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No worries! Beginnings are always quite delicate times for an RP and I'd rather a RP start well prepared than rushed.
<Snipped quote by Abstract Proxy>
Did-- autocorrect happen to get you for a second or are my eyes messed up, could have sworn that said Daniel for a second lmao

Either way, great 👀

Haha, yes, my phone decided that -iel obviously meant Daniel was what I was trying to write out.

Daniel is obv Sariel's secret apprentice. ;)

Distracted by the sight of the salvaged Catapult, Ziska had found herself thoughtlessly lining up next to Marit. Her eyes were still full of warmth as she tore her gaze away from the welcome sight of the recovered Heavy mech.

"Why, Giggles, I will have you know I am very likable, too likable. In fact, I believe you may be experiencing the early symptoms of infatuation."

Ziska laughed, making no effort to hide her humor. Fresh welts that would soon turn into bruises didn't matter. Another cut above her eye didn't matter. Her battered knuckles didn't matter. They were alive. Still Alive. And they would another Heavy mech to use.

Soon. Soon enough the Crimson Fists would be paying with more blood and more, much more steel.

"Besides, cheer up!" Ziska began pointing at the Catapult laid out on the bed of the truck as if momentarily resting.

"We've got a Catapult! A couple of lashes isn't gonna change that."
Wraith was very much intending to kill him, yeah. But I mean, just 'cause he's dead doesn't mean we can't still talk to/interrogate/bully him; we do have a necromancer, after all. B)

Sariel will happily oblige. :3
I've read through everyone's characters by now, if my thumbs-up spam wasn't an indicator, and I'm super stoked for all the possible interactions this crew will have. I'm also curious to see how Fellsing handles all the alignments and factions and sheer chaos that is undoubtedly going to unfold.

Obviously extremely gracefully. :3
How are you faring, friends? Does anyone need help with their character?

Just need to sit down and write Marra's background up, mid week is always a bit full speed for me though, lol.
Cool sheets so far, for excited to dive into this IC!

The spell was a simple thing. Nothing more than a casual wave of her skeletal hand. The eye that appeared in the sky, some two hundred feet above the now cowering raiders. The Kassan plains revealed themselves beneath the unwavering gaze of the arcane construct.

"Sulfreyans!" Sariel shouted, venom heavy in her voice. "Two dozen and one wyvern riders!"

Battle was as disgusting as she remembered. Blood flying in the air. Blood covering the ground. The screams of the dying. The silence of the dead. It was all so tiresome. So bothersome. So unnecessary. The flesh rendering spell cast by the one called Viktor had not escaped her. Such cruel magic struck her as a tad theatrical, but there was pragmatism in stripping the flesh easily from the bone. The screaming girl likewise touched her. She coursed with undeath.

Moving closer to the frostbound giantess, Sariel remained well back. She would let the others do the cutting, the hacking, and the smashing. She was in no rush to act. Magic was never to be wasted. She had no interest in drawing unwelcome attention. She felt no compulsion to test her arcane grimoire against a steel weapon.

The Easterling attack had already faltered, stillborn as it was. Among them, the dead now outnumbered the living. The greater threat approached. Sulfreyen riders. Fresh. Eager. And spoiling for a fight.

Sariel let a small smile play over the edge of her lips, approaching the azure shaded woman, who stood at the vanguard, bristling with a cleverness that cheered the Necromancer.

Gesturing beyond her, Sariel spoke calmly,"I will be unable to immediately stop all of them, if you have a plan, now is the time to ready it. I will delay them for a moment."

The growing closeness between her unchosen party and the riders suited the necromancer. Taking a deep breath, she began to whisper old words. Untroubled by the mass of knights, teeth, and sword sized claws that fluttered closer with each heartbeat, Sariel placed her hand on her grimoire. A hushed spark coursed through her skeletal arm, smoking beneath darkened leather, as it traveled to across her finger tips. The power that she felt touching her palm pleased the Necromancer and she gathered it together into a closed fist.

Certain that she was ready, Sariel raised her hand from her grimoire, roughly aiming at the riders barreling towards them. She opened her clenched fist, with a final whisper, as if releasing a small ball from her grasp. Thunder cracked in the air, as a lightning bolt hurtled from Sariel’s hand, the smell of a thunderstorm replacing the thick smell of blood, and filling the nostrils of her delicate nose with a renewed scent, mercifully cleansed of all the fresh foulness.

Lurching through the air, the lightning bolt crashed into the right center of the formation of charging Sulfreyan knights. A jagged white flash enveloped the unlucky knight struck by the Necromancer’s spell. Before his screams had escaped his burning throat, four more bolts of lightning jolted outwards from the already dying knight and his smoldering mount. Four more Sulfreyans and the beasts they rode perished in little more than a moment, plummeting from the sky trailing black smoke, and smashing into the unyielding earth.

Sariel watched impassively, offering only a subtle nod of satisfaction as she took a step back and began to ready another spell. She trusted the others knew what to do. They seemed the capable sort. And she had worse spells to prepare.
Gonna drop a quick post, so reserving the spot. :p

Mostly it shall be Sariel using some divination magic to see afar.


If it wasn't clear Sariel kills five riders with a nasty lightening bolt (I didn't want to claim too many baddies for her, so there's plenty more for everyone else (25-5 = 20), hopefully some chaos is sown amongst the ranks of knights though).
No worries, take all the time you need!
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