Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by agentmanatee
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agentmanatee Servant of chaos

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Capital world Arexia Prime, Four years ago

This night was far from quiet. How copuld they be? The people shouted and surged, they were in uproar and the PDF were not stopping them. People ran the streets, shouting and cursing at the top of their lungs. For now that was all, no violence yet... but it was near at hand. A barrel of powder filled to bursting next to a lit match. One action of simple violence could set them off, and go from groups to mobs. A broken window, a thrown punch, a gunshot anything even mildly violent would turn things from angry protests to riots. The PDF did not risk being the cause... not that it would matter. It was inevitable surely, to much emotion was sown throughout the Hives as they screamed themselves hoarse.

Of all things different, all these citizens of the dead Imperium called one name. One name on their lips, spoken in frothing rage and hate, the one that was the cause of their suffering. System Governour Terix Larius.

Terix himself paced his throneroom, his guards outside the doors and his captain inside casually cleaning his nails. The General of the PDF was also present, but he seemed distracted... nervous... not unlike the Governour himself. The Governour turned to these two men to speak frantically his current concerns.

"They are calling for my head out there! Why don't one of you bloody do something!"

His Palace Guard captain answered first, his answer coming on the coat-tails of a yawn, "Lord Governour please do calm down. Even if the rabble starts to riot they will not be able to get into the palace I've made sure of it. We'll simply destroy them from inside with no issue."

The PDF's general conquered, but seemed... insincere and distracted, "I concur with the Captain, we mustn't leave the palace... for your own safety of course."

They captain gestured confidently to the general as the Governour sighed exasperatedly, "You are both being entirely to calm abou-"

Before he could finish the doors to his throne room burst open. He wheeled about terrified... but calmed into a smile as Gregori Amastov, the Planetary Governour he owed so much, marched in with his personal guard armed to the teeth. White carapace armor of the old Ordo Tempestus trimmed and detailed in silver, Hellguns connected to pack on their backs and all helmeted. Gregori himself wore no helm, his white armor trimmed in gold as he approached Terix to speak.

"My Lord Terix, the streets are awash with disenfranchised citizens, they are raving mad and calling for you... this must be stopped immediately."

The Governour Terix laughed relieved and brought the Gevernour Gregori into a hug, "Oh my boy I'm so happy that someone other than me sees the problem! Why, we should b-"

Again Gregori cut him off.

"Of course. Why, I even have a plan that wil solve things... almost instantaneously..."

The Governour looked confused, "W-what? That's... fantastic but... how w-", and the captain screamed.

Terix wheeled around and his eyes widened in horror at what he saw. The Lord general of the PDf had buried his power sword into the Captains guts. The General yanked the sword back out as his captain tumbled to the ground, sputtering blood and trying to scream in pain. The sound of hellguns discharging caused him to turn again, as Gregori's men cut down his guard before they had a chance to even raise their weapons. The Governours eyes turned to Gregori, filled with fear as the man drew his sword. Terix trembled and stumbled backwards as Gregori advanced on him, "W-wait! What-what is happening?! Why are you doing this?!"

Gregori gave his answer calmly as he approached the trembling Governour, "I am returning peace to the streets Governour Terix. Don;t worry, your bones are the foundation of something far greater. Its all thanks to you, that the Imperium shall be reborn!", and the last thing the Governour saw was the floor, as his severed head clattered down, and his body went limp.

Gregori sighed heavily, staring down at the corpse and smiled... this was only the beginning.

Holy Throne-world of the Imperium Reborn, Several days ago

The streets were once more filled with screaming groups of Imperial citizens whose lips chanted a single name, Emperor Gregori Amastov. But now, it was screams of elation, love and hope. Streamers and a great many small celebratory scraps of paper, prayers and blessing scrawled along them, were tossed from high up in the hives and down below as the citizens crowded to watch the parade. Soldiers of the PDF in immaculate armor marched in deep ranks through the streets, ccompany and regimental banners flying high. Just behind them, stood the rows of Guardsmen from beyond the system, these men in their recently repaired and repainted arms and armor, but there gait seemed somehow heavier. they marched with more seriousness than their PDF counterparts, as if they knew what was coming. Beyond them were the rows of the Palace Protectorate, their immaculate storm-trooper armor recently polished and well kept as they marched in step behind the guard. Just behind them, came the chariot. A massive hovering vehicle, upon which stood rows of Protectorate, Inquisitorial storm-troopers. Servitor choirs sang powerfully, and at its peak stood the Emperor himself. Gregori waved to the populace, occasionally picking a scrap of paper from the air, briefly reading it, smiling then placing it in the hands of his scribe who rapidly stuffed it into a bag full of such scraps.

This was the peoples savior, in their eyes a symbol of the ultimate hope... the lone, Saintly creator of the Imperium Reborn!

'Saint's Chariot', Personal battleship of Emperor Gregori Amastov, Present day

Gregori sipped from his glass, the rich red wine flowing into his mouth as he sat in the great leather chair, slumped in it somewhat, his uniform undone to an extent as he sat contentedly. His Palace Protectorate captain cleared his throat and Gregori sighed, redoing his immaculte white uniform with its rather simplistic military ranking on the chest, a white cape half on hanging off his right shoulder as he turned to face his captain.

"Are my Generals on their way?"

His Captain nodded and the Emperor sat up straight, ready to receive his most valued generals and confidants.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dannyrulx
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Dannyrulx Don't. Call. Me. A. Goat.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ritske Siemger: The Whip of Gregori

Ritske's heavy armour clanked against the floor of the battleship as she walked alone, the repainted XV25 causing crewmen and guards to turn their heads at the exotic gear in front of them. Her custom gun was attached to one arm, the chipped metal gleaming, and she decided to give the fusion blaster a spin, causing a guard to raise his lasgun at her. She blew him a kiss from behind the armour as she passed, and she saw the uniformed guy shaking his head, although she didn't care, grinning at the looks she was getting, happy to be the centre of attention again. One of her subtler tics was acting up, her hands quavering from stim withdrawal. She couldn't inject herself now, within the suit, but Gregori was fine with her subtle worship, so if she was the first there...

The airlock hissed open, and she immediately found hellguns pointing at her, before Gregori told them to stand down. She held up her hands briefly to show that she didn't mean anything, before getting into a combat stance, the suit braced and the two arms ready to fire, before ejecting herself from the suit, the hissing as the airlocked armour acclimatised itself to her getting out filled the area. She bowed quickly to Gregori, more out of neccecity than anything else, before pulling out a stim injector, fiddling with one of the clearer vials that she held on her and loading it in, punching a nice clean hole in her arm again. She sighed lightly and leant back on the armour, clipping the stim injector back otno her belt, and waited, wondering who else had been arriving.

