⟡ ⟡ ⟡ < CEDRO >
A P P E A R A N C E Cedro is every bit a vagrant in his appearance, clothing tattered and unkempt like the rest of him. He wears an old overlong coat on his shoulders, covered in holes and stitching. Beneath it is a similarly raggedy flanel-like shirt in need of stiching in several places, below that appears to be an old undershirt. His pants are long and torn in quite a few places, the bottoms extremely ragged. His shoes are dinged and scuffed all over, looking like they could fall apart any minute. The only 'ornament' he has, if it coould even be called so, is a large, wide, flat brimmed black hat. Like the rest of him it is old and has several holes... but Cedro seems not to mind. It is coommon for his attire to become stained in blood and other fluids whilst fighting.
B I O G R A P H Y Cedro remembers almost none of his past life. Even his own name is hard to remember at times... it has been so hopelessly long after all, and he hath suffered a truly terrible fate... even so he does have some memories. All are disconnected and attached more to feelings than anything solid. Happiness brings images of the smiling face of a child, a woman, a bright sun. Sadness brings images of chains, of shouting and screaming... of the long slumber. Anger is blood, fast and brief but there and hard to distinguish. Finally, a hope... a warm hand in his, something slips between them... what was it? Who were they? What is the blood? ... I must find out... I must break this terrible burden... I must go back.
P E R S O N A L I T Y If nothing else one could call Cedro determined. In spite of his fate, in spite of his lack of equipment, he is completely uncompromising in demeanour, solemn and dutifully to the very end. He can sometimes be possessed by intense bouts of anger, frustration, and ever so occasionally madness. He remembers very little, and seems to forget more every day. He is obsessed with trying to remember, to find what he has lost. Although determined, he is extraordinarily cynical and seems to approach every situation fully expecting to fail but trying in spite of it, and when he succeeds its a happy surprise. His style of combat may be comparitively simpkistic to others, swing his improvised club as hard as he can at whatever is trying to cause him harm, but it has a certain simple effectiveness to it. Tis a rare opponent who can last an extended beating with a heavy metal club. He is the first in, but never seems content with it.
E Q U I P M E N T ⟡ <Crude club><A length of reinforced pipe, weighted with additional metal to make it more than heavy enough to work as a crude weapon. Though simplisitc, being beaten with a heavy metal pipe is not a pleasant or safe experience.>
M I S C ⟡ <Necklace><A small, dingy necklace. Cedro holds onto it dearly, as it gives him warm feeling of home...>