" the child said, raising a ripe peach up to Addison. Addison crouched down to the girl's level and shook her head with a smile.

"Nah, you need to eat all you get so you can get big and strong like me. But thank you Eli." Addison said, flexing her right arm to show. She stood back up and faced Hamaguchi.

"I swear your entire family is trying to kill me with cuteness and kindness!" Addison said with a laugh.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Soragoku
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Soragoku the kame style is with you

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Aya didn't seem to be pleased with Daisuke sitting next to her, she told him not to look at her because it embarrasses her. The maid's outfit really does look good on her, even as much of an otaku it makes her look, it still looks nice. He's rarely seen anyone who could actually pull off an outfit like that before.

"Say, where did you come from? Before I ended up here I lived in Kyoto, Japan. I-I'm just kind of curious you know. We might be stuck here for a while after all... D-do you reckon they have like fun things to do here... They don't have television or manga after all..."

"Oh, I'm from Japan too. I live-- well, used to live in Tokyo. It's nice to know there's someone else in a similar situation as me."

He doesn't know what he would do with himself if Aya wasn't here. Her being here gives him someone he can relate to and talk about home with. It would be hard to do that with someone that wasn't from home. He's quickly grown quite fond of Aya, for many reasons, but probably mostly because she is the last bit of home he has left. Aya is most likely someone he'd have been friends with if they would have met in Japan.

"I don't really know what they have for fun things here, but I'm sure there's something. Even an odd fantasy-land like this has to have some sort of entertainment. I bet they have books, and musicians, and the like. I just hope they have sports, especially volleyball... I miss it already."

His passion lies in that sport, and its hard to think about not being able to play it very often, if at all. But it also could be that volleyball is a popular sport in this world. There isn't a way of him knowing as of now. He'd have to ask someone from this world.

The giant came down the stairs with a giant chair for himself to sit in. Unsurprising, because if Kyojin had sat in a regular sized chair it would likely break as he put his weight onto it. He raised four silver coins and asked for four bowls of soup. He suggested he could pay for his and Aya's meals too, but Daisuke couldn't accept it.

"You needn't pay for my food. Though I appreciate the offer, its just not in my nature to accept a gift with no work done to deserve receiving it. I'll find a way to work it off, its not a problem."

Daisuke gave a smile to the giant, and began slurping his soup while Kondo and Kyojin devoured theirs like hungry wolves.

Yoshinobu dragged the purple-haired girl to the back, she said she had outfits for the girl to wear. He wonders why she likes to play dressup with human dolls so much, its a bit of a weird entertainment.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Seirei No Hai
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Seirei No Hai

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The elf's ears stuck up, slapping away Kyle's hand in comical anger, her eyes widened and her irises shrunk to that of an anime-esque girl people see in any of the abridged anime shows.

"You will be paying every single Appa with your life! If you die easily I will feed your corpse to Tundo!" She shrieked, the townsfolk around them would be whispering, gossiping to each other as if Kyle and Blanc were just having a lovers' quarrel, particularly on the side of food and money. She kept ranting on and on about responsibility and how a man like Kyle should keep it as well as solve his own problems by himself...

...basically don't just take anyone from a random street corner into your fuss.

Eventually the elf panted hard, her hands down to her waist and her icy glare still fresh staring towards Kyle. She composed herself quite quickly and cleared her throat. Turning back to Vesta with a blank look.

"...maybe we should find this... "Avery" person with you? If that's alright?" Looks like she's taking the meat shield with her.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kyojin could tell by the way Aya was speaking to him that she felt uneasy, though that was way more common for the giant than people may have thought. Many were intimidated by his sheer size, which he made a point not to get offended by given that he could understand at the very least. Still that did not stop him from paying for the food, well at least for Aya since it seemed like Daisuke refused such a offer. While he could understand such a thing, he did think that for someone in his place he shouldn't have refused a free meal.

