The Tiger and the Lion may appear more powerful, but the Wolf does not preform in the circus.
9 yrs ago
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Old Guild Username: Link
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9 yrs ago
The Tiger and the Lion may appear more powerful, but the Wolf does not preform in the circus.
9 yrs ago
Wolves don't lose sleep over the opinions of sheep.
"Let me tell you a story about you and me. I used to roam the skies alone, until you called for me. You were called Rabbit Girl, and you were born on a planet I roamed once long ago called Earth. Rabbit Girl could create as many rabbits as she wanted with the wave of her hand. She fed me when I was starving. She fixed the lonely ache in my heart. She made me feel alive once more. We ran free for many months, and I no longer felt the urge to eat the rabbits. I tolerated them, allowed them to jump onto my back and curl up in the cold rain. Rabbit Girl would use the stars in my fur to make constellations. She would say, 'Starwolf, what do you think of that one?' And what could I say? I agreed with her as the stars appeared on my flanks as well as in the sky.
"We had roamed for decades together, obeying the one rule I had asked over her. Never look me in the eye. For my eyes were all the suns in the galaxy, and would blind poor Earth-borns if they looked at me. Whenever she asked me a question, she would stare at the moon on my forehead, or the stars through my fur, or at my great big paws. I never wanted her to look at me."
"One day, I just got so exhausted that I fell into a horribly long sleep. When I awoke, Rabbit girl was gone. I ran across the Earth four times looking for her until I came across her rabbits. They led me to her, hidden away in a large building, chained to a pipe with a human skull in her hands. The man who held her captive, Early Bird, fought me for her. I ended him quickly. Drawing Rabbit Girl's mask over her face, I took her away. It was there, in her red car with the doors flung open, that I realized I loved her. For the first time ever, I looked at Rabbit Girl's eyes. She was asleep, so she didn't even notice. But I moved my foot, or my tail or made a noise, because her eyes snapped open, staring right into mine"
"We locked eyes for days, months even, but neither of us could look away. I could tell I was blinding her. I could not look away, though my heart was breaking. When it was finished, Rabbit Girl curled up in a ball and screamed bloody murder. Her rabbits watched on. I took her to the humans in hope that they could heal her. They did."
"With her sight restored, I longed to talk to her. I ran to her and nuzzled her and praised her, but she could no longer see me. The humans erased part of her magic... the part that believed in me."
"Now you take solace in the human skull you cradle like a babe. Your memory is wiped clean of me, though I follow you in desperation, hoping, pleading you'll see me again. You never will. In the dark, it is I who curls up next to you and keeps you warm. When you look up at the sky and see no stars, that's because they are within you. I left you a full moon to guide you on your path to find me again, but until then, I am hidden, watching, loving. You read books that tell you I don't exist but you just need to listen a little longer, look a little harder. I yearn for our friendship once more. For days where you told me stories. About us. About life. You are the one that makes me real, you are the one that makes me shine. And I am here. And I am waiting..."
[i][quote][color=2e3192]"Let me tell you a story about you and me. I used to roam the skies alone, until you called for me. You were called Rabbit Girl, and you were born on a planet I roamed once long ago called Earth. Rabbit Girl could create as many rabbits as she wanted with the wave of her hand. She fed me when I was starving. She fixed the lonely ache in my heart. She made me feel alive once more. We ran free for many months, and I no longer felt the urge to eat the rabbits. I tolerated them, allowed them to jump onto my back and curl up in the cold rain. Rabbit Girl would use the stars in my fur to make constellations. She would say, 'Starwolf, what do you think of that one?' And what could I say? I agreed with her as the stars appeared on my flanks as well as in the sky.
[i][quote][color=ed1c24]"We had roamed for decades together, obeying the one rule I had asked over her. Never look me in the eye. For my eyes were all the suns in the galaxy, and would blind poor Earth-borns if they looked at me. Whenever she asked me a question, she would stare at the moon on my forehead, or the stars through my fur, or at my great big paws. I never wanted her to look at me."[/color]
[i][quote][color=f6989d]"One day, I just got so exhausted that I fell into a horribly long sleep. When I awoke, Rabbit girl was gone. I ran across the Earth four times looking for her until I came across her rabbits. They led me to her, hidden away in a large building, chained to a pipe with a human skull in her hands. The man who held her captive, Early Bird, fought me for her. I ended him quickly. Drawing Rabbit Girl's mask over her face, I took her away. It was there, in her red car with the doors flung open, that I realized I loved her. For the first time ever, I looked at Rabbit Girl's eyes. She was asleep, so she didn't even notice. But I moved my foot, or my tail or made a noise, because her eyes snapped open, staring right into mine"[/color]
[i][quote][color=8dc73f]"We locked eyes for days, months even, but neither of us could look away. I could tell I was blinding her. I could not look away, though my heart was breaking. When it was finished, Rabbit Girl curled up in a ball and screamed bloody murder. Her rabbits watched on. I took her to the humans in hope that they could heal her. They did."[/color][/quote][/i]
[i][quote][color=fff200]"With her sight restored, I longed to talk to her. I ran to her and nuzzled her and praised her, but she could no longer see me. The humans erased part of her magic... the part that believed in me."[/color][/quote][/i]
[i][quote][color=0076a3]"Now you take solace in the human skull you cradle like a babe. Your memory is wiped clean of me, though I follow you in desperation, hoping, pleading you'll see me again. You never will. In the dark, it is I who curls up next to you and keeps you warm. When you look up at the sky and see no stars, that's because they are within you. I left you a full moon to guide you on your path to find me again, but until then, I am hidden, watching, loving. You read books that tell you I don't exist but you just need to listen a little longer, look a little harder. I yearn for our friendship once more. For days where you told me stories. About us. About life. You are the one that makes me real, you are the one that makes me shine. And I am here. And I am waiting..."
