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    1. alexfangtalon 9 yrs ago


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I just have to figure out good strengths and weaknesses for my character and I'll be able to put her here. She is more of a support mage than anything who uses magic I made up called Attribute Script. It, as the name suggests, applies attributes to items.
@Lord Wraith@Star Lord Yeah, at first I was thinking of just a straight up Ant-Man Hawkeye team-up. However, since I put the idea in my head every idea I think of I try and figure out a way to do it similar in style to the CW shows and, other than Legends, each of them start with a singular hero doing the fighting so I tried to think of a way to pair the two together in a way where there was only one fighter at the start and that was the idea I came up with. And I picked Hawkeye over GA because It's an easy way to make Kate a potential NPC and there is already a GA CW show and it would feel weird to me to do that and I chose Scott Lang because of Cassie.

If this idea is too convoluted and won't work just let me know and I'll probably just do a normal Ant-Man run. All my other ideas were too far-fetched and weird to even me that I just threw them out.
What are initial thoughts on an Ant-Man(Scott Lang) and Hawkeye duo where they get brought together by both being blackmailed by some criminal into stealing something, not sure what. Neither want to do it as they are both good people and eventually work together to stop the villain. That'd be where I start their story. They'd both just be starting out and Scott wouldn't even have the suit yet. He'd start out as a sort of Oracle or Overwatch for Clint until the whole thing with Cassie's heart happens. Clint will have just left the circus and tries to be a hero but is mistaken for another fancily dressed criminal and keeps getting roped into doing crimes until Scott helps him. What does everyone think of this idea before I start working on a sheet?
@webboysurf Well, for the GA and Hawkeye fix as well as the Ant-Man one, the team I'm working on has two characters based on them.
I'm nowhere near done. I plan on double checking triple checking and possibly quadruple checking to make sure if there is anything I wanna change as well as letting you guys see it in case there is anything that definitely needs changing before I finish the sample post.

I can always use one of their other names if you need me to. The way I'm making their backstory isn't contingent on the Avengers having been a thing. I wanted to avoid that cause I honestly expected someone to apply for one of those characters so I came up with a backup plan.
@Saint Maxx Since you're all right with it that actually helps me thanks.
@Hillan Right now I'm trying to determine if I need a speedster to replace Speed and if so who'd be the best candidate. Thinking on the timeline of events and the point in history you're using for Flash it wouldn't make sense to bring in Impulse for the YA. The story I'm going with for how they start is very similar to the actual story where instead Iron Lad gets trapped in the time and dimension we are using and gathers allies of anyone he thinks he can use/trust. So, unless Impulse came on his own he wouldn't be around to even be recruited.
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