Ophelia nodded thoughtfully, trying to give each of the options that had been returned to her due consideration, but she found her focus too broken to meaningfully decide. She pressed her forehead once again to the Holy Moonlight Sword, feeling it resonate with her, and she begged it for its guidance in this moment. What should we do? Where is our light most needed?"
"Its light would be a blessing for all of the world. You are its wielder; once you become strong enough, Huntress, it may ask a favor. Until then, glory will be with you wherever you go and whatever you do."
"Yes... Yes, Farren, you're right. Byrgenwerth and the Forbidden Woods, they're enticing too, but... The Followers have been gathering scraps of the Arcane, anything that lingered from the times before the Blood Moon. They're groping blindly, but as Gerlinde mentioned, Naira has gotten her hands on some items of very real power. Liberating some of these, or getting a hint of where some items of power might be, would be a good idea before we head to Byrgenwerth and the Old Labyrinth... I wonder if we can find a bell, one that has the power that Pallid's did? Perhaps the resonance can be renewed, and moved... Like the Doll said, the Nightmare can infuse things. I still think I might be able to talk to Naira--together, Gerlinde, we represent a considerable Arcane potential. I don't know if she could ignore us, immortal now as we are, if we get a foot in the door. Ah, and let us get your runes switched out! I will keep the Guidance rune, for being able to see the motes of Nightmare in Yahar'gul will prove profoundly useful... but I think the three of you should switch to the Heir rune that Gerlinde taught me--it'll increase the echoes you get. Torquil especially needs to catch up!" Ophelia said, her voice slowing and becoming much calmer than it had been in the past few moments. With a new and more achievable goal in mind, she had a much easier time of evaluating all of the information they had--and she could see it plain on Farren's face that he needed to work his recent trauma out in the way only a Hunter could. She owed him whatever assistance he needed, and getting some experience of what they were all like in combat would be a good idea too.
Ophelia bent down to retrieve the runebrand from the Messengers, but quickly turned to hand it off to Gerlinde--she'd be able to apply the runes. Ophelia, meanwhile, pulled forth the strange parasite in a fishbowl that she'd picked up--and she both asked the Messengers for their information on it, and the Holy Moonlight Greatsword. She then retrieved the Rosmarinus and did the same, figuring she should work out the specifics of what her arsenal of weapons did before they travelled to Yahar'gul.