Avatar of AlexStarsion


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4 days ago
Current Re-reading some of the old RPs I was a part of, and enjoying it.
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4 yrs ago
So I'm back and still lurking on everything!!
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5 yrs ago
Just here to re-read old RPs and laugh about the good times! :D
6 yrs ago
Yay... old posts for stories that died too soon...


I'm so lost... It's been ages since I've been on a site like this... So I like to join any kind of RP. From Fantasy to Reality... I haven't fully gone through the site but once I do I will gladly post things i'm doing or want to even start on this Bio here. Heh Bio... poison... Anywho!!! Alexander Starsion at your service.

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Ya know, I don't try to hide how I'm going to build characters, but to have the GM see it instantly with how I built the character means I'm getting my point across which makes me feel better about how my writings going. Thanks for the boost boss!!! ;)

@Mercenary Lord

Real Life trumps Online Life, that's how I see it. Trust me, we're all going to wait on one another at some point or another. I don't think it's anything to apologize for. :D
I was rereading some of the OP for the OOC, and realized we'd all kinda forgotten about religion and stuff. (Plus we're apparently guaranteed Eldritch Abominations at some point.) Perhaps we could seek out the Order of Dawn and use them as a neutral ground from which to navigate this crisis?

I still think it's the church behind the attack... so def against that... and i will make Trent hate the church for one reason or another just to avoid them xD
before anyone asks, how i thought the characters would actually take their coffee is had I made them in my head which took me a while to actually figure out. I think I got them right :D
“Sir? Hope you’re gonna pay for that.”

Trent snickered as he watched the half sleeping giant go about his morning routine. He stared at the orange juice container, sighed and went to put the one he had already gotten back. Heading back to the coffee machine he had taken over he went back to fixing up seven cups. His mind absently reaching out to the others feeling them awaken, shake off sleep or feel unease with their situation. It staggered Trent when he started sensing others emotions and realizing they weren’t his own. It’s part of the reason he had thrown himself into his books and studying. It wasn't so staggering now, unless he wasn't expecting it or if it was a strong mixture of emotions. Nowadays it hit his face like a breeze and moved on.

Humming and thinking and mixing coffee he suddenly realized his lack of free hands and this little store being out of car carriers. Trent cursed all those out there who hadn’t thought to get coffee because some of them NEEDED it to continue on with their lives, read Trent liked his coffee and would slice off heads without it.

He smiled at the clerk, as he told him how many coffees he had, yes seven. Yes they were all for him, what was the man behind the counter, daft!? An eye-roll with a smile and a call to keep the change, he whistled a soft tune and suddenly had seven containers of liquid of the gods circling him. He paused in the doorway out, having the cups lined up behind him. Shaking his head from thoughts of wiping out the cashier’s mind of his Mist usage and Setzer’s facial features he continued calling the cups as one would call a stray dog. Trent breathed in the fresh air and sighed. These next few days were going to be stress filled. Trent hadn't thought to grab a postcard to send to his family either.

As he got nearer to his group he stumbled for a moment, Daryll’s wariness combined with Gideon’s unease had him gasping for breath. In that singular moment between gasp and stagger, he pulled a book out from the hoodie pocket he was wearing and stuck his nose in it. Appearances after all, had to be kept. A plain forest green hoodie, over one his flannel button-ups and loose black jeans covering up combat boots he had swiped out of his bag. They were his most comfortable clothing he had gone with the Daryll to get them actually and that made him smile into his book. As he continued forward he pretended to be engrossed in his book.

"Anyway, I kind of favor option #2, we can do it on the way to the Archive, because more risk but...tick-tock. Our country is about to burn."

Trent walked up to Gideon and stood to the side, coffees still orbiting him like a miniature sun. Trent waited for Gideon to take a breath before he placed a cup of black coffee into Gideon's hands. Trent’s face was still buried in his book so he couldn't see the reaction he received.

“Extra strong, you should have slept,” was all Trent muttered to the prince in an off hand member as if he couldn’t feel the exhaustion coming off him. For all Trent knew, it was coming off all of them. He poked Daryll in the chest with his cup next, and sent him a searching look from over the rim of his book. When he felt the wariness wane the tiniest bit he smiled and patted Daryll’s shoulder. “Half hot chocolate, half coffee if you want extra go get it yourself.”

He moved onto Setzer next, and couldn’t keep the grin off his face, “I had OJ for you, but someone isn’t patient.” He left Setzer’s coffee floating in front of him. Black the same as Gideon’s. Trent stood off to the side of Lee, his nose still in his book as he snatched Lee’s coffee out of the air.