"Ah don't worry, just accept it Miss Aya! As I said you have worked for your meal, if you wish you can just call this a tip from me. Grahahah~"

Such a sight from before and her embarrassment was at least worth a single silver coin in his opinion, which had already been taken from his fingers by Yoshinobu! Though he was a little surprised to see that not as many coins was taken from him as he was expecting, which caused him to smile kindly to the women who winked at him. She really was sort of like a mother or really a big sister to this place, looking after everyone and somehow he hoped if one day he got this place he could get her to stay here as well. Though for now he was far more focused on food than anything else!

"Thank you~ Your food is always amazing to say the least!"

The giant never expected unique treatment from anyone, as despite he needed more food than most he never tried to get more for the same amount of money. Though it was nice to have been treated now and then by Yoshinobu as she brought over a large bowl which made him lick his lips hungrily! Though seeing aya hesitating he could only suspect she really was some kind of noble, as she waited for the others to start!

"Thank you Yoshibuno. Hmmmm Aya, I think you can eat with the rest of us now heh... For now eat, then worry about your predicament later. It will give you a clear head."

With a bow and a polite smile he then started to dig right in! Right away picking up the bowl with one of his hands and sipping at the broth. After taking a good gulp he switched to a large spoon and started to scoop up large parts of the stew in order to munch on it with glee. The giant always enjoyed the home cooking, it made him think of his old home in the forest!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 8 mos ago


To be honestly Dante hesitates to let Avery go with her, however, Avery seems like she knew Yoshinobu well so he trusted her enough to make her own decisions. He sighed and fold his arms in front of him. "Alright...just stay safe and call out to me if you need something." He told her calmly. He then raises his ears and pointed to them. "I'll keep theses ears out for you." He told her with a smile.

Now the Avery was in the back. Dante focused on the girl in the maid outfit. As someone who studied hard in law enforcement, Dante was trained to detect a lie through a person body language and her glanced away mean that she was possibly sugar coating the other girl situation a little and Yoshinobu request could mean that the brown haired girl could us a confidants boost.

Cheer her up you know it the right thing to do.

Dante then sighed taking a minute to choose the right words, putting on a smile, before going over to the table next to the maid girl, the young men, and the giant who seems friendly. "Hey, you look nice in that outfit." He told maid girl calmly with a soft smile. Then he decides to go for some small talk. "So I just so happen to overhear that you guys are from...Jil-pan was it?" He asked them through he mispronounce japan, to be honest, he never heard of japan and assumed it was just a small kingdom that he overlooked. He then frowns a bit before his ears raise "I'm sorry, theses ear couldn't help but overhear things." He calmly said and as he told him his dog ears begin to twitch.


Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hearing the new girl all hyped about wanting to try on Yoshinobu her outfits made Aya's back shiver. The moment her clothes had been removed she felt so uneasy and fragile. Stealing was done a lot in this time period so she could have just been kicked out on the streets in her underwear. Thinking about it made the tears of being afraid already well up in the corners of her eyes. It sounded so realy that it was beginning to haunt her mind.

The other guy went to do whatever he liked as Aya started conversing with the only normal guy here Daisuke! He clearly wasn't gonna make the same mistake twice by saying that Aya looked good or whatever the hell. It was all the same anyway. Instead he kept the conversation rather normal. They both exchanged general living places. Seemed like they lived pretty far from each other not casual walking distance. She could kind of see herself being friends with the boy. He was nice and normal and was direct about his answers and overal looked pretty good. Tall too! God what was she thinking.

A small blush spread over her cheeks as Daisuke replied back to her. He appeared to be in a volleyball team in his own life. She liked volleyball during P.E. She could understand why he liked to do it. He talked about a few activities they perhaps had here. He was probably right. It was a little liked the medievals here so they had pretty much a lot of the things they had in their own world but without electronics but magic instead. She kijd of wanted to find out. Sitting and getting drunk wasn't such a fun activity for her especially in these clothes.

"Volleyball is fun. I played it a few times but I'm not very good at it. I have to jump higher you know hehe. Not a real sport made for me.

I have my Ps-vita with me... I can kill some time on that but it won't last long I think... I should consider other entertainment sooner or later."

The giant noted that Aya was trying to decline the food she had gotten from the tavern. She really didn't think she should eat it without paying anything. She hadn't even done any work or anything in general. He said to just eat and worry about it later but it seemed Yoshinobu had paid for her this evening. She could kind of live on that. She disliked the woman a ton with her horrid dress up parties. If she was gonna search a hobby it wouldn't be that.

