Soulmate: Defeating all opposite-sex that cheat naturalism, and all that became heresy for elitism. That was quitting ""Hippy" Parties Republicaning Floozy.. Before they escape evangilism into Gypsy.
1 yr ago
Soulmate: Defeating all opposite-sex that cheat naturalism, and all that became heresy for elitism. That was quitting ""Hippy" Parties Republicaning Floozy.. Before they escape evangilism into Gypsy.
1 yr ago
1st-Person is Pit Zmija; I'll have a Castle some day ranging there. 2nd-Person: Thanks, God, for my Country's Kingdom. I kill the 3rd-Person{s}!
Incapable of being an Animal because virtue was magistrative valor enough to bide towards it, for a later predator reason, I fathomed Prince against all, liking defeating imperators. That kept gypsies from overzealing as millenials, but before I had a triumphant fight to then choose an Animal for Soulmate purposes I was placed into Special Education classes, where there was no cause for Prince, so I basked being primeval, thinking all else there a Loser only learning to be Lame.
I was there when Favorite Animal had a majesty against Pet Animals, that clothing occurred to help assess towards Kingdom virtues, such as Court Ranger for me- then I got transferred couple years after I had fought at Elementary School, so it was surprising but not indubitably. Placed in Special Education, then to one in another School, I became a Skateboarder instead of a "Party Animal", but still much had the same go as it were for Gentries abiding to Gentleman evading "Cur" with a "Scarecrow" Golden Retriever Dog Kid, as the story could go.
The Summer after 8th Grade my Family moved to the Village, out of a Suburb hill. Living with a River between Home and High School Skateboarding got me tougher, so I roleplayed screen|tv games instead of delinquenting, but the local mall made hippies rival the corsair within themselves with drugs ... Before raves... So I tried being a Scene-Anarchist naturally regaining being Polish Animal Soulmate aside Special Ed. At 11th Grade I destroyed my floozies mooching in gypsies, gaining their Rivals where drug-sellers enthralled having chances Dating maiden-corsair-deflectors, or Party into vanguards to inevitably Tournament. They accepted an invitation from a Squad-Vanguard-Member of Mine, a Scene-Oust against Me thinking preppy-resistance. I kept my honor from banditry, having acceded "Thief" out from their gypsy "Cohorts". They infloozing to deflect being-Upstarts from Raiding, accepting Parties retributing their Fellowness from School|Birthday Leagues. I had to refrain from using preemptive calculations to not forfeit Polish Brigand for Vanguard Merit--oh, but uh, I was a Burglar that tried to Reaper them from acclimating me, accumulating me? They fell to thinking me a Thief instead of battling me even after it got them in trouble, discernment, and made the Bloke get moved to his dads house. Still seeing a Rival to depose I skateboarded there for 3 years, seeing the Bloke have a chance at nemesis. My Scene-Anarchist intimidated the Bloke to Broker; which if didnt fight me wasnt Damsel-worthy. So, when he underlorded those gypsies siphoning remorse I enacted Badlander-Rank-against-Marauders(since Reaver is an Assailant|Rogue thing of Skool) to Brigand for myself because they could of meandered me as their Thief. Hah, they sure were gypsies... I outlawed them. That Bloke was a Faggot- he did adventure trips with his dad, that the fellowship went inbred narcissisticly. I Overlorded their safe-house for 3 days and nights partying with the gypsies cesspool. Then misfitted the floozies egos with calling them to inflame a devistation. They came, but again didnt fight me. They routed the kid, the gypsies, and merely informed me of it - merging with them. I got in, my perception of Overlord good, defeated them how they reflected it; raiding the bloke as a median, to slow to make Opponent, just gyp themselves as "concubines" for gypsy-hippies. The Contacts I made as an Overlord- I mean Ranger ;] - got me behind the real enemy lines of where Thugs learned to fight solo for Tournament, or lose "consciousness" mobbing the Wasteland Junkies, thus becoming floozy "Pothead|Stoner" to rave INTO accorded Underlords. The Squad consisted of 3-4 Skateboarders, a muscular Dude, and some Gamers. The Dude, the black Skateboarder, and I had the edge. We Partied intermittingly the 11 years of turf. 11 Years with the Skateboarders their floozy way deflected much like I had done; casually. I focused on not losing my street reputation to purge the Scene-Anarchist. That had me see the Squad advance with other Contacts as Adult life was ocuring to Us who didnt get Jobs 10th Grade for Car stuff, like behaving as corsairs to not bitch at a rave from turf. Upon working at Age 23 I wrote a restitution to purge to getting to Soulmate, having accomplished fights{8 as of 2024. I became a Renegade to those Gamers that "Homied" with the Squad.} to appreciate The Tournament stuff, and reprimand myself to whatever amount of Naturalist I have, to become a Ranger of sorts. Studied my Kings and Queens of Polska, learned my Barbarian legacy to be concise with defeating the Raiders that didnt leave the USA to Europe to really prove their English, and regained the virtue for Magister Degrees not that bachelor stuff; I am a Kawaler of the Kingdom of Polska, 7 of Szpadels February Soulmate Birthcard Birthright, the Bronzowie Kropkowie Pit Zmija , so I roleplay 1st-Person and have 2nd-Person dexterity. I also practice Royalist with my Ametyst Birthstone.
