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7 yrs ago
I did not hit her, it's not true, it's bullshit I did not hit her I did not! Oh, hi Mark!


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And with that, Nyx fired the arrow at breakneck speeds towards Lucian, aiming to embed it in his shoulder.

Lucian, disappearing as the sleeping bodies now lay on Center Stage, entered into a vast mindscape, where these sleeping protagonists found themselves in familiar, yet twisted places.
Then a man with a presence who was unmistakably Lucian, but looking much older appeared, still dressed in a very old fashioned way, but nonetheless differently.

"Welcome to your Nightmares!"

<Snipped quote by ActRaiserTheReturned>

Ghirahim only smirked as the Scythe appeared, the demon was confident that it would barely be able to harm him unless it was enchanted specifically to fight Demons, then it would be slightly worrying to the Sword spirit if only because Ghirahim didn't want his body marred by wounds if it was a holy scythe so the demon made sure to with what little movement wss afforded to him try to catch the scythe with two of his fingers.

Luckily for Ghirahim, he does catch Lucian's scythe. Lucian, growling, disappeared, seemingly without a trace. Appearing in front of the party members on center stage, still missing an arm, with his remaining arm free of weapons, he opens it, makes a quick gesture, casting a spell of sleep on all his foes, attempting to draw them into a dream realm.
Hi, same Thunder as on your discord.

Here's my character idea:

Name: Albert Robinson

Appearance: A 6' tall american man with short brown hair and hazel eyes, looks to be about 20 (is actually late 20s). Favours a brown leather jacket and blue t-shirt and jeans, that timelessly casual look. Creases on his face give the impression of frequent smiling.

Concept: Albert is a friendly guy, does IT work for one of the many tech companies in and american city, good pay but nothing exciting. He's a friendly, normal guy, with some interesting new friends in his head and a desire to do good for its own sake.

RC1: Soma Cruz, Castlevania series, Aria and Dawn of Sorrow games
- Vibe: Japanese high school student, the reincarnation/heir of Dracula with his power of chaos, who rejected that dark path twice over, deciding that if the world needs.
- Powers: The Power of Dominance, absorbing souls to gain their power, skilled with a variety of weapons from sword and whips to guns, flight, shapeshifting, and varied magic. Greater than human strength/durability.

RC2: The Exile, Main character of KotoR 2
- Vibe: An experienced Jedi who abandoned the force, only to regain it and reach new heights, with an unconventional philosophy on it as a result.
- Powers: Unarmed and Lightsaber combat mastery, a wide variety of force powers from both sides, including telekinesis, lightning, healing, occasional far-seeing, combat precognition and danger sense. An unusal affinity for force bonds.

RC3: Severus Snape, from Harry Potter series
- Vibe: Competent but unpleasant wizard, spy, on the 'right' side despite many flaws.
- Powers: Magic, in the form of a fairly broad, yet finite number of spells, magic potions, teleportation, stunning people, mind reading, protecting ones own mind.

The ice did manage to land a direct strike on Lucian's physical form. He didn't so much as wince, though, and the ice didn't seem to be effective. Furthermore, the saber strike from Ghirahim did manage to slash through him, though oddly, he felt no pain and then, Telekinetically, he drew Ghirahim in, binding his limbs, and quickly slashed Ghirahim's body with a conjured metal scythe. Though, his body was filled with wounds and bleeding.
In Hello! 11 mos ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Hello, not too sure what to say here, so I'm just going off of the welcome post suggestions for.
I'd say I'm new to this, I've played ttrpgs for years, but not much that's freeform, it looks really fun though.
As far as genres go I like my scifi and fantasy, fast paced or medium both sound fun to me (so does deeper stuff, but that also sounds a little daunting)
Not a very interesting person in hobbies, mostly just reading and videogames.
Hopefully I can join something fun!

::Eat At Joes Neon Sign::

"What is thy bid-Wait You're not master Demise!" Ghirahim pointed at Fei "I don't believe it! A wriggling Hylian worm managed to summon me! I Would Normally destroy you for such a thing but yet your Presence feels odd...I can sense Lord Demise's energy in you somehow, odd."

GHIRAHIM! Fei spoke up in Demise's voice you must venture to the Section of this place called the Cosplay Section, a human wizard in cloaks of Black has offended me."

"Ah an assassination job, how I missed those." Ghirahim mused convinced to Listen to this Human worm, if only so that she would return him to his Master's side unaware that he was already there if technically speaking. Ending a human would be easy. "Unless that meddling brat in green shows up again." Ghirahim noted, his desire for revenge on Link clearly showing as he exited the bathroom.

::Moments later::
Ryder Reid, on the stage, is also followed by Ghirahim, not closely, but more closely by a man in disguise, one of the apparent employees working under Reid, perhaps an intern. As Reid is about to speak at the lecturn, Murdaugh, now somehow seems to halt time it'self, as the man's eyes glow a mysterious red energy that only the protagonists can see, a split moment just before time stops. As his hand, now wielding a dagger, prepares to plunge the said weapon into Ryder's back, Ghirahim quickly disarms the would be assassin, literally.

Mister Murdaugh silently steps back, noting the appearance of the annoying swordsman. "If that would have been permanent I would be extremely furious!" The necromancer stated. His blood spurt over Mister Reid, though he makes sure to cause his severed arm to vanish from the stage, so he could preserve it and then re-attach it. He mutters something under his breath, envoloping Ghirahim in fire.
Nyx Nebula

New plan, get away from the psychotic child with lightning blasts.
Do not bite the girl who throws around lightning!
We're very lucky that she missed, and that nobody seems to be panicking. I wonder if there's something to that?
Ugh... this was getting really bad. Nyx decided to follow the advice of the old man and turned towards the Fantasy games section. Maybe she could find something there to help? An Excalibur or something to vanquish the evil guy... Or at least something cool to look at while the others did the fighting with their superpowers, or whatever they had.@Sanity

Meanwhile, at the moment, there didn't seem to be much more luck finding any target of the aforementioned dark figure. However, a celebrity guest WAS called to the attention of the center stage. Everyone was given half an hour to take their seats and see who this person was. It could have been anyone from a Comic Book writer to Ryder Reid. Meanwhile, a man silently patted Ryder Reid on the shoulder, "That's your cue, you need to get on stage."
<Snipped quote by ActRaiserTheReturned>

Fei briefly turns around upon hearing the old man warn the team about something coming towards them, taking a look at the figure and noting That something about him seemed disturbing only to then immediately she fires a ball of electric energy at the Hooded figure who Fei said after he Vanished "Looked way too much like he was seeking attention from how Edgy he looked." Only for the Wannabe Edgelord to disappear without a trace before the Blast could hit him.

Fortunately, the energy blast missed the robed figure, as well as any of the indivuals at the Con. Well, that proved that the team was on track for what they were supposed to do. This was weird though, Stregobor acted like he was just on another day of the job, but in truth he was just as confused as the others. "Okay, we oughta split up like I said earlier. There are thousands of individuals here, we surely will have a much easier time doing this split five ways."
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