For most of the time she had been working for Gregori, she had been off fighting for him, spilling xenos and human blood alike and never really coming back to enjoy the niceties that the self-proclaimed lord surrounded himself in, however tempting that might be. She adjusted her secondary armour and started to check her weapons whilst she waited, the quivering in her hands dying down as the stims entered her system. The handcannons were clean, her knife similarly. Lightning pistol clean... Fuck it. She had too many guns to check if they were all clean. As long as they didn't blow up in her hands, shewould be fine, and she eagerly bobbed up and down as she waited to see if anyone else would come out of the woodworks.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TemplarKnight07
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Inquisitor Alexius Commenus

The Master of both the formerly independent Errant Cohort Fleet and re-ratified Ordo Chronos walked through the halls of "Saint's Chariot". His own Battleship, "The Wandering Chronos" was within sight, though he had taken a transport cutter aboard for the meeting. He had deemed not to bring any members of his Ordo for this, it was a private meeting and he could fill them in on any necessary details pertaining to them later. He did bring a small escort of Stormtroopers with him, but they were mostly for show, he and Gregori were allies, after all. He had pledged his quite substantial forces and fleet to the new Emperor upon his unexpected encounter with the system several months ago, and had declared his allegiance to Gregori as well and the legitimacy of his office throughout his own people.

In return, Gregori's forces had set about repairing and manning the fleet with fresh troops and had begun resettling the civilians, appropriating their vessels, and had officially declared the legitimacy of Alexius' titles and that of his Ordo, becoming a formal Master Inquisitor again under the Gregorian Imperium.

So far, the alliance had been going well between them, but then so far it had fulfilled the easy terms of both sides. Now it was going to be tested. Gregori had told him when they first met that he had plans to expand into the next sector, and this meeting likely was in regards to that. Alexius would now have to see how things went and re-evaluate how to proceed if things did not go according to plan.

But that was enough of hypotheticals, time to focus on the now. He left his escorts to their own devices outside of the meeting room, Gregori's own troops standing at attention and unwavering at his approach before making way, they knew of him from previous visits.

He entered the room, removing his hat as he did so to smooth out his hair but keeping his coat on. He inclined his head towards Gregori and his captain respectfully with a smile that showed a few teeth. No harm in looking a little predatory. He walked over to to his place near Gregori's right side, glancing over at the woman who was also present. An interesting figure, he hadn't met her personally, but he had heard brief snippets of stories of her, a hedonistic warrior of no small talents. He cared not if she was actually a Slaaneshi devoutee as some of his inner circle suspected based on rumours, if she was, she'd evidently found a way to maintain enough control over herself to make it an effective tool.

Either way, he took his own seat near Gregori and made himself comfortable as he waited.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Switch
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Mansion of Zachariah Renovicci, An Ambitious Official, and Servant of Emperor Gregori
1 Week ago

"Amastov perverts the title of Emperor. Cavorting around with xenos filth, declaring himself heir to the Golden Throne. He's the biggest heretic of the lot." Zachariah Renovicci shouted, spittle flying from the old man's mouth as he screamed at his guest.

"Perhaps, but what can we do? He is well-protected, and rumor has it that any who too brazenly speak against him disappear."

"Then we must beat him at his own game. I know a man, his family had ties to the Officio Assassinorum for centuries. I'll give him a call. Discreet, quick, quiet. A single shot, straight to the-" Whatever the ambitious official had been planning to say was lost, as his face exploded in a spew of blood and gore that covered his conversational companion. The other man was no stranger to combat, however, and reacted in a way that surprised the shooter. The man rose, and looked directly at him.

On a cliff overlooking the mansion, Syvarrus' eyebrow furrowed as he stared through his Long Rifle's scope at the man in the room, so far away, yet so clearly aware of his presence. Suddenly, he felt a groping in his mind, then a seizing. A psychic attack. So, the man was more than he appeared. Syvarrus grunted as he attempted to resist the assault. He was no warlock, and he didn't have much in the way of psychic defenses, aside from the usual base familiarity of his race. However, the man likely couldn't have known the shooter was an Eldar, and ancient at that. The man below continued to grasp for Syvarrus' identity so Syvarrus, with a smile, let him have it. All of it at once.

As nearly ten thousand years of life flooded the man's mind, he stumbled and staggered, steadying himself on the chair he had been sitting in. Not willing to risk his mind, the psyker below released his mental assault, and turned to make for the door. Too late. The Ancient Eldar outcast didn't need more than a second. He had three. As the kinetic pulse round detonated in the man's stomach, he exploded in a cloud of viscera. By then the guards had heard the shots, and subsequent gory explosions, and were heading up the hill toward Syvarrus' position. He rose to a kneeling position, peering 'round for his best escape route, then stood, stepping closer to the ledge. He activated his wings, the gracefully feathered wings of the Swooping Hawk Aspect Warriors fluttered into the wind behind him, and the anti-grav engine began to whir and thrum with energy.

Syvarrus activated his Holo-field emitter, and took another step toward the ledge, just as a few guards started taking pot-shots at the cliff. A lasgun beam struck the wall behind him, and he decided it was time to go. Just as the guards started crashing through the underbrush behind him, he leapt from the ledge, his image exploding into a thousand shimmering shards as the holo-field's distortion took effect and he shot off into the sunset, further obscuring the view of his would-be pursuers. He had a report to make, and pay to collect.

'Saint's Chariot'

Present Day

Syvarrus walked down the opulent corridor unhooded, a rarity for him. His left ear was missing it's tip, his hair, despite his age, was still quite dark, his eyes sharp and acute. A hawk's eyes. Usually he covered his features, prefering to move unnoticed, or at least unremembered, but Gregori's guards didn't appreciate hooded figures wandering the corridors, especially this close to their Emperor. Not surprising, and quite understandable. If they actually knew who he was, he didn't know, but they knew what he was. With humans, that was often enough. Many of the guards scowled at him, snickered as he passed, or grumbled something at him incoherently. This stopped as he got closer to the chamber he was to meet Gregori and the others in. With the eye of a master infiltrator, Syvarrus noted that the discipline of the guards seemed to increase as he grew closer to Gregori. The man was no fool, and surrounded himself with only the best.

Perhaps even I would have trouble getting past all of them, were I so inclined. Syvarrus thought to himself.

He reached the double doors leading to the meeting chamber just in time to see the scavenged Tau battlesuit enter. He approached the door, and noticed a retinue that he hadn't seen before. They weren't the Guard of this vessel. Perhaps the retinue of one of the others he Gregori had sent for? Giving those guarding the door a brief nod, and a sidelong glance to the others, he passed quietly through the door. He took note immediately of the human female. Having shed her scavenged armor, he could see her for what she was. At the very least, she was an addict, but he had heard stories of her. Stories that, if true, would make her his mortal enemy, current allegiances be damned. Still, if he found out that there was any truth to the rumors, he would need to act very carefully, so as not to upset the current balance with Gregori. For now he would watch this one, and wait.