ROLEPLAY: I dont like typing more than 4 paragraphs, if I go to such lengths even then. Freeform is my game- the game of Komando. I dont do romance, but I leave them warm. If I had to pick an Adventurer I'd be the Burglar Sellsword made Major {Black Knight}.
Stole other things beside cash at Night from unlocked automobiles. RP'd on them testing my own syops as an Outlaw, not accepting "Thief", since I had to vs what Nobility I had deflected adolescence to do this as agility till the might of solidarity- fighting bettered my predation, than sometimes slithering up brambles to nests. Joined a RLSH site, roleplayed as idol Kommando types using in-armor speakers for music during epics at a doujin chat, got out to Here and did that to the RPGs Chat. Changed Names for a Soulmate color to my Name in it. After the chat and my Accounts got banned I sought Animal Roleplays, challenge it as a final game. Used that to replay the RPG as Zmija Sebastian. Deleted the Email, and mixed the Password, there when my Party Animal Bio reached it's best sentience, with the limited space available. I purged that Bio Magisterly many a try at the esteem of Court Ranger.
I'm not merely Roleplaying a Zmija like it's popculture to try as a Hippy, nah thats a Soulmate Quest for me; Favorite Animal, Tournament{Venomous Snake Handler Certificate, not for science for Wrangling!}, Duty-Realism Tattoo--getting muscular to visit it, Kawaler stuff. Made other Zmija Roleplays here testing the mettle. It's my Arena character.
For Zmija in school I overshot my Ranger Prince arrow, and drew my sword against 2 Students I Nemesised. The first did know; a dragonslayer type that, popularity, however indifferent from me, ousted it like Pet minamalist Soulmates, so having Prince ideas already I pursued him away from Lady-In-Waiting Consorts. The dragonhunter study was fun. I totally harm not fascinize dragonology. The 2nd was that gypsy Bater that reveled Bard because they didnt do Komando actions to be pervertedly-initially plotstyle. They probably became Corsair Lolly Slavers to counter their diligence to wonder about me and the Rep I never shadow, getting ethnically locked as sex offender not Raver ... Sure was fun defeating chaosists playing rival to heretics uncapable of reaper styled names on game sites, fandom sites, merch types, and media statisticals. Posers, all of yothem.
... I separate witch|wizard-hunting from my virtues, letting naturalism be my Huntsman.
I'm not going to be a Master Ranger here and tell GRADES of Rangers, just that A-Grade doesn't get a Job in High School, and obviously the F-Grade Ranger lies about being an Opponent against Boy-Friends; Boy-Scouts encouraging emporiums.
Two Castes of Party Animal.
The Outside of Inbred Mate's lives. The Wilderness Warren types.
I'm going to have it be known to you about Warrens first.
There's the High Class types that chose a Mate, proved protecting them, and they the Mate protected them.
If it does esculate to popularity it's the Middle Class that furthers the virtue of all Animals not being Pets, but Petty OR They hone Partying through accepting Lower Grade efforts to Lead of High Class beecause the High Class Mate didn't fight, instead republiced. This is where C-Class can fit: ALL Grades are in any Class; individually.
Lower Class fought without restitution to acknowledge Petty. Their virtues are the arch of this Tournament, from mere Dueling.
There's just ONE spectrum. Are they Natural, or are they Initial? Natural is all Animal, and it keeps them out of D-Grade of any Class, but if Of an Initial of Soulmate know "Warrior" is Middle Class F-Grade.
I apologize to the Bachelor System Nobles of the U.S.A. that have gone to Europe for It to properly settle in the U.S.A., I a Magister Degree of Polska, Hero, know how selfish High Grade Lower Class people --- And that's as far as that's said, back to me using this 2nd-Person Polish-English- till I translate it, that is...
Remember that this is the Inbred Caste now. They survive a Family. So, "bastard(s)" don't get the word "Warrens".
Maiden or Damsel. Maidens are only ever to a Pet, and if unfair can get them nowhere as a Bitch- but what if she hinders from proving so to Her Dame? Is that a Harlequin? Just so. If she becomes a Harlot, then it's assumed fore Pets that She is a Tramp. Proving the Other was a Dame, and thus if were fair would get a Damsel if it were only proven.
Apparrel|Attire will say it's all C-Grade: "Wanksters" "harlequins" whatever "median" that mediums itself needs You to be a Compatriot. "Mercenary" can be chivalric, but that word is to be used just against "bastards" so they dont know how to steal "Warrens" from a "Magnate"- since a real bastard would expose themself against hippies in 1st-World Countries: Where "virtue" starts. Not insinuate that theyre not baters, for richer or poorer.
Having been deflected from popularity amongst other popularity having chances of fundamental or perfunctory esteem to know popularity their means for Animal became kamuflaz clothing. For Mating truth to be said-so, extremed|raving may occur, but as long as the basic sense of commando pants and boots ascertains then tops can be Party. Sexist was enamored that Girls could be mercenaries as however, but need look pretty or they'd be losing to the wanksters|harlequins deflected by hippies, as vagrants, which only sex revives them. . . if not pretty it wasn't "harlequin"; the Urban Guy|Girl Pet - if not a bastard. The other Pet is Royalty, then, bornely. Komando versions have Pets in basic colos, and Wild Animals in Kamuflaz.
