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7 yrs ago
I did not hit her, it's not true, it's bullshit I did not hit her I did not! Oh, hi Mark!


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Anyway, he was a professional. He was masking his discomfort well. At least until he found himself admits a near collision of multiple people. He carefully danced around the two girls. Practiced grace, he kept his balance with calculated and deliberate steps. “Alright, if everyone is Ok…” He moved to take his leave.

In a flash, the thoughts passed through and she was back in reality. She looked up at the girl and an elderly man who had nearly bumped into her as well. 'Only three of us?' Nyx looked around.

"Eh? Watch where you're going, pops." Her attitude was a bit rude, like she wanted him to squirm.
[@Olive Fontain]

The old man smiled. Suddenly, he snapped his fingers, and the three protagonists found themselves in another place. A vast expanse of nothing but white, everywhere. "Welcome to the Expanse." The old man was there, but even though none of you could see anyone, you could feel the presence of many powerful beings. Something about them seemed spiritual, maybe even divine. Their presence seemed soothing and pleasant. "Indeed, mortals. Welcome." All of you could sense their god like power was quite greater than yours.

Before any of you could speak the voices, which spoke in unison, yet carried only the sound of one voice all at once.
"We would speak with you."

The Journey Begins
It's the Virtual Reality Gaming Con, VRGC, in 2057. September 1st. The thousands of people attending the annual event have flooded the large, sprawling complex. Scarlet, Ryder, and Nyx are all attending. For the moment, everything is occurring normally. People are taking sodas from vending machines, and eating from the food court, conversing with each other, in the lounge.

You have a room assigned for your character to take people's autographs. A comfortable place to sign for people and answer choice questions. For now, you're on break. At the food court, Nyx and Scarlet, and you all seem to run into each other, almost literally. In addition this event, an old looking Englishman with glasses seems to be a fourth man who joins the near collision.

Wordlessly the old man seems a little disappointed, somehow, but no one can quite seem to pinpoint now, a moment passes, then he finally speaks. "Only three of you?" He states.
*bumping this
One of the Bad guys.
Lucian Murdaugh
Concept: The evil enforcer, agent of the Evil One(s).
RC1: Li Bo, The Outworld Sorcerer. (Mortal Kombat)
- Vibe: Martial artist and sorcerer in one.
- Power: His body is a lethal weapon. So are his spells and curses.
RC2: Maldis (Farscape)
- Vibe: The evil psychic vampiric being, a sorcerer in the guise of a man.
- Power: Many psychic powers, telekinesis, he gains power the more he feeds on negative emotions. Among his powers of magic are teleportation.
RC3: Dominic Cunningham (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, original character)
- Vibe: A powerful villain of Sunnydale, he was driven out by The Scooby gang.
- Power: This warlock knows many spells.
RC4: Nigel (Diablo)
- Vibe: A necromancer who raises the dead to do his bidding.
- Power: Necromancy.
RC5: Lord Zed, one of the first Sith.
- Vibe: A Lord of the Sith.
- Power: Sith powers, lightning, lightsaber skills, precognition.
<Snipped quote by Olive Fontaine>

Wow... Yeah, you absolutely did. I'm impressed. That alone might make me jump in, if I'm feeling it when I wake up I might go to the discord, if I get an idea. Congrats on selling this concept, lol.

I hope you do jump in!
Here is the Discord Link:

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