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@Dark Cloud Depends on the terrain. Ogres have penalties to all actions except for ones involving intimidation, and Ruins, for example, only provide a bonus to infrastructure by default. I would therefore say that, to start off, the Ogshog do not sustain a penalty to infrastructure improval actions, but suffer penalties to all others.

Of course, with time, work and good posts, the penalties will eventually give way to bonuses as a result of development.
We'll probably wait until tomorrow or Sunday at the earliest to start, I reckon, but I should have something up by Sunday evening, CET.
For @Dark Cloud

@rezay Oh, absolutely. Late arrivals are always welcome.
@rezay Great question! They have largely been lost to time, but some may be remembered if the colony in question took shelter nearby and are descended from the inhabitants.
Btw, @Dark Cloud you mind if I paste your sheet here just so I have it here, too?
With you two plus two more on the Discord, we'd be four. I wouldn't mind reducing player count to four and just kicking off. If anything, it'd be preferable, if you two don't mind the RP being so small :)
@Dark Cloud Totally understandable. The poor ogres have it tough enough as it is.
Of course, if you'd like, I could add additional penalties to account for the inbreeding. :3
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