weeeeeeeeeeeeell Ninke is from a shrine world... and hasn't had the best experience with Xenos lately... Soooo your not starting off at a great place with her xD
Appearance: Kautada are a strange race of small, amphibious, salamander like creatures. The race has pale skin, slightly overlarge heads, small prehensile tails, webbed feet and fringe gills on the sides of their necks. Their eyes are solid red orbs and their skin is often moist and shiny with four arms. L'Azul is no exception, he stands at about 5'3, a bit tall for his race, with four arms and finged gills. He, like most of his race, is often smiling and carries himself happily. His hands are almost always moving, adjusting tools or jotting down notes in his messy hand writing or desperately trying to find what he needs amongst a mess of disorganized papers. He is hairless, like all of his race, and in his gills are small tube-like containers filled with a concoction of water and a slimy substance. His skin is coated in the substance which is not unlike slimy water, and his gills take in the rest. He has a small metal protrusion at the base of his neck which is his only outward cybernetic enhancement, being a reaction booster.
He most often wears a silver bomber jacket with several symbols along his shoulders, under which is a simple black shirt. for time in arid enviroments he has a special rig he hooks along his neck in order to breathe and remain moist. He does not often look the ppart of a scientist, to be quite frank, preferring a more casual appearance.
Faction: Marauder
Role in Team: Chief Science officer
Bio: : L'Azul was, and is, a bio-mechanical engineer with more PHD's than any human could attain in a lifetime. Born on the Kautada homeworld, while no prodigy he was far above the average intelligence of his own hyper intelligent race long before he began artificially enhancing it as is normal. After graduating from one of the more prestigous state run universities on his homeworld L'Azul was eager to cut his teeth on something important, even groundbreaking. This, was where Jericho came in. Doctor Jericho Sinclair offerd the young scientist a direct and directorial role at a company getting back on its feet after some... setbacks. The company seemed to be exactly what L'Azul was looking for, the firm having made several important discoveries and breakthroughs... even if they did have one too many lines blacked out in their dossier to be comfortable, but L'Azul happily accepted the position. To the young Kautada was placed as part of what seemd to be some sort of super soldier project, largely dealing with embryotic enhancement and testing, with a few more developed subjects used on occasion. Many of the dosage's, concoctions and... genetic testing seemd mildly off to him, but he pressed on with his research and testing. It was often hard as Doctor Jericho seemed extremely tempermental with the testing and implementation, often requiring the team to re-start from scratch after some perceived failure even when things had been far better than expected. But, all was not lost.
After awhile, L'Azul came closer and closer to a breakthrough in dealing with a more mature subject. His prototype was everything Jericho and the companies mysterious board were looking for. But, shortly before he had a chance to finish fine tuning and revealing his prototype, he was layed off and the project shut down. More than a little miffed, and having lost many of his more advanced records, he still had his personal notes. He locked them away somewhere only he knew for safekeeping and set about looking for new opportunities... unfourtanetly they never came. Shortly after his being 'layed off' authorities from the Kautada broke into L'Azul's home and personal laboratory and arrested him. The scientist was brought before the council and accused of multiple extreme ethical violations while under the employ of the company. Unbeknownst to L'Azul the company, and more specifically Doctor Jericho, had set him up as a fall-man. While he had guessed everything had not been 100% ethical, the things he was accused of during his ensuing trial were truly sickening, things he had no idea about or control over. Eventually, due to an inability to tie any of it directly to the young Kautada the council gave him a choice. He could either choose service on the Monroe as a chief scientist and bio-mechanical engineer, or he could be kept in holding for a possibly indefinite amount of time while his trial became tied up in the courts. With little in the way of real choice, he decided service was preferable to imprisonment. And so, he was shipped to the Monroe.... but not before he could secretly get his notes, lest something in there damn him... besides, a good researcher never lost his notes.
Personality: Despite his past, like much of his race he often has a sunny and active personality. It is difficult for the Kautada to open up about anything sad or upsetting, meaning he often tries very hard to avoid speaking about his past or why he is indeed on the Monroe now. He seeks to be everyones friend, but is close to very few. Those few who have gotten extremely close to him have noted he is prone to bouts of melancholy when out of sight and alone, a rather worrying state for one of his race/
Weapon(s) : Personal heavy caliber, bio-capsule side arm.