“More sweetener then coffee,” Trent smirked. “How you can stand that I’ll never know.” Trent moved off as he nodded when Lee agreed about the worst case being assassination. Trent sent Galahad his coffee knowing the other mage would take over the Mist induced spell to grab his. A touch of creamer and five packets of sugar went into Galahad’s coffee. Zimmy’s pure hot chocolate that he handed to her himself and sat down nest to Collette, he wasn’t sure how she would take her coffee so had her cup, along with creamers and sugar packets at the ready.

"Man we're screwed...but, it's not like we already weren't. Most of us were gonna die in a few weeks anyway, out on the battlefield."

“Speak for yourself,” Trent spoke up finally throwing in his two-cents into the discussion. His voice slightly cynical as he kept his eyes firmly planted on the book, finally turning a page. “I planned on taking out a large group before I burned into nothing but a Mist Crazed Lunatic. I’ll skip on my own death, thanks. My votes the Archives for what it’s worth. Get supplies, plus there’s something down that way I’d like to stop and see if it’s all the same to you. Farm land past the Archives, might be a place to hide there if we had too.” Trent kept his voice level, and went back to his book. Cussing as he cut his finger on a page and went digging into his pocket for a band-aid. Of course he cut him on the thumb below the other bandage upon it. He didn’t feel eyes on him when he spoke of wanting to see something outside so he couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Plus, the Archives might have a spell to dismantle that spell that concealed the airship, I don’t think even I could have dented it, had I tried.” Another shrug and nose back in his book. He liked this one, he’d read it five or ten times he wasn’t sure but it was well loved.
... *tempttempttempttempttempt*

Anywho, working on post now :D should have it up in a few hours. *taking his sweet sweet time*
Daddy-issue Galahad xD

So I'm thinking of having Trent be the one who's bringin back coffee, breakfast and the such and I have no idea how to word it that it makes any lick of sense of how he's carrying it all.... Oh, right, Mist!!!
My first thought upon seeing this.... 'Let the Bodies hit the floor...' followed closely by THICKENING OF PLOT
Out of all the members in the group, Trent was the first one to pass out when they got back into the army truck. He trusted each of these people for different reasons. He knew they wouldn't let death overtake them when they could still fight. So he took a Mist-induced nap, mental alarm set to go off when the worst of it had been done in.

Waking from Mist Sleep was like waking up after only five minutes and feeling like someone had run over your eyes with sand and salt. He rubbed them, blinking continuously to get his tear ducts to wet them. Stretching he started handing out the food, the other would have everything else sorted out, again he trusted them in this situation.

A traitorous thought kept nagging at him, he didn't trust them with his want to get out of dodge. To head home, take his family to a neighboring country, to hide and never come out of hiding. Food passed around, drink going next with a mix of alcohol and water and soft drink, Trent let out a sigh as Lee tried to lighten the mood and Zimmy snapped in her tired way. Galahad glamouring the truck startled a laugh from Trent and a soft smile as well.

"He is right," Trent spoke to the princess at last. "I think rest for everyone, I'll work on getting a storm coming in to cover us as we come and go from here."

He grinned at the lot, short as he was, hands behind his back in a very innocent looking manner, "I'll take the first watch. The small power nap in the tin-can over there was helpful. Thank you, Collette, for your superb driving." His smile was mixed with a bit of Mist, to get the others to start to pack up and head to the rooms Daryll had bought. He wasn't sure if any of them would listen to the inducement but he couldn't keep a few thoughts to himself.

Stepping up to Gideon and Setzer, nodding towards Galahad as well to gain his attention, "Odd, is it not? A ship that hides in Mist yet ripples it not? If Vangar had this before, during the siege, why not use it? I could not sense it, not until it's veil fell. I'll summon a storm for tonight, if that ship can hide in plain sight, I'd rather make it harder for the enemy to gain on us."

He would await one of the three's approval, his smile was still in place as he had spoken in a soft voice to not let the princess hear in case her being here was within itself a trap waiting to be sprung. The beads for communication earlier would pass on his worries to the others who were still awake. He kept the smile on his face and headed towards the army truck. It's going to be they're home for a while, he can feel it. Leaning back against the hood he looked up into the night sky, his hands down at his side, Mist gathering and heading up.
I shall have a post up later tonight, if not early tomorrow morning :D


OIkay I lied... it took a little longer because again it feels forced to me

Not to rush ya dearie but umm.... should I go or.... >.<"
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