Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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A Shadow Over Yharnam

This year is the fifteenth since Laurence, the first vicar, saved Yharnam from the plague that had afflicted it and thus had his message of hope and devotion to the Gods and their Good Blood received and cherished within the hearts of the devout Yharnamites. Blood not only gave this city salvation in crisis, but brought prosperity in peace, its name gaining recognition far beyond its small locality as a city of miracle. The locals had indeed forgotten all about the fact that their new religious overlords were ironically foreigners they despised so much, disgruntled scholars of the near-by Byrgenwerth Academy who could stomach no longer to see the secrets of the Healing Blood, a god sent source of wonder, locked away by Provost Wilhelm while their fellow men suffered. Driven by religious zeal, Laurence and his fellows rushed at the aid of the Yharnamites.

Or so does the story go.

A heavy price had to be paid along the way however, the corruption of the blood, although no one knew exactly how or why it occurred, was a very real scourge, a test of Yharnam's faith. It had seemed to happen all of a sudden, people turning to beast... Some said it was the hubris of the Yharnamites, to drown themselves in blood, to use this miraculous cure for every little ailment, from a scrap to a simple beauty remedy. It was what the clerics whispered, the old followers of Laurence speaking in fear of Master Wilhelm's warning: fear the old blood. But the clergy could not show weakness! And so when the rumor spread that Cainhurst, the despicable neighbor of Yharnam that had already stolen the blood of the church for its own nefarious and decadent purposes, had poisoned the church's Holy Blood, it proved convenient for the priests to, without proclaiming it, insinuate there might be truth. After all, for all they knew it could very well be an illusive Vileblood who was the cause of this calamity.

Seven years ago, the world suffered four, a Tetrad, of Lunar Eclipses, Blood Moons as the common folks call them, within a single year. On this year, the number of beast incidents increased dramatically, so much it could no longer be dealt with by conventional means. Gehrman became the first hunter of the workshop, a close friend of Laurence, he worked tirelessly with an elite force of the church's old guard to rid the city of beasts. As the year progressed however things became worst. No one really liked Gehrman's methods, skulking in the dark to slaughter anything with fur that might walk the night. Not only that, but it proved less and less effective as the old guard dwindled in numbers but yet more and more men turned to beasts, with each passing blood moon, the line between men and beast fading on these lonesome and fearsome nights. The last one threatened to be the deadliest.

With little time to prepare and with things becoming worst by the day, the church saw the rise of Ludwig. He was truly blessed, a simple man that saw himself guided by the gods. His guiding moonlight as he called it. Ludwig had something Gehrman lacked: Charisma. Along with his will to recruit from the population and the church's desperation, he made one last ditch attempt at mounting a defense. After what everyone in the city would call the longest of nights they had ever lived, Yharnam emerged, battered but standing.

And this year, is another Tetrad. Three blood moons have passed already and hunters have weathered it rather well, even though it was just because they were prepared this time and had anticipated new things. They had seen it seven years ago, new kinds of beasts, the fully transformed ones with nothing human left of them, some hunters going drunk with blood or gods forbid, an undead dark beast. In one week from now will be the final Blood Moon of the year, the long night and the Great Hunt.

Everyone knows it but they try and convince themselves that they are prepared, that their beast repelling incense will ward the beast, that the men and women on the street will keep order, that the hunters will kill everything that threatens them. Cautious enthusiasm is in the air as the Festival of the Last Harvest will happen in two days and will serve as the last occasion to celebrate until the winter solstice. For the hunters however, who see unnerved gaze the priests send them, they know very well it might be the last chance to enjoy a nice blood cocktail before they face the unthinkable. For many it shall be their first Great Hunt and if the casualty figures of the last one hold true, for many it will be their last.

Whomever you are, be prepared.

The Hunting Ground

The Hunters

The church wished itself to be a uniting force, joining people together in the quest of a greater good. It is a mission it has no doubt failed for the church itself is more divided now, in front of imminant doom, ever than before. Old and new rivalries and conflicts litter the halls of the Grand Cathedral and a diverging opinion on how to slay beasts easily devolves in an argument on how to ward yourself against what lies within man to only move on to a fight as to what caused this scourge in the first place. If the idea of striving for something greater cannot hold the diverging ideologies in check, will imminent doom be able to do so?

-Red means the character must be approved by me, so send an application via secret PM!
-Yellow means the spots are limited, so be quick to present a CS! In case there are too many applications, I shall decide for a chosen one!
-Blue means you are free to make a character and although I might ask for modifications, hardly any will be outright refused! (You are free to make as many blue chars as you like as well.)

People of Importance

This land is peaceful, its inhabitants kind...

The Rules

-What I say goes.
-I'm not trying to be fair, I'm trying to make an interesting story.
-I'm always open to hear out your head-cannon and I aim to please & deliver a story that'll keep you at the edge of your seat. But if you start to bitch about something being ridiculous and impossible, worst still if you're the only one to bitch about it, I'm not going to take attitude in this joint.
-If you make a character that needs my personal approval, you'll need to specify who's your bloodborne waifu/husbando so I know you read the rules. No pointing this out in the OOC.
-Try to be active and use the piratepad and other chat applications only to collaborate on post as much as possible. An active RP begins with an active OOC.
-I don't expect anyone to play nice, this is bloodborne, people will die. But I expect you peeps to follow the rule of cool. This is a RP, you can't min-max your way to victory.
-Anime is fine-ish. Animu isn't.

The CS

Feel free to format this to make it beautiful.

[Picture here. Optional if you write an appearance description.]

