Lugft sighed happily as he stared out his window into the morning sun... it was good to be him this morning. He turned back to look at his bed, his two brides were there, both still asleep and no doubt recovering from their... nuptials. He chuckled quietly, but did not have the time to wait for them to awake for he was hungry. He quickly dressed, a pair of breeches, a loose and open chested shirt and his boots. Her flung open his door, whistling happily as he walked down the hallways and corridors of Castle Drakenhof. As he did however, he noticed a somewhat higher number of guards than usual, as well as several open rooms, with bloodstains about them. Clearly a few Drakke had decided to attack their enemies during their time with brides, how clever Lugft thought. He supposed they would be at their most vulnerable then... it only made sense. Regardless he moved on, no more than a cursory glance to the guards.
It wasn't long before he arrived in the banquet hall, smiling as he sat down at one of the large tables, the servants quickly moving to provide him with a morning meal. He smiled, drinking th wine they provided him. Today he would take his brides back to Huron manor, their new home for the rest of their lives. He leaned back in his chair, and wondered if the other Lords were as satisified as he was with their choice of brides.
Victor was revolted by the tentacled monstrosity, the strange thing the Witch Rose seemed intent on interacting with. He backed up a bit from the two, intent on not being to near the possible danger, and began scanning the area around the cottage. He found little of interest aside from the scarecrows that had already been acknowledged... and then he felt Luciel tumble off of his back. He turned and watched as Luciel and the small woman named Gish attempted to get away from the main group, possibly because of the tentacled monstrosity. He watched as they made their way to the small pond, before... tripping into it.
Both the small beings seemed to have run over something lying down in the grass and tumbled into the pond, having to swim to the other side before seemingly... talking and in Luciel's case threatening whatever they had tripped on. Seeing as they did not immediately realize it was just a rock like Victor had been expecting his smile faded into a frown, obviously they had tripped over something alive... and possibly intelligent. Victor decided this was infinitely more interesting and safer than the tentacles monstrosity, and began to make his way towards the pond through the tall grass. Unlike his smaller companions he took his time, and did not trip over the young boy the other two had, instead standing over him, his eyes piercing down into the little spy.
He looked up at Luciel and Gish chuckling, "Oh my, it would appear you were both laid low by a young boy crouching in the dirt, how unfortunate.", he looked back down at the small boy, his helmet hiding his devillish grin as he spoke. "Now, who are you, and why have you not revealed yourself to us boy? You afraid of something?"
Age: 123 (Appears half this age thanks to rejuvenant treatments)
Gender: Male
Role: Inquisitor
Ordos: Ordo Malleus
Description: Terrence is of average height, standing at 5'10 and weighing an appropriate amount for a fit man of his height. His face could be called unremarkable, even forgettable making it one of his greatest tools. The only truly noticeable thing is that the top of his left ear has sizable chunk missing from it. His hair is thick and black, but grey at the sides. He has no facial hair and his face has begun to wrinkle with age, but he still appears no older than his early sixties. His green eyes are often considered jovial, inviting, and unassuming. He is white, but his skin has grown leathery with age, and has begun to show signs of very light tanning. His lips are thin and accusing, and his nose aquiline and sloping.
"Hit him with it again, full dose.", I watched as the servitor obeyed, the viscous black liquid seeped from the thick tubes connected to the servitor into its victim. The Governour screamed louder than I had heard yet, and then the pig started begging again. "P-p-p-pl-plea-ease Lord Inquisitor! I-I-'ve already told you e-everything! The-the-there is nnnnn-no-no cult! I s-s-swe-swear by the Emperor! You have been misinformed! Please Lord Inquis-",ugh, does this fool ever shutup? I mean, I suppose I did all this for the fact he has the fattest mouth in the whole sector. Well, that and the whole civil war on the brink of erupting. All he needs to say are a few choice sentences and the pain can stop! I'm begginning to think he's not that bright, well time to cut in, "Lord Governour, do you kmow why I'm here? Why this is all happening? Well let me tell you.", I got up from the chair, the servos in my power armour whirring as I approached his figure strapped to the cold table, running a hand down the thick clear tubes that were stuck into his right arm. He was securely strapped, not that the ponce had the strength to free himself, "I need to hear a few words come out of your greasy mouth. The second I hear the answers I'm looking for, we can stop! Does that not sound fan-", he cut in panicking, "I-I have told you the truth Inquisitor! Truly I have! I have always been a pious man and-and there has never been any sort of cult in the-AAAAAHHHHH!!!", I had silently motioned to the servitor to hit him with a quarter dose, just enough to get him to shut up. I ran my right hand through my hair with a sigh, "Lord Governour I know your telling the truth. I just don't care, seeing as I was never looking for the truth. And I think you know exactly what I want to hear, so; say. It", I hissed at the poor man, watching as his eyes grew wide with understanding. Well, understanding and fear. But, men were weak, and he gulped, before saying very loudly, in his most calm voice, "I, Lord Governour Hellrix Von Torrus, denounce the Emperor and the decaying Imperium... I-... I renounce them, and declare myself indeppendent of their rule.", he then began to cry... pathetic. "Thank you very much Governour. Your sacrifice will be remembered. Now, Servitor? Pump the rest in.", his eyes went wild, but he said nothing for he had not the time. As the rest of the black drug was pumped into his veins he writhed and spasmed, seizures overtaking him as he could no longer scream. In a mere five minutes he had stopped squirming, and I sighed happily, turning to the recording servitor in the corner of the room, "Broadcast that to every hive on the world, and have our proxy tell his astropaths to spread the message farther.", I turned and marched for the door to the torture chamber, a wide smirk on my face. You've done it again Terrence, you've set in motion the great machine to improve humanity. Now, I'm going to crack open a glass of my finest amasec and enjoy myself. Its always a nice addition when you sign such a massive death warrant.