The other man's reputation proceded him as well. This explained the men outside. Perhaps one of the biggest threats to Gregori at the moment, was this Inquisitor, and his forces. If handled correctly, however, perhaps a most useful ally. It remained to be seen whether SYvarrus would have this man in his sights, or at his side. With a nod to Gregori, Syvarrus walked silently to a wall nearby, leaning his back against it and fixing the woman with his hawk's eyes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Evil Snowman
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Evil Snowman Proptery of Demonic Raven

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Canoness Ishitta Thamus

The Aquila Lander hit the landing pad with a thud, as it right engine spluttered. As if struggling to fulfill it's duty.
"I thought I ordered this transport fixed?" Ishitta questioned the middle-aged looking man sitting next to her. Who looked almost panicked. Glancing at the two women sat across from him.
"Yes mistress you did. The Enginseers did all they could. They claim they lack the parts to fully repair your lander. I'm sorry mistress I will speak to them when we return. Make sure it priority one repair." The man spoke, earning him a huff from Ishitta. She was not impressed that her personal transport was in disrepair. Although it was no surprise. The lander was old and it required parts the order simply needed elsewhere.
"See that you do. Otherwise, I will find a new aid." Ishitta muttered as the Landers main door opened. Ishitta everyone in the lander standing up. Ishitta taking the lead as they disembarked the lander. Entered the landing bay. Ishitta's aid taking the lead as began to lead the Canoness towards the Emporer Gregori, or as he was called by those in the Order of the Mourning Maidens the Embodiment. Ishitta's flanked by a Celestian and a Repentia Mistress. Both staying close to their Cannoness, both seeming almost the tiniest bit eager to see Gregori up close.

As they walked the halls of Saint's Chariot Ishitta shot suspicious glares at everyone they came across. Although they had an agreement with Gregori and she was willing to trust him. She didn't trust those under him. They were all potential heretics and needed to be watched closely. Ishitta resting a hand on her Inferno Pistol as walked the ship's halls.

Arriving at the room where Gregori was located, Ishitta's aid fell to her right side allowing her to take the lead. Knowing better to walk in front or Ishitta when meeting someone important. Entering the room Ishitta followed by her aid and guards approached and knelt before him. Holding it for a moment. Before standing, looking at Gregori directly.
"Embodiment, we come as requested. The order stands ready to meet your desires. My order as also made a purity seal for you. It blessed by those most devout to the late god emperor and to the one who embodies his will. We would be honored if you would wear it." Ishitta spoke as her aid approached Gregori's captain. Handed him a pouch then quickly retreated back the Canonesses side. Who already stood to a little of Gregori's left side. Ishitta looked at those had already arrived with a distrustful and suspicious look. Before giving them a nod in greeting. With that, she turned to watch the door, interested in seeing who else would be severing the embodiment.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

- K'Vari, Saint's Chapel Battleship -

K'Vari had, quite plainly, bought his way on board the ship. His ships brought with them secrets, techniques and weapons that were vital to the survival of the Gregori Imperium, and that had bought him a place with Gregori's council. Although K'Vari tended to be an apolitical fellow he would be forced by circumstance to remain here for quite some time, and he wished to have his hands at the ready in both the highest and lowest strata of society. He brooked no surprises, nor betrayals, and already he was investing heavily into his influence in this little corner of the galaxy. In fact he might just turn accident into fortune and make this a permanent base of operations, a little safe haven from which he could conduct business all over the galaxy. Although Gregori would no doubt dislike him dealing with what the simpleminded human would consider rivals or enemies K'Vari had planned for such things, and once he was done here the 'Emperor' would be of no consequence. As always, anything opposing his plans was to be wiped aside without mercy. And as always, they would never see it coming.

As the diminutive figure strode into the conference room he turned a number of heads. He was clad only in a ragged brown robe which hid most of his features, and held a long twisted staff which twitched as though alive. The creature shuffled forward, and although at first glance it appeared like something of a beggar, a second glance would identify many of the small trinkets hanging from his cloaks as priceless artifacts. Fuel cells for plasma weapons hung alongside ancient digital weapons and shards of ceramite armour. His face was only glimpsed, but it was repulsive to say the least, pale wet skin glistening as two beady black eyes eagerly examined all that the room had to offer, paying as much attention to the furnishings as the people.

More imposing were the two creatures who followed quickly behind. In stature and musculature these creatures were similar to one of the Adeptus Astartes, but none would confuse them for such. A mask of flesh without features sat where the face would be, and the creatures bore no distinguishing marks whatsoever, like a mannequin formed from flesh. These were Vat-Brutes, living war machines developed by the Stryxis as both guards and product, and previously illegal across the Imperium. Each clasped a long machete-like blade of gleaming silver, the grace of it's design suggesting a nearly monomolecular edge. Such a weapon would make short work of the carapace armour that protected most of the attendants, and might make its way through even the tough Power Armour worn by Space Marines when combined with the inhuman strength of their wielders. It was clear that K'Vari would not be threatened here, although the relaxed stance of his bodyguards indicated he was not expecting a fight.

Looking around at those attendant the tiny trader judged each of them in turn.

The mercenary woman sat relaxed, but with the telltale slightly twitchy stance of someone using some form of drug. K'Vari had spent too long among the drug-addled lords of the southern Imperiums to whom he had marketed his own wide assortment of narcotics to miss the little signals that marked an addict. It appeared his informants had been correct. More importantly that her being a potential client, however, was her stance, the underlying tenseness of the seemingly relaxed pose. This was a warrior, no doubt, but beyond that it was someone who loved war. An obsessive student of combat, much like the twisted Space Marine troupes who even now either sold their services or simply took what they needed from the worlds they came across. This woman harboured no loyalty to Gregori, or at least no greater than the loyalty of an addict to the supplier. And drugs were not her only addiction, judging from the reports he had received of her exploits in various combat scenarios. She was a soldier of the highest calibre, but no threat. A tool, to be used by the most capable employer, and even now he considered how he would purchase her loyalty.

The Inquisitor was an oddity indeed. According to the stories his men told they had emerged from some sort of temporal anomaly, transported from a period long before the failing of the Golden Throne and subsequent destruction of the Imperium. Thus he had expected a figure similar to the Inquisitors of legend, a xenophobic and paranoid murderer, whom's trigger-happiness was outdone only by their blind devotion to their Emperor. Instead this figure appeared oddly accepting of other races, and instead wished only for a title and a service. He did not know what this strange figure's plan was, but anything he did not understand was a threat. He would need to keep his eye on this human, although already his servants were gathering more information.

Considering that the Gregori Empirium had displayed itself a rarity in terms of tolerance it was no surprise to see a xenos in attendance, although he had not expected an Eldar. No knowledge of such an individual existed within his database, and there was no doubt that this figure's existence was a closely guarded secret. Anyone who had managed to keep their presence a secret from K'Vari's investigation was a threat, and his surprising species made him doubly so. The Eldar K'Vari had met on his treck across the galaxy had universally despised the Imperium, willing to deal with him only because of necessity, and because of his neutrality in such matters. Both the outcasts and the insane followers of Biel'Tan slaughtered humans almost as a matter of principle, and it would be an interesting tale indeed that had brought this individual to Gregori's service.

