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Status updates, huh? Who needs those anyways, pfft
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I figured I should update my status. Tada!
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7 yrs ago
What IS on my mind?



Loves Teddy Bears|Twenty Something|Can't Speak Russian|Is Potat


Let me properly introduce myself. I am Sir Spud the Fourth, and I have been a potato for the longest time ever. I never denied it to be completely honest, but it is only recently that I embraced it. Now I have evolved from a simple couch potato to a fully grown royal potato. A dapper kawaii potato. And I dare say, knowing that you are a spud, makes life a lot easier. Just chill and let everyone else care about all their meaningless things because at the end of the day you'll know: chilling is the way to go.

I try to spend minimal effort on things that I don't care about, and procrastination might as well be my middle name. But that doesn't mean I ONLY rest. Sometimes a 'tato gotta do what a 'tato gotta do. And if that something happens to be things I like, then you cannot find anyone better than me. I am an omnipotent being capable of virtually any task to a limited degree, and I am not shy to admit it. I may not be the MOST AWESOMEST in a thing, but I am sure as hell MORE AWESOMEST than most people are at everything. But hey, I'm not here to brag, even if I am probabaly better at it than you


All those nights laying in my couch, I thought about the cool shit that I cannot do. That I cannot see. But I pictured them in front of myself like they were real, and that infuraited me. Then I found the Guild, and I lived happily after. I have been on the site for 2 years now, and I have seen many RPs, and played with many people. I wish I have found the site earlier, but I am glad that I've even found it. Now all those fantasies can be written down and my mind can rest at ease at night, without being constantly troubled by ideas.

When I RP, I love myself some good Sci-Fi or Fantasy. But hey I am filthy casual, I can go for anything with an interesting setting. I don't trouble myself on small details if the plot is good, but if you get somwthing wrong you can expect me to tell you about it. Some even go as far as to think that I am angry or something, but I am too chill for that. If anything I'm more of the funny type, so you can expect me to try and write some shitty jokes or post memes I found on the internet. Anyways, you'll see what I mean when we RP together.


Used to be something else here, but I'm happy to say that it's replaced because of a positive change. I now work as a full-time 3D artist in the animation industry, churning out shot after shot for some of your favorite game intros and trailers. Can't say anything about them before you even ask, and even though I'm still new to the industry I love it and I already know that this will be my passion for a long time. So hopefully in a few years I'll have a proud portfolio of animations that were done by yours truly that I can show off to all the lovely people of the guild.


Now I may have hobbies like the above mentioned, but there are some more things that I love in life. Here is a handy list of things you can always talk about with me:

  • Gaming: This one I am quite proud of, I'm a serious gamer with capital G. Not as much time for it nowadays, but still true.
  • Music: All kinds of electronic music, but I am a sucker for Queen and Powerwolf. Or Breakbot... anything music.
  • Anime: We all have an Otaku in us, but it's bigger for some people. For me it's just big enough.


Be chill folks, getting fed up about stuff is a recipe for disaster. You gotta learn to be patient and let things go, or you'll end up a wrinkly old man/woman with only bad memories about life. Even if you do fuck-all every day, you can live a content life by taking things easy. With that said, as always, stay safe and stay classy.

Most Recent Posts

Sorry peeps, little delay. Work took way too long and then I had college things to tale care of. But I'm back home shorty and I will link the lore and make a Discord.
@LordZell Glad to see you old friend.
@Drunken Conquistador I will be making one soon. I already have a batch of it from before, but I want to retcon some bits amd organize it. Probably in the format of a wikia page, but we will see. Should be up tomorrow, depends on how I finish with work!
ıllıllı 𝕰𝖗𝖆 𝖔𝖋 𝕾𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖋𝖊 ıllıllı

"When great men and women put their heads together, they can achieve greatness unseen otherwise. But once they frown and turn upon each other, they wreak havoc like no other." -Inara, the Halconic Prophet

Please carefully read this segment, as it will greatly help you understand the rich lore of this region in the future

The Story

Imam VII is dead, and with him, the golden age of Saqquar has come to an end, and the empire of the shifting seasons is about to experience a war so bloody, so merciless, so long and so taxing on the people of the nation, that the people will come to refer to it as the Eternal War. A generation will succumb to the blazing heat of the desert sun under the banners of their legions, lost and wandering the desert in search for glory, spilling their blood and turning the dunes of Saqquar red as they give their life for a cause they all believe just, throwing away hundreds of years of tradition that once put an end to a war equally bloody and merciless.

