Name: Saizo Yamada
Gender: Male
Age: 23

5'10" Athledic build
Country of Origin: Illuim
Bio: Saizo was born into the main branch of the Yamada Clan. And even from a young age he was trained in politics and the way of the sword in order to not only protect himself, but also his clan.As such Siazo spent a good deal of his young and teenage life training and honing the skills he would one day need to lead his clan. And as the Lord of the Illuis clan fell ill Saizo prepared to fight in the War of Succession that was sure to follow. At the age of 18 Saizo took to the field of battle and learned the true horrors of war, but despite the hardships the young Siazo made a name for himself displaying bravery and strength in battle. Siazo was at the battle where he saw his Father fall, and even continued to fight afterward refusing to give up until his men dragged him away. With his father gravely wounded the Yamada clan was forced to withdraw from the war and submit to the rule of the Thart Clan. His father survived the wound and eventually returned to lead the Yamada Clan again, but he could no longer fight, thus he officially declare Siazo the heir to the Yamada Clan and handed down the powerful Water Dragon to Siazo. But the old man was to stubborn to step down until he would be forced to or until he deemed Saizo fit to rule, and to help that along Saizo's father found a swordmaster who agreed to take Saizo under their wing, and show the young lord the world to help him grow into the leader he must become. With that Saizo left his home with his new master to start his own adventure.
Water Dragon - A sword of great power that has been passed down the Yamada line for ages. It was forged by the one know as The Master and grants its wielder the power to control water. Although the weapon is powerful Saizo prefers to keep it as a last resort.
Silent Fang - A blade forged for Saizo for his use in the last War of Succession. The blade is strong, sharp, and forged to fit Saizo. It is his go to sword, and by far the weapon he is most familiar and capable with.