Tops, then, for either Animal Caste has to not be "spiritual" but kamuflaz. Using a shirt with your Animal fur|scales|hide drawn|colored|painted onto it, front and back, how it would be enough for you moving and not. Hairstyles are a personal choice - whereas for Me I have a Prince Mohawk that is just forward for jungley Pit Viper sense, but a Rattlesnake, also a Pit Viper, may be Bald if a Rattlesnake of a sierra area, not a Forestry area - as Baby Animals are not Tribunal; Theyre created through immaturity. Incessant thoughts, for richer or poorer, to cheat "Party Animal" as a say-so|has-been of popularity, where really it's a personal choice.
Now ask yourself, did I steal from A-Grade Any-Class, or is that just a School Mer(ry)it since "vanguards"|"mobs" want Lower, Middle, and High Class be not Gradient but Reject-Classified? A-Class would solely be High Grade, B-Class would solely be Middle-Grade, C-Class would solely be Low-Grade. . . Without Meritable, thus Magna-miny, Tiers|Echelons. So, I say going for a Pit Viper Mate Polish only is processive to monogamy, but I dont think I had been in School; These are "Vipess" not Maidens though!
I PROTECT HER WITH MY LIFE! Go jump a fence ways off the turf to the providence Badlander, I'm staying to fight my Brigands making Warlord before Ranger, unflect skateboarding from anarchy when I do, and quit stealing after jail because I'll only have Chieftain to match! I'm no vagabond, no boyfriend, no guy - when I get up near "are you alright|okay" it's to destroy their masters the mind-speakers, before them the baters... My Country's word for Knight is Rycerz: To you that better be read as Riches, because I believe in the heroics of Blue Wolf, Blue Alligator, Blue Viper, Blue Shark! Not Puppies! Therefore the Warrens never quit the turf, so only B-Class makes Soulmate. Kin are the assailants. ...Goodluck...
Lastly, the only C-Tier thing I got: I had Avenger to do, because I adversely STAYed in Parties. Eventually the spect of no Girl on me made me reap my Groupy-Team as 1st-Animal. They shunned themselves with money instead of "Bringer", so I dont feel awkward knowing any Girl They sexed I dont guard. I let Her form gypsies, of course, as Prey, not Lady-Consorts. Corsair isnt Maiden, thus Damsels get weaker than Ravers is where D cant deflect C.
I play all my Man roles as a Nobleman. What sort of "Prince" am I? I joined my Kingdom's Ranger Order. I played out more than consulate asounderings that I joined the Rangers instead of the Army. They're Delegates of Courtship, like it's a Tournament itself - I've enterred some Melees keeping to styling myself as a Pit Zmija|Viper.
I drink against adventuring Damsels, Outlaw Curs pretending|perverting Dandies and Destriers, wrangle Animals from Hunters, punch refrigerators, chop flames, herblore stuff just for Kids, and I know how to steal.
I seek a W. A Woman. Preferably a Damsel version that'll make me laugh, too. Broad types are ok; Raver, Lass, Girl, Maiden. But I dont humiliate myself easily.
Medieval. Sci-Fy. Skateboarding. LEGO. These are my Prince's always. In Sci-Fy I was in a League of Thieves.
Interests where the Woman leads: Hunting. You.. Want to spear sharks, wrangle Reindeer, scoop the perfect baby sea turtle to run to the ocean kicking predators off, let's do it. Balls. We can enter from any vector, be any Era, or Age ;] Spying. Can be at a Mall, Arcade, Girlfriends petting zoo of toys, but I dont mountaineer. Army Wargrounds. Motorxross. XBOX Halo. Sword Art Online 1. Is this Fantasy? Nope it's Sci-Fy! Naruto. One Piece. Yu Yu Hakusho is Fantasy, but tough. Real Life Super Hero. It can be Sci-Fy whilst I'm modern. Avatar. The Air|Water Bender Avatar. Pokemon is Fantasy, but meak. Megaman NT Warrior. Zoids.
I slithered over civil stool bottoms, caroused by chair pegs, ignored tarps of dressed tables, got faster when it became open space, and bemused myself to a boombox. There, I turned it on with my Tail, and crunk the music [Venom Venom - Rocket From The Crypt]. "I want a Menu!" I YELLED.
It appeared to me, there at the floor. I took my time looking for something.
Used to be Zmija Sebastian. Scrambled its Password and gave it a fake Email, before deleting some promiscuous monstergirl Images in them Albums... *inbeds katana blade tang first* You may see me about the place.
[b]Incapable of being an Animal because virtue was magistrative valor enough to bide towards it, for a later predator reason, I fathomed Prince against all, liking defeating imperators. That kept gypsies from overzealing as millenials, but before I had a triumphant fight to then choose an Animal for Soulmate purposes I was placed into Special Education classes, where there was no cause for Prince, so I basked being primeval, thinking all else there a Loser only learning to be Lame.[/b]
I was there when Favorite Animal had a majesty against Pet Animals, that clothing occurred to help assess towards Kingdom virtues, such as Court Ranger for me- then I got transferred couple years after I had fought at Elementary School, so it was surprising but not indubitably. Placed in Special Education, then to one in another School, I became a Skateboarder instead of a "Party Animal", but still much had the same go as it were for Gentries abiding to Gentleman evading "Cur" with a "Scarecrow" Golden Retriever Dog Kid, as the story could go.
