@Asura lol that was the plan. Crakehall sends Leona, his youngest daughter with Widows wail to the Starks to be a ward to their lord and marry their youngest son when they both come of age, linking them to Tyget and makingntheir son a prince should he become king
@Asura lol I was about to clarify that it was the Crakehalls offering a daughter to the Starks, not the other way around, but you seem to have figured that out lol
As for the sword well... I can't say Tyget will be happy to have his daughter insulted and I doubt he'll give you the sword without insurance you'll side with him xD
Butm we will see. My next post will start the invasion of the Reach
Azak growled atop the clearly wounded beast he now rode, annoyed he had been given such a clearly handicapped beast to drive. Its lurching, bumping movements only served to aggravate him more, pulling hard at the reins to keep the tempermental beast moving. And he was sure this was because of his damn Aylv. It had seemed like a wonderful idea at the time, having such a dangerous pet would boost his prestige and have people fear him... of course the side effect was becoming a sort of pariah because of it, and being forced to ride some wounded beast and leered at by nosy children. That, and the Aylv seemed intent on conversation, the annoying little prick, "Indeed 'pet', it appears we are... no thanks to you.", he sneered, lightly tugging on the short leash.
There were positives though, not the least of which was the attractiveness of his pet, which the Aylv seemed to notice him admiring. He chuckled at the stares of children at him and his companion. They thought he was some sort of... myth made flesh, he had even heard a few of them comment on the man who imprisoned such a beast. As Ahnci began to torture one particularly nosey child Azak laughed and looked down at the boy, "Enough Ahnci, leave the boy alone. Besides, your not going anywhere while I'm around.", he sroked the Aylv's ears showing who was in power here.
He looked forward farther up the caravan and scowled at the others given precedence over him thanks to the Aylv, talking and riding uninjured beasts... he felt the weight of his cleaver on his hip, draggin at him, wanting to be wielded. He looked down at the Aylv who's ears he had been stroking and sneered, grabbing them and yanking him back, "Your the reason we're back here you know? You and your cannibalistic people!", he smiled beneath his metal mask, "But now you're my pet! Hahaha."
Age: 123 (Appears half this age thanks to rejuvenant treatments)
Gender: Male
Role: Inquisitor
Ordos: Ordo Malleus
Description: Terrence is of average height, standing at 5'10 and weighing an appropriate amount for a fit man of his height. His face could be called unremarkable, even forgettable making it one of his greatest tools. The only truly noticeable thing is that the top of his left ear has sizable chunk missing from it. His hair is thick and black, but grey at the sides. He has no facial hair and his face has begun to wrinkle with age, but he still appears no older than his early sixties. His green eyes are often considered jovial, inviting, and unassuming. He is white, but his skin has grown leathery with age, and has begun to show signs of very light tanning. His lips are thin and accusing, and his nose aquiline and sloping.
"Hit him with it again, full dose.", I watched as the servitor obeyed, the viscous black liquid seeped from the thick tubes connected to the servitor into its victim. The Governour screamed louder than I had heard yet, and then the pig started begging again. "P-p-p-pl-plea-ease Lord Inquisitor! I-I-'ve already told you e-everything! The-the-there is nnnnn-no-no cult! I s-s-swe-swear by the Emperor! You have been misinformed! Please Lord Inquis-",ugh, does this fool ever shutup? I mean, I suppose I did all this for the fact he has the fattest mouth in the whole sector. Well, that and the whole civil war on the brink of erupting. All he needs to say are a few choice sentences and the pain can stop! I'm begginning to think he's not that bright, well time to cut in, "Lord Governour, do you kmow why I'm here? Why this is all happening? Well let me tell you.", I got up from the chair, the servos in my power armour whirring as I approached his figure strapped to the cold table, running a hand down the thick clear tubes that were stuck into his right arm. He was securely strapped, not that the ponce had the strength to free himself, "I need to hear a few words come out of your greasy mouth. The second I hear the answers I'm looking for, we can stop! Does that not sound fan-", he cut in panicking, "I-I have told you the truth Inquisitor! Truly I have! I have always been a pious man and-and there has never been any sort of cult in the-AAAAAHHHHH!!!", I had silently motioned to the servitor to hit him with a quarter dose, just enough to get him to shut up. I ran my right hand through my hair with a sigh, "Lord Governour I know your telling the truth. I just don't care, seeing as I was never looking for the truth. And I think you know exactly what I want to hear, so; say. It", I hissed at the poor man, watching as his eyes grew wide with understanding. Well, understanding and fear. But, men were weak, and he gulped, before saying very loudly, in his most calm voice, "I, Lord Governour Hellrix Von Torrus, denounce the Emperor and the decaying Imperium... I-... I renounce them, and declare myself indeppendent of their rule.", he then began to cry... pathetic. "Thank you very much Governour. Your sacrifice will be remembered. Now, Servitor? Pump the rest in.", his eyes went wild, but he said nothing for he had not the time. As the rest of the black drug was pumped into his veins he writhed and spasmed, seizures overtaking him as he could no longer scream. In a mere five minutes he had stopped squirming, and I sighed happily, turning to the recording servitor in the corner of the room, "Broadcast that to every hive on the world, and have our proxy tell his astropaths to spread the message farther.", I turned and marched for the door to the torture chamber, a wide smirk on my face. You've done it again Terrence, you've set in motion the great machine to improve humanity. Now, I'm going to crack open a glass of my finest amasec and enjoy myself. Its always a nice addition when you sign such a massive death warrant.