But before we can come to ponder about the long lasting implications of the Eternal War, we must first know what it was, who turned the nation mad, and how the events played out.

It is an autumn day in the month of Niarve, and the year is 729 of the Imperial and Royal Calendar or 314 of the Halconic Dial, thought not many use that under the rule of the Imperial Sultans. For nearly two and a half centuries now, the sons of Imam have ruled over the land of Saqquar, guiding the country to prosperity and peace. Yet all is not well in the empire. Imam VII, the Crane is found dead in his bed, and the doctors examining his body claim he succumbed to his old age.

The people mourn. Talayet's people take to the streets with flags and flowers, El Shamul closes it's gates for a whole day to remember the king as it's ancient traditions dictate, and the 17 Merchant Princes of Markath open the gates of the Temple of the Halconics for the first time since the first anniversary of Inara's death. The empire mourns.

But amidst the mourning, two boys have their eyes set on the future, not the past. The twins sons of Imam VII, Ifrit and Granat both 22 years old this winter, waste little time to cry for their father. Their thoughts are occupied with the storm brewing over the horizon. Imam was elderly, following traditions older than any can remember, and he wished for them both to rule together. Ifrit, cunning and religious, embraces this idea and wastes no time to mourn his father and wants to continue in his footsteps as fast as possible. But Granat, steadfast and martial, wants nothing to do with his brother whom he considers too forgiving for a ruler and has been preparing his secession for months now.

The two brothers gaze at each other as they watch the mourning masses below the Imperial Palace who have come to pay respects for them. Granat sighs, and Ifrit lifts an eyebrow. He inquiries about his brother's problem, only to get the shake of his head as an answer. "So this is it." Ifrit mumbles, seeing his brother's eyes free of tears and burning with dreams of grandeur. He has watched his brother turn away from him for months now and made several attempts to sway him. Even now, he makes one final attempt to persuade his brother to think again and come to a compromise. "Brother, I ask of you to think this over. We must not succumb to the hate Inara has once quelled within our hearts." But this time again, standing on the precipice of a great disaster, Granat refuses he turns away from the crowd and is brother, retreating inside the palace as the evening wind flutters his cape. "So this is it." Ifrit mutters to himself.

The next day, Ifrit and a handful of his followers leave Talayet under the veil of dawn to meet with a party who has brought them Ixclicid mounts. They switch their thoroughbreds, and with his now armed escort, he races off towards El Shamul to make progress while the sun is down. For Ifrit wasn't idle as he watched his brother get overtaken by greed. He had his own plans, and if he must dethrone his brother do to that, then he will. He already has the blessing of the Halconic priests in Markath, and he has an army in disguise stationed in the Royal Capital to spring up and march on Tayalet to take on his brother in a swift and decisive victory.

Meanwhile, Granat mobilizes his troops. Even the scaleguards, the elite women who are sworn protectors of the Sultan are gathered under his banner, as he makes his speech at the Square of Emperors in Tayalet. He holds the Imperial Banner, and claims that his traitor brother has fled the city leaving him as the de facto Sultan. The guardsmen scramble, but none can find Ifrit or his closest accomplices. So it's true, he really has fled. By noon the garrison and the guards take up arms under the banner of Granat. They are preparing to march to war too: a war to end the rebellion of the traitor Ifrit who would rather flee and fight than to step aside for the firstborn twin.

