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7 yrs ago
I did not hit her, it's not true, it's bullshit I did not hit her I did not! Oh, hi Mark!


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A man, one level above the protagonists can be seen. He is dressed like a stereo typical necromancer in Fantasy. You know the type, a guy in a black robe, with a hood. Anyone who sees this individual can sense something very disturbing about him. The old man notices him. "Uh, forget splitting up, for now. Here's something that seems to be coming straight for us." The man seemingly vanishes without a trace, and Stregobor has a look of disappointment on his face. "Oh, well that would have been too easy."
@Dimentio@Olive Fontaine

Stregobor, finally revealing himself, finally speaks. "I am Stregobor. Not from Earth here. As for you, Fei, I am going to fill you in on everything." He snaps his fingers again, filling Fei's mind with all of the other three's memories. "That's why we're here. I can extrapolate for any of your questions later. Unfortunately, we just need to look out for anyone who's about to die. Most likely they are a high profile target, but we shouldn't put our guard down."
"Now, I suggest we split up, the Entities will be telepathically guiding us whenever we're close to something, then we will have to take action.'
Fei was confused.

It had started out relatively simple compared to the Voices of the random beings that had Quite literally been living rent-free in her head for a month now ever since that Golden Triangle had appeared on her right hand then disappeared that she could seem to summon at will, The plan was this: go to VRGC 2057. Likely Commit Truancy in the process (She hadn't been paying attention to when the first day of school was) and hopefully see the Hottest new games of the Holiday season that would likely cost a lot of money to buy, and try to win a Gaming tournament or two. Where it started to get confusing was when Four idiots almost bumped into each other while she was eating a chicken Burrito in the food court. That wasn't the confusing part, it was what had happened shortly afterwards that had her asking herself in her own words "What the actual fucking shit?" As the old man Get this literally snapped his fingers and all four of them had disappeared in plain sight. That was what confused her.

Suddenly, the four people had all disappeared. Since Fei was one of the individuals Stregobor was supposed to recruit, she was the only one who could see this occur in The Food Court. The old man, Stregobor, suddenly appeared right in front of her. "Oh, I could see that you've seen that." Meanwhile, the other three that had seen The Entities were already reappearing in the crowd, though no one seemed to notice. The voices spoke to them. "Look for anything suspicious. We can direct your steps to find who you're looking for, but for that to work you have to start looking."
Nyx Nebula

Nyx blinked. "Powers?" "Past lives?"

"Oooooh, that makes so much sense! Except why and how did this mess of things end up being a lineal chain?"
"Much more importantly, why did none of us think to try using our abilities through our current landlord?"
"It's not like we've been busy trying to console a teenager who lost her family instead of training, or anything."
"I don't want to serve these things."
"They're claiming it's not quite 'service,' so you should be fine."
"I don't think we have much choice, Bitey."

Nyx cocked her head to the side. "Okay, well, that seems... plausible, if unlikely. What do we need to do to actually stand a chance?"

Nyx Nebula

Nyx blinked. "Powers?" "Past lives?"

"Oooooh, that makes so much sense! Except why and how did this mess of things end up being a lineal chain?"
"Much more importantly, why did none of us think to try using our abilities through our current landlord?"
"It's not like we've been busy trying to console a teenager who lost her family instead of training, or anything."
"I don't want to serve these things."
"They're claiming it's not quite 'service,' so you should be fine."
"I don't think we have much choice, Bitey."

Nyx cocked her head to the side. "Okay, well, that seems... plausible, if unlikely. What do we need to do to actually stand a chance?"

"The first thing that you should be doing is checking out your current location. Something is very odd there. Your intermediary, (The entity's point out the old man, who's name is Stregobor.) can sense where you should be looking, and then, there is an imposter, we can't pinpoint who it is, but we have information that they are planning something unexpected. Someone is the target of assassination.
I have been depressed for 33 years out of almost 40 that I’ve been alive.
((He is an NPC.))Appearance:

Concept: The quest giver, enigmatic guide, and occasionally, the guardian.
RC1: Oppo Rancisis
- Vibe: A wise, powerful Jedi master in the Old Republic.
- Power: He is a master lightsaber duelist and is strong in The Force.
RC2: Tellah
- Vibe: The wizard, who is an old, passionate, ironically unwise but powerful genius of a mage.
- Power: He knows almost all the Black and White magic spells of Final Fantasy IV, including Meteo, the most powerful Black Magic.
RC3: Gandalf (Film version)
- Vibe: A wise and powerful wizard, also courageous.
- Power: Capable swordsman and also powerful wizard, there is something otherworldly about him, he is resistant to harm and is also capable of telekinesis and other forms of magic.

