Avatar of LHG100
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    1. LHG100 10 yrs ago


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You'd draw on some angry eyebrows, but you don't have a marker or pencil with you. Nonetheless, you go back from whence you came, further up the road, and see a CARAVAN of traders, likely trading in fine scimitars and spaghetti noodles. You sneak up to one of the guards of the CARAVAN and spook the shit out of him; he drops his BUSTER SCIMITAR; it's like a REALLY FAT KATANA. You believe you have just enough discipline in both the PIRATE and NINJA schools to use it, so you pick it up.

You use your powers of NINJA to evade them after spooking the shit out of one of their number, and go back to HORSEY, who's been doing horse stuff while you were gone.

Strangely, there's a puddle of brown liquid when you get back to where you were. Horsey seems spookied by it.

A) Lick Liquid
B) Go back to apologize to Caravan
C) Practice with your BUSTER SCIMITAR
D) Tell Horsey he's a big wuss.
E) Go back and spook somebody again.
F) Something completely different.
You are CALICALIBUR, and you are at the border of the old lands of GASHADOKURO, homeland of the NINJA SKELETONS, and CHAINBEARDIA, homelands of the PIRATE SKELETONS. Before you is a road to the mythical land of GROUNDCOW; homeland of the lost COWBOY SKELETONS and their art of COWBOY.

With you is your trusty steed, HORSEY. HORSEY is a skeleton horse. On your person is a KATANA, a prized sword given to you by a nobleskeleton of GASHADOKURO, and a PISTOL, a muzzle-loaded sidearm gifted to you by your best friend from CHAINBEARDIA.

Aside, you are wearing NOTHING, because you are a badass skeleton destined to become BIG BONE. and BIG BONE doesn't actually need 'clothes' or 'armor', because he's just that hard. Nonetheless, before you is a ROAD, and you can see SMOKE in the distance.

Probably fucbois.

A) Go on the road
B) Find an alternative route
C) Check your inventory again
D) Spook somebody
E) Something else entirely
In a world, much like our own, but vastly different, skeletons control the earth.

But their control wavers.

Hordes of 'FUCBOIS' threaten the peace, and the only one able to stop them, the legendary 'BIG BONE' has been missing for over nine thousand years. Bands of Fucbois raid and pillage, and no one can stop them.

You are here to change that. You are a SKELETON WARRIOR, and your name is 'CALCICALIBUR'. You are the spookiest skeleton of your tribe, and the Bonemeal Elder has urged you to take on a legendary quest.

You are to travel the world, vanquishing fuckbois across the kingdom on your quest to become BIG BONE, but the task is not easy, and as mighty as you are, CALCICALIBUR, you must make as many allies as you will enemies.

You are tasked to defeat the infamous 'FANTASTIC FIFTEEN FUCBOIS', leaders of the Fucboi hordes and gain their powers to jumpstart your evolution into 'BIG BONE', but the 'FANTASTIC FIFTEEN FUCBOI's' are led by an even worse enemy; the grand Nameless Fucboi; his name lost to the ages, who controls his generals from his fortress-mountain in the isle of Bonebreak

You must gain power, and balance yourself between the Skeleskills of 'PIRATE' 'NINJA' and 'COWBOY', as the title of 'BIG BONE' requires this balance. While balance is required, specialization is as well, CALICALIBUR. The Chainsaw Ninjas of MEALBREAK have given you their best trainers at your disposal, giving you a natural affinity to PIRATE and NINJA, but since the rise of the fucbois, the people of GROUNDCOW have been illusive...only the legendary BIG BONE, or someone destined to become BIG BONE, could ever summon them.

You will start by finding a path to, and liberating GROUNDCOW from the fucboi menace, and to train in the way of COWBOY. This first phase of your journey will be hard, but you are harder.

For you have been a good boy and have drank all your milk.

It is time to depart, CALICALIBUR, on your quest to become BIG BONE.

