Avatar of agentmanatee
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    1. agentmanatee 10 yrs ago
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Current The Hateful eight has me inspired, whose ready for a western RP?
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@ClocktowerEchos either a non miniature race I'll come up with... or de orks honestly
Aaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy interest shown

Also just seeing who alls still around... so a headcount if you will...
As GM I have no vote in this and so far it looks like no restart... may I ask for use of gentler language though for those objecting to my suggestion?

I took this RP up from its gravery, created by someone who isn't me, because I legitamently enjoyed it's idea. I know I sound like a damn SJW or something... but it makes me feel awful when people get ,ad at me for possible decisions in this RP as its already hard for me to run this....

That is all... sorry if I sound like a damn ninny
Well everyone k need to gauge something from you.

It appears that we are dying. Very slowly. We have lost quite a few players and those that remain control too many characters. Thus makes posts long in arriving and lengthy requiring lengthier responses.

It has been brought to my attention that there is a solution... it's not ideal Tho.

A full restart. I know what this means but listen. It's not just to get more people again, there are several other issues that will be solved with several new rules being imposed. For one, as amazing as @RomanAria is for making and taking up so many characters we need to limit ourselves to two per character or to many will rely on one I'm order to post.

Furthermore I will be forced to deal with unexcused absences and a lack of posting. This is hard and will require work..

I wanted to gage the room before I declared it would happen.

So... opinions?
House Dondarrion

'Strike them Down'

[ ⚔ ]Synopsis
House Dondarrion is one of the Principal Marcher Lords of the Stormlands, holding their seat at Blackhaven along the Dornish marches. The Current ruling Lord is Raymont Dondarrion, son Borros Dondarrion (83-131 AC), and a Veteran of the Dance of Dragons as well as Insular conflicts throughout the Stormlands.

[ ⚔ ]Military Strength
House Dondarrion is a fairly powerful house in the Stormlands as one of the principal Marcher Lords, made to protect the Stormlands from Dornish invasion. The House can draw perharps two thousand to two thousand five-hundred swords. The men at arms and knights sworn to House Dondarrion are hard men, having spent their lives fighting Dornish raiders and Stormlands bandits. They are trained well in fighting these dangerous foes, and in the defense of Blackhaven.

The ratio of horse to foot is quite like the rest of the Stormlands, having far more infantry than mounted men with a 3-1 ratio of foot to horse. The Infantry and cavalry are well trained and use to harsh or not ideal conditions of their homeland. They recently recovered fully from casualties taken during the Dance.

[ ⚔ ]Members
Borros Dondarrion (83-131)
Jocelyn Carron (90-134)
Raymont Dondarrion (105- )
Cletus Dondarrion (109- )

Raymont Dondarrion (105- )
Myrcella Trant (110- )
Stannis Dondarrion (126- )
Archibald Dondarrion (131- )
Joffrey Dondarrion (138- )

Raymont Dondarrion (105- )
Mya (??-130)
Davos Storm (128- )
Shireen Storm (128- )

Cletus Dondarrion (108- )
Cersei Estermont (115-144)
Mariah Dondarrion (144- )

Orys Dondarrion (90- )

[ ⚔ ]Recent History
The Dance of Dragons shaped House dondarrions Lord, Raymont, into what he is now. He joined his father, brother and House Baratheon in their support of Aegon II and his ascent to the Iron Throne. Being of the greens, Raymont took part in several Key Battles, most notably The battle of the Kingsroad, or the 'Muddy Mess'. At this battle, House Dondarrion had all its strength when the Riverlands Lords routed the Green forces. Raymont and his brother Cletus watched as their father was dragged from his horse and killed, and their uncle Orys was horrendously maimed in much the same way. Cletus panicked and tried to run, but Raymont rallied him and Dondarrion forces that remained and managed to join Harwyn Baratheon in breaking from the slaughter. They say Raymont cut his way through 10 Knights to get to his fathers corpse first and dragged it from the fight with the help of Cletus and a revolving group of men as each was cut down in the retreat.

This followed only a few months after the death of Raymont's lover during the time, and together the events soured the mans demeanour. He became dour and solemn, often locking himself in his chambers or spending lengthy time in Blackhaven's sept or riding alone. After a month or so of this, Lord Raymont seemed to return to the world, if still solemn and quiet. With the dance ended, Lord Dondarrion focused on his own house and rebuilding what was taken during the dance. He rebuilt their forces, and hardened them against Dornish raiders and Stormlands bandits. Though soured at the outcome of the dance and Rhaenyra's sons ascension to the throne Lord Raymont has shown no dissent since.

Now he bides his time, waiting for an opportunity to avenge his father, uncle and the Greens.

[ ⚔ ]POV's

Reeeeeeal short first post to intro me
The Hole...

The place in a crime ridden town where all the criminals went. A haven for some of the worst scum there was. Mob bosses, hitmen, gangsters and crooked cops; anyone up to seedy business could probably be found at some point in The Hole. I ain't to different from all those scum. I'm angry, dangerous and certainly have a bodycount behind me. Biggest difference is the fact that I did all that on the right side of the law, even after I left the force. All these scum should be locked up in my opinion... but my opinion ain't worth much.

Even the outside looks seedy. Big Neon sign over the entrance proclaiming the dance clubs name, trash down the alleyways both living and inanimate. Most importantly one of the biggest people I'd ever seen outfront. Guy could lift a bus I'm sure. Luckily I ain't here to cause any trouble so we shouldn't have any troouble he and I. Tonight I was entering the hornets nest, the Lions den if your feeling ironic; either way somewhhere a private eye shouldn't go if he wants to hold on to his eyes... or any other part of his body for that matter. Luckily I'm incognito, and I need to be in there tonight. I'm meeting an informant... first challenge is getting past the bouncer. I walk straight up, he's looking down at me like he wants to kick my ass. A quick flash of the card I got though gets him to turn away. Damn it sure helps when a crook owes you one.

Its dark inside, a long hallway lit only by neon pink lights. The club proper is like it always his, filled with criminals watching girls dance, drinking, doing business or a combination of the three. Scanning the boothes I see my rat, ex-cop turned methhead informant Johnny Merrington. Tweaker sat in a boothe alone scratching nervously, his scales rapidly switching from camoflauge to bright nervous colors. I try to avoid drawing more than a couple angry glances, newcomers aren't well like around here. I saddle up across from the tweaker, my main was in a bun under my hat so it didn't draw to much attention. I growl to get his attention, poor bastard nearly jumped out of his scales., "So, what do you have for me Johnny?"

Just making sure the thread knows, I am working onn House Dondarrion in the Stormlands and House Hornwood in the noorth... just wanna be clear
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