The Summer after 8th Grade my Family moved to the Village, out of a Suburb hill. Living with a River between Home and High School Skateboarding got me tougher, so I roleplayed screen|tv games instead of delinquenting, but the local mall made hippies rival the corsair within themselves with drugs ... Before raves... So I tried being a Scene-Anarchist naturally regaining being Polish Animal Soulmate aside Special Ed.
At 11th Grade I destroyed my floozies mooching in gypsies, gaining their Rivals where drug-sellers enthralled having chances Dating maiden-corsair-deflectors, or Party into vanguards to inevitably Tournament. They accepted an invitation from a Squad-Vanguard-Member of Mine, a Scene-Oust against Me thinking preppy-resistance. I kept my honor from banditry, having acceded "Thief" out from their gypsy "Cohorts". They infloozing to deflect being-Upstarts from Raiding, accepting Parties retributing their Fellowness from School|Birthday Leagues. I had to refrain from using preemptive calculations to not forfeit Polish Brigand for Vanguard Merit--oh, but uh, I was a Burglar that tried to Reaper them from acclimating me, accumulating me? They fell to thinking me a Thief instead of battling me even after it got them in trouble, discernment, and made the Bloke get moved to his dads house. Still seeing a Rival to depose I skateboarded there for 3 years, seeing the Bloke have a chance at nemesis. My Scene-Anarchist intimidated the Bloke to Broker; which if didnt fight me wasnt Damsel-worthy. So, when he underlorded those gypsies siphoning remorse I enacted Badlander-Rank-against-Marauders(since Reaver is an Assailant|Rogue thing of Skool) to Brigand for myself because they could of meandered me as [i][b]their[/b][/i] Thief. Hah, they sure were gypsies... I outlawed them. That Bloke was a Faggot- he did adventure trips with his dad, that the fellowship went inbred narcissisticly. I Overlorded their safe-house for 3 days and nights partying with the gypsies cesspool.
Then misfitted the floozies egos with calling them to inflame a devistation. They came, but again didnt fight me. They routed the kid, the gypsies, and merely informed me of it - merging with them. I got in, my perception of Overlord good, defeated them how they reflected it; raiding the bloke as a median, to slow to make Opponent, just gyp themselves as "concubines" for gypsy-hippies. The Contacts I made as an Overlord- I mean Ranger ;] - got me behind the real enemy lines of where Thugs learned to fight solo for Tournament, or lose "consciousness" mobbing the Wasteland Junkies, thus becoming floozy "Pothead|Stoner" to rave INTO accorded Underlords. The Squad consisted of 3-4 Skateboarders, a muscular Dude, and some Gamers. The Dude, the black Skateboarder, and I had the edge. We Partied intermittingly the 11 years of turf.
11 Years with the Skateboarders their floozy way deflected much like I had done; casually. I focused on not losing my street reputation to purge the Scene-Anarchist. That had me see the Squad advance with other Contacts as Adult life was ocuring to Us who didnt get Jobs 10th Grade for Car stuff, like behaving as corsairs to not bitch at a rave from turf. Upon working at Age 23 I wrote a restitution to purge to getting to Soulmate, having accomplished fights{8 as of 2024. I became a Renegade to those Gamers that "Homied" with the Squad.} to appreciate The Tournament stuff, and reprimand myself to whatever amount of Naturalist I have, to become a Ranger of sorts.
Studied my Kings and Queens of Polska, learned my Barbarian legacy to be concise with defeating the Raiders that didnt leave the USA to Europe to really prove their English, and regained the virtue for Magister Degrees not that bachelor stuff; I am a Kawaler of the Kingdom of Polska, 7 of Szpadels February Soulmate Birthcard Birthright, the Bronzowie Kropkowie Pit Zmija [img][/img], so I roleplay 1st-Person and have 2nd-Person dexterity. I also practice Royalist with my Ametyst Birthstone.
ROLEPLAY: I dont like typing more than 4 paragraphs, if I go to such lengths even then. Freeform is my game- the game of Komando. I dont do romance, but I leave them warm. If I had to pick an Adventurer I'd be the Burglar Sellsword made Major {Black Knight}.
Stole other things beside cash at Night from unlocked automobiles. RP'd on them testing my own syops as an Outlaw, not accepting "Thief", since I had to vs what Nobility I had deflected adolescence to do this as agility till the might of solidarity- fighting bettered my predation, than sometimes slithering up brambles to nests. Joined a RLSH site, roleplayed as idol Kommando types using in-armor speakers for music during epics at a doujin chat, got out to Here and did that to the RPGs Chat. Changed Names for a Soulmate color to my Name in it. After the chat and my Accounts got banned I sought Animal Roleplays, challenge it as a final game.
Used that to replay the RPG as Zmija Sebastian. Deleted the Email, and mixed the Password, there when my Party Animal Bio reached it's best sentience, with the limited space available. I purged that Bio Magisterly many a try at the esteem of Court Ranger.
I'm not merely Roleplaying a Zmija like it's popculture to try as a Hippy, nah thats a Soulmate Quest for me; Favorite Animal, Tournament{Venomous Snake Handler Certificate, not for science for Wrangling!}, Duty-Realism Tattoo--getting muscular to visit it, Kawaler stuff.
Made other Zmija Roleplays here testing the mettle. It's my Arena character.