The Sister of Battle formed no surprise. A most zealous woman, as all of the order were, this creature would be no exception to the hundreds he had already spotted across the galaxy. If he intended to move against Gregori directly he would need to do so over this woman's corpse, which was one of the main reasons he had decided to work in the shadows. Should the 'Emperor' move against him he would need plans in place, but for the moment he would need to placate figures such as this woman. He would be the Xenos trader, the greedy but mostly harmless figure that many had mistaken him for. Until the very moment he was certain of how to deal with this woman and her sizeable combat forces he would need to act the part of a meek businessman with no ambition. Not that this would give him much trouble. Although it might also be interesting to see if some conflict could be sowed between the Cannoness and the others, perhaps the mercenary woman, or the Eldar operative. It would prove most advantageous if he could weaken Gregori's defences, not enough that this little Imperium would fall, but enough that the human would come to rely more on vat-grown reinforcements. And thereby grow more reliant on K'Vari.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hecticlord
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Hecticlord For the Imperial Guard!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Gabriel Corbec

Gabriel sighed as he reviewed the training reports of the last couple of months. He had decided to look over them on the shuttle ride from the surface to the 'Saint's Chariot'. There wasn't anything wrong with them, and by most Imperial Guard standards they were actually pretty decent. Its just that, they weren't Cadians. Gabriel sighed again before looking at the Kasrkins that served as his bodyguards. Maybe he would ask Gregori about seeing whether or not he could implement some sort of militia program like they had back on Cadia. Not to the scale of Cadia, but some form of it.

As the shuttle thumped down in the hangar of the 'Saint's Chariot' Gabriel looked at his bodyguards before nodding at them and standing up. As he exited the shuttle he noticed the Canoness's shuttle and realized that he had probably just missed her. As he walked through the halls of the ship he couldn't help but inspect the men who served aboard this ship. While he was no Imperial Navy captain, he had gotten a bit more familiar with how ships were run in the last decade. And what he saw pleased him as the men appears well-trained, but he mused, it would probably take a battle to see how well trained they were.

As Gabriel approached the room he noticed the guards equipped like the Tempestus Scions of old. As he passed them he couldn't help, but be glad that at least some of the old martial traditions survived. As he entered he cast his gaze around, noticing those that were already here. His gaze stopped short at the strange battle suit before continuing on the Gregori. He stepped forward and bowed before addressing Gregori. "My Emperor, the Imperial Guard stand ready for your orders. You shall not find us wanting." As he turned away from Gregori he nodded at the Inquisitor and Canoness with respect before finding his seat. As he sat down he couldn't help but wonder who else he would be serving alongside.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Thecrash20
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Enyo Consulve

Earlier that day

"No please stop! For the love of the God Emperor!" the broken man shrieked in pain. His face and body were bloodied and he was slumped on one of his palace's wood wall. Three men stood in front of him, armed and wearing symbolism of the Ordo Herticus. Mostly from the man that stood in front of him. This man looked more like a PDF Sergeant than anything else, not like the usual Inquisitor. He wore no hat or fancy robes, just a carapace body piece over black fatigues and two pistols cross holster on his lower back. He did carry a Power sword on his right side, so he was obvious to be some man of power. This Inquisitor knelt down to be face to face with the Broken old man.

"God Emperor? Which one? Mine or yours?". Enyo replied as he was crushing the man's ankle under his boot. The man screamed in pain, but did not reply back. Either because he didn't now how to reply or he didn't have the energy too. "It just... seems so strange to me. Do you think no one would say anything? Having almost one hundred men dedicated to your radical cause and not one of them would talk? I mean you could of been hidden and bring the number up, but you got cocky! It took only five minutes to make your Nephew squeal like the fat pig he was. Or maybe he was a chicken, because I'm sure he was still moving after I tore his fat head off..."

The man angrily tried to swing a fist at the Inquisitor, but missed. The man received a headbutt in return, completely breaking his nose. Now the Inquisitor was angry. "Alright enough of this!" Enyo called out stepping up and take a step back. His two Stormtroopers continued to watch his back and guard the entry ways to the room. As Enyo began one of them turned.

"I, Enyo Consulve judge thee, excommunicate traitoris. For inciting rebellion against our Holy Saint and savior of the new Imperium, Gregori Amastov. You have been found guilty and shall pay your du-" Before he could finish one of Enyo's StormTroopers cut him off. "Mi'lord the meeting you told to remind you about, it begins in an hour." Enyo met the man with squinted eye and frown, to interrupt him was the highest disrespect, but after hearing the rest of his words his faced turned to shock. The man was right.

"Oh sorry about that, were going to have hurry this thing up then, Im sure you wont mind" The Inquisitor told the broken man before beginning again."I, Enyo Consulve judge thee, excommunicate traitoris. By actions, by association, and by beliefs. Yada yada yada, Sentenced to Death!" As the words came out of his mouth, a laz bolt entered the man's. His brain matter sprinkling the room.

Present Time

The Aquila lander almost looked as it had crashed down to the landing pad. From what it looked liked, he was one of the last ones there. He wasted no time. As soon as he was able, he sprinted off the transport and into the palace. Moving anyone or anything that stood in his way to the meeting room. He didn't barged in, but walked in with a pompous look on his face that showed he was late on purpose. Even though that was the furthest from the truth, especially when his heavy breathing and his sweaty face gave it all away.

"Good afternoon to you all! So, whats this all about?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

- Captain Leal Lattore-

Captian Leal Lattore sat alone on a bench in a large, open chamber aboard the Intrepidus, the battered, yet-functional, Ramilies Starfort that was home to the errant members of the Relictor chapter of the Astartes Praesus. The fort was immense for the single company, yet it had the capacity they required to travel great distances and sustain them for battle. With their homeworld of Neutra secured for recruitment, they had the potential to recover from their utter devastation after the events of the 13th Black Crusade and their severe punishment by the Inquisition as Excommunicate Traitoris. The structure and functionality of the Imperium had changed dramatically since the loss of the Master of Mankind, and perhaps now, in what had to be for certain the darkest hour of the Empire of Man, the Relictors could rise again as saivours in the establishment of the Imperium reborn.

Travel between systems was unfortunately, currently, laboriously unproductive, and even picking a direction was akin to throwing darts at a dartboard while blindfolded. This gave Leal much time to think. The Relictors had to move. To stagnate in a secure location was to waste their God-emperor given use while the fringes of the former Imperium were surely being consumed by chaos and xenos. But throwing forces at the fringes of the Imperium would be futile. It was time for the entire empire to pull back to its midpoint, to some homing beacon, to reconvene, share their knowledge, and to rebuild. That is what Leal had planned.