Yet both struggle with one issue: Both are young and they have always lived in the shadows of their father. The great army of Saqquar mourns at Horquath under the leadership of the general Nadim the Dragon, the slayer of a dozen Skarrats. They have little in armed forces, and even less in men they can trust. Men who will guide their hand and their armies.

The RP

Where the story of these two young men is left off, the story of those who fight and serve for them arise. Great men of military might, cunning and brave, possessing the traits to wage war on an unprecedented scale. Honorbound warriors of a strict dogma who protect the lives of the late sultan’s offsprings and do their dirty deeds when needed. Snake tongued and charming gentleman with no limits and an affinity for people like no other. Men, who will lead the armies of these two historical figures who will undoubtedly plunge their beloved country into a bloody civil war. These men are you.

Saqquar is a pet peeve of mine. So vast it’s lore as the sand dunes of it’s land, and so lengthy it’s history like the Granat river. So if you are confused and have many questions, that is understandable. Just take my hand and I will guide you through this step by step.

What is the Era of Strife you ask? It’s a relatively recent era of the country’s long history, that stretch and rotate however I might, I simply couldn’t come to properly explore. It is no one man’s task to do so, a singular mind cannot possibly be so cunning as to speak for a million people at once. So I need your aid.

You will play as generals and the trustees of Ifrit and Granat, the malevolent twins who will later sede their bodies and names to the two great rivers of Saqquar and etch their stories into the history books. You will help them make their decisions, guide their military conquest, and fight vast battles and sieges to be ultimately the ones who conquer the capitals of Southern or Nothern Saqquar.

Naturally, generals are always welcome, for this is mostly an RP about a long and bloody war, but we all know that the pen is mightier than the sword, so spymasters/assassins or diplomats are always welcome. Wars don’t always NEED to be bloody. Just think of the great battles of Belisarius where he routed a larger force without a single drop of blood using only his cunning.

But before you quickly start thinking of what kind of a general, or perhaps other trustee you will be, I must press the importance of alignment. Not only is it as fluid for some as the very rivers their leiges are named after, but they carry a burden. Neither Granat nor Ifrit were right. By the end of the Eternal War, both have become mad in a struggle for power, and resorted to whatever they can get their hands on. I wish you will see them both as equal candidates for your liege.

And once you are done, work may begin. From there on, whether your characters on either sides of the conflict will decide the fate of history for a nation that outlives all. I hope to see many on both sides of the conflict, so that this may become one for the epics.

The “Rules”

Just before I get the sheet out for you, I do want to ask one thing: dedication. Sure, I can write this story myself if I want to, but I wish to travel this journey with companions who have equal love for history, military and intrigue as me, who will come to embrace Saqquar as their own after this journey is over. But if you are forming history in such a way, please only apply if you are sure you can follow through.

There won’t be any strict timetable, that we will establish once we have all the players set. I just want people who won’t disappear without any sign. It always pains me to not be able to tell my stories as such. Aside from that...well, just don’t be an ass. I welcome every and all.

Oh, and as I have said before, there is some worldbuilding involved as well. Once I catch you up on lore, feel free to pitch ideas for pretty much anything: places, people, events. So don’t be afraid to go wild with your imagination. But for now with your sheet, just stick to general Middles East-African style if you want to create names and places.

The Sheet

Wow, we finally got here! Did you cheat any of the text? No worries, I do all the time!

This is just a simple sheet layout, feel free to make all the super fancy sheets that you want. I will certainly do so.

NAME: What shall the soldiers call you sire?
AGE: Does the strength of the young still burn withing your veins, or are you known for the wisdom of those who have survived many summers?
APPEARANCE: When you look in the mirror, what is it that you see. (Or just use a picture.)
PERSONALITY: When you look in the mirror, what it is that you can't see. (Please don't use a picture)
BIOGRAPHY: What have you done up until this moment in your life, when you are staring at the mirror for far too long.
SKILLS: Are you a brilliant strategist? Perhaps a clever tricks is better than the sword? Do you know what the other thinks just by looknig at them?
FLAWS: Are you a heavy drinker? Perhaps quick to anger and throw a tantrum? Do the pleasures of the flesh prove irresistable for you?
OTHER: If you have a motto, personal possessions dear to you, a favourite song to be your anthem of war or the flag/sigil of your lineage, these things come here, but make sure to mark them, and not just drop them here as a bunch if you do so.

