@alexfangtalonI never associated 'Mary sue' in that way.Though it does bring up a good point.
I've always heard, and saw this much earlier in the guild (Like four years ago) Everyone threw it around as a character that was not, so to say, original. That you could easily see that they've were copies of another character from a different story, a published story. Someone with a history so common like
Ex. He lost his/her parents at a young age from a tragic accident/murder/whatever. Or the Silent 'emo' characters that are cool because they are mysterious, or that the Story line is based off and almost follows the well known story (of what ever)exactly, but with different names and places.
I guess i'm getting too into this, but it means in a nutshell that it is used often everyone finds it 'boring'.
Which I think is a load of crap. All famous stories of today usually tend to derive from a few myths just re-polished. The fact that they are still the same story with different names and places I think throws that idea out that they are boring, and those who use it in this manner are snobs....usually, not in every case.