For Zmija in school I overshot my Ranger Prince arrow, and drew my sword against 2 Students I Nemesised. The first did know; a dragonslayer type that, popularity, however indifferent from me, ousted it like Pet minamalist Soulmates, so having Prince ideas already I pursued him away from Lady-In-Waiting Consorts. The dragonhunter study was fun. I totally harm not fascinize dragonology.
The 2nd was that gypsy Bater that reveled Bard because they didnt do Komando actions to be pervertedly-initially plotstyle.
They probably became Corsair Lolly Slavers to counter their diligence to wonder about me and the Rep I never shadow, getting ethnically locked as sex offender not Raver ...
Sure was fun defeating chaosists playing rival to heretics uncapable of reaper styled names on game sites, fandom sites, merch types, and media statisticals. Posers, all of [s]yo[/s]them.
... I separate witch|wizard-hunting from my virtues, letting naturalism be my Huntsman. [hider=Which has gotten me to Ranger instead of "Boyfriend"] I'm not going to be a Master Ranger here and tell GRADES of Rangers, just that A-Grade doesn't get a Job in High School, and obviously the F-Grade Ranger lies about being an Opponent against Boy-Friends; Boy-Scouts encouraging emporiums.
[hider=My Favorite Animal is the biggest Venomous Serpent on Taiwan, capable of eating Asps like Krait, Corral, Naped Snakes, the Tentacled Snake in water, and if so, Cobras like Philipine, and the Samas. It's also in that South-East Asia, like Thailand, Burma, Laos, Vietnam. ]
Two Castes of Party Animal.
The Outside of Inbred Mate's lives. The Wilderness Warren types.
I'm going to have it be known to you about Warrens first.
[hider= I Shadow-Range to quell Badlanders from C-Grade B-Class Polish Brigands; Mates that fight in School do so to get muscular originally.]
There's the High Class types that chose a Mate, proved protecting them, and they the Mate protected them.
If it does esculate to popularity it's the Middle Class that furthers the virtue of all Animals not being Pets, but Petty OR They hone Partying through accepting Lower Grade efforts to Lead of High Class beecause the High Class Mate didn't fight, instead republiced.
This is where C-Class can fit: ALL Grades are in any Class; individually.
Lower Class fought without restitution to acknowledge Petty. Their virtues are the arch of this Tournament, from mere Dueling. [/hider]
There's just ONE spectrum. Are they Natural, or are they Initial? Natural is all Animal, and it keeps them out of D-Grade of any Class, but if Of an Initial of Soulmate know "Warrior" is Middle Class F-Grade.
[hider=To believe in Kawalers|Damsels, not only Squires and Princesses; Baby Animals are not Tribunal, they're Prey.] I apologize to the Bachelor System Nobles of the U.S.A. that have gone to Europe for It to properly settle in the U.S.A., I a Magister Degree of Polska, Hero, know how selfish High Grade Lower Class people --- And that's as far as that's said, back to me using this 2nd-Person Polish-English- till I translate it, that is...
Remember that this is the Inbred Caste now. They survive a Family. So, "bastard(s)" don't get the word "Warrens".
Maiden or Damsel. Maidens are only ever to a Pet, and if unfair can get them nowhere as a Bitch- but what if she hinders from proving so to Her Dame? Is that a Harlequin? Just so. If she becomes a Harlot, then it's assumed fore Pets that She is a Tramp. Proving the Other was a Dame, and thus if were fair would get a Damsel if it were only proven.
Apparrel|Attire will say it's all C-Grade: "Wanksters" "harlequins" whatever "median" that mediums itself needs You to be a Compatriot. "Mercenary" can be chivalric, but that word is to be used just against "bastards" so they dont know how to steal "Warrens" from a "Magnate"- since a real bastard would expose themself against hippies in 1st-World Countries: Where "virtue" starts. Not insinuate that theyre not baters, for richer or poorer.
Having been deflected from popularity amongst other popularity having chances of fundamental or perfunctory esteem to know popularity their means for Animal became kamuflaz clothing. For Mating truth to be said-so, extremed|raving may occur, but as long as the basic sense of commando pants and boots ascertains then tops can be Party.
Sexist was enamored that Girls could be mercenaries as however, but need look pretty or they'd be losing to the wanksters|harlequins deflected by hippies, as vagrants, which only sex revives them. . . if not pretty it wasn't "harlequin"; the Urban Guy|Girl Pet - if not a bastard.
The other Pet is Royalty, then, bornely. Komando versions have Pets in basic colos, and Wild Animals in Kamuflaz.
Tops, then, for either Animal Caste has to not be "spiritual" but kamuflaz. Using a shirt with your Animal fur|scales|hide drawn|colored|painted onto it, front and back, how it would be enough for you moving and not. Hairstyles are a personal choice - whereas for Me I have a Prince Mohawk that is just forward for jungley Pit Viper sense, but a Rattlesnake, also a Pit Viper, may be Bald if a Rattlesnake of a sierra area, not a Forestry area - as Baby Animals are not Tribunal; Theyre created through immaturity. Incessant thoughts, for richer or poorer, to cheat "Party Animal" as a say-so|has-been of popularity, where really it's a personal choice.