Name: [Something European please.]
Age: [Be reasonable. This goes with the 'Anime is fine-ish, animu isn't']
Insight: [None, low, high, very high. Everyone begins with none other than the Mensis and Choir player. Basically tells of your knowledge of the eldritch truth out there and the possibility of your character turning insane and stand in awe at the worst possible time in front of kosmic related things. The more you know, the more you are prepared to fight abominations, but the more likely they can, essentially, frenzy you. Here its not damage but more sinister psychological consequences. Strategically this means that high insight people have a need to let unsuspecting hunters with talents but little insight do the dirty work for them (And from an OOC perspective, this will mean that these players will have to get fresh characters involved to stand a chance as the plot advances)]

Weapons: [One trick weapon and 2 left slots. Basically guns, torch, etc. Custom weapons are fine but I must validate them first.]

Items & Spell items: [Some factions will begin with some specific spells. Mensis and Choir will have the best selection to start with, Maria has quickening, etc.]

[Character's name] and the Hunt: [How your character sees and interacts with beast. If they are aggressive in the fights, what keeps them attached to their humanity, etc.]

Psychology: [Their personality and so forth, vis a vis humans mainly. What drives them in life, if they believe in the Good Blood, etc.]

History: [Everything else, where they came from, what happened to them, etc.]

Appearance: [Optional if you have a decent enough pic.]

Other: [Very important. Did your character come to Yarnham because of a sickness only the blood can cure (and that now needs regular infusion of blood)? Any family or lover? Things about the current state of the life of your character]

Prior Relationships: [Take the time to talk to your fellow players in the OOC and look at their characters. Ask yourself how they could've met or if they didn't, if they heard of each other, etc. Even if it doesn't make any sense for your chars to know each other, try and talk about possible future jolly cooperation.]
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

This will always be open. An important note, you have a bright idea? See something I missed or an area you'd want me to include? SAY IT. Seriously I won't bite and I'm sure I missed plenty of awesome things. NPCs, location and so forth, many mores can be added.

There should be an opening IC Sunday. I however reserve myself the right to be a piece of shit and delay that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LHG100
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LHG100 Irreverent and Salty!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Fam we gotta figure out where those piggies come from. And the doges.

Edit: forgot appearance and other relationships actually lmao

Edit: You also misspelled the title.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Skepic
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

@LHG100Edited the title. And I guess the piggy mystery will have to be solved in-game!

I like where the characters are going!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ezmeralda
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I feel like it's sorta small, but there isn't very much to say. >_>
Also, I know her dress looks a lot like Arianna's, I just kinda found it while looking and had to try. lol
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LHG100
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LHG100 Irreverent and Salty!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Ezmeralda Fantabulous character, in my opinion. Really digging her.

Hope she doesn't die

Edit: Same goes for Skepic, actually. I like where Katrin's going in my head lmao
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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I like where Katrin's going in my head lmao

4x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LHG100
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LHG100 Irreverent and Salty!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Wernher Yes, that's exactly what I had in mind. Truly, a piece that can describe a vast myriad of the dearest emotions.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sarcelle Renard
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Sarcelle Renard How I handle deadlines

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So if we find ourselves wandering the Forbidden Woods, what would be the chances of us stumbling upon the Madaras Twins?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

So if we find ourselves wandering the Forbidden Woods, what would be the chances of us stumbling upon the Madaras Twins?

About as high as a gigantic poisonous snake coming from underneath you to devour your entrails.

You'll have to find out.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Skepic
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Skepic Spookbuster

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<Snipped quote by LHG100>

2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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<Snipped quote by Wernher>

You think you can just do that? Post funnies without asking others what relations your chars should have in common?

Well, you probably can actually, but...
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sarcelle Renard
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Sarcelle Renard How I handle deadlines

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Wernher Excellent, I look forward to it. And also, here ya go:

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

lol, so many people forced in the hunt! So little love for the church...

Alrighty then!

@LHG100 I suggest a revision of the sheet before it is accepted, the template's been updated since the interest check.

@Skepic Now that's the stuff! A bit on the short side, but I expect character development to happen IC. You can post your CS in the character tab but don't forget to iron it out if you can, as you said yourself.

@Ezmeralda I have special projects for you, eheheh, MUHAHAHAHA! I'm sure there are ways for you to have met a few people mind you, the Cathedral isn't sealed most of the time. A handsome hunter to catch your eyes maybe? Worst case scenario these encounters might happen in-game. Feel free to post your CS on the character tab.

@Sarcelle Renard I can say by the fact that he has pebbles that this char will have a long life. Nicely detailed, I rather enjoy it! Feel free to work the relations and post the CS in the tab.
1x Laugh Laugh 1x Thank Thank
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Got an application for the Hunter of Hunters and spoiler alert: Its good. I'll give it until sunday for someone to express interest in the post, then I'll accept the application.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sarcelle Renard
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Sarcelle Renard How I handle deadlines

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Ezmeralda Considering the sheltered nature of our dear Blood Saint, do you want Maddy to know Oz as one of the doctors she doesn't like? I like to imagine that the Church would use more conventional means of treating their precious charges before resorting to blood, so it could be possible that Oz helped treat her before he became a hunter.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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Hailing @Wernher for a review! ^^

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Alex R
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Alex R A Forlorn Hope

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Still here!
Hmm, so we have thus far:
1 Blood Saint
2 Powder Keg Hunters
1 Ludwig Follower
1 Maria Follower

Damn you indecision for now I'm thinking a Lightning Slayer or a Constable, the average joe and prior-soldier who'll be wholly unprepared for leading his band of militia into the coming shit-storm.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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@Alex RPersonally I find the idea of someone who can lead a militia squad to be a really great idea!

Also gives us some redshirts to play around with but shhhhh... >:3
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