Name: Oscar Corbett
Nickname: Oz, Porcupine
Age: 26
Faction: Maria’s Cirlce
Insight: None
-Main: Threaded Cane
-Secondary: Hunter Pistol
-Third: Piercing Rifle
Items & Spell items: Old Hunter’s Bone, as many Throwing Knives as he can strap onto his person, a handful of Pebbles
Appearance: Having spent many years training to be a doctor, Oz is hardly an intimidating man. He is shorter than most other hunters by a fair margin and appears rather frail at first glance. But underneath his garb is a man built of lean muscle that can hold his own in a fight by being quick. His head is covered in a mess of black hair that he keeps just short enough to stay well out of his dull green eyes. His face is kept clean shaven at all times and his lips are almost always pulled down into a contemplative frown.
The hunter leathers he wears are rather typical to those that follow Lady Maria, but with the exception that he has customized them with a number of straps to accommodate the vast number of throwing knives he keeps on his person, which in turn helped him get his nickname as the Porcupine.
Oz and the Hunt: To the Porcupine, the beastly scourge is nothing more than a disease that requires a simple treatment: efficient and methodological extermination. When engaging the beasts, Oz is opportunistic and calculating. If he can bleed his prey with a thousand cuts from afar, he will do so. If he stumbles upon a group, he will do his best to try and pick them off one by one. Years of practice has made him frighteningly proficient with his throwing knives, rarely missing his intended marks. To many, his methods are seen as cowardly, but he doesn’t mind as he prefers to work alone anyway.
Psychology: Oz has always been a short and impersonal person. While often polite in his dealings with others, it is layered with an edge of coldness that makes it difficult for anyone to truly get close to him. In any given group, he is the one that will be most likely to approach a situation with a level head and try and find the most efficient, logical solution. That’s not to say he is completely unflappable, however, as those that are boisterous and lack any sense of decorum quickly grate on his nerves, a fact that he is all too willing to voice out loud. But despite that, he is oftentimes a trustworthy individual that only makes promises he believes he can keep, as his word is just about all that he has left to offer.
The beastly scourge has taken over his prior plans for his life. Seeing their end is what drives him, with obstacles that would get in the way of that dealt with as quickly as possible. To him, even his disdain for the Healing Church comes second to this, as he sees them as a valuable means to his ends. Whether or not their “Good Blood” is a gift from the gods is irrelevant to him, as he only cares about their ability to help him get rid of beasts.
History: Oz hails from a long line of doctors that has been in Yharnam for generations. From an early age, he had been groomed to take over his families business, which at the time was one of the most prominent practices in the city. His family enjoyed the fruit of luxury and held considerable standing in the upper echelons of society. At the time, it was difficult to imagine anything getting in the way of their success.
That was until the Ashen Blood ravaged Old Yharnam. Oz’s father, the brilliant Michael Corbett, was stumped for the first time in his life. Despite all of his efforts to find a cure, the only contribution his father made was the introduction of the small medicinal tablets that could provide short-term relief. But it wasn’t until the upstarts that called themselves The Healing Church introduced the Good Blood that his family’s name was truly tarnished.
As the years went by, Oz watched as his family slowly but surely fell from their lofty position as more and more Yharnamites turned to the Good Blood. So miraculous was the stuff, his brother turned his back on the family business and donned the white robes of the Church Healers, which would prove to be the last straw to break the pride of the aging Michael Corbett. As the true nature of the hunts became public knowledge, Michael resolved to find a cure to the beastly scourge. While exorbitantly costly, he managed to acquire a specimen.
Though his family’s business was failing, Oz was still given a great deal of training to understand how the human body worked and how to keep it functioning. So when his father brought him in on his experiments of the beast, Oz couldn’t help but be astounded by the being that defied everything he had learned. No matter what they tried, the beast only became stronger and more ravenous, culminating in the fateful night that would forever change the young doctor’s life.
One night, despite the numerous precautions they had taken, the beast managed to escape its fetters. His father fell quickly to the beast while Oz could only look on in horror. By all means, Oz should not have survived, but by a stroke of the devil’s luck, the Healing Church had caught wind of what the senior Corbett had been doing and had sent a hunter to deal with it. Oz never caught the hunter’s name, but he had arrived just in time to prevent his untimely end. With his eyes wide open, he watched the hunter put down the beast with frightening strength, and it was at that moment that he understood that there was no humane cure for this madness, only annihilation.
As punishment for his involvement in his father’s experiments, the Healing Church intended for Oz to join their ranks. Originally, they meant to put his medical knowledge to use as one of their White Church Doctors, but he could not stomach such pursuits any longer. So instead he insisted on becoming a hunter, much to the Church’s surprise. And so he fell in with Maria’s Circle, as he was drawn to her ideologies and methods of exterminating the beasts.
The coming Blood Moon will mark the former doctor’s fourth hunt, and while apprehensive, Oscar Corbett is ready to treat the sickness running through his city.
Other: It is difficult to be a resident of Yharnam and resist the allure of the Good Blood, but Oz and his family had abstained for years out of scorn for what it had done to his family. But after his initial run in with beasts, Oz has found himself relying on the stuff more and more, much to his distaste. As for his remaining family, he has become estranged from his mother and last he heard his brother had been climbing the ranks of the healing church. To him though, there is little in this world he finds worth holding on to.