Armored and adorned as their sole representative, Captain Lattore would meet with one Gregori Astamov, commander in chief of the planetary defense forces of the new holy throne world of what may in fact be the center of the Imperium Reborn. Supposedly, Astamov was claimed to be the very embodiment of the former Emperor's will. Leal was doubtful that this was anything more than title, else he would be dealing with yet another living saint. He opened his eyes and looked upon the relicsword that lay suspended in its resting place before him. Such things were indeed possible in such desparate times. Tiny white flames slowly flickered over its' blade, and he basked in its harmless aura.

Every time he looked upon it, he asked himself what he had done in creating this weapon. In its' light, he felt something that simply could not be, that the Emperor, the old Emperor, still existed, that there was still hope. Yet, how could this be anything more than a delusion brought on by his grief? He dare not even utter the logical denial. Still, the presence was there, radiating at him from the blade. He did not understand it.

"The landing team is ready, Captain."

Leal's bulky terminator armor stood up and faced the archway. "We leave at once." He answered, and telekinetically called and holstered the angel sword.

----------- Saint's Chariot

An envoy of 5 Relictors teleported onto the ship outside the meeting chambers on the designated landing pad: captain Leal Lattore wearing a red cloak, two high ranking relictors in dreadnaught armor, and 2 in power armor. Each of them carried both a ranged weapon and a melee weapon, one of which at least was clearly a daemonweapon, the signiture and damnnation of their chapter. Like human tanks, they marched forward in formation, steady and unstoppable. The interfaces in their visors gave them all the information on their surroundings, humans, xenos, ships, potential threats, everything. In the former Imperium, the Relictor's staunch declaration of loyalty meant nothing, and although the old Inquisition was no more, a new one was being formed, and they could possibly take offense to the Relictor's presence.

The large doors to the meetinghall chamber opened to admit the super-human sized batle brothers. Leal stepped forward and immediately the sense of a holy presence entered the room with him. The rarely seen image of the white skulls on black shoulder pauldrons struck the gathered audience. The 4 daemon weapons belonging to the other Relictors were wrapped in seals and silver chains, muting their influence on innocent bystanders. A demonic eye cracked open on one of the posessed bolters and looked at Ritske.

"Captain Leal Lattore of the first company of Relictors of the Astartes Praesus..." Leal hesitated, "...Excommunicatus." It may or may not have mattered. Dauntless, focused on his mission which was for the future of mankind, and continued. "We have come, as is our duty, to defend the Imperium from its' enemies in this time of need and to once again spread the Emperor's Truth. We seek reconciliation with the burgeoning new Imperium spurred by the actions of Lord Gregori Astamov and to admit our chapter to his service in accordance with the eternal will of the Emperor of Mankind, may he one day return to us."

Having introduced himself, Leal waited patiently. There was much to discuss and many others yet to meet.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NecroKnight
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NecroKnight Elite Death Knight of Decay

Member Seen 24 days ago

Captain Tyros

The next person to arrive in the room, had been Captain Tyros Maxim - of the Black Dragons Space Marine Chapter. Well, they weren't much of a Chapter at that, in general. Only a ship, that was operated by a techmarine and an Apochathery. With him being their usual leader - or only leader left after the millenia of fighting just to survive.

In general, the remains of the likely Loyalist Chapter for lightyears, was a simple, pragmatic survivalism. They couldn't withstand the horror of the void, any longer alone at that. Since xenos and Chaos was always around, trying to kill them at that. In addition, most of the people, that had survived the collapse of the Imperium were also in a bad situation. The average human was a easy kill for the xeno, now that the mighty bulwark of the Imperium was gone. And Chaos just kept getting stronger, with each passing day as the more desperate joined their ranks just to survive.

As such it was symbiosis - what remained of the Black Dragons, namely him. Aided in keeping the nascent new Imperium afloat. And in return, their legend and Chapter would regrow at that - thanks to the munitions they received from Gregori. Also slowly but surely, they had already recruited around a dozen new recruits, to join the ranks of the Black Dragons and follow in the line of their Primarch Vulkan and the Salamanders. But that would take time, and effort and likely maybe three or one would survive the implantation of their Gene-Seed. But in short, Space Marines were a resilient bunch and they would continue on. In physical form. Or in myth and legend.

For now however, he had business to attend to. As he soon entered the hall, where various other people had gathered in. He kept mostly to himself, and didn't persay try to question much the ideal of having xenos and renegades be commanded under an Imperial...Imperium. But at this point, it wasn't much up for a debate. The Galaxy had been worse once, now...everything was more in fucked-up to a sense, that arguing about who was right by some unknown will seemed pointless. Namely because Chaos didn't pick a side, it was its own side and consumed all with equal and unrelenting gusto. So at this point, the black-armored giant merely kept his tone as he walked inside. Keeping an eye on the Renegades and Xeno. As long as they didn't cause Chaos or try to destroy anything - and served with some eagerness, he would let it slide. But by the Emperor was it pulling a real stretch and only their belief stemming from the Salamanders, held back his rage to simply tear many a Heretic in this room into pieces.

"Lord Gregori," he said, merely as an acknowledgement as he soon stood against a nearby wall and watched the proceeding and arrivals. Slowly sharpening his spikes at that, made from their failed Gene-Seed and tipped in adamantium. It made him some people uneasy, yet he could with atleast some word say - he was the least threatening foe in this era. Or in this current system.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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- Unknown, Ordo Chronos Fleet -

Hundreds of civilians and soldiers were shipped to and fro between Arexia Prime and the Ordo Chronos battlefleet. Those who had up until this point been protected only by the inquisitors were absorbed by the general mass of Gregori's populace, some upon this world and many upon others, even as Inquisitor Commenus refilled his troop supply from the planet's standard garrison. In normal circumstances it would have been near to impossible to infiltrate the Inquisitor's fleet, even in the state of disarray and confusion that had struck them after being dropped in the middle of the 51st millenium, but necessity had broken apart almost every barrier. With this many people moving around it was easy to slip aboard one of the ships heading up to the briefing, another face in the crowd. It was similarly easy to become detached from the crew he had been assigned to amidst the twisting corridors of the strike cruiser's lower decks. Moving from place to place the stranger employed an age-old trick - if you looked like you knew what you were doing, few question you.

While a green-looking infantryman had disappeared from his squad, a veteran Inquisitor strode into the nearby docking bay, unhesitatingly commanding that one of the small vessels be dispatched with him on board to one of the other nearby vessels. He gave neither name nor rank, simply declared that it was important, and those attending the docking bay had best see that it happened soon. Knowing from the man's manner that he was a man who expected to be obeyed without question the servants and soldiers soon had a small ship ready and the inquisitor went about his mysterious business, shooting off into the other ship.