Family/Relationship: None he has maintained contact with.
@NecroKnight What are you thinking of playing friend? gonna join an existing regiment or be from your own? What kind of Guardsman you gonna make? Just curious
My one question can really be discussed at any time before the start as I will be bringing my old character, Ninke, over. When we last left off, she was down just under half a left arm and an entire left foot and ankle. Just need to discuss their replacements haha
Here she is btw, in case you don't just want us posting them in the Characters tab immediately
Name: Ninke Ingran
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Height/weight: 5'4, 127 lb.
Speciality: Vox officer
Appearance: Ninke is a surprisinly petite young woman with her short height and lithe frame with a feminine figure. Her skin is light and ruddy, and she has a myriad of freckles on her face as well as a small mole at the corner of her left eye. Her eyes are hazel, and aside from the freckles and mole her face has no blemishes, free of scars or any other feature like that. Her dirty blonde hair is kept somewhat strangely to some, but not strange for her regiment. The back of her head as well as the left side are completely shaved, with the hair remaining kept long and brushed to cover the shaved pats of her head. Her voice is bubbly and some would say obnoxious with her heavy accent(think swiss), but she is not as melancholic as many others. Her left arm has been seperated at the middle of her forearm, so from about halfway past her elbow there is no longer arm or hand. Left foot gone.
Uniform: Ninke wears the cream colored uniform of the Hirisit 482nd, over which the similarly colored heavy flak armor of the new regiment is worn. She also has the ochre poncho that all of the Guardsman of the regiment have.(though it is not always worn)
Armament: Standard M36 Lasgun, Standard issue imperial Guard Combat Knife, 2 frag grenades
Gear: Vox caster, "The Imperial infantrymans uplifting Primer", Standard Imperial guard kit, holy symbol, Mess kit, Water canteen, 5 las packs, Microweave poncho
Personality/Demeanour: Ninke is a zealot by all accounts, and happy to be one. Being born and raised on a throne world to pilgrims leads to a life filled with praise for the God Emperor of mankind, and service in his name. Though she is a zealot, who has incredile love and reverance for the Emperor, she is far less furious about it, and believes that all men and women should love the emperor just as she does. To this end, she attempts to be as friendly as possible to others, wishing to sway them to strengthen their faith in the god Emperor. She is bubbly, and optimistic, often out of place in the Imperial guard due to her optimism. She truly believes that the Emperor loves mankind, and that all mankind should serve him. Because of this, she has no greater hate than that for Heretics and non-believers, she is singularly hateful of the unfaithful.
Greatest ambition: To serve the Emperor in the Imperial guard, eventually marry and have children(all for his glory)
Greatest hatred: Heretics, the unfaithful
Skills: Though only an average shot and melee fighter, Ninke is surprisingly adept with a vox(or other similar tech), and is a truly superb communications oficer able to calmly relay information under pressure(only tested artificial pressure, as she has seen no real combat like the rest of her regiment)
History: Ninke is the daughter of two pilgrims, who took the trip to Hirisit in order for their daughter to be born where the light of the emperor was at its brightest, Ninke was born on the shriine world, and her parents moved there to better serve the Emperor. She grew up surrounded by zealots, and in turn became one. Her parents instilled her with great fauth, but they also taught that more flies are caught with honey than vinegar, so she grew kind, friendly, and pious. She was taught of the patron saint of Hirisit Ariette, the Shining saint, a great Imperial general who is said to have liberated Hiristis as well as many other worlds, a woman of unparalelled Strategical skill. The shining Saint was an idol for the young Ninke, and she has a holy symbol that is an effigy of her that she is never without.
She was uncertain for quitze some time about how she would serve the Emperor best, until she leraned of the Imperial Guard recruitment on world, gearing to a holy crusade, and Ninke knew her purpose. She signed up, wishing to serve the Emperor on the field of battle, like many other young Zealots on Hirisit. She became popular among other training guardsman for her optimism and faith, even her superiors enjoyed her attitude(still bootcamp... so she didn't KNOW that until after). She displayed incredible talent for using a Vox caster, and was trained as a Vox officer.
Now, she and her green regiment have arrived at their first campaign, full of zeal and hate for the enemies of mankind. Ninke is prepared to bring the light of the Emperor to the Greenskin xenos... she has no idea how wrong she is...