A really shitty idea me and a friend came up with on a whim. This isn't like an average RP at all, it's more of a 'quest' type. Basically, I write up 'everything' but people can still choose what happens.

In effect, here's how the IC will look:

(GM post 1)
"Bla bla bla there's a house, some dudes, and a suspicious crate. What do you do?
1) Knock on House's Door
2) Break into House
3) Speak to the dudes
4) beat up the dudes
5) Open the crate
6) Kick the crate
7) Go somewhere else
8) Check your inventory before doing anything
9) Something Completely Different (write suggestion)
(GM End of post 1)
(Player 1 post 1)
2) Break Into house
"Let's burglarize people, it's fun."
(Player 1 post 1 end)

If there's discrepancy in what the players vote to do, first come, first serve.

Oh, the example given, all posts concerning the IC'll actually be, y'know, IC. Nonetheless, have fun and feel free to drop in with a command.
oi boss b&d for dat dere fancy letterin's in da grotdamn title subtitle thoing in the name i tell ye it's fooken crazy mate
@Rithy Usually those go into the OOC (this subthread) then you add it into the char tab when it's approved.

anger fucktouples
The adventures of Karthis and his retinue begin in earnest.

I hope Guardsman Cornflakes is good so far.
Elijah followed the Inquisitor out of the ship, and let him do the talking with the Sister Superior and the rest. He mindlessly nodded in agreement to whatever Karthis was saying to the Sister Superior, as he was too busy taking in the majesty and wonders of the Shrine World they just landed at. In all his (relatively few) years in the Guard, he never occupied a Shrine World before, he barely had any idea they were this breathtaking. To an Agri-Worlder, anyway.

Of course, his amazement was wrenched away from him when the sounds of autogun fire and the odd explosion reached his ears. Shoved back to reality, he reminded himself to check his lasgun when Sister Laedi was finished. When Ortiz was requesting a space for himself and his duties, Elijah made a mental note to ask the Tech-Priest if he was even doing his rites correctly. He was pretty sure he remembered the ritual for cleaning lasguns, but his Merovech pattern was unusual. It would be smart to ask from someone who knows what he's talking about if it perhaps required special rites and he's been doing it wrong the entire time.

Boarding the Rhino, he was mildly amused by the sheer size of it, both inside and out. He was quite used to the cramp interiors of a Chimera; it was a nice change of pace. Almost pleasant. He was particularly, visibly amused when he remembered that this is the exact same type of vehicle the Angels of Death rode about in when necessary.

He sat in Rhino alongside the Inquisitor, sitting on the opposite bench and facing the Inquisitor, the Vindicare Jessica, and the Genetor Ortiz. As everyone else was loading up, he decided to strike up some work-related conversation while inspecting his Merovech. Turning the safety on and preparing to eject its two power packs, he asked "Hey, do these Rhinos have Lasgun ports?" while he set the power-packs on his lap. Unscrewing the barrel, he continued onto the actual mission. "So, ain't meanin' to be rude or nothing, but we've any theories on what we could be goin' up 'gainst, Mister Karthis? I know our primary ob-ject-ive is to find this fellow Inquisitor, Valgone." Elijah began using a clean rag to wipe away at the barrel's focusing lens. "If he is... unavailable to continue his duties when we find out what happened to 'im, are we s'posed to finish his job for 'im? Don't mind, just wondering's all."

He shrugged when examining his work on the lens and began to screw it back in. "I ain't got any theories myself, I'm quite obviously new to this whole Inquisiting thing so's, I'm not gonna assume nothin'". He then set out to fulfill his mental note from earlier. "Hey, not trying to bother, Mister Freelon, but do these Merovech patterns require any special care or rites? It's obvious I gotta inspect two power packs and all that. But, if you got any expertise on the matter I'd like to be enlightened on anythin' else, if it ain't too much to ask."
Goddamnit, I just realized Elijah Woods is an actual celebrity. I'm changing his last name and none of you can stop me.

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