Here is a ctrl-v ready format for the sheet

With that said, I doubt there is much left...it has been far too lnog since I started an RP. I have been disheartened for far too long as I watched players dwindle, hype fail and RPs die. Still, I am not known to give up easily. I hope to see you lovely people interested! If we get people together then we'll move onto a comfier Discord server as well! Until then, take care and have a great day.

Just as he had appeared, and swooped Christine up, Thobias disappeared in a flash once he was sure Christine was on their side of the conflict. The stage was set, the players were all in piece, and though he did not organize the pieces, he would deal with them using all his knowledge and the best of his abilities. And the best of it he gave, because he knew what was at stake. He had to make sure everything went according to plan, his plan, and whether or not that fucked over everyone else didn't bother him the slightest.

He silently detested himself for still caring so much for Katherine even after they had broken up such a long time ago, and he wished he didn't have to deal with this childish squabble. He watched from atop the rooftop of a nearby building that he teleported to as the fight commenced between Katherine and Rurik. It was a fight where he was as unbiased as anyone can be, though he felt that Rurik deserved to loose for trying to "settle a score" while Kath was injured. Still, he saw something in the boy. He would make a great addition to his team...once this is all over. For now, he just watched the rage of the Demoness.

Or was it Kath? She couldn't tell... it seemed like the eloquent taunts of the Demoness were mixed with the burning passion of Katherine and it ended up coming out as a speech that hit the intended target. And even more. For a second, he almost felt bad for Rurik. Almost, but he never really felt sorry for anyone, so this still meant something. He had been blinded by his relation to Kath for longer than he could say, and though he did try to get the two to ease up, he now had a new outlook. The same richness and pompous attitude he despised so much of his own family was shining through Katherine. Admittedly she would've never said it in such a way without the demonic influence, but the core of it was still the Kath he knew.

Whether it was this, pity, or just the general failure to connect with the Demoness's words, Thobias slowly shifted to cheering for Rurik in his head. Well, somewhat more that it. He still had one goal in mind to save Kath, but he had already figured out that the boy was stalling for time. Not that they would've needed that while he was here...but Rurik didn't know that, and he wasn't going away until he saw this fight resolved.

He took his phone out and quickly dialed Sarah. Much like Liam, she responded almost instantly. "Sarah, things are getting heated up. They are fighting and I don't want to risk interfering now. Get ready just in case I need to disperse the crowd." With that he ended the call and anxiously followed the events.


8 days ago

“Thobias, slow down!” The boy in a simple leather jacket paced behind Thobias, clearly having a hard time keeping up with him. He was a large guy, over 2 meters in height and hulking in every way possible. His clean shaven head and think beard coupled well with his rough facial expressions and bursting muscles. He was an intimidating presence at other times, be he followed behind the much shorter Thobias like a puppy after it’s mother which broke the illusion in matter of seconds.

Thobias groaned and finally stopped in front of the large cast iron gate to a crumbling factory, turning a 180 to face his follower. “Brutus, what the heck did I tell you?” He asked an a brash tone, shaking his head in disapproval. “They said only me, no bodyguards. Liam and Sarah understood that. If you come with me, the deal is off and then you’ll have your monster sized hands full of trouble!” He leaned against the brick wall of the factory, still bearing the remains of the bronze insignia that bore the name no longer. “I’ll be fine, that’s my whole gimmick, remember? In and out, nobody caught me before and they never will.” He explained to Brutus and waited for an answer from the beast in man’s clothing.

“Boss, you know I trust you, but I don’t like a single bit about this deal.” He exclaimed, hoping to put some sense into Thobias. But he wouldn’t have any luck, he already made up his mind about this deal. Still he tried, pulling out a pistol from his pants. “At least let me wait around the corner. If anything goes down, you know I can deal with them in a heartbeat.”

