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I enjoy a good story! Even more so if it's intriguing enough to suck me right into it, as though I were there alongside the characters. I've been through a wide range of characters over the years and often if I am joining a story I'll ask around as to what the others feel they are missing in the story character wise and develop one to fill in any gaps.

OOC chatter is good too if people aren't in the mood to be in character, right? Writing is based off a lot of things and how people are feeling at a particular time can impact their IC writing drastically. Some people prefer planning certain things out OOC and I'm ok with that also.

I guess I'd say I'm very opened minded. Always encouraging newer writers to just start writing. Details or the etiquette of their writing doesn't really matter much to me! only that they are getting it out.

I'm open to writing for a wide range of genres, but I will specify this though! I live in reality, so I do not enjoy writing about it. Mostly fantasy and anything that does not feel too real.

I'm a fantasy writer at heart though, and I enjoy planning out worlds to base novels and stories in ahead of time, so that when I am ready, I can just focus on the story writing while not having to worry about how anything in particular will fit into the world or worlds the story is set in. Probably one of the downsides to this preference is that world building can take a long time!

Most Recent Posts

Just letting you all know, you haven't scared me off yet, just got a crazy schedule this week until around Thursday. then I'll have some time. I'm still going to make a CS if that's alright with your Boss
If it's too long, I forget half the stuff that I specified in it. then I have to read over it once again. It's' a vicious cycle.
Awesome sauce. I can take something to work tonight and bang out another post!
I was lurking, and thinking about making a CS, but I'm not sure if it will end up being a wall of a CS though, I need to know... Is that Alright?.. Long CS's make my eyes bleed.
I was lurking, and thinking about making a CS, but I'm not sure if it will end up being a wall of a CS though, I need to know... Is that Alright?.. Long CS's make my eyes bleed
Gisk said
Okay, we're leaving the mountain for now. New plan: Darious get's a message that the ship has returned, and goes to meet his contact in the dark of night. Darious will be the first to hear of the assassination, right from the horse's mouth. Let's say his contact is actually Captain Vern. He has a little affinity for whatever drug it is Darious was collecting the things to make. Is that a reasonable retcon to make?Darious, finding out about it early, goes back to Vidal and tells him they're setting sail early, and with a new destination, as he tries to be the first to find Yllicus. Thoughts?

all good to me, let's see what the others think.

Are you posting again Gisk? if so, I'll wait until after that before I work on another post
I dunno, I'm easy, just tell me the plan. there are however certain locations a unique mercenary might know about in the mountains...in those hard to reach places.. where skystone veins might be?
well, Darious can get a message from his contact delivered to him at the inn.

What happened was when I first wrote my initial posts, I thought Darious needed to get into the mountains because I thought that was where all the characters were going to meet. I'm not sure what happened next, so I think I overlooked the fact that the army was already back in Lan. So the whole mountain plan was mine, to meet up with Yevin's character and to find the rest of the characters.

I think you've got an awesome concept going on here, we just need a few more characters to add to the flavor
just a quick suggestion Gisk. Have you thought about running a fresh IC to see if a few more people join? If push comes to shove I can write in some other characters if you have anything in particular you're looking for just PM me and I'll see what I can come up with.

Just to give some common grounds, Maybe everybody could end up at the Wheelhouse inn, or somewhere relevant in Lan. Since the army has returned, Darious could always get a letter from his contact if we don't have to go back to the mountains. Or we could end up at the rendeveus point and then pick up all the other characters on the Bloated Weasel if Yevin is OK with that and take it from there?

Eyeris had some challenges with one of her IC's a while ago so she summarized everything that happened in a brand new interest check, and a few others ended up joining.
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