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Current Although I've only been here sixty minutes...It feels like an hour!
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why am I still awake at 2 am


I enjoy a good story! Even more so if it's intriguing enough to suck me right into it, as though I were there alongside the characters. I've been through a wide range of characters over the years and often if I am joining a story I'll ask around as to what the others feel they are missing in the story character wise and develop one to fill in any gaps.

OOC chatter is good too if people aren't in the mood to be in character, right? Writing is based off a lot of things and how people are feeling at a particular time can impact their IC writing drastically. Some people prefer planning certain things out OOC and I'm ok with that also.

I guess I'd say I'm very opened minded. Always encouraging newer writers to just start writing. Details or the etiquette of their writing doesn't really matter much to me! only that they are getting it out.

I'm open to writing for a wide range of genres, but I will specify this though! I live in reality, so I do not enjoy writing about it. Mostly fantasy and anything that does not feel too real.

I'm a fantasy writer at heart though, and I enjoy planning out worlds to base novels and stories in ahead of time, so that when I am ready, I can just focus on the story writing while not having to worry about how anything in particular will fit into the world or worlds the story is set in. Probably one of the downsides to this preference is that world building can take a long time!

Most Recent Posts

Eyeris said
Right! Bad-ass goat herder! :D

not to mention you're character is a hott goat herder!!
Congrats to you Lily, and all the writers for getting such an awesome piece of literature up on the forums. Sorry I couldn't stick it out with all of you to the end, but it was a very well told story!!

Look forward to hearing from everyone again.
oh i'm doing OK. Just hanging in there trying not to go insane. you know the usual stuff that reality offers and adult hood.
Eyeris said
I really did try to make a badass for once this game! Look what I have done... Goats!

Takes quite a bit of sand to herd goats you know. What with all the hazardous things they could eat and their aptitude for wandering away from the rest in search of food stuffs. Wolves and other predators. bandits that want food. you know things like that. people that want their horns to make trumpets... ticks, parasites, poisonous plants. falling boulders that could crush them.
Name: Darious
Age: 31
Sex: Male

6’1” athletic build. Darious’ is well toned but not overly muscular and is often found in his hunting tunic and cloak.

Country of origin: Nomad

Personality: Darious is easy going and professional. He sees all travelers as potential clients and thus he is quick to offer an encouraging smile or a mug of ale to a weary stranger. He lives an exciting life, except for the fact that he has a terrible fear, almost a phobia of falling to his death. However it’s so much the falling he’s afraid of but the irony that would come with the fall given the Whisper Blade’s unique abilities.

Background: Darious' earliest memories are of a life wandering the lands with his guardian simply known as 'Jitters'; that was sometimes COMFORTABLE while other times quite unpleasant. His mother and father were killed in a skirmish when he was just a small child...Or so he'd been told by his only known father figure, the one entrusted with his safety, Jitters. It was only later on, on his deathbed that the elderly warrior revealed the entirety of Darious' history.

Darious’ family was just a small branch of a greater nomadic populous. But they were known as mercenaries and often were employed by the nobles to procure both expensive and exotic items. The family comes from ancient nomadic bloodlines that have been guardians of the Whisper Blade for centuries and were well known as professional mercenaries who had a reputation for reaching those hard to reach places. The entire family was well trained with hand to hand combat and weaponry.

Unfortunately the entire family was later slaughtered due the fact that people learned of the Whisper Blade’s secrets and sought to acquire it through bloodshed. Darious and Jitters were absent during the night of the slaughter due to a hunting expedition and the Whisper Blade was lost to the murderers for a time.
After many years Jitters managed to track the Whisper’s whereabouts down and the seasoned warrior, a young Darious and several other sell swords were finally able to avenge the family’s untimely death.

Though the sword was rightfully passed down to Darious once it was in their procession, it was only several years ago and he has yet to master its true power. The only one that would have been able to teach him was mortally wounded during the raid and later succumbed to the wounds. Jitter’s was laid to rest on a funeral pyre fit for a king and Darious went in to solitude, literally dropping off the face of the world so as to cut all ties with any potential enemies.

Now he spends his time under the employ of high end clients in search of hard to reach things. It’s quite a profitable business for the young mercenary of the wind.
hi everyone. is there a way to organize the pages so that the latest posts are at the top yet?
well I pm'ed the GM the CS so i'll see what he says. this RP seems relatively quiet for now though.
well as soon as I can get into the Google doc i'll work on it. I'm at work right now. server wont give me access to Google for some reason.
you guys still going? I'm working on a CS if the RP's still going.
hey everyone, was juts poking around the ooc and was curious if you were still taking CS's"
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