Kingdom of Andor

Location:Capital: Corwell
Ruling dynasty: House Ambry
Dominant Race: Mankind
Kingdom Traits:Beloved by the people - Despite the hardships faced, the crown and House Ambry have emerged as heroes of the realm in the eyes of the people.
Military Traits:Knowledge of war -
Show of war -
War taxes - Wars can be a costly thing. For this reason the crown has developed a system of taxation via bailiffs and laws to be implemented in times of war and strife. The common man must pay his due for the good of the realm.
Good equipment - A time of civil strife and warfare has left behind a population and crown ready for it. The armories and garrisons across the realm remain well stocked for times of war. We have fought for our nation, and we must not, will not allow it to crumble.
Good archers - Perhaps the most noteworthy thing to come out of Andor, her archers. Well trained and skilled, Andoran archers are well known for their ability and many are sought for as mercenaries for this very reason.
Trained Troops - A period of war has swept across the country, levies have been raised and great clashes of men remain within living memory. It is these men who remember, who have witnessed and survived one war, who now make up the realms army of hardy veterans and grizzled sergeants.
Ships - The few years House Ambry have sat upon the throne, have seen a great funneling of resources into the construction of the realm's navy. It shall be a great wooden wall with which to defend our coast, and an implement with which to extend our might and influence across the seas.
Economy Traits:Rich with ores - The cold northlands of Andor are mountainous and thickset with ores hidden amidst crags and clefts. It is said the mountaintops echo with the sounds of pickaxes and men as Ambry mines supply the realm with all of it's needs, be it weapons, armour or jewelry.
Agriculture - Whilst cold winds blow in the north, along the southern lands and the coast vast fields grow, yielding a myriad of crops to feed the growing population and armies of Andor.
Flaws:Arguable claims - When House Ambry sought to unify the lands of Andor under one throne, alliances with various nobles and prominent lords had been integral in gathering support and men. Alliances cemented most often in betrothal, and these families whom are now vassals of House Ambry will not forget.
Debt - A kingdom forged in war, and wars are expensive. Indeed, the Throne has amassed quite the debt in paying for it's wars to unify Andor lands, and owes a great deal to a great many.