Appearance Isaiah is tall and exceptionally fit, with brown, messy hair and a scruffy chin. When not on duty, he usually wears a navy blue hoodie and blue jeans, with brown boots.
Personality Isaiah is like a friendly giant, big, strong, and not real book-smart, but he has a large heart to compensate. He tends to be helpful to those he doesn’t know personally, and of those that he calls ‘friend’, he’s very, very protective. He tries to do as much as he can to help those that need it, but due to past mistakes, he sometimes has trouble trusting himself to protect others, causing feelings of self-loathing to boil up.
Biography Isaiah was born on a large farm in Mississippi, living in a low-class, religious family with his mother, father, two brothers, three sisters, and an uncle. He went to the local school, and was almost always behind in nearly every class, but he certainly was a popular kid among his peers due to his friendly nature and participation in sports. During his junior year of high school, his father became down with the sickness, and Isaiah had to drop out of school so that he could work on the farm to provide for his family. Even so, he did a fairly poor job of it, and barely allowed the family much of an income. Luckily, they were able to stay afloat throughout, but Isaiah’s self-confidence was damaged, knowing he could just barely provide for the family when it needed him most.
When his father finally recovered after some time, he quit farming for good. He went back to school and finished with a goal in mind. After he graduated, he told his father what his goal was, and he reluctantly agreed. He bought him an old, used car and gave him plenty of money, enough to help make it to his destination- Jericho. He had learned about it and RedWatch on the news and on the public library’s computers, and wanted to join it so that he could help protect the innocent. After many goodbyes, he set off for Jericho. The ride was uneventful, but he was full of nervous the entire way there. When he had finally arrived, he used his dad’s money to rent a small, dirty apartment, and successfully joined RedWatch Rapid Response after going through the recruitment phase. Now, he waits for the time when he has to to take up arms and do his duty.
@Minimum Yes, which you exactly didn't do so well. If you accidentally steal things with your power you need to tell what you stole, which @KatherinWinter has done. I'm glad we got this settled, however, so let's continue.
Avery slightly raised an eyebrow as the girl shouted towards all of them, making a mental note that she might either be unstable, claustrophobic, or just mad, noting the anger might come from the boy she kicked into the hall. He sighed as she said they found nothing. "Thusfar we haven't found anything, either." he motioned towards Flippy to help him search the next room. "Yell if you find anything." he said behind his shoulder as he stepped into the newer room and began searching about and around for clues.
@Peaceless I was more concerned about how fast his power was draining, because while killing people on missions to steal their powers/bodies would be useful, it would also mean he wouldn't have a hard time escaping Vlad's prison