A dutiful Servitor strode monotonely through the halls, it's mild inspection of the engines and other features considered standard. It went unnoticed by the soldiers and inquisitors that marched through on important business, who treated the servo-slaved zombies as nothing more than an elaborate piece of furniture. Unnoticed, he made his way through a great deal of places, noting everything he saw with impeccable memory even as he memorized the basic layout of the ship. While lacking the technical knowledge of the slave he mimicked he knew enough to grab the general gist of it, and others would be able to glean more information from these findings should he detail what he had discovered to them. After a few hours had passed this strange figure could be seen leaving for the docking areas.

The overseer of this particular docking area gave the order to prepare a ship, as he needed to be on urgent business. His subordinates hurried to do as he requested, knowing their boss for an impatient man even in the best of times. The chubby imperial huffed and puffed at every slight delay, and all were relieved when he was on his way. So busy had they been that they had forgotten to ask for his destination, and their relief would flee at the discovery of a corpse that stunningly resembled their overseer hidden away in the space between decks. But only fate would decree whether he would be found in hours, days, or never. Meanwhile their supposed overseer shuttled off towards another ship, where the cycle repeated itself.

For numerous days the Ordo Chronos were busy loading and unloading passengers, such was their need for conscripts and their fill of innocents, and the mountains of paperwork involved in such an act slowed these events to a crawl, every misplaced letter spreading disarray and confusion. And among the teeming masses of normal imperial civilians several decidedly odd figures milled about. Indeed in these days it is said that a number of quite important people aboard the ship made some stunningly odd decisions and appearances, although not a one of them would recall making any such decisions. In fact a few of them couldn't recall much of anything. And records would later show that some of those people had accessed equally important records, many of which pertained to the ships' defensive capabilities but equally many pertaining to the detailed files on the crew and leaders of the Ordo Chronos fleet. Nothing as obvious as an information download, but it was clear that data had been accessed, and perhaps used. Of course, in the confusion caused by such an immense evacuation, it might be days before anyone noticed anything was amiss at all.

A grinning civilian strode back onto land, stretching tired limbs as he glanced around. Then he set off purposefully into the poor quarters of the nearest city, using his contacts and skills to make his way back to his employer.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TemplarKnight07
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-Somewhere on Arexia Prime-

Though almost entirely unnoticed during their operations in the mass commotion the fleet was thrown into during the time it spent adapting to the current arrangement between the Master Inquisitor and the new Emperor, the infiltrators would not leave totally successful in their endeavour.

As the infiltrators' employer would eventually discover, one section of information was conspicuously absent from the massive logs of schematics, manifests, personnel and civilian records and reports, observational reports, and maintenance records was anything substantial pertaining to the Ordo Chronos itself. Everything on the records of every last civilian, human and xenos, as well as all militant forces of the Errant Cohort (now thoroughly mixed in with Gregori's own forces as an extension), and all cargo were fully accessible, but not a single thing about the Ordo Chronos itself showed up with anything but a name and their title within the Ordo. Indeed, beyond the locations of their personal quarters and set aside chambers for Ordo business aboard "The Wandering Chronos" and the fact that their names were listed upon the grand lists of occupants aboard the various vessels, any data or logs pertaining to Ordo business or members were redacted from the main ship cogitator banks. Only public declarations, requests, orders, or commands handed down by Alexius himself, or any of his numerous Inquisitors and authorized members of their retinues, or queries posed to said people showed up in the main cogitator banks.

The Ordo obviously kept a private cogitator for its own use that was not linked to any main system, or did away with one altogether and kept their own records some other way. Either way, they kept their private dealings, and any classified information they wanted stored away, under tighter scrutiny than anything else in the fleet. Nothing Ordo specific left those sequestered and vaulted halls of "The Wandering Chronos" unless it was deemed public, and no Ordo business was discussed in any public setting unless it had been cleared by Alexius, otherwise it was only in those private chambers where the Ordo held its meetings and internal affairs where such matters were discussed. Evidently, Alexius still enforced the old maxim which the old Inquisition had stuck to when it came to access to Ordo information: "Blessed is the mind too small for doubt."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by agentmanatee
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agentmanatee Servant of chaos

Member Seen 9 mos ago

'Saint's Chariot', Personal battleship of Emperor Gregori Amastov, Present day

Gregori watched as his personal 'cabinet' filed in, each individual invaluable to the Imperium reborn and the coming expansion crusades. First to enter surprised him somewhat, miss Ritske Siemger a mercenary under his employ. She was the proud owner of a heavily modified Tau Stealth-suit... in addition to a near innumerable amount of fire-arms of various shapes and sizes. In addition she also had a rather nasty drug habit, often shooting up in front of Gregori due to the fact he wouldn't penalize her for doing so. She was more valuable high and working for him than working for someone else against him and high... or dead. Yes, she was far more useful alive. So he simply turned away to allow her to give in too her needs.

After her was Alexius Commenus, Master inquisitor of the Ordos Cronos and one of the Emperor's personal close confidants. He was not unlike Gregori, cunning, ambitious and willing to work to make the Imperium Reborn. Currently, he also supplied the majority of the Imperium Reborn's fleet and about half of his ground forces, meaning Gregori needed to keep him close, engaged and concerned for the Imperiums safety. So far it had worked by making him a true Inquisitor and a personal confidant. Only time would tell if this would be enough. He knew if he lost Commenus things would get far worse.

After him came not only an invaluable asset, but no less than a myth at this point, his Eldar assassin. The strange corsair had approached him sometime ago to offer his unique and quite useful set of skills. Since then, Syvarrus had worked for the Emperor constantly, removing the more than a small number of enemies within the nobility and beneath it. He was discreet, quick, and most of all successful. He was the scalpel Gregori used when he needed someone dead as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Then none other than Canonness Ishitta Thamus entered the meeting room. With a warm smile he took the pouch and answered her, "I would be honored canonnes Ishitta to wear this purity seal on the eve of our first battle. May it bless me with protection as strong as that provided by the Sisterhood.", he said placing the pouch in his uniform pocket for now. Ishitta was both a blessing and a curse. Her order was large, completely devoted to him, and willing to die on his word. Unfourtanetly the Canonness and her order were strictly puritan... he had already had friction issues between her and the xenos of his Imperium Reborn... she needed to be reeled in and soon.

The trader. Oh so valuable and oh so mistrusted by Gregori. He gave the little cretin a welcoming smile and nod with a gesture to one of the chairs sat about the table. For now his exorbitant little caravan found safe haven with the Imperium Reborn, Gregori needed the technology and weapons he provided to pad out his own forces and make them superior to those of his foes. Non-standard lasgun patterns the schematics of certain Imperial and Xenos vehicles as well as countless amounts of arms and armor were supplied by the Caravan. Had they entered with more power in negotiation Gregori would already be deeply in debt. As it stood, things had come out equal thanks to his own skill in negotiations as well as a strong hold over the little xeno... even then it took all he had to avoid being swindled as best he could, lest the little caravan become more powerful than the Imperium it sat within. For now, he would keep the caravan about... the future was uncertain.

