@Mag Lev
Kuri listened with diminishing curiosity as Lunearo recounted his story. Honestly, he was more intimidating before he started talking. He was a lot more... open than she had expected him to be, seemingly untroubled even as he went into detail about what she would assume to have been a pretty traumatic experience. Well, if he was fine with his mask-face, then all the better for him.
"And don't call me 'dude'. I am a Necromancer, not your roundabout human tower apprentice. I am Lunearo, the Grave-Keeper. I have no other names nor titles."
The girl barely managed to conceal an eye roll. She had met plenty of old mages like him back at The Imperium--those who thought that the more restricted a type of magic was, the more powerful its users were. Her interest in him satisfied, she gave a joking and somewhat sarcastic salute, then turned her attention to the merchants.
Wargs? Kuri was more than a little disappointed. She had come along expecting something more exciting than just forest beasts. True, the whole scene with the stag and the warg was a bit weird, but it wasn't that big of a deal. This mission was turning out to be a bit of a bore, in her opinion. The only amusement she gained was from the little outburst shown by one of the returning men--inner conflict was always fun to watch. Taking Einarr's departure as a sort of dismissal, she gave a small wave to Aelsu. "I'm gonna go check out what they have."
She strode a couple steps into the camp, then stopped. After rummaging around in her pocket for a second, she pulled out the ring she had stolen--uh, borrowed--from the Captain's tent, and slipped it onto her finger. Turning her hand, Kuri took a moment to admire the way the sunlight bounced off the white gem, then stuffed both her hands in her pockets and continued walking. Captain Vaughn wouldn't find out if she just wore it for a while.
Turning a corner, Kuri saw the loud scout from earlier come out of what seemed to be the medical tent, muttering to himself. With nothing better to do, she decided to follow him; he seemed like the type to be involved with exciting things. Quietly, she walked behind him, making sure to stick to the shadows--she definitely did not fit in with the look these merchants had, and didn't want to stick out too much just in case. The scout stopped in front of a smaller tent, looking around the area before ducking inside.
Hmm. Was there something going on? Kuri moved to crouch behind a stack of boxes next to the small shelter, curiously listening in. Whatever it was, it would probably be useful to get some more information about what was going on with the other merchants.