The man gave a chuckle. Why would I Ever allow you to punch me in the face? You really are a special kind of stupid arnt you? He now slowed even more, allowing her to strike and strike, moving just so that it would barely miss him. His moves were graceful and deliberate, and silent...if not for the sound of rattling chains under his cloak. All the while as he moved through town, people around them freaking out at the fact the crazy Redhead giant was slashing away at someone. People started to run and freak out, When the man in the cloak suddenly switched gears and after dodging another attack, he launched his right knee into the womans abdomen, knocking the wind out of her and causing her to crumple to the ground.
He sighed and shook his head, Pitiful... He simply said before his red eye flashed more intensely and he suddenly faded into nothing, as if he was only a mirage.
The sound of men in heavy armor could now be heard to Alex as she was surrounded by the youth league, their weapons drawn as the man in charge yelled, "Drop your weapon! You are under arrest!"
Alex looked down at Nai as she asked what happened. She looked confused. "You tell me? You were freaking out and I found you on the floor like this! You sounded like someone was boring through your skull..."
She helped her up and back to her bed and waited for her to say what really happened to her before sighing..."You know... You really shouldn't have come...this adventure is just too much for you."
She then looked her right in the eyes. "You are just weak, and feeble... and a burden to all of us. You are losing control of are not even human anymore....
She smiled evily and flicked Nai's forehead, which after she did, the pain once again returned to Nai's mind, so much more powerful now as Fake Alex dissipated just like the man did infront of the real Alex.