Now ask yourself, did I steal from A-Grade Any-Class, or is that just a School Mer(ry)it since "vanguards"|"mobs" want Lower, Middle, and High Class be not Gradient but Reject-Classified? A-Class would solely be High Grade, B-Class would solely be Middle-Grade, C-Class would solely be Low-Grade. . . Without Meritable, thus Magna-miny, Tiers|Echelons. So, I say going for a Pit Viper Mate Polish only is processive to monogamy, but I dont think I had been in School; These are "Vipess" not Maidens though!
I PROTECT HER WITH MY LIFE! Go jump a fence ways off the turf to the providence Badlander, I'm staying to fight my Brigands making Warlord before Ranger, unflect skateboarding from anarchy when I do, and quit stealing after jail because I'll only have Chieftain to match!
I'm no vagabond, no boyfriend, no guy - when I get up near "are you alright|okay" it's to destroy their masters the mind-speakers, before them the baters... My Country's word for Knight is Rycerz: To you that better be read as Riches, because I believe in the heroics of Blue Wolf, Blue Alligator, Blue Viper, Blue Shark! Not Puppies!
Therefore the Warrens never quit the turf, so only B-Class makes Soulmate.
Kin are the assailants.
Lastly, the only C-Tier thing I got: I had Avenger to do, because I adversely STAYed in Parties. Eventually the spect of no Girl on me made me reap my Groupy-Team as 1st-Animal. They shunned themselves with money instead of "Bringer", so I dont feel awkward knowing any Girl They sexed I dont guard. I let Her form gypsies, of course, as Prey, not Lady-Consorts. Corsair isnt Maiden, thus Damsels get weaker than Ravers is where D cant deflect C.
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><span class="bb-b">Incapable of being an Animal because virtue was magistrative valor enough to bide towards it, for a later predator reason, I fathomed Prince against all, liking defeating imperators. That kept gypsies from overzealing as millenials, but before I had a triumphant fight to then choose an Animal for Soulmate purposes I was placed into Special Education classes, where there was no cause for Prince, so I basked being primeval, thinking all else there a Loser only learning to be Lame.</span><br><br>I was there when Favorite Animal had a majesty against Pet Animals, that clothing occurred to help assess towards Kingdom virtues, such as Court Ranger for me- then I got transferred couple years after I had fought at Elementary School, so it was surprising but not indubitably. Placed in Special Education, then to one in another School, I became a Skateboarder instead of a "Party Animal", but still much had the same go as it were for Gentries abiding to Gentleman evading "Cur" with a "Scarecrow" Golden Retriever Dog Kid, as the story could go.<br><br>The Summer after 8th Grade my Family moved to the Village, out of a Suburb hill. Living with a River between Home and High School Skateboarding got me tougher, so I roleplayed screen|tv games instead of delinquenting, but the local mall made hippies rival the corsair within themselves with drugs ... Before raves... So I tried being a Scene-Anarchist naturally regaining being Polish Animal Soulmate aside Special Ed.<br>At 11th Grade I destroyed my floozies mooching in gypsies, gaining their Rivals where drug-sellers enthralled having chances Dating maiden-corsair-deflectors, or Party into vanguards to inevitably Tournament. They accepted an invitation from a Squad-Vanguard-Member of Mine, a Scene-Oust against Me thinking preppy-resistance. I kept my honor from banditry, having acceded "Thief" out from their gypsy "Cohorts". They infloozing to deflect being-Upstarts from Raiding, accepting Parties retributing their Fellowness from School|Birthday Leagues. I had to refrain from using preemptive calculations to not forfeit Polish Brigand for Vanguard Merit--oh, but uh, I was a Burglar that tried to Reaper them from acclimating me, accumulating me? They fell to thinking me a Thief instead of battling me even after it got them in trouble, discernment, and made the Bloke get moved to his dads house. Still seeing a Rival to depose I skateboarded there for 3 years, seeing the Bloke have a chance at nemesis. My Scene-Anarchist intimidated the Bloke to Broker; which if didnt fight me wasnt Damsel-worthy. So, when he underlorded those gypsies siphoning remorse I enacted Badlander-Rank-against-Marauders(since Reaver is an Assailant|Rogue thing of Skool) to Brigand for myself because they could of meandered me as <span class="bb-i"><span class="bb-b">their</span></span> Thief. Hah, they sure were gypsies... I outlawed them. That Bloke was a Faggot- he did adventure trips with his dad, that the fellowship went inbred narcissisticly. I Overlorded their safe-house for 3 days and nights partying with the gypsies cesspool.<br>Then misfitted the floozies egos with calling them to inflame a devistation. They came, but again didnt fight me. They routed the kid, the gypsies, and merely informed me of it - merging with them. I got in, my perception of Overlord good, defeated them how they reflected it; raiding the bloke as a median, to slow to make Opponent, just gyp themselves as "concubines" for gypsy-hippies. The Contacts I made as an Overlord- I mean Ranger ;] - got me behind the real enemy lines of where Thugs learned to fight solo for Tournament, or lose "consciousness" mobbing the Wasteland Junkies, thus becoming floozy "Pothead|Stoner" to rave INTO accorded Underlords. The Squad consisted of 3-4 Skateboarders, a muscular Dude, and some Gamers. The Dude, the black Skateboarder, and I had the edge. We Partied intermittingly the 11 years of turf.