Ah yes, Gabriel Corbec. A Cadian. A Guardsman. A good, straight laced, pragmatic man who was trustworthy and loyal. No more perfect a general existed in his retinues for the newly minted Imperial Guard Reborn. He was yet tempted to re-brand them to the Imperial Army or some other name, but for now would let his forces remain the guard. His long experience in both tactics and military training were invaluable. One day Gregori had resolved to gift him a world and name it 'New Cadia'. Then never would the Imperium Reborn fear again for lack of competent soldiers. But for now he'd need to make due with the PDF forces and his own regiments... Gregori hoped it would be enough.

The second Inquisitor, Enyo Consulve, was far less like the Emperor than his fellow Master Inquisitor. Enyo was... odd. He was not unlike the Inquisitor's of old, just a bit unhinged if more relaxed in countenance. The Emperor smiled at his late arrival, "You will learn soon Master Enyo, please take your seat, all of you!", he declared to the room.

Then the Adeptus Astartes arrived. On the one hand came the Relictors, gray armor and armed with daemonic weapons they were without a doubt the more powerful of the two chapters, owners of a Ramiles Star fort and a small fleet. Their representative Leal Loretto quickly introduced himself to the Emperor and all others present with a surprisingly truthful statement of their... previous status. The Emperor stood and cleared his throat before speaking. "Your... previous status in the Imperium is of concern Captain. But, in our current state you have the chance to prove yourselves in the Imperium Reborn", he gave them a slight bow.

The Black Dragons however were far smaller, four marines and a lone battle barge. But, they were far less risky. They did not wield dangerous chaotic weapons, and they required far less super vision. The Emperor gestured to two large chairs for the Space Marine leaders, and sat in his own to address the lot.

"MY most trusted generals. My personal confidants and important trade partners. My top mercenaries and noble Astartes. This is the beginning of the Expansion Crusades. Here, in this room, sit the titans of the Imperium Reborn. We will decide the fates of worlds, and many millions or billions of Lives... for now though, we begin with forces consisting of just over a hundred ships and around three million troops. So, I have brought you here to discuss how best you may help the Imperium grow. And to discuss the coming campaign. Lets begin with questions and... concerns. This is the beginning of a new era after all, no doubt you have more than a few possible questions.", he waited for his generals to take their seats and ask away.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TemplarKnight07
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Inquisitor Alexius Commenus

Master Alexius sat and looked upon the various other members of Gregori's council that entered after him silently. Nodding back to the Canoness Thamus and former Lord-Militant Corbec, gazed intently upon the lone Eldar and tiny xeno and Captains Lattore and Tyros, and smirked at Inquisitor Consulve, but kept silent and watchful all the while. He didn't say a word as Gregori spoke, and waited a moment before posing his question, formulating his thoughts.

"Yes, I have a couple of concerns. But my first and most pressing is directed towards Inquisitor Consulve."

Alexius turned in his chair to face the other Inquisitor.

"Inquisitor, I would like a simple answer here and now, we can discuss the matter in more detail in private, later if you wish, but I'd prefer to get an answer now: will you consent to serving under me in his Imperial Majesty's new Inquisition? I cannot command you to join my Ordo, nor do I even require you to, but I would prefer if future . . . conflicts . . . in regards to Inquisitorial edicts and orders may be avoided by us acting as a single organization acting in concert rather than a self-proclaimed organization with several rogue agents. What say you?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Evil Snowman
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Evil Snowman Proptery of Demonic Raven

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Canoness Ishitta Thamus

Hearing the embodiment say he would be honored to wear the purity seal made for him. Ishitta couldn't help but let a tiny smile. The words pleasing her greatly. Ishitta confident when the seal is sighted on the embodiment in battle. Its sight would inspire her sisters, drive them to fight harder than any battle hymn could even hope to manage. Looking at her two guards Ishitta knew the word would spread quickly once they returned to the Redeemer. News always did, especially things pertaining to the embodiment. Many sisters often whispered about things they saw and heard. Ishitta finding this little habit of her underlings useful and annoying. As many times she had learned about potential problem festering on the Redeemer and was able to quickly deal with the issue before it became problematic. Luckily thanks to the discipline of her order, nothing classified got spread. Although private information was fair game. Ishitta having several facts about herself she'd of rather kept buried, spread around. Not that the information was easy to get at to anyone outside of the order. The Maidens being quite secretive around outsiders.

As the rest of those who would be attending the meeting arrived. Ishitta made mental notes on a couple of the newcomers. Already planning on ways to remove the small Xeno flanked by the hideous Vat-Brutes. Although was aware it was a trader. So it might prove to be of use. Still being a filthy Xeno she would need to watch it very closely. Who knew what the little creature was planning. The Guard captain seemed like a decent man. Ishitta aware from personal experience guardsmen were quite useful although often lacked faith and could be swayed by the heretical dark gods or Xenos. Ishitta thinking the guard captain might be a decent ally to the order. Provided, he and his men were at least somewhat faithful. The other inquisitor that arrived later. Made Ishitta frown seeing the attitude this man as lack of respect to the embodiment. Ishitta's guards shifting, quite unhappy with what they just saw. If he had been aboard the Redeemer, the Inquisitor would have eaten bolter round by now.

When Adeptus Astartes arrived Ishitta placed her hands on her the hilt of her power sword. Ishitta while having respect for all Adeptus Astartes simply for their prowess in battle. She had fought enough of them to know most were not faithful. The first group earned a very unhappy scowl from Ishitta, recognizing the weapons they carried were demon weapons.
"Heretics ..." she muttered under her breath, trailing off as Astartes spoke. Shaking her head, her instincts told her those Astartes needed to cleansed right now. However, she had been told before the meeting not to cause problems by the embodiment himself. That she needed to not pick a fight with every Xeno in the room and anything she deemed heretical. It was probably for the best, given they had already been "harassing" Xeno's as some put it.
"No true servant of the emperor would carry weapons of the great enemy. You are nothing but a heretic. To be put down like the dogs you are." she thought folding her arms, it took a lot to suppress her instincts. However, it was her place to obey the embodiment and she would not fail him. Even if she didn't agree with him.

When told to take a seat Ishitta did just that, her guards taking a single step back. Giving their Mistress enough room to be comfortable. Only Ishitta's aid remained in reach of the Cannoness. Much to aids dismay. Given that Ishitta only tolerated him. Given he was an outsider to her order. A necessary evil to facilitate to ensure her smooth running of the Redeemer and her order. To make sure the outsiders on board that worked most of the ship's systems, where getting along with her sisters.