“With that peashooter? ” Thobias asked and let out a smug laugh. “Brutus, your hands are your weapons, don’t make me laugh mate!” He exclaimed and shook his head, than took a step closer Brutus and looked into his eyes with a killing gaze that bore no empathy for his concerns. “Now put the fucking gun away unless you want a bullet hole in both of us.” He quickly looked around and leaned closer, following up in a more quiet tone. “If you want to stay so bad, wait around the corner. In and out, easy breeze, I’ll be back in a jiffy.” With that he pat the arms of Brutus and flashed him a quick smile before turning on his heels and lighting a quick cigarette before making his way inside the compound, blinking through the bars and out of sight.

A more run down place you couldn’t have imagined for a drug deal. Well, it was exactly the sort of place that that cops would love to check from time to time, and that didn’t help ease his worries that this deal wasn’t what he imagined it to be. But the cops would want all his mates around, so it was probably something else. Or maybe he was just thinking too much about it for no reason. That must’ve been it. He took a deep sniff of his cigarette as she casually walked around a broken warehouse, leaving behind a puff of smoke.

And there they were, bunch of gangsters who he had to put up with so long with little disputes here and there. But they offered him a deal the other day that he couldn’t refuse, something to put and end to their little squabble. And Thobias had to take it, he wasn’t exactly running a gang to rival the size of others. What his team had in powers, these people made up for in manpower and equipment. At least a dozen men, all armed with automatic weapons. Not a pretty sight to meet on such a fine day, but he had no other choice.

He looked around as if he was examining the architecture if the place and threw his cig away. “Why are we meeting out here mate? Was the plaza closed or something?” He asked jokingly and looked over at the one man he knew from the group. A short guy in white clothing and a dark skin complex with a very ugly face. Yeah, he wasn’t the biggest fan of this “Juan” character, but again, he didn’t have much of a choice in the matter. He walked out into the middle of the little area that the people already present set up a barrier around with the cars and guards and beckoned at the short man. “We doing this deal or not?”

He probably looked more confident than he was. Dodging a knife or a few thugs with a pistol was one thing. When there are people actively aiming their gun at you, that’s a whole different thing. His muscles tensed as he waited for an answer and his mind was already focusing on a nice and quiet place where he could escape to if the situation turned hot. And after what seemed like forever, the man finally spoke up.

“Thobias, thobias…” He begun, shaking his head as he pushed himself away from the car he was leaning against. “We’ve been rivals for the longest time, and despite all my attempts to squash you out, your seem to resurface somewhere else and slip for my grasp.” Uh-oh, that didn’t seem like a good start? Was he too cocky to come here? Probably yes, this wouldn’t be the first time he got shot for being a dumbass. But he wasn’t in the mood for getting turned into swiss cheese either, he felt like a few hundred bullet wounds aren’t something Liam could fix up.

“But… I realize that this rivalry is killing us both. I’ve lost too many men and supplies to our little disputes, and since I’ve tried everything to get rid of you and nothing worked, I’m going to extend a deal to you.” He said and then beckoned for his men. CLICK He hated that sound. Why did it have to be a trap? Man, these bad guys never played clean did they? A dozen or so guns pointed at him, and he started to feel the burn under his feet. He couldn’t dodge them, not at this range...if only he had any idea how he did that thing with his fight against Rurik! Man, that would make this a walk in the park…

“You are a talent, I recognize that. We have a place for talents like you. Heck, I’ll throw in your little friends too just so you know how nice I am. You’ll be my dealer and we’ll agree on a cut.” Oh yeah, so I can get bossed around for pocket change? This guy thinks he is doing this for money? Man, he must have something wrong in his head. He didn’t like the deal, not one bit, but he had to make a decision soon, or one of these armed thugs will get an itchy trigger finger soon. “Tick, tock, time is ticking Thobias. Make a decision!”

