-Naomi Fukuda-
The other girl seemed... weak. Nice, but weak. Nice was okay, but she wouldn't be able to do much here, more useful as a sacrificial pawn than anything else. Those thoughts shifted through Naomi's mind before she could stop them and the Linguist immediately felt guilty about it How could she think something like that?! Something so close to what her parents would say. She had been the sacrificial pawn after all...
There wasn't much of a chance that the girl would be able to do something to Naomi. The only reason such a thing had occurred before was that she had been naive. No, Naomi would keep her distance and her guard up, who wouldn't at a time like this? Why make alliances when they would just stab you in the back? "I prefer to stand." Honestly, the girl really wanted to sit and think under a tree, but that would block some of her observations.
Honestly, the guy was coming off as some kind of smartass. He could have just said he didn't know anything instead of point out the obvious. Now he not only seemed suspicious, he also sounded like he doubted her intelligence and Naomi wouldn't let anyone get away with that. "The amphitheater isn't designed for animals, meaning this isn't an area normally inhabited by exotic animal pets. Based on the number of seats this area could hold a large number of people, but by the height of the benches they are built for children." She glared at the boy, "I'm not an idiot."
This boy was trying to act friendly and unaware too well, sounding more like he was collaborating with the kidnappers than being a helping hand. He was too calm, too gentle for this situation. As the announcement came on, Naomi felt the urge to run and find a hiding spot. People would be arriving soon and bringing a higher chance of assailants with them. But how could she first get away from these two so that they wouldn't rat her out? She didn't hear much of what Shirou was actually saying, just his tone. That's when she heard Yukimori's question.
"You didn't hear the other voices?" The girl cocked her head to the side at Yukimori, wondering how she could have missed that. No, it wasn't good to judge a person's cognitive abilities so quickly. "We are being caged in like some kind of children's boot camp against our will, we have been kidnapped Yukimori Maiya. And by unknown kidnappers."
Shirou had however, made one smart call. With the words 'Hope's Peak' sprouting form his mouth, Naomi's mind stopped calculating an escape plan. She needed to hear what he knew and needed to know it quickly, "Where were you exactly on the way to the academy? The gates are an easy snatch spot, but not beyond it."

Ginshi seemed nice enough with leadership qualities. Maybe he could coerce the boy to take his place if he ever needed to talk with groups, Hibiki was never that good at talking for long periods unless he was teaching and he preferred one on one sessions.
Lilly reminded him of some of the little kids Hibiki had tutored in middle school. They wouldn't sit still long enough for him to teach them anything and absolutely hated math. One day after only getting through a few problems, three of them had banded together to tackle the poor boy and climb all over him to stop the multiplication. The repeating of Lilly's words over and over again was rather like the little girl Mizuki he had taught.
But both girls seemed to be little rays of sunshine... and that was the problem. The sunlight shined into his eyes reflecting off Lilly's hair and Hibiki went on to cover his eyes with his hands instead of only closing them. Why did they have to be outside? Nobody could turn off the sun... Maybe he could get some Ultimate to create a highspeed transport that would move along the earth so he'd always be in the sun's blindspot. Hibiki would pay some big bucks for that. It'd have to have a decent energy generator to keep the vehicle warm and comfy as well.
"SHSL Tutor..." He mumbled, trying to brush his hair over his eyes as much as possible. There had to be some technique to do this better. His words were soon drowned out by Ginshi's interest in Lilly's talent, but they would have found out eventually anyway.
Judo... The practice was great at honing in on a sound body and mind. While Hibiki wasn't a fan of exercise, self-actualization was always welcomed in the Tutor's book. Maybe he really could get Ginshi to help him out with his... poorer qualities, such as public speaking.
Hibiki's ears perked at the sound of the intercom and screen. There was someone who would tell them specifics? That would be great, no way did Hibiki want to take on a leadership role. Once they got there, he could ask Lilly to tell him what they said and find a place in the corner to block out the lights-
"Hibiki, you wild animal, why don't you take the lead?"
The boy righted himself to stand up straight after being pushed, but then stood motionless. Wai- The Tutor's first impressions had been betrayed! Not only was he not going to be able to hand over the hard parts to Ginshi, the Judomaster was going to make him go first? That was just, just- not nice. The boy stared at the orange-haired boy through slits in his fingers and squinted at him. His face still seemed emotionless, but his aura told an entirely different story of reluctance. The Tutor stood there a long moment, trying to will Ginshi to take back what he said to no avail.
Finally, he turned around and took a step forward. He reached for a stick on the ground as he shuffled slowly and started stripping the leaves off of it. Karma was not a happy camper.