<br> 11 Years with the Skateboarders their floozy way deflected much like I had done; casually. I focused on not losing my street reputation to purge the Scene-Anarchist. That had me see the Squad advance with other Contacts as Adult life was ocuring to Us who didnt get Jobs 10th Grade for Car stuff, like behaving as corsairs to not bitch at a rave from turf. Upon working at Age 23 I wrote a restitution to purge to getting to Soulmate, having accomplished fights{8 as of 2024. I became a Renegade to those Gamers that "Homied" with the Squad.} to appreciate The Tournament stuff, and reprimand myself to whatever amount of Naturalist I have, to become a Ranger of sorts.<br>Studied my Kings and Queens of Polska, learned my Barbarian legacy to be concise with defeating the Raiders that didnt leave the USA to Europe to really prove their English, and regained the virtue for Magister Degrees not that bachelor stuff; I am a Kawaler of the Kingdom of Polska, 7 of Szpadels February Soulmate Birthcard Birthright, the Bronzowie Kropkowie Pit Zmija <img src="" />, so I roleplay 1st-Person and have 2nd-Person dexterity. I also practice Royalist with my Ametyst Birthstone.<br><br>ROLEPLAY: I dont like typing more than 4 paragraphs, if I go to such lengths even then. Freeform is my game- the game of Komando. I dont do romance, but I leave them warm. If I had to pick an Adventurer I'd be the Burglar Sellsword made Major {Black Knight}.<br><br>Stole other things beside cash at Night from unlocked automobiles. RP'd on them testing my own syops as an Outlaw, not accepting "Thief", since I had to vs what Nobility I had deflected adolescence to do this as agility till the might of solidarity- fighting bettered my predation, than sometimes slithering up brambles to nests. Joined a RLSH site, roleplayed as idol Kommando types using in-armor speakers for music during epics at a doujin chat, got out to Here and did that to the RPGs Chat. Changed Names for a Soulmate color to my Name in it. After the chat and my Accounts got banned I sought Animal Roleplays, challenge it as a final game.<br>Used that to replay the RPG as Zmija Sebastian. Deleted the Email, and mixed the Password, there when my Party Animal Bio reached it's best sentience, with the limited space available. I purged that Bio Magisterly many a try at the esteem of Court Ranger. <br><br>I'm not merely Roleplaying a Zmija like it's popculture to try as a Hippy, nah thats a Soulmate Quest for me; Favorite Animal, Tournament{Venomous Snake Handler Certificate, not for science for Wrangling!}, Duty-Realism Tattoo--getting muscular to visit it, Kawaler stuff.<br>Made other Zmija Roleplays here testing the mettle. It's my Arena character.<br><br>For Zmija in school I overshot my Ranger Prince arrow, and drew my sword against 2 Students I Nemesised. The first did know; a dragonslayer type that, popularity, however indifferent from me, ousted it like Pet minamalist Soulmates, so having Prince ideas already I pursued him away from Lady-In-Waiting Consorts. The dragonhunter study was fun. I totally harm not fascinize dragonology.<br>The 2nd was that gypsy Bater that reveled Bard because they didnt do Komando actions to be pervertedly-initially plotstyle. <br>They probably became Corsair Lolly Slavers to counter their diligence to wonder about me and the Rep I never shadow, getting ethnically locked as sex offender not Raver ...<br>Sure was fun defeating chaosists playing rival to heretics uncapable of reaper styled names on game sites, fandom sites, merch types, and media statisticals. Posers, all of <span class="bb-s">yo</span>them.<br><br>... I separate witch|wizard-hunting from my virtues, letting naturalism be my Huntsman. <div class="hider-panel"><div class="hider-heading"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs hider-button" data-name="Which has gotten me to Ranger instead of "Boyfriend"">Which has gotten me to Ranger instead of "Boyfriend" [+]</button></div><div class="hider-body" style="display: none">I'm not going to be a Master Ranger here and tell GRADES of Rangers, just that A-Grade doesn't get a Job in High School, and obviously the F-Grade Ranger lies about being an Opponent against Boy-Friends; Boy-Scouts encouraging emporiums.</div></div><br><br><div class="hider-panel"><div class="hider-heading"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs hider-button" data-name="My Favorite Animal is the biggest Venomous Serpent on Taiwan, capable of eating Asps like Krait, Corral, Naped Snakes, the Tentacled Snake in water, and if so, Cobras like Philipine, and the Samas. It's also in that South-East Asia, like Thailand, Burma, Laos, Vietnam. ">My Favorite Animal is the biggest Venomous Serpent on Taiwan, capable of eating Asps like Krait, Corral, Naped Snakes, the Tentacled Snake in water, and if so, Cobras like Philipine, and the Samas. It's also in that South-East Asia, like Thailand, Burma, Laos, Vietnam. [+]</button></div><div class="hider-body" style="display: none">Two Castes of Party Animal.<br><br>The Outside of Inbred Mate's lives. The Wilderness Warren types.<br><br>I'm going to have it be known to you about Warrens first.<br><br><div class="hider-panel"><div class="hider-heading"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs hider-button" data-name=" I Shadow-Range to quell Badlanders from C-Grade B-Class Polish Brigands; Mates that fight in School do so to get muscular originally."> I Shadow-Range to quell Badlanders from C-Grade B-Class Polish Brigands; Mates that fight in School do so to get muscular originally. [+]</button></div><div class="hider-body" style="display: none">There's the High Class types that chose a Mate, proved protecting them, and they the Mate protected them.