“Chill mate, gimme a sec.” He exclaimed. Maybe he should’ve brought the others along too, they could’ve cleared out these miserable excuses of gangsters in seconds. As if Brutus heard his thoughts he turned around the corner, already in full sprint. “Nobody move!” Man, he wasn’t messing around, but he clearly didn’t think about this. Oh well, it was a fun life while it lasted. He already heard the hammer’s hit the pins in the guns, the bullets whistling their way through the air at him and Brutus. He concentrated, hoping to blink away just in time, but things didn’t look up for him. He closed his eyes and waited to see if he was faster or the bullets.

And then...nothing. A terrible shockwave seemed to have hit him, but it wasn’t the familiar searing pain of the a bullet. Or multiple in this case. No, it was something else...but still familiar. Like when he tried to use his abilities one too many times and the universe metaphorically punched him in the kisser for messing around with it too much. So, he opened his eyes to see what was going on.

An eerie yet familiar gray hue greeted him. Everything around him just...stopped. Not a single movement, the bullets frozen in the air and Brutus still in the act of running, his legs not touch the ground. He wanted to say he did that but...he didn’t. So...what the heck was this, and why was it so familiar.

“Hey there kiddo! Seems like you’re in a big bloody mess, aren’t ya?” He quickly turned around on his heels to look for the source of this unknown voice. And there he was, standing in front of him...yes, literally he himself was standing in front of himself, but...older? And wearing a weird outfit too, but he could definitely tell it was himself. Only one person was as handsome as himself and that was, well, himself. But before he could speak up, the man, or himself if you want to put it like that, interrupted.

“Kiddo, I’m sure you have tons of questions, but I can’t answer them all.” He exclaimed and his hands shifted over to a holster he was carrying and he pulled out a revolver...or at least something that reminded him a lot of a revolver. The man, himself, errr...he’ll have to come up with a name for sure...anyways, he checked the mag of his gun before he started walking over to the thugs, still frozen.

“Let’s make this quick. I’m you, in a way, from the future and from a whole other dimension.” Yeah, they should totally talk some other, time it was being a little too complicated already. “Call me the Caretaker if ya would. I make sure none of you idiots make some stupid mistake that ends up wiping your whole gen.” He exclaimed, and walked over to one of the thugs, sending a bullet through their head. Well, Thobias expected it, but the bullet just stopped an inch away from their head, frozen like everything else. What was the point then? And more so, what was he talking about with gens? “Usually I don’t have to, but you live in a super annoying world where everybody seems to have powers. Which is great, because at least you can defend yourself as well. But clearly not well enough, not yet at least.” He exclaimed, walking up to each tug, and doing the same motion he did before with his gun. What was he on about.

“Wait, not yet? You mean I could do...this?” Thobias asked and pointed around himself. The Caretaker laughed and shook his head, holstering his gun. “You wish Kiddo. Not in a lifetime you won’t...at least, not like I can.” He walked up to Thobias up close, and squinted his eyes as he took a good look at him. Wow, creepy figure. “But you have potential. Whatever you did back during that fight with that Rurik guy, it really set things in motion. That’s the whole reason I’m here.” Finally he took a step back away and Thobias let out a sigh. “You have potential, but I always need to be at hundreds of places at the same time, so I can’t exactly teach you right now. You’ll need to break free before I can properly teach you, and I doubt you have the balls for that.” First of all, that was incredibly rude. Saying he didn’t have the ball, hah! Second of all...he didn’t understand a word of that. Nope, not one bit, he was absolutely clueless. Did this guy really expect him to know what he was talking about?

“But, I’ll give you a parting gift Thobias, cause you’re on my watchlist now and I want you to live just a little longer than what is written for you.” Without a warning the Caretaker teleported up to him, using the same ability he always used, and placed his hand on his forehead. Suddenly it felt like he had a glimpse at everything, images flashing by his eyes at speed even he couldn’t comprehend, and then everything went black. Suddenly, he felt a weird feeling deep in himself, as if his heart was pounding more than before, but...it felt off.

