Capital world Arexia Prime, Four years ago

This night was far from quiet. How copuld they be? The people shouted and surged, they were in uproar and the PDF were not stopping them. People ran the streets, shouting and cursing at the top of their lungs. For now that was all, no violence yet... but it was near at hand. A barrel of powder filled to bursting next to a lit match. One action of simple violence could set them off, and go from groups to mobs. A broken window, a thrown punch, a gunshot anything even mildly violent would turn things from angry protests to riots. The PDF did not risk being the cause... not that it would matter. It was inevitable surely, to much emotion was sown throughout the Hives as they screamed themselves hoarse.
Of all things different, all these citizens of the dead Imperium called one name. One name on their lips, spoken in frothing rage and hate, the one that was the cause of their suffering. System Governour Terix Larius.
Terix himself paced his throneroom, his guards outside the doors and his captain inside casually cleaning his nails. The General of the PDF was also present, but he seemed distracted... nervous... not unlike the Governour himself. The Governour turned to these two men to speak frantically his current concerns.
"They are calling for my head out there! Why don't one of you bloody do something!"
His Palace Guard captain answered first, his answer coming on the coat-tails of a yawn, "Lord Governour please do calm down. Even if the rabble starts to riot they will not be able to get into the palace I've made sure of it. We'll simply destroy them from inside with no issue."
The PDF's general conquered, but seemed... insincere and distracted, "I concur with the Captain, we mustn't leave the palace... for your own safety of course."
They captain gestured confidently to the general as the Governour sighed exasperatedly, "You are both being entirely to calm abou-"
Before he could finish the doors to his throne room burst open. He wheeled about terrified... but calmed into a smile as Gregori Amastov, the Planetary Governour he owed so much, marched in with his personal guard armed to the teeth. White carapace armor of the old Ordo Tempestus trimmed and detailed in silver, Hellguns connected to pack on their backs and all helmeted. Gregori himself wore no helm, his white armor trimmed in gold as he approached Terix to speak.
"My Lord Terix, the streets are awash with disenfranchised citizens, they are raving mad and calling for you... this must be stopped immediately."
The Governour Terix laughed relieved and brought the Gevernour Gregori into a hug, "Oh my boy I'm so happy that someone other than me sees the problem! Why, we should b-"
Again Gregori cut him off.
"Of course. Why, I even have a plan that wil solve things... almost instantaneously..."
The Governour looked confused, "W-what? That's... fantastic but... how w-", and the captain screamed.
Terix wheeled around and his eyes widened in horror at what he saw. The Lord general of the PDf had buried his power sword into the Captains guts. The General yanked the sword back out as his captain tumbled to the ground, sputtering blood and trying to scream in pain. The sound of hellguns discharging caused him to turn again, as Gregori's men cut down his guard before they had a chance to even raise their weapons. The Governours eyes turned to Gregori, filled with fear as the man drew his sword. Terix trembled and stumbled backwards as Gregori advanced on him, "W-wait! What-what is happening?! Why are you doing this?!"
Gregori gave his answer calmly as he approached the trembling Governour, "I am returning peace to the streets Governour Terix. Don;t worry, your bones are the foundation of something far greater. Its all thanks to you, that the Imperium shall be reborn!", and the last thing the Governour saw was the floor, as his severed head clattered down, and his body went limp.
Gregori sighed heavily, staring down at the corpse and smiled... this was only the beginning.
Holy Throne-world of the Imperium Reborn, Several days ago
The streets were once more filled with screaming groups of Imperial citizens whose lips chanted a single name, Emperor Gregori Amastov. But now, it was screams of elation, love and hope. Streamers and a great many small celebratory scraps of paper, prayers and blessing scrawled along them, were tossed from high up in the hives and down below as the citizens crowded to watch the parade. Soldiers of the PDF in immaculate armor marched in deep ranks through the streets, ccompany and regimental banners flying high. Just behind them, stood the rows of Guardsmen from beyond the system, these men in their recently repaired and repainted arms and armor, but there gait seemed somehow heavier. they marched with more seriousness than their PDF counterparts, as if they knew what was coming. Beyond them were the rows of the Palace Protectorate, their immaculate storm-trooper armor recently polished and well kept as they marched in step behind the guard. Just behind them, came the chariot. A massive hovering vehicle, upon which stood rows of Protectorate, Inquisitorial storm-troopers. Servitor choirs sang powerfully, and at its peak stood the Emperor himself. Gregori waved to the populace, occasionally picking a scrap of paper from the air, briefly reading it, smiling then placing it in the hands of his scribe who rapidly stuffed it into a bag full of such scraps.
This was the peoples savior, in their eyes a symbol of the ultimate hope... the lone, Saintly creator of the Imperium Reborn!
'Saint's Chariot', Personal battleship of Emperor Gregori Amastov, Present day
Gregori sipped from his glass, the rich red wine flowing into his mouth as he sat in the great leather chair, slumped in it somewhat, his uniform undone to an extent as he sat contentedly. His Palace Protectorate captain cleared his throat and Gregori sighed, redoing his immaculte white uniform with its rather simplistic military ranking on the chest, a white cape half on hanging off his right shoulder as he turned to face his captain.
"Are my Generals on their way?"
His Captain nodded and the Emperor sat up straight, ready to receive his most valued generals and confidants.