Sat and quite comfortable Ishitta listened as Inquisitor spoke, looking at both of them. She watched, interested in seeing how the other inquisitor would answer. Once the matter was dealt with. Ishitta decided she'd let the other speak and ask questions. It was good why to learn about those her order would be working with. She did however, order her aid to make notes on what was asked and how it was answered.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hecticlord
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Hecticlord For the Imperial Guard!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Gabriel Corbec

As Gabriel looked around at those who attended the meeting, he couldn't help but notice the people who attended. Inquisitors, Xenos, and Adeptas Sororitas none of them would be adverse to throwing away Guardsmen lives if it made their own situations better. While he had respect for their respective organizations in the Inquisitors' and Canoness's case and was rightfully wary in the xenos' cases; he could only hope that they would afford him and his troops the respect that they deserved. Though he heartened upon seeing the Astartes. He knew the power that the Adeptus Astartes could bring to a line, and the morale boost that would follow them. He could only hope that they could get more as time went on.

As Gregori spoke Gabriel gathered his thought, and after the Inquisitor spoke he stood up as well.

"I have a question and some concerns that I hope to resolve here. First off I would like to know if we have any idea of the first couple of planets we will run into on this campaign. I would like to prepare my troops so that they are ready to fight on them if necessary. Also I have some questions for you Inquisitor Commenus. First off I would like you to send me the details of how your men are organized and what they are equipped with. I would like to know what my men will be fighting alongside. Also, and I may be overstepping my bounds here, I would like for your men to be subordinated under my command. You may leave your own commanders in charge of the units, but I would rather have our military answering to a single point rather than two." Gabriel smiles a bit. " I also think I might just have a bit more experience than you do in running a war. Though if I did overstep my bounds I deeply apologize. I am just doing my best to ensure that this Imperium runs well."

After that Gabriel sat back down and awaited the Inquisitor's response. He also took one last look around and awaited any questions that might be asked of him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TemplarKnight07
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Inquisitor Alexius Commenus

Master Alexius turned his head to the Lord-Militant's question as he gave Inquisitor Consulve time to think of a response, he smiled a wolfish smile at the Cadian.

"I'll send you the exact details some time after the meeting, Corbec. Suffice to say for now, I don't have much issue with your proposal, my Ordo has served the role of leaders well, but they are not necessarily war veterans, certainly none of your caliber. I actually intended to offer you the chance of commanding most of my forces and fleet with my Ordo acting more in a supervisory role, as is our purpose. Though fair warning, Lord-Militant, my forces as a whole are nowhere near as experienced or disciplined as your Cadians, I hope you're ready for a challenge and pray that your skill in command has not gotten rusty since your days on Cadia, you'll need them."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NecroKnight
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NecroKnight Elite Death Knight of Decay

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@Evil Snowman@Wraithblade6

Captain Tyros shook his head at the Sororitas - indicating to her, that likely fighting the 'current' largest Adeptus Astartes Chapter, in plain view and infront of the Emperor; might not be the wisest thing to do at that.

When asked about questions, Tyros didn't say much - namely because his first and only order was to defend the people of the Imperium. No matter what they were called nowadays, yet - he was...like many, worried about the status of having Astartes using Chaos-weapons at that. He had heard many stories, of such attempts. And as far as he was certain, they were NOT the mythical Grey Knights - whom were rumored to have millenias ago the ability to purify anything at that. His senses were tingling to the point, he didn't need to know - those 'things' were bad.

"I have no major inquries, I am a servant of the Imperium," spoke Tyros, before turning his gaze over to Captain Lattore. "I do hope, you know what you are doing, Brother. The path astray usually begins with a single whisper."

He knew it and likely have the room knew it. It would be best, if they could 'dispose' of the tainted weapons at that. Since he knew, that Chaos had the most eagerness in trying to corrupt those of great power, like the Astartes. And for all intents, he was not in the mood to fight an entire Chapter of Chaos Marines. But if duty called, he would answer - without hesitation.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Thecrash20
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Enyo was surprised that his name was called out. He usually just sat quietly in these little meanings and just went back to his broing routine until he had enough information to purge another unholy heretic. He would be a liar if he said he didn't like surprises. Clearing his throat first, he turned to the fellow inquisitor.

"Ah, I understand... Well, Inquisitor Alexius Commenus, let me answer your question with a question. Do I get to continue my current occupation and command all forces that I rightfully own? It seems not, since as you would put it, I would be serving under you. I serve the Emperor Gregori Amastov. Who has appointed me everything I own and is the only that can take it away from me. This "Ordo" of yours isn't my whole shtick anyways. I mean you run a fleet of? Two hundred ships? Under How many other Inquisitors? About Twenty if my birdies chirp the truth. That's a scary number, scarier if you were to turn rogue..."

Enyo began to laugh quite loudly to break the tension he created. He took a drink of water from the cup that stood in front of him and began again.

"Of course I do not mean to challenge your Loyalties Inquisitor. Although you seem to be in the fog about my Occupation. Good! That is the point. Although I am more then flattered that you gave me this invitation, but then Id essentially be useless and be at favor to another that may betray the Holy Emperor, Im sure you understand. This self-proclaimed rogue agent, declines your offer."

Enyo threw a wide smile after his response, right before adding one last thing. "Oh and Inquisitor. The last thing you want in the future is conflicts with each other."

Enyo brushed his hair back with his head and sat there quietly as the others continued to speak about their battle plans.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TemplarKnight07
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Alexius shifted his attention from Corbec back to Enyo and heard the fellow Inquisitor's response, immediately losing the wolfish smile he had given Corbec. He leaned back in his chair and steepled his fingers, his expression becoming much more serious as Consulve went on. His eyes wandered about for a moment and he took a deep breath after the Inquisitor had finished in brief contemplation of a response, upon which he closed his left hand into a casual fist and leaned his right hand against his armrest as he replied.

"In response to your question, Inquisitor, you'd have retained full control of your own forces to do as you wish. To each Inquisitor, their own retinue to use as they see fit is how I run things. The only thing you'd owe me is reports, your allegiance to maintaining the sanctity of the Ordo should you become a member, and your loyalty in so much as any agent owes to a overseer . . . But by the sounds of things, you will tolerate no other master than his Imperial Majesty, which is noble, albeit a bit surprising to me considering that if my own sources are correct you came from the Ordo Hereticus, an Ordo of the former Inquisition steeped with many Masters and superiors you no doubt owed obedience to regardless of whether you agreed with them. I merely thought you might have felt more at home among a familiar situation and among kindred spirits."

Alexius then opens his arms to his sides in a gesture to the room in general, a casual smile returning.

"But then, these are extraordinary times indeed, are they not? Very well, Inquisitor. If you change your position, then the door of my Ordo is always open. For now, I pray that you do indeed keep our Emperor's interests foremost in your mind . . . and that indeed such circumstances do not come to pass."

Alexius' smile faded quickly afterwards into a more neutral expression as he relaxed back in his chair again, his focus clearly shifted others at the meeting.
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