Terrence Arakia is a quiet Inquisitor when it come to reputation, he has made sure of it. Few of his deeds are known widely despite his impressive track record, having banished many a Daemon and stop many an insidious cult. Only the greatest of his deeds are known by any substantial number of other Inquisitors as he prefers others to take the glory for him... especially when such glory leads to disaster. He has lifted up quite a few acolytes over the years, allowing them to take credit for accomplishments he has made only for them to be declared Heretics and be excommunicated following their farther reaching consequences. Those accomplishments he has achieved and have accredited to himself have been carefully wrought to insure there are no long reaching consequences... at least not to himself.
He began life simply enough, though few know of it. He was an acolyte to Lord Inquisitor Carafax for many years, dutifully serving the Puritanical man. It was not until he began to see a strange pattern in their work that his mindset was changed. He noticed that places where no wars, nor corruption or hardship had been seen people were more prone to weakness and destruction while sectors where such things were common were more stoic, tougher... better. So, he began his journey into Istvaanism, first by misleading his own inquisitor to his doom. He tricked Carafax into opening a rift to the warp, plunging an entire sub-sector into chaos. It was stopped only by his intervention, seemingly closing the gate just before reinforcements arrived, making the war that followed a possible victory rather than a fighting retreat. He was rewarded for his actions and raised up as an Inquisitor of the Ordo Malleus, none any the wiser that he had caused it all.
He has helped to engineer similar plots across the Imperium, seemingly helping only for a worlds, or sub sector or sector to fall into disaster but always careful not to implicate himself. If the Imperium is to grow strong it must suffer, and he has accepted his fate as one who plants the seeds of great suffering, and cultivates the terrible fruit with which to strengthen the whole of humanity.
Philosophy: Terrence Arakia ascribes to the radical belief of Istvaanism, that humanity can only grow through incredible hardship and suffering. He does not espouse his philosophy however, believing it is easier to lead humanity into such disasters from the shadows.
Skills & Abilities: Terrence is a talented Interrogator and investigator. He is also extremely skilled at stealth, espionage, Sabotage, misdirectton, misinformation and Manipulation. He is only average in combat for an Inquisitor of the Ordo Malleus, but has fought and banished Daemons. He has dabbled in the arcane arts to an extent as a means to disrupt peace, and has tried his hand at Daemon summoning, but found he was more talented at Daemon binding. He uses these skills rarely though, and would still call himself a novice.
Retinue Members:Merris Larriet: The only constant member of Terrence's retinue, an acolyte of his. She has been with him for many years, and learned quite a bit. An Inquisitorial Stormtrooper, her face has a long scar over her nose but is otherwise moderately attractive. Normally in her stormtrooper carapace with Hellgun at her side. She is normally by his side, or on a mission for her Inquisitor. It is unsure of their exact relationship, but she appears unwaveringly loyal to Terrence.
Ignatus Pattern Power Armour: The I of the Inquisition is carved prominently into its chestplate, as well as similar symbols about his person.
Inquisitorial Lightning claw: A blessed and ancient pattern Lightning claw, his prized possession and favorite weapon.
Plasma Pistol: Ornate Plasma pistol, 'aquired' by the Inquisitor from a planetary governour.
Frag Grenades
Inquisitorial Rosette: His badge of office.
Miscellaneous: His left leg has been replaced by bionics.