'It is the 51st Millenium, and the War continues...'
'The Emperor is dead. The Golden throne is shattered and Terra is awash with Daemons and destruction. In the wake of the New devourer the Imperium was weakened, and so struck the misguided fools. With the Emperors death, the Astronomicon faded shortly thereafter, no longer sustained by his majesty. Witht he loss of its God and its guiding light, humanity splintered. Many worlds, isolated and alone were quickly swept up and destroyed by piratical raiders, opportunistic xenos or the forces of the archenemy. Without the Astronomicon to guide them deep warp travel became impossible, and with its death so to did many thousands of navigators and astropaths expire, only a handful surviving the psychich death screams of their God. Even with a navigator human ships were forced to only skid along the warp, making short jumps and turning trips that once took days lengthened to weeks, months or even many years.
Even still, humanity fought on.
In the absence Imperial authority, ambitious power magnates, opportunistic gonernours, powerful Rogue Traders and surviving Inquisitors carved out their own realms. Claiming leadership through divine providence, cunning politics or by virtue sheer might these 'Petty Imperiums; rose in their many hundreds. Some were contained to mere single solar systems and could range to as large as a hundred or so worlds. A scant few of these attempted to uphold old Imperial law, but many were changed irrevocably by their all powerful leaders from the old policies of the restrictive Imperium. Some became more heretical than others, allowing xenos or even Chaos worship to go on freely, some even embracing the dread powers of the warp for more power. Others changed in different ways, often allowing marginally more freedom to their citizens at the cost of the security was given by the wider Imperium. Some became brutal, oppressive dictatorships even worse than before, with citizens cowering in their habs from the extremination squads of their mad governours. But, without fault, all these Petty Imperiums had one thing in common, expansion.
All Petty Imperiums wished to expand into the galaxy, to retake the worlds now ripe for conquering from the former Imperium. Amassing armies and fleets of mercenaries, former Imperial Guard, PDF, xenos and even space Marine free companies these Petty Imperiums would strike out into the galaxy, slowly expanding their borders via the short warp jumps vessels were now forced to undertake. Some would at first attempt to subsume worlds peacefully, offering protection and trade for alleigance and taxes. Sometimes lone planets, terrified of their new lack of protection from the once great True Imperium, would accept wholeheartedly. Those that did not, were simply invaded and often either destroyed or subsumed forcefully.
Many of these small Imperiums would meet, and aalmost always they would war. These conflicts were brutal and could be short or quite long, often ending int he destruction and/or subsumation of the weaker Imperium into the new one or a bitter stalemate. With the Myriad other threats to the Petty Imperiums expansion was always slow and cumbersome as defending their realms was as hard as expanding them, constantly under attack from outside forces. Even so, they lived on.
This log contains the story of one such 'Petty Imperium', the Gregorian - Imperium. It is a tale of war, of death, of hope and of despair.
It is one of many such stories in this dark nightmare of the 51st millenium.
Welcome to the Gregorian - Imperium, may the great Monarch reign eternal. This is not an ordinary Warhammer 40K RP, it is based in the fan - crafted future of Warhammer 40K, in the even darker future of the 51st Millenium. A short overview can be found here, I ask that those interested please read this as it does a very good job of explaining the writers new universe roughly in about 18 very short paragraphs.
At the bottom you will find links to more in depth explanations of everything, but thats certainly not required reading(especially not for the interest check) though I consider them extremely worth a read.
Essentially, this RP will be about the creation, Rise and possible fall of one of the many Petty Imperiums, this one remembered as the 'Gregorian Imperium'. One thing this setting allows is a wide variety of characters. Privateers, for Imperial Guard leaders, Space Marine free companies and even Xenos can be played in this RP as well as many more. Allow me to make one thing clear. This is not a Nation RP. While you don't have to like the current leader of this Imperium, everyone will begin play as a part of the Gregorian Imperium. Be that as the leader of a part of its varied military or navy, a member of the LLeaders court, even a politcal rival or lone mercenary or assassin all of you currently live and operate as a part of this Imperium. While this is liable to change as so often such things do, it by no means has too.
The reason this is not an NRP is that while many of you may command military forces the focus is one your singular characters, your leaders. War and battle will happen, but mainly from your characters perspectives with only occasional asides to the wider picture. I, as GM, will be playing 2 parts.
I will be playing Gregori Amastov, the leader of this Imperium, as well as the many nebulous foes we shall be facing. While this may sound like a conflict of interests, the survival or destruction of this petty Imperium will rely on you, the staff, the cabinet, the confidants to this new monarch. While I will provide occasional aid to you and direct my forces, it will largely be up to you how they are used. For instance, I may order a planet be taken into the Imperium. Will you negotiate? Invade? Carry out piratical raids to rob it of resources? Exterminatus? The possibilites wil llargeely be yours, though Gregori will often give stipulations.
This is an RP of war, negotiation, political intrigue, and many other possible themes and stories. It will all depend on where you, the players, wish to drive it.
although there are very few, there are a few rules about characters
1. No overt chaos worshipers or servants. Being so in secret is all right, but you'll need to be extraordinarily careful
2. No orks. While sad, it is true that everyone's favorite greenskins are essentially extinct thanks to the new devourer. Only feral orks remain on isolated world's, a shadow of their former glory.
The Gregorian Imperium
The Gregorian Imperium was founded in the reaches of the Segmentum obscurus, starting from a single system of a mere three worlds a few centuries following the fall of the Imperium. Founded after a short coup by the young Governour Gregori Amastov. In a short, blood coup using a personal army, he slew the previous governours, declared himself heir of the Emperor and began his Imperium. The ambitious young man had learned from his father, who had not been a governour but a rouge trader, that many of the restrictive laws of the Imperium would hinder humanity in this new world without their god. So, he qucikly removed many of them.
Xenos could now be traded with and even allowed to live within his Imperium, work and join his new armies. Xeno mercenaries were hired, some appointed to goverment positions even. with this new openness power was gained quickly as the sly son of a trader cemented many powerful allies, human and otherwise. Chaos however, remained strictly policed and forbidden, Gregori found it repulsive, distasteful, disruptive and dangerous and so outlawed it remained. His new rule cemented, Gregori declared he would reforge the Imperium, and the first expansion crusade could finally begin.
Race:(Be they human or otherwise)
Appearance: Pic or description, if the pick covers their face in the case of power armor please also describe their appearance beneath the armor)
Personality:(At least one full paragraph, preferably more)
Bio:(This should include their entire career in the 51st millennium up to meeting Gregori)
Forces:(This is an approximation of your numbers as well as what kind of force. This is not an NRP so you need not go to in depth unless you really want too)
Allegiance to Gregori:(Your characters personal thoughts on Gregori as well as how they currently serve him. This should not be filled out until after you PM me the sheet)
Personal equipment: Your personal equipment, as leaders in an age without the oppressive restrictions of the Imperium feel free to customize)
Feel free to pretty it up however you wish, these are juut the parts required in it.
1. I am the GM, my word is law in all matters. No matter what
3. BE civil to one another. If you MUST argue, take it to PM's and out of my OOC
4. NO MARY SUES. You know what this means, but still I shall state it.
@Dannyrulx I thought it was issued to penal soldiers because it was illegal? I remember a guard book about some cadians. They thought their kasrikin sergeant may be using frenzon with a commi there. He vehemently said it wasn't frenzon and they all had sorta stood still to see if the commi was gonna do something.
Just wanna,point out frenzon is the most illegal of illegal combat simms XD watch put for the commissar and your commanding officers cuz use of frenzon can be a shooting offense