"I just don't feel like I did anything for it. It leaves me with a bad feeling you know... I guess it can't be helped for now. It all looks pretty desperate with money for me and Daisuke you know... Thank you for your kindness."

Aya gave a heavy boa towards the giant without any words for a few seconds and looked back up again with a somewhat sweet smile on her face. Then this boy came and ruined it again. Why did everyone have to do this cruel thing to her. Aya her face turned red again. She placed both her hands in front of her face as a muffled desperate yell came out of her mouth.

"Shut up shut up shut up! Moron! This outfit isn't cute and I am not either so stop it!"

Aya removed the hands from her face and gave a mad pout the other way from him. She didn't want this. That she stayed in these clothes the whole time was the worst part

Then the boy turned somewhat normal instead of saying she looked good without any kind of introduction. Seemed like that was normal in this world. Flirting before greeting. He mispronounced Japan entirly but that didn't matter.

"Yea we are, what of it."

Aya was talking a little passive aggressive but that was usual to her when she wasn't talking to friends. She was arrogant after all.

Finally Aya started on her stew too. She picked up the wooden spoon what she didn't like one bit. It felt weird and she didn't like the texture of wood overall. Only if it was flat and smooth. Like her personal chopsticks! She had to find those somewhere in her bag soon. Anyhow Aya took a bite. She almost instantly spit it back in the bowl again. She poked out her tongue and waved at it violently. Other might have noticed that Aya found her food still hot and their stew not as much.


She felt her tongue with both fingers lightly if it wasn't burned and it totally wasn't. Aya looked somewhat weird at her own actions. Her tongue had gotten more sensitive or something. Food was too hot tastes were too strong. Aya blew her stew lightly too cool it down as the others were close to finishing theirs. An overly sensitive tongue sucked!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Vesta Celestia

Vesta gave Kyle a blank look of absolute disbelief as he talked. This man was truly a fool whom none could rival, wasn't he? Completely and utterly as intelligent as an Appa.
"...You're the biggest, most annoying buffoon I have ever met Mr Hishamie. I was clearly jesting, anyone with half a mind would be able to tell." Vesta groaned loudly as she rubbed her temples. All this fuss over a bag of Appas'? Although she did ignore the comment about her being a Princess. She wasn't a Princess, she was a noble but not a member of the royal family but even she could tell he was simply making fun of her.
And all this screaming Blanc was doing was not only drawing attention to them, but also giving Vesta a major headache to top the one she had been getting all day. Why must she only ever encounter people who cause headaches? Oh how she yearned to be with Mari right now....
"As long as you two are done with your bickering we can go. Although if Appa's mean so much to you, I'll help replace them." Vesta was really only making this offer in the hopes it would keep Blanc from going all apeshit on Kyle again. She was kinda getting sick of that, although she herself was close to punching him in the face. Especially with that shot at her honor he just made...oh boy was he lucky she had restraint.
If they made this much noise and gathered this much attention while hunting down Avery, he would be sure to notice and probably flee again before Vesta could even get close.

