⟡ ⟡ ⟡ < FEBE ACONE >
❰ Female ⟡❱
A G E S P E C I E S A P P E A R A N C E On the surface Febe seems like a classic 'pretty girl', with the classic 'shape' of a woman. This is quickly dispelled if anyone sees her work out. In order to use her signature weapon and indeed her semblance she requires incredible strength, and it shows beneath her clothes. She has extremely well defined, basically washboard abs along with tight, toned muscles all along her body with her core being the most defined and it fading somewhat along the limbs. Her large blue eyes and short cut brown hair acentuate her face well, but this is probably the girliest part of Febe, the rest being well toned and fit muscle. She is only average in height hoowever, standing at about 5'5 or 5'6.
As for her clothing, she keeps well articulated and organized outfits maximized for style and movement, being more than a little vain but knowing form must fit with function. Her... extraordinarily purple closet is pre organized into outfits and she never travels without at least 3 different tailored sets. She wears boots rather than heels and pants over dresses or skirts due to their more practical nature.
B I O G R A P H Y Febe is not the first hunter in her family, not by a long shot. Her family have been hunters for many generations as part of a proud tradition, parents passing on their experience to their children. Any child of the Acone family begins learning as soon as they can walk. Long before they are attending to school they have been training their body and mind to become a hunter. The family owns a large amount of wild land to train in, filled with grimm as well as regular animals. The ffamily also has many children, in the quite likely event that some will not make it all the way through training. Almost none make it through unscathed. Febe is no exception, the youngest of ten children she worked hard to impress her parents. She trained relentlessly, and often skipped school in order to train harder and more often than many of her siblings had. Eventually her parents gave her thier approval to become a huntress, and she applied to beacon, armed with her weapon of choice. She intends to be the best hunter her family has ever had, no matter what.
P E R S O N A L I T Y Febe is not the most... fun person to be around, many people would say. She is arrogant, extremely self confident and self centered to an extent, as well as having a habit of bragging. Hardly mean or a bully, she enjoys others company but can easily come off as hopelessly narcissistic and full of herself, add a dash of naivete and you have a recipe for someone more than a few people can't stand to be around. However, those that can stomach her bragadacious attitude will find someone who would happily put themselves in great danger to help others. She is kind and helpful as she can be, and wishes to become a huntress both to test her skills and help protect people.
This combination of traits lead to an interesting person, completely full of themselves but with a kind and idealistic viewpoint. She uses her strength to help others for the better of everyone, including herself.
W E A P O N ⟡ <DUST Canon><This wepapon is what many would call over kill. Nearly as tall as Febe, this massive 'firearm' if it can even be classified as such fires super heavy dust infused rounds that can puch through heavy steel. It is essentially, a small howitzer and febe uses it as such. The rounds used to fight grim are switched out for non-lethals when deealing with Humans and Faunus unless killing is absolutely necassary, something Febe beleives never is with people. Besides being a small artillery gun made 'man portable' it has no second form. In close combat Febe simply uses the titanic block of metal as a club or mallet, crushing any grimm or other foes with itsa weight, While this means her close combat is clumsy by comparison to many other styles, she makes up for it with sheer power. The canon uses volatile fire based rounds that simply cause massive amounts of collaterl damage as well as exploding with fiery results, ice rounds capable of trapping targets in ice or freezing them solid, and explosive lightninng based rounds that explode in a shower of bolts that slam into anything nearby that conducts electricity.>
S E M B L A N C E ⟡ <Juggernaut><Febe's semblance is quite simple in essence, it allows her to firmly plant herself on the ground and use dust to strengthen her muscles to incredible degrees, as well as her muscle density. This increases her toughness and weight exponentially, alowing her to stand and fire her weapon without being interrupted except against the most massive amounts of damage. She will not stumble, and can shrug off incredible hits while her semblance is active. Its power is derived directly from her muscles and dust, losing either will stop her semblance as will taking enough damage.
Hpwever, her semblance is incredibly taxing on her body, as she must strain her strength to use it. She can only hold the semblance for a few minutes a day without a long rest period, at least not without endangering herself. If she holds her semblance any longer, it could result in serious and permanent muscualar damage, and possibly even kill her if taken to extremes.>