Avatar of alexfangtalon
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2749 (0.87 / day)
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    1. alexfangtalon 9 yrs ago


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@MissCapnCrunch Seeing a lot of males so I would like to ask for a complex female.
@nightmare medx Also, how long since the outbreak started will it be to the start of the RP? Sorry for all da questions.
@nightmare medx What are your thoughts of multiple characters or NPC's connected to our characters?
Definitely, like this idea. I myself like the idea of a technopath specialist. Also, What is your ruling/thoughts on NPC's? And if someone is a streamer what would the odds of a family member being one as well? I.E. the character in my mind's eye has a twin and I was wondering what kind of impact him being a streamer would have on her.

Edit: PS I really enjoyed the Tomorrow People and am glad I'm not the only one.
I will say I'm not entirely on board with the mixing of Fallout and Walking Dead but I'd be willing to try.
I am interested in this.
That would be a major shock to Melody that a fish and crab actually will talk to her. With other aquatic creatures she just sorta understands them. But makes sense that animals from a magical world would actually have a better chance at actually communicating as opposed to getting their desires across and such. That's all if they can actually communicate. I don't know. Animals. Animals are weird. So are people. Just hypothesizing.
@alexfangtalon Got them all added to the list, I love your choices lol especially using Kronk's VA for his FC

Alright so the idea that I had with these characters is that the curse has set Kronk and Yzma as siblings. Kuzco is Yzma's adopted child. Pacha and Chicha were actually banished by Yzma to this world before the curse ever happened as a result of this version of their story. In the curse Kronk is the three children's father since, after Yzma cast Pacha and Chicha away, he was taking care of them before the curse as he would his own family. If anyone was planning to take the characters or someone isn't a fan of this idea then I will edit it.

@Captain Swan Don't know why but that guy makes me think Mufasa.
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