Avery Ackbar Celestia

Avery twirled around happily in the dress before giggling softly into his hand. Perfection as always, just as he expected of 'Master' Yoshinobu! Although he couldn't help but wonder where she got all these outfits from....eh not like it mattered to him. Although now that he thought about it...
"One last finishing touch won't be too bad..." Avery thought aloud as he walked over to his side bags and started to rummage through them. He always kept these on him in case of...well 'emergencies'. Yes. Definitely not because he enjoyed dressing up or anything. (>.> <.<)
Vesta had been so reluctant to find this metia for him....but he just had to have it. Feeling the fluffiness in his bag, he now whipped it out and placed it on his head in one motion. They were a pair of detachable cat ears which could move on their own and felt quite lifelike to the touch. They even had a tail to go with!
Avery could still remember the look of absolute disappointment Vesta had when she handed these over. Something about it being a 'waste of her family's talents to make such a Metia' or something. Not that it bothered Avery much.
"Purrrrfect~" Avery purred happily before wandering back out the front, his fake tail swishing happily behind of him. Even in such a girly outfit, no one would be able to tell he was a guy.
Surveying the room quickly to find that there was no one else here besides the group which consisted of obvious main characters Aya, Kyojin, Dante and Daisuke the trap nodded to himself before skipping overly happily and quite rapidly before launching himself softly onto Dante's back. His hands gripped Dante's shoulders gently as he leaned in now and close to Dante's ears before deciding to blow onto them softly.
"What's this Dante-kyun? Flirting with others behind my back? That's just cryul!" Avery was trying his best to pull off a neko's speech impairment, and sounded somewhat natural with it since he liked to practice for....reasons. Definitely not because he enjoyed cutesy things.
Fake-tail still swishing happily, Avery turned his playful gaze towards Aya and Daisuke...wait a minute. Daisuke's clothes seemed to made something in his memories surface. Those clothes looked familiar, not in the sense he had seen those exact clothes before but definitely something of a very similar design. No...couldn't be. Had to be a coincidence...right?
Realising he was staring at Daisuke for a moment, Avery brushed back some of his long, flowing purple hair back behind his ear. With his hair down it would probably be harder for them to tell his gender.
"Oh where are mya nyanners? Avery Ackbar Celestia at nyaour service." Avery gave a brief curtsy to the gathered people as he introduced himself. Normally he wouldn't mention his middle name to anyone, most people in this world found it quite strange and always questioned it. However if these guy was what Avery suspected....then surely he would recognise it. Especially with the small wink he threw Daisuke's way, either that or Avery would have to find another way to subtly find out if he was from Earth or not.
Maybe a rabbit from his hat?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zin Parellax

As most of the people dealt with the urgency of their problems and headed off to handle them, a new arrival appeared coming from the forest as if she just appeared from nowhere. Zin casually walked through the people with the heel of her boots clicking against the stone ground with each step she took, as she casually wandered through the crowd of people, something soon caught her eye, or better yet someone caught her eye. A woman covered in some odd white substance and yet some parts of her were covered in what looked to be blood. She certainly stood out among the many other people that were around her.

Feeling curious Zin began slowly moving towards their group of people and the woman coated in both of the strange substances. The moment Zin closed in on the group and the woman, she caught only a piece of their conversation that they were having with each other, Something about Appas. Zin feeling she should try to give the odd woman an idea." Why not just fight him ? Would it settle this right ?" The horned woman looked the strange whited haired woman in the eye. Zin kept a straight face showing that she was serious in what she said.

" It could be fun and teach him not to make too much trouble. " Zin suggested. As she awaited the woman's answer Zin's gaze moved from the woman's eyes down to her "other" features and couldn't take her eyes off her, but soon her gaze moved back to the woman's eyes, Zin began wondering if this woman caught her, but Zin then tried to rid herself of those thoughts and simply told the woman." I'll lend you a hand if you want to fight him." She cracked a gloved knuckle attempting to intimidate the guy, but also show that she was willing to help Vesta with her problem.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago



Addison crouched next to the girl reaching the same eye height as her. The child gazed at the girl with her small mouth a little open, she was overblown by how nice Addison looked compared to the other people here. Plus her smell was good too, she smelled like flowers. Eli lightly sniffed the air while Addison spoke to her to pick up the nice scent.

Addison declined the offer of taking a bite from her peach. Eli gazed at Addison for a moment and back at the peach in her hand. She rose it to her mouth and took a quick bite from the peach eating it herself. Her jaw softly crunched up and down as a blush of delight showed on the small girl her face. She gazed at Addison again, it was amusing to be around her. Addison was showing how strong she was and Eli immediately reached out her tiny hand to feel Addison her muscles. A look of amazement blew over Eli her face. She was stagger by how big her arms were and how hard.

"Addi really is strong! Eating makes your arms bigger? Whaaaa!"

Eli took another bite of her peach and another. She was gulping down the thing like it was nothing. Hamaguchi saw her sister do it and immediately reacted by holding her arm so that she couldn't eat anymore.

"Eli take it easy with your food! Don't rush, eat your food steadily or you get a tummy ache again!"

