Avatar of alexfangtalon
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    1. alexfangtalon 9 yrs ago


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Yeah, I have a bad tendency for the female characters I make to be like that.
@Juvvie Well, the sword Annalyse has is magically enhanced but Annalyse doesn't know that, doesn't know how it would even be activated, and probably wouldn't want to use it as it is destructive when used properly.

Alex nodded to Lilly just as she had to him. Two more followed her out the door. Well, at least this meant not everyone was too focused on partying when something may be going wrong. He followed Lilly quickly rushing up the stairs. He wasn't sure but he thinks he remembered hearing something about another party going on two floors above his. Maybe that is where the scream came from.

Upon entering the room, Alex started to blank. What was going on? Looking around he couldn't tell if there was any foul play going on. He let Lilly do her thing and then walked over, "Okay, everyone back up and give her some space. If there are any medical students around help Lilly with her. You go find this floors RA. And you call the nurse already. If anyone saw or recorded what happened let the room know." Alex started walking around the room trying to see if he could find anything that seemed odd.

Micky had failed horribly to meet and greet with anyone around him. He knew how to socialize but flirting was not his thing so every time he tried to talk to someone he quickly snuck away before a conversation could start. Why had he decided to come here? No one wanted to spend time with a bumbling buffoon when they could have someone charming them off their feet.

He slowly roamed around the floor listening to the various conversations as he passed by. He couldn't find any specific one that he'd want to join in on. Micky breathed a sigh of relief when they were told to make their way to their seats. This way he couldn't slip away from talking and would be able to force himself to talk with someone.

Micky listened as the table went around introducing themselves. It was quite a cast of interesting characters. It finally came to Micky to speak up and he reflexively mimicked the guy right next to him by standing up. "Oh uh HI! Umm, my name is Micky, I mean Mitchell Woulfe, but I am called Micky by everyone. I'm a musical theatre student at college and currently work at a music store. It is a pleasure to meet you all. I look forward to any future adventures with you all." Micky smiled and after realizing he was still standing slowly lowered himself to his seat. Well, that was out of the way. Hopefully, everything else would be easier.
Don't worry. I won't be coming for use of TaskMaster if anyone else is using him. Even if I wanted to use him for this first plot I couldn't bring myself to do so as he is one of my favorite Marvel villains and my season one villain is a setup for my season two villain and I don't want to waste my time with TaskMaster as a setup guy. That's why I'm looking for lower level mercenary types.

In other news I have my sample post done. I couldn't think of a good scene to go with so I made something random that could show up as a random thing happening in an episode for comedic relief.
I decided to look at some other sheets before working on my sample post and saw Batroc mentioned in the Nemesis sheet. Does anyone have any ideas of someone I could use to replace him in mine? Any decently skilled b to low a tier mercenary would do other than Taskmaster as if I were to use him it'd be for something bigger.
With the thing about Hawkeye that was his canonical inspiration and I couldn't really figure out if I wanted to change it or not so I decided to just leave it as well as they are only an hour away from each other so I thought it'd be funny if something happened that caused Iron Man to come after Hawkeye thinking he was a criminal. That thought just made me chuckle so I left it in in case something like that ever occurred.
Wanted to go ahead and get this out. Will work on the Sample Post once I get back home. Also, @Sep as you are Iron Man wanted to ask your thoughts on something. Canonically, when Scott gets out of prison he gets a job at Stark Industries. I didn't wanna make that decision without consulting you so what are your thoughts?

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