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Current The Hateful eight has me inspired, whose ready for a western RP?
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@ArenaSnow please make elliot GM. They have my blessing
'Saint's Chariot', Personal battleship of Emperor Gregori Amastov, Present day

Gregori watched as his personal 'cabinet' filed in, each individual invaluable to the Imperium reborn and the coming expansion crusades. First to enter surprised him somewhat, miss Ritske Siemger a mercenary under his employ. She was the proud owner of a heavily modified Tau Stealth-suit... in addition to a near innumerable amount of fire-arms of various shapes and sizes. In addition she also had a rather nasty drug habit, often shooting up in front of Gregori due to the fact he wouldn't penalize her for doing so. She was more valuable high and working for him than working for someone else against him and high... or dead. Yes, she was far more useful alive. So he simply turned away to allow her to give in too her needs.

After her was Alexius Commenus, Master inquisitor of the Ordos Cronos and one of the Emperor's personal close confidants. He was not unlike Gregori, cunning, ambitious and willing to work to make the Imperium Reborn. Currently, he also supplied the majority of the Imperium Reborn's fleet and about half of his ground forces, meaning Gregori needed to keep him close, engaged and concerned for the Imperiums safety. So far it had worked by making him a true Inquisitor and a personal confidant. Only time would tell if this would be enough. He knew if he lost Commenus things would get far worse.

After him came not only an invaluable asset, but no less than a myth at this point, his Eldar assassin. The strange corsair had approached him sometime ago to offer his unique and quite useful set of skills. Since then, Syvarrus had worked for the Emperor constantly, removing the more than a small number of enemies within the nobility and beneath it. He was discreet, quick, and most of all successful. He was the scalpel Gregori used when he needed someone dead as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Then none other than Canonness Ishitta Thamus entered the meeting room. With a warm smile he took the pouch and answered her, "I would be honored canonnes Ishitta to wear this purity seal on the eve of our first battle. May it bless me with protection as strong as that provided by the Sisterhood.", he said placing the pouch in his uniform pocket for now. Ishitta was both a blessing and a curse. Her order was large, completely devoted to him, and willing to die on his word. Unfourtanetly the Canonness and her order were strictly puritan... he had already had friction issues between her and the xenos of his Imperium Reborn... she needed to be reeled in and soon.

The trader. Oh so valuable and oh so mistrusted by Gregori. He gave the little cretin a welcoming smile and nod with a gesture to one of the chairs sat about the table. For now his exorbitant little caravan found safe haven with the Imperium Reborn, Gregori needed the technology and weapons he provided to pad out his own forces and make them superior to those of his foes. Non-standard lasgun patterns the schematics of certain Imperial and Xenos vehicles as well as countless amounts of arms and armor were supplied by the Caravan. Had they entered with more power in negotiation Gregori would already be deeply in debt. As it stood, things had come out equal thanks to his own skill in negotiations as well as a strong hold over the little xeno... even then it took all he had to avoid being swindled as best he could, lest the little caravan become more powerful than the Imperium it sat within. For now, he would keep the caravan about... the future was uncertain.

Ah yes, Gabriel Corbec. A Cadian. A Guardsman. A good, straight laced, pragmatic man who was trustworthy and loyal. No more perfect a general existed in his retinues for the newly minted Imperial Guard Reborn. He was yet tempted to re-brand them to the Imperial Army or some other name, but for now would let his forces remain the guard. His long experience in both tactics and military training were invaluable. One day Gregori had resolved to gift him a world and name it 'New Cadia'. Then never would the Imperium Reborn fear again for lack of competent soldiers. But for now he'd need to make due with the PDF forces and his own regiments... Gregori hoped it would be enough.

The second Inquisitor, Enyo Consulve, was far less like the Emperor than his fellow Master Inquisitor. Enyo was... odd. He was not unlike the Inquisitor's of old, just a bit unhinged if more relaxed in countenance. The Emperor smiled at his late arrival, "You will learn soon Master Enyo, please take your seat, all of you!", he declared to the room.

Then the Adeptus Astartes arrived. On the one hand came the Relictors, gray armor and armed with daemonic weapons they were without a doubt the more powerful of the two chapters, owners of a Ramiles Star fort and a small fleet. Their representative Leal Loretto quickly introduced himself to the Emperor and all others present with a surprisingly truthful statement of their... previous status. The Emperor stood and cleared his throat before speaking. "Your... previous status in the Imperium is of concern Captain. But, in our current state you have the chance to prove yourselves in the Imperium Reborn", he gave them a slight bow.

The Black Dragons however were far smaller, four marines and a lone battle barge. But, they were far less risky. They did not wield dangerous chaotic weapons, and they required far less super vision. The Emperor gestured to two large chairs for the Space Marine leaders, and sat in his own to address the lot.

"MY most trusted generals. My personal confidants and important trade partners. My top mercenaries and noble Astartes. This is the beginning of the Expansion Crusades. Here, in this room, sit the titans of the Imperium Reborn. We will decide the fates of worlds, and many millions or billions of Lives... for now though, we begin with forces consisting of just over a hundred ships and around three million troops. So, I have brought you here to discuss how best you may help the Imperium grow. And to discuss the coming campaign. Lets begin with questions and... concerns. This is the beginning of a new era after all, no doubt you have more than a few possible questions.", he waited for his generals to take their seats and ask away.
Got caught up while writing last night.

Will be up tonight
I'll be posting get out today
Ninke had expected a hot LZ and had been ready to rush out, chain-sword raised and pistol blazing. She was surprised then to find that the LZ was already set up as a base. She ordered everyone off the Chimera and gave a salute to Bertolt as they departed to where the Administratum clerk led them. Ninke had an awful feeling about this deployment. Everything was in the dark, she knew she was just a sergeant but she expected to at least be told something about their enemies. She couldn't stop glancing around, trying to get clues from the base camp as to what they were up against. There was not much and eventually she gave up, returning to her prayers.

She was extraordinarily surprised when the companies new CO was calling for her squad specifically, but regardless she gave the order to form up and follow the Commissar. Ninke seemed to straighten up more as she followed the woman, approaching the captains tent she was prepared for anything. Perhaps the captain would reveal what the hell they were going to be fighting. Luckily, he did exactly that. She checked the Primer and found the Tau or 'fish-heads' and they made her skin crawl. Without noticing her mouth turned into a thin scowl as she briefly read about them and their heretical ways. She quickly closed it and listened up too the Captain as he asked for a call sign...

A call sign... she looked up confidently, "I would like our Call sign to be Faith Captain.", she smiled, hopefully the squad didn't hate it.

She listened to the options given and began to weigh her options... luckily for her Marcus seemed to have a good idea. It was true they all had more experience in urban environments and on the defensive. Before she could respond in such however trooper John spoke up... rather oddly. He seemed extremely distressed and... oddly angry. Unfortunately she couldn't grant his request. "Trooper you may be excused in joost a moment. Captain, I believe Trooper Marcus is correct. But, I would rather be active. Ve vill make our vay to ze unknown settlement in the east and hold it.", she said confidently.
Posting up tomorrow. Internet back but I'm tired
My Internet is out. No post tonight

Gonna end this debate before it starts here.

I say its fine as the Black Dragons could easily claim to be from the Salamanders, other chapters certainly do and now there is no one to tell them to fuck off
@Rultaos let Mackie know we hope everything turns out alright!
@NecroKnight I'll post today
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