Eli her ears drooped down as she looked at the ground

"Y-yea nee-chyan"

The conversations underling went on for quite a bit untill Hamaguchi finally looked up at Addison and spoke as her other sister was pressing her top head against Hamaguchi her jaw without Hamaguchi even reacting to it.

"Did you think of anything to do in the capital? Any plans?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 8 mos ago


Dante begins to realize that he made a mistake when the maid girl face began to turn red and she went off on him. Spooking him and confusing him as he wondered where everything went wrong. To be honest, he got a bit frustrated at her. "Geez no need to-" HE was about to say before stopping himself when he realises that was a bad way to start off a conversation.

You know you mess up right, apoligize

Dante then sighed before getting out of his chair before getting on one knee, taking his sword off his back, and pressing the sharp tip of it to the ground(with the sheath still on): Taking a pose similar to a saluting knight. "I Deeply apologies, I told you that cause looked groom earlier and the tavern lady suggests i give you a compliment to cheer you up." He told her calmly and shamefully. In hindsight, he should have to know better to trust women who work at a shady tavern. It also doesn't help that she is friends with Avery, taking her advice was just asking for trouble.

Dante then got off his knee in time to have Avery jump on his back, being a trained warrior Dante was able to stay on his feet and support Avery weight real well. It was just the blowing of the ears that caught him off guard and made him blush for the first time today. "What, of course not. I would never do something so shady without a good reason." Dante honestly told her.

"I already agreed to date you and i attended to stick by it." Dante added with a calm smile before looking at the pink her girl with a smile "Avery..." He said softly. looking like he seem like he was going to say something sweet to her, but Then like lighting his happiness quickly then turned to anger. "Can you please get off my back!"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Heckno12 That Guy

Member Seen 17 days ago


Royal Capital Lugnica

"Pshaw, getting caught...You say that like you'd leave any witnesses to begin with." Jiru mumbled after Tsu had left. A manor of this size would probably have plenty of entrances, something he'd never understand about rich people. If anything, the sheer size of a place like this was the biggest flaw in its security. Removing his mask so he could hear properly, he put his ear up to a window around the rear entrance. Not hearing any footsteps or breathing, he wedged his knife under the window and snapped it open with a quiet crack. After making his way in, he situated the window so that from the outside it appeared to be shut.

"Second story, first room on the right." He muttered the instructions given to him. The lockbox was supposed to be a very expensive one, expertly made. If it wasn't supposed to be bolted to the floor, he'd probably just take it and sell it. Not only could he not do that, but their client had asked him to make sure the lock was still in one piece, it had to look like someone had used the key to open it. Framing is pretty complicated Jiru thought to himself. One slip up, and the authorities might doubt your target's motive.

Once he made it half way up the stairs, he stopped and listened. There were footsteps, but they didn't seem to be heading towards him. He hoped Tsu had made it into the building. Once he started on that lock he'd need perfect concentration, which meant he would need someone to watch his back for a moment. In any other situation he'd just break the mechanism and take what was inside, but the insistence on leaving the lock intact made this a lot more complicated.

Ryan Dreane

Well that destroyed the only theory he had. Then again, it didn't make a whole lot of sense in the first place. With a light sigh, he buried his head in his hands again. After a second or two he stood back up and dusted himself off.

"I'd be a liar if I said I wasn't afraid of death. Though, to be honest there aren't many other options here. If I join up, I could learn how to fight...and to protect other people. I'm not going to pretend to be the heroic type, but I might as well pitch in. I have a debt that I aim to repay here." Ryan said honestly. It wasn't like he had much to lose here anyway, as far as anything went he was dead to the few people that he had cared about before now that he was stuck here.

"As for learning about this world, I'm not really much of a scholar. Learning how to read and write in a new language is going to be an effort in itself...If it's not too much to ask, could you let me know if you find anything out?"
Ryan asked. While he was far from unintelligent, something like this would take a lot of effort that he wasn't willing to expend for empty answers. Curiosity wouldn't be enough to convince him to learn an entire language. That being said, he'd probably have to learn it anyway...reading would probably be the only form of entertainment available here. "I'll do the same if I stumble upon anything, I promise."
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