@Specter189 well looks like Mon-Kal has a fellow hater of the Dark Eldar leading a brutal legion, sounds like things are gonna be a blast!
<Snipped quote by BCTheEntity>
I don't really see the necessity of this. All of the accepted sheets are detailed enough to be able to start the RP; the rest is just icing on the cake.
That's my 2 cents.
Hell, Savage and I already wrote a 3000+ word flashback between Gorseval and Erron just because we're bored. Let's start!
@WeepingLiberty I feel your pain. Low caffeine tolerances are a pain in the butt sometimes. >_> Like, seriously life, I happen to enjoy the taste of coffee and would really appreciate it if I could actually drink more than two sips without feeling like I was on the verge of a panic attack.