<br><br>If it does esculate to popularity it's the Middle Class that furthers the virtue of all Animals not being Pets, but Petty OR They hone Partying through accepting Lower Grade efforts to Lead of High Class beecause the High Class Mate didn't fight, instead republiced. <br>This is where C-Class can fit: ALL Grades are in any Class; individually. <br><br>Lower Class fought without restitution to acknowledge Petty. Their virtues are the arch of this Tournament, from mere Dueling.</div></div></div></div><br>There's just ONE spectrum. Are they Natural, or are they Initial? Natural is all Animal, and it keeps them out of D-Grade of any Class, but if Of an Initial of Soulmate know "Warrior" is Middle Class F-Grade. <br><br><div class="hider-panel"><div class="hider-heading"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs hider-button" data-name="To believe in Kawalers|Damsels, not only Squires and Princesses; Baby Animals are not Tribunal, they're Prey.">To believe in Kawalers|Damsels, not only Squires and Princesses; Baby Animals are not Tribunal, they're Prey. [+]</button></div><div class="hider-body" style="display: none">I apologize to the Bachelor System Nobles of the U.S.A. that have gone to Europe for It to properly settle in the U.S.A., I a Magister Degree of Polska, Hero, know how selfish High Grade Lower Class people --- And that's as far as that's said, back to me using this 2nd-Person Polish-English- till I translate it, that is...<br><br>Remember that this is the Inbred Caste now. They survive a Family. So, "bastard(s)" don't get the word "Warrens".<br><br>Maiden or Damsel. Maidens are only ever to a Pet, and if unfair can get them nowhere as a Bitch- but what if she hinders from proving so to Her Dame? Is that a Harlequin? Just so. If she becomes a Harlot, then it's assumed fore Pets that She is a Tramp. Proving the Other was a Dame, and thus if were fair would get a Damsel if it were only proven.<br><br>Apparrel|Attire will say it's all C-Grade: "Wanksters" "harlequins" whatever "median" that mediums itself needs You to be a Compatriot. "Mercenary" can be chivalric, but that word is to be used just against "bastards" so they dont know how to steal "Warrens" from a "Magnate"- since a real bastard would expose themself against hippies in 1st-World Countries: Where "virtue" starts. Not insinuate that theyre not baters, for richer or poorer.<br><br>Having been deflected from popularity amongst other popularity having chances of fundamental or perfunctory esteem to know popularity their means for Animal became kamuflaz clothing. For Mating truth to be said-so, extremed|raving may occur, but as long as the basic sense of commando pants and boots ascertains then tops can be Party.<br>Sexist was enamored that Girls could be mercenaries as however, but need look pretty or they'd be losing to the wanksters|harlequins deflected by hippies, as vagrants, which only sex revives them. . . if not pretty it wasn't "harlequin"; the Urban Guy|Girl Pet - if not a bastard.<br>The other Pet is Royalty, then, bornely. Komando versions have Pets in basic colos, and Wild Animals in Kamuflaz.<br><br>Tops, then, for either Animal Caste has to not be "spiritual" but kamuflaz. Using a shirt with your Animal fur|scales|hide drawn|colored|painted onto it, front and back, how it would be enough for you moving and not. Hairstyles are a personal choice - whereas for Me I have a Prince Mohawk that is just forward for jungley Pit Viper sense, but a Rattlesnake, also a Pit Viper, may be Bald if a Rattlesnake of a sierra area, not a Forestry area - as Baby Animals are not Tribunal; Theyre created through immaturity. Incessant thoughts, for richer or poorer, to cheat "Party Animal" as a say-so|has-been of popularity, where really it's a personal choice.</div></div><br> Now ask yourself, did I steal from A-Grade Any-Class, or is that just a School Mer(ry)it since "vanguards"|"mobs" want Lower, Middle, and High Class be not Gradient but Reject-Classified? A-Class would solely be High Grade, B-Class would solely be Middle-Grade, C-Class would solely be Low-Grade. . . Without Meritable, thus Magna-miny, Tiers|Echelons. So, I say going for a Pit Viper Mate Polish only is processive to monogamy, but I dont think I had been in School; These are "Vipess" not Maidens though! <br><br>I PROTECT HER WITH MY LIFE! Go jump a fence ways off the turf to the providence Badlander, I'm staying to fight my Brigands making Warlord before Ranger, unflect skateboarding from anarchy when I do, and quit stealing after jail because I'll only have Chieftain to match!<br>I'm no vagabond, no boyfriend, no guy - when I get up near "are you alright|okay" it's to destroy their masters the mind-speakers, before them the baters... My Country's word for Knight is Rycerz: To you that better be read as Riches, because I believe in the heroics of Blue Wolf, Blue Alligator, Blue Viper, Blue Shark! Not Puppies!<br>Therefore the Warrens never quit the turf, so only B-Class makes Soulmate.<br>Kin are the assailants.<br>...Goodluck...<br><br>Lastly, the only C-Tier thing I got: I had Avenger to do, because I adversely STAYed in Parties. Eventually the spect of no Girl on me made me reap my Groupy-Team as 1st-Animal. They shunned themselves with money instead of "Bringer", so I dont feel awkward knowing any Girl They sexed I dont guard. I let Her form gypsies, of course, as Prey, not Lady-Consorts. Corsair isnt Maiden, thus Damsels get weaker than Ravers is where D cant deflect C. </div>