Scarlet Thorne

Scarlett was feeling increasingly lost as this conversation progressed. What the entities were saying wasn't that hard to understand... but it was very difficult to accept. First she wondered why they would need lesser creatures to represent them. If they were this powerful, then why not handle it themselves? But she put that thought aside for the moment. She supposed they'd have their reasons. And maybe this meant that, as intimidating as they were, they were somehow limited in their actions. And this helped her regain some confidence.

The fact that these gods were calling themselves "the Light" really clashed with her sense of aesthetics. She audibly clicked her tongue when she heard that name. But she resisted the urge to rebel. And after a minute, a strange voice sounded in her head - different than those of the beings. A voice from within her.

"Play along for now," it said. "You don't really have to be a good girl... hahaha. But knowledge is power, my dear. Take as much information as they'll give you... use it to get closer to the heart of the matter, and then make your own decision." Yes, that made sense. That was how one could effectively assert her will in this situation.

"Fine," Scarlet replied, regaining her bearings. "Tell us what we can do to help you. And then let me go. Please."

The words spoken were now somehow not "The Lights" but the lone entity, with the British accent.
"We know that not everyone will do this just so they can live, or for altruistic reasons. Do it because, though it's the right thing to do, once you learn this is the truth, but also because our agents are all given empowerment for their services. Service may be the wrong word, but you get the point, don't you?"
"If you haven't figured it out yet, your powers come from past lives of yours. We have the power to grant you access to more of your past lives, and thus, more power."

"And if you want us to 'represent you,' then shouldn't you tell us who you are first?" As soon as the last word was out of her mouth, her attitude returned to its normal, currently distressed and overwhelmed state.

The voices spoke in unison, this time, more obviously, loudly proclaiming theirselves, while containing their thundering sound, coherently, almost silently. Parodoxically, The Light were being gentle yet firm all at once.
"We are The Exalted Light. The Light, entities, you may call us. We were from before the time before time, and will always be."

Scarlet Thorne

"Thanks girl!" she had responded to Nyx's compliment, flashing her a smile. But seconds later things had changed, and all four of them were gone.

Scarlet was breathing heavily now. Being transported to a foreign place like this all of the sudden caused a wave of panic to roll over her. Her chili dog had fallen to the floor of the expanse, and she was a split second away from bringing out her pets and taking a defensive stance. But something held her back from that. A thumping in her mind told her that it was unwise to bare fangs at those that far outclassed her. The soothing presence the beings were emanating felt alien to Scarlet. Her wide eyes scanned the rows of mysterious beings with fear. How was this possible?

Trying to maintain her dignity, she swallowed her feelings and responded in a milder tone than before. "Then let's hear it. But please don't keep me long. I have plans," she claimed, though really she didn't have much going on, apart from the convention reveals. She just wanted to be away from this sense of inferiority.

It seemed like the Light Entities were all smiling, only a little bit amusingly, mostly politely, though no one could actually seem them do so. The soft, female, British sounding voice began to represent the rest of the Entities as she spoke, "I'll be blunt, but hopefully courteous enough for your liking. We need you. We needed more of you, to be honest, but the three of you will do. Something is coming to the world, and, even just as importantly, something is coming from the Earth that threatens to eradicate the world as you know it."
"Your world has been a world of Eldritch Horror, a world of Primal Terrors, a world of Sword and Sorcery, but these were all times past. Now, the past is about to rear it's ugly head."

"We may be unable to stop it. Thus, we need warriors, representing us, to stop this Cataclysm before it begins."
"Long ago, The Great Old Ones were over thrown by younger gods, The Primal gods. These younger gods were thus supplanted by others over time. We have reason to believe that Cthulhu is going to awaken from Rh'ley, in the deep sea of this world. Should that happen, life as you know it is surely over."

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