- UnderTheMoonlitDay
- Chaiara Bautista ♡
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><div class="bb-center"><img src="" /><br><br><img src="" /><br><br><img src="" /><br><br><span class="bb-i"><blockquote class="bb-quote"><font color="#2e3192">"Let me tell you a story about you and me. I used to roam the skies alone, until you called for me. You were called Rabbit Girl, and you were born on a planet I roamed once long ago called Earth. Rabbit Girl could create as many rabbits as she wanted with the wave of her hand. She fed me when I was starving. She fixed the lonely ache in my heart. She made me feel alive once more. We ran free for many months, and I no longer felt the urge to eat the rabbits. I tolerated them, allowed them to jump onto my back and curl up in the cold rain. Rabbit Girl would use the stars in my fur to make constellations. She would say, 'Starwolf, what do you think of that one?' And what could I say? I agreed with her as the stars appeared on my flanks as well as in the sky.</font></blockquote></span><br><br><img src="" /><br><br><img src="" /><br><br><img src="" /><br><br><img src="" /><br><br><span class="bb-i"><blockquote class="bb-quote"><font color="#ed1c24">"We had roamed for decades together, obeying the one rule I had asked over her. Never look me in the eye. For my eyes were all the suns in the galaxy, and would blind poor Earth-borns if they looked at me. Whenever she asked me a question, she would stare at the moon on my forehead, or the stars through my fur, or at my great big paws. I never wanted her to look at me."</font></blockquote></span></div><br><div class="bb-center"><img src="" /><br><br><img src="" /><br><br><img src="" /><br><br><img src="" /><br><br><span class="bb-i"><blockquote class="bb-quote"><font color="#f6989d">"One day, I just got so exhausted that I fell into a horribly long sleep. When I awoke, Rabbit girl was gone. I ran across the Earth four times looking for her until I came across her rabbits. They led me to her, hidden away in a large building, chained to a pipe with a human skull in her hands. The man who held her captive, Early Bird, fought me for her. I ended him quickly. Drawing Rabbit Girl's mask over her face, I took her away. It was there, in her red car with the doors flung open, that I realized I loved her. For the first time ever, I looked at Rabbit Girl's eyes. She was asleep, so she didn't even notice. But I moved my foot, or my tail or made a noise, because her eyes snapped open, staring right into mine"</font></blockquote></span><br><br><img src="" /><br><br><img src="" /><br><br><img src="" /><br><br><img src="" /><br><br><span class="bb-i"><blockquote class="bb-quote"><font color="#8dc73f">"We locked eyes for days, months even, but neither of us could look away. I could tell I was blinding her. I could not look away, though my heart was breaking. When it was finished, Rabbit Girl curled up in a ball and screamed bloody murder. Her rabbits watched on. I took her to the humans in hope that they could heal her. They did."</font></blockquote></span><br><br><img src="" /><br><br><img src="" /><br><br><img src="" /><br><br><img src="" /><br><br><span class="bb-i"><blockquote class="bb-quote"><font color="#fff200">"With her sight restored, I longed to talk to her. I ran to her and nuzzled her and praised her, but she could no longer see me. The humans erased part of her magic... the part that believed in me."</font></blockquote></span><br><img src="" /><br><br><img src="" /><br><br><img src="" /><br><br><img src="" /><br><br><img src="" /><br><br><img src="" /><br><br><span class="bb-i"><blockquote class="bb-quote"><font color="#0076a3">"Now you take solace in the human skull you cradle like a babe. Your memory is wiped clean of me, though I follow you in desperation, hoping, pleading you'll see me again. You never will. In the dark, it is I who curls up next to you and keeps you warm. When you look up at the sky and see no stars, that's because they are within you. I left you a full moon to guide you on your path to find me again, but until then, I am hidden, watching, loving. You read books that tell you I don't exist but you just need to listen a little longer, look a little harder. I yearn for our friendship once more. For days where you told me stories. About us. About life. You are the one that makes me real, you are the one that makes me shine. And I am here. And I am waiting..."</font></blockquote></span><br><br><img src="" /><br><br><img src="" /><br><br><img src="" /><br><br>- UnderTheMoonlitDay<br>- Chaiara Bautista ♡</div></div>