Terrence Arakia is a quiet Inquisitor when it come to reputation, he has made sure of it. Few of his deeds are known widely despite his impressive track record, having banished many a Daemon and stop many an insidious cult. Only the greatest of his deeds are known by any substantial number of other Inquisitors as he prefers others to take the glory for him... especially when such glory leads to disaster. He has lifted up quite a few acolytes over the years, allowing them to take credit for accomplishments he has made only for them to be declared Heretics and be excommunicated following their farther reaching consequences. Those accomplishments he has achieved and have accredited to himself have been carefully wrought to insure there are no long reaching consequences... at least not to himself.
He began life simply enough, though few know of it. He was an acolyte to Lord Inquisitor Carafax for many years, dutifully serving the Puritanical man. It was not until he began to see a strange pattern in their work that his mindset was changed. He noticed that places where no wars, nor corruption or hardship had been seen people were more prone to weakness and destruction while sectors where such things were common were more stoic, tougher... better. So, he began his journey into Istvaanism, first by misleading his own inquisitor to his doom. He tricked Carafax into opening a rift to the warp, plunging an entire sub-sector into chaos. It was stopped only by his intervention, seemingly closing the gate just before reinforcements arrived, making the war that followed a possible victory rather than a fighting retreat. He was rewarded for his actions and raised up as an Inquisitor of the Ordo Malleus, none any the wiser that he had caused it all.
He has helped to engineer similar plots across the Imperium, seemingly helping only for a worlds, or sub sector or sector to fall into disaster but always careful not to implicate himself. If the Imperium is to grow strong it must suffer, and he has accepted his fate as one who plants the seeds of great suffering, and cultivates the terrible fruit with which to strengthen the whole of humanity.
Philosophy: Terrence Arakia ascribes to the radical belief of Istvaanism, that humanity can only grow through incredible hardship and suffering. He does not espouse his philosophy however, believing it is easier to lead humanity into such disasters from the shadows.
Skills & Abilities: Terrence is a talented Interrogator and investigator. He is also extremely skilled at stealth, espionage, Sabotage, misdirectton, misinformation and Manipulation. He is only average in combat for an Inquisitor of the Ordo Malleus, but has fought and banished Daemons. He has dabbled in the arcane arts to an extent as a means to disrupt peace, and has tried his hand at Daemon summoning, but found he was more talented at Daemon binding. He uses these skills rarely though, and would still call himself a novice.
Retinue Members:Merris Larriet: The only constant member of Terrence's retinue, an acolyte of his. She has been with him for many years, and learned quite a bit. An Inquisitorial Stormtrooper, her face has a long scar over her nose but is otherwise moderately attractive. Normally in her stormtrooper carapace with Hellgun at her side. She is normally by his side, or on a mission for her Inquisitor. It is unsure of their exact relationship, but she appears unwaveringly loyal to Terrence.
Ignatus Pattern Power Armour: The I of the Inquisition is carved prominently into its chestplate, as well as similar symbols about his person.
Inquisitorial Lightning claw: A blessed and ancient pattern Lightning claw, his prized possession and favorite weapon.
Plasma Pistol: Ornate Plasma pistol, 'aquired' by the Inquisitor from a planetary governour.