Before he could ask the caretaker took a step back and tipped his hat at Thobias. “Feel that beat? Think very hard of someone and you’ll feel their presence wherever they are. The closer your connection, the less vague it will be. And if you can’t feel that beat, well...you know what that means!” And then just like that POOF he was gone. What the hell was that all about? And what did he mean! No, he didn’t understand.

He didn’t have too much time to think about it as he saw the field shimmer around himself, and he realised that bullets were still flying at him. Thobias quickly teleported over to Brutus, just in time to see time return to normal.

The sound of a dozen distinct shots ringed with the other sounds, and the gangsters all dropped dead at the same time, a familiar bullet passing through their craniums. The bullets mean for him? They harmlessly splashed on the ground where he used to be. Brutus stopped in surprise, kicking up a cloud of dust as he came to a halt, and Juan...well, he looked more than surprised. “Would you look at that?” He mumbled under his breath. He had to admit, that was some grade A badassery from whoever this mystery guy was.

He let out a snarky laugh and lighted a cigarette as he approached Juan with smalls steps, Brutus following behind him. “The deal’s off Juan. If I see your goons on my turf again I’ll think twice about letting you live.” He exclaimed with a chuckle and patted Juan’s cheeks a few times before turning over to Brutus. “Alright mate, I think we’re done here. Thanks for the worry, but this bum is nothing I can’t deal with.” He exclaimed and then walked away from the site, with Brutus in tail. And he had no inclination on telling him this wasn’t his doing.

The day of the tournament

Thobias was sitting on the top ledge of the stadium, watching the match from a bird’s eyes view. He was dangling his legs as he watched the tourney, eating a bag of popcorn. Yes, he bought it just to mock everyone else who would see him. No, he didn’t care. He really had the best place in the entire stadium after all. He noticed that a few other people with similar abilities sparsely populated the roof along with him, and there was a silent union in it. Everybody here had the silent agreement that they had the coolest ability ever. Even if everybody thought theirs was the be all to end all, nobody would dare say anything to the other because they had a common laughing stock in the form of the people who couldn’t fly or teleport.

He spent the last few days practicing his abilities, especially the one he got from the Caretaker. He still didn’t manage to recreate the ability he used to win against Rurik, but this new ability he had… man, it was something else. Whenever he thought of someone really hard, he could feel their heart beat within his own chest, and have a vague idea of where they were. It wasn’t omnipresent, they tested it with Liam, Brutus and Sarah. He teleported across half the world to see how far the range was, but in the end it seemed to be only effective within the city, and a bit extra. But at the outskirts of town, it was just the faintest feeling, a hard task to pinpoint anyone. Still, it seemed to improve over the days, and he gradually kept pushing his range out. Just like when he was training his blink ability, using it more and more helped, yet it put a similar strain on his body, so he could only do it so much.

Today he came around to check the matches. On one hand, he wanted to see how strong these people really were, and whether or not he could match up with against them. Of course, not that he wanted to, fighting head on wasn’t his style. He was more like the head of the body anyways. And secondly, he came to check on Katherine. He had to admit, he couldn’t get her out of his head as much as he wanted to. And yeah, he came all the way just to see her match. Now everybody shut up, the match is about to begin.

Honestly, he didn’t like it one bit. Not that it wasn’t a pretty fight with explosions and people getting punched in the face. No, it was that there wasn’t enough punching and explosions. He honestly expected more from Kath, he knew that she had a lot more in her. Even as he saw the sword from Yuuto, he didn’t intervene. He had every right to believe that Kath could just pop her final form, clear up their entire team and then be done with it. The demon be fucked, he was sure Kath could deal with it.

That was, until she couldn’t. He was perplexed, wasn’t Kath the best brawler in St Laurels? Of course, that’s not exactly much against a sword, but he expected a lot more. But what was worse...the bleeding didn’t seem to stop. Whatever was going on, it didn’t seem that the stasis field put up for protection was protecting Kath from the cuts. His heart tensed up, and he felt that second heart beat within his chest faster and faster: he knew it wasn’t going well for Kath.

