“Like I’ve been used as a chew toy by a Tutankamun. Three broken ribs and my left arm is pretty much all bruise. It should be around two to three weeks before I am allowed to seriously exercise again. Fortunately I do get to go on missions due to Unsubtle being what it is.” Marcus replied, adjusting slightly to emphasise his bandaged arm.
"With the way this is going, there won't be students left to fight in a few days." Diamond observed.
“I hope not, taking on all of their missions would be tiresome.” Marcus deadpanned.
When Diamond warned him about the mess in the food court, Marcus scanned the crowd. “Thank you but I will take my chances. Vending machine food is not really my idea of a filling lunch.” he said as it seemed that for now the imminent crisis was averted. He was kind of curious how the table Aurellius sat at became such a mess, but decided not to ask. If the answer was embarrassing he would hear all about it simply by listening in.
“I would be happy to join you later though.” he added, he really did appreciate Diamond’s offer, especially in light of how coldly she behaved when they met. Offering to eat together was a marked improvement. Right then, time for the food. Now all he had to do was figure out how to manoeuvre around the food court with only one functional arm.
“Er, could you please give me a hand with this Diamond?” he asked as he tried to pry free a tray from the rack with one hand.
“No pun intended.” Marcus added hastily.