Frag Grenades
Inquisitorial Rosette: His badge of office.
Miscellaneous: His left leg has been replaced by bionics.
Hey guys... I'm... I have no real excuse other than posting has been hard... Expect one from Tyget soon... though @bluetommy2 can I please have an update on what I have missed?
Out of his armour his face has a single long scar on its left side. He keeps his black hair long and unkempt and has dark brown eyes
Reason for joining the Outcasts:
Until recently Azak was a bandit cheif, he led a vicious group of naredowells and criminals about the dessert, killing anyone who got in there and taking what they wanted. It was a good gig for a long time, and they even eventually had a few towns ppaying them protection taxes in order to remain free from their attacks. That was until the towns turned against them. Sure, one town they could handle, but all three attacking at once overwhelmed the bandits, and they fled. Azak himself wandered the desert for awhile, until he came upon one of the dangerous Aylv Creatures alone. He quickly charged it and imprisoned it, making the Aylv his new companion and ally... after that he sought others to help him regain his power as a bandit chief.
Skills: Above all Azak is a warrior, a bandit chieftan who led through strength. A monster with his clever, he is able to cut through solid rock to an extent with the heavy instrument of death, but his attacks are somewhat slow and predictable, if powerful.
Motto/Catchphrase: "Only person that matters is number one, yoursself."
Out of his armour his face has a single long scar on its left side. He keeps his black hair long and unkempt and has dark brown eyes
Reason for joining the Outcasts:
Until recently Azak was a bandit cheif, he led a vicious group of naredowells and criminals about the dessert, killing anyone who got in there and taking what they wanted. It was a good gig for a long time, and they even eventually had a few towns ppaying them protection taxes in order to remain free from their attacks. That was until the towns turned against them. Sure, one town they could handle, but all three attacking at once overwhelmed the bandits, and they fled. Azak himself wandered the desert for awhile, until he came upon one of the dangerous Aylv Creatures alone. He quickly charged it and imprisoned it, making the Aylv his new companion and ally... after that he sought others to help him regain his power as a bandit chief.
Skills: Above all Azak is a warrior, a bandit chieftan who led through strength. A monster with his clever, he is able to cut through solid rock to an extent with the heavy instrument of death, but his attacks are somewhat slow and predictable, if powerful.
Motto/Catchphrase: "Only person that matters is number one, yoursself."
Victor was going to listen to their new found 'friend' before he realized how little he cared. Honestly, he intended to suck him dry if given the chance. No reason to keep two blood-bags around when one of them appeared quite tougher and less afraid than the other one. But, unless he wished to reveal himself he couldn't very well do it right now. As the boy William talked Victor was attempting to manufacture a situation in his mind where dining on the boy would become possible, and even easy. Unfourtanetly the Witch Rose intervened again, quietly Victor wished the strange creature had eaten her... but it appeared she had learned its name. This 'Unyat' she said was friendly if strange, and seeing as she was a Witch Victor was inclined to believe her. She had other ways of killing them all without letting some cave creature devour them so he took her at face value. The way she commented about William brought a smile to Victors hidden face, hopefully it meant she would not try to protect him, giving Victor the edge he needed to slake his thirst in duplicate.
He was rather surprised at her view of the scarecrows and their origin, more that she went innto the nature of witches than anything else. He disliked all witches be they light ir dark as all could become a nuisance to a vampire. More powerful ones were outright dangerous to them, and he would already need to watch his step with Miss Rose let alone another witch. Regardless, Victor was intent on drinking soon seeing as he still had no idea when the last time he had sated himself had been. When Rose gave the command for Gish to decide where the little company would be going Victor was abiut to make a case for their heading to the cabin before Rose started prattling on again, supporting both sides of the arguement like a damn fool. Victor growled quietly beneath his helmet as the Witch was already beggining to grate on him. Then, once she had finished he prepared to give his case when Gish herself headed him off, deciding they woulld indeed be going to the cottage. He smiled widely, and sloshed across the shallow pond to Luciel, who he gently but firmly brought to his feet, "Come Luciel! Gish leads the way now!", he chuckled, gripping the boys shoulder firmly to pick him up and point him in the direction of the cottage, not wanting his primary food source to leave his side. Before he left with Luciel he also picked up William, smiling, "Welcome to our little merry band William!", and similarly giving him a light push to the cottage... if he was lucky and careful he may very well eat tonight.