Avatar of alexfangtalon
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    1. alexfangtalon 9 yrs ago


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Interacting With: Myrila(@Hammerman) & Griffon(@Infichi)

OK, she successfully made it in. Elysia roamed around the great hall trying her best to seem inconspicuous. She kept catching herself admiring the interior though. Everything was grander and more beautiful than anything she had ever seen. However, she needed to stay focused. If anyone figured out she wasn't suppose to be here let alone that she was a demi-human it'd probably be over for her. So far though no one seemed to pay much attention to her. They probably thought she had been brought by one of the older adventurers as some sort of trainee. She was walking around lifting a coin or two as she went. She had to be careful. Removing to much weight from their pouches and they'd easily notice. She also wasn't entirely sure how aware of things adventurers were. This was the first real time she had been around any.

Everything was going well until she felt a shiver run down her spine. Over time working with Teacher she had gotten to where she had like a sixth sense for anytime someone got a look at her ears. It was ingrained into her by Teacher to keep her ears out of sight at all times. She knew that the majority of people in this kingdom weren't exactly the friendliest to her kind. Frantically she looked around until her eyes locked onto a woman who was looking right at her. Did she see my ears?! Elysia watched the lady out of the corner of her eyes trying to determine what to do. She seemed to be staying put, so maybe she didn't notice. Just to be safe, Elysia tugged on the front of the hood to try and better cover the top of her head. Unfortunately, by doing so she tugged the back of the cloak up a bit to high and just at the bottom her tail barely poked out so if anyone was looking down at her they had a chance of noticing such.

Elysia was still watching the woman when some guy just walked up to her looking at her staff. She couldn't hear them but it seemed as if they were talking to each other. I need to figure out if she knows. Elysia walked near them trying to figure out what they were talking about. It seemed as if they were just meeting and talking about her staff. She listened to the mans introduction of himself. Huh, if that's true then maybe he has some good coin on him. But if he's that good I can't just do a simple lift. I'd have to switch his coin with something about the same size and weight. She checked her own personal belongings to see if she had anything that may work so she missed out on hearing how all of that nonsense was an obvious lie.

All I have is bread and a rag. That wouldn't work. Either way that lady is looking right at him. If she saw my ears she obviously wouldn't miss me doing a switch if it was in her line of sight. I'll just have to get close to them and wait for a good opening. It'll help me see what that lady knows as well. Elysia thought over her options and decided that acting like a child lost in the beauty of the great hall would be a good way to get in on their conversation.

She turned her back to them and began backing up towards them holding her head high looking at the inside with an awestruck look on her face. She made sure that they could see her face but not her ears and kept backpedaling until she 'bumped' into one of them. She quickly stepped forward and spun around, "Oh, I'm sorry. I was told not to bother anyone but this place is beautiful I kinda just forgot to watch where I was going. Sorry."
@Inner Demon@Slendy Awesome Possum. I'll PM both of y'all so we can discuss things.

No longer a WIP(unless something is wrong and needs to be changed) also forgot to mention but you'll still see it. Probably
Little sibling rivalry. Sweeeet. Hopefully, it doesn't come to blows. Family is an important thing.
@Slendy I'm fine with people joining the Crimson-Cloak Pirates but as I control directly(NPC's will inevitably join as they need people to properly fit the missing roles) three of the members I don't know exactly how'd that go, but I'd always be consulting with anyone who joins my crew before I do anything. I'd also tell ya all my current plans and ideas regarding things which may or may not occur with the crew.

Same goes for you @Inner Demon however I don't exactly know how Eadgar getting this fruit would go. Their personalities would clash so much and Eadgar would definitely try and refrain from using Amon as much as possible. But it'd definitely be interesting.

Edit: Also, looking at the spread of characters I may switch to West Blue so that we are only in two of the Blues.
I finished adding a few skills.
I’ve decided upon starting in the South Blue.
Have to go to sleep so can't continue working on the sheet but wanted y'all to see what I've got going so far. Certain parts may not work with a phone as I kinda went carried away making it look interesting even though I'm not good at that stuff. Anyway, here are the Crimson-Cloak Pirates(sans history and location and possible changes I may decide to make later)

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