He couldn’t watch this anymore, he had to do something without directly interfering...but what? Well, he knew the first thing he head to do. He took out his cell, and quick dialed Liam. It took only a few seconds before the he answered. “Yeah boss, what’s the matter.”

Liam, grab Brutus and Sarah, and get to the hideout. Chances are, I’ll be bringing a few guests who need some help, so get a few-” He glanced down at the tourney, where it seemed that Kath had been taken over by the demoness, leaving behind a trail of blood. “Scratch that, all the blood you can carry. You’ll have your hands full.” With that he ended the call and hopped to his legs, going down around the far end of the roof.

Before he could do so, he felt Kath move, and move fast. He turned around, just as to see her use some sort of a...demonic wings to escape. That was new… Funny the things you don’t know about a girl that you used to sleep with. Of course, he knew it was the demoness, and it was all the more unsettling. If she had taken over, who knows what kind of trouble Kath might be in. But still, it was a slight relief as well: the heartbeat so erratic before seemed to have calmed down. So whatever the demon was doing, it was at least helping a bit.

Thobias trailed behind the group until they ended up in a nearby park. It seemed like this was where they were going to finally have at it. Thobias didn’t like one bit that Clara wanted the demon from Kath. Maybe, if it was malicious. But it was her orders that hurt Kath, and now the Demoness was keeping her alive. No, he couldn’t just let that happen. Sure, she was her superior in school and all that, but he didn’t give the slightest fuck about that at the present moment. No, he had to act quick, and he knew exactly who to turn to to tip the scales.

Christine. Kath’s sweet, and admittedly more pervy sister that has already managed to cool her sister down on so many occasions. He didn’t want this to be one of that. All this time he was trailing from a safe distance, but now he leaped into action, messing with the brains of his foes as he liked to do.

With a quick blink, he appeared right by Christine and grabbed a hold of her arm, giving her and Clara a quick wave. “I’ll take you for a quick trip hun.” He quipped, and he was gone just as soon as he arrived. Yes, he could’ve taken Kath straight out of here. Yes, he could’ve teleported most of Kath’s enemies far, far away, but he didn’t want to do that. He enjoyed watching a good trashing like anyone else, but he needed to make sure the match was fixed. So, he made it quick with Christine as he teleported with her just around the corner, still in sight of the fight, yet a good distance away.

As he did so, he quickly released her and took a jump back before she could potentially hit him.”Don’t hate me Christine, but I can’t watch you beat up Kath, blinded by that madwoman Clara.I can feel it, she’s not lying-” He exclaimed and put his hand on his heart. “Kath’s going to die if the demon leaves her body, it’s the only thing keeping her alive. I’ll explain all of it later, but you have to trust me!” And just like that, he said everything he wanted to, and felt like he could muster out of himself in one breath. He wheezed, and took a deep breath before staring at Christine for her answer. He couldn’t let her get back into the fight as an enemy.
@Theodorable Ack! Sorry, been doing exams up until now!

Thanks bud! Don't want to be late for the Panzer III, Daimler Benz's best product!
@Theodorable Hey there ol pal! Long time!

You certainly have yoruself a really interesting concept here! Quite a refreshing take on NRPs. Happy to see that nobody went for Daimler and Benz so far, gotta love those engines they made. So if you still have a spot, there a chance I can still join in on the fun? Hope I'm not too late!
If you get past a 100 hours in XCOM and you start to play the game with serious mods (Long War for example) and serious gameplay knowledge (ex: activation ranges in the first game, ambush exploits in the second), the game becomes really fun. Sure, it makes it super tryhard every minute along the way, but then you can REALLY feel like saving Earth. I finished both games, with both DLCs, each with and without Long War (8 runs in total), plus a few Impossible Ironman runs in the first game. I still have PTSD after those goddamn Meld canisters... but hey, neither of them are as hard as playing Xenonauts on Veteran mode!
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