Nickname: Oz, Porcupine
Age: 26
Faction: Maria’s Cirlce
Insight: None
-Main: Threaded Cane
-Secondary: Hunter Pistol
-Third: Piercing Rifle
Items & Spell items: Old Hunter’s Bone, as many Throwing Knives as he can strap onto his person, a handful of Pebbles
Appearance: Having spent many years training to be a doctor, Oz is hardly an intimidating man. He is shorter than most other hunters by a fair margin and appears rather frail at first glance. But underneath his garb is a man built of lean muscle that can hold his own in a fight by being quick. His head is covered in a mess of black hair that he keeps just short enough to stay well out of his dull green eyes. His face is kept clean shaven at all times and his lips are almost always pulled down into a contemplative frown.
The hunter leathers he wears are rather typical to those that follow Lady Maria, but with the exception that he has customized them with a number of straps to accommodate the vast number of throwing knives he keeps on his person, which in turn helped him get his nickname as the Porcupine.
Oz and the Hunt: To the Porcupine, the beastly scourge is nothing more than a disease that requires a simple treatment: efficient and methodological extermination. When engaging the beasts, Oz is opportunistic and calculating. If he can bleed his prey with a thousand cuts from afar, he will do so. If he stumbles upon a group, he will do his best to try and pick them off one by one. Years of practice has made him frighteningly proficient with his throwing knives, rarely missing his intended marks. To many, his methods are seen as cowardly, but he doesn’t mind as he prefers to work alone anyway.
Psychology: Oz has always been a short and impersonal person. While often polite in his dealings with others, it is layered with an edge of coldness that makes it difficult for anyone to truly get close to him. In any given group, he is the one that will be most likely to approach a situation with a level head and try and find the most efficient, logical solution. That’s not to say he is completely unflappable, however, as those that are boisterous and lack any sense of decorum quickly grate on his nerves, a fact that he is all too willing to voice out loud. But despite that, he is oftentimes a trustworthy individual that only makes promises he believes he can keep, as his word is just about all that he has left to offer.
The beastly scourge has taken over his prior plans for his life. Seeing their end is what drives him, with obstacles that would get in the way of that dealt with as quickly as possible. To him, even his disdain for the Healing Church comes second to this, as he sees them as a valuable means to his ends. Whether or not their “Good Blood” is a gift from the gods is irrelevant to him, as he only cares about their ability to help him get rid of beasts.
History: Oz hails from a long line of doctors that has been in Yharnam for generations. From an early age, he had been groomed to take over his families business, which at the time was one of the most prominent practices in the city. His family enjoyed the fruit of luxury and held considerable standing in the upper echelons of society. At the time, it was difficult to imagine anything getting in the way of their success.
That was until the Ashen Blood ravaged Old Yharnam. Oz’s father, the brilliant Michael Corbett, was stumped for the first time in his life. Despite all of his efforts to find a cure, the only contribution his father made was the introduction of the small medicinal tablets that could provide short-term relief. But it wasn’t until the upstarts that called themselves The Healing Church introduced the Good Blood that his family’s name was truly tarnished.
As the years went by, Oz watched as his family slowly but surely fell from their lofty position as more and more Yharnamites turned to the Good Blood. So miraculous was the stuff, his brother turned his back on the family business and donned the white robes of the Church Healers, which would prove to be the last straw to break the pride of the aging Michael Corbett. As the true nature of the hunts became public knowledge, Michael resolved to find a cure to the beastly scourge. While exorbitantly costly, he managed to acquire a specimen.
Though his family’s business was failing, Oz was still given a great deal of training to understand how the human body worked and how to keep it functioning. So when his father brought him in on his experiments of the beast, Oz couldn’t help but be astounded by the being that defied everything he had learned. No matter what they tried, the beast only became stronger and more ravenous, culminating in the fateful night that would forever change the young doctor’s life.
One night, despite the numerous precautions they had taken, the beast managed to escape its fetters. His father fell quickly to the beast while Oz could only look on in horror. By all means, Oz should not have survived, but by a stroke of the devil’s luck, the Healing Church had caught wind of what the senior Corbett had been doing and had sent a hunter to deal with it. Oz never caught the hunter’s name, but he had arrived just in time to prevent his untimely end. With his eyes wide open, he watched the hunter put down the beast with frightening strength, and it was at that moment that he understood that there was no humane cure for this madness, only annihilation.
As punishment for his involvement in his father’s experiments, the Healing Church intended for Oz to join their ranks. Originally, they meant to put his medical knowledge to use as one of their White Church Doctors, but he could not stomach such pursuits any longer. So instead he insisted on becoming a hunter, much to the Church’s surprise. And so he fell in with Maria’s Circle, as he was drawn to her ideologies and methods of exterminating the beasts.
The coming Blood Moon will mark the former doctor’s fourth hunt, and while apprehensive, Oscar Corbett is ready to treat the sickness running through his city.
Other: It is difficult to be a resident of Yharnam and resist the allure of the Good Blood, but Oz and his family had abstained for years out of scorn for what it had done to his family. But after his initial run in with beasts, Oz has found himself relying on the stuff more and more, much to his distaste. As for his remaining family, he has become estranged from his mother and last he heard his brother had been climbing the ranks of the healing church. To him though, there is little in this world he finds worth holding on to.
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