Avatar of Alfbie
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Alfbie
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 339 (0.09 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Alfbie 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Hey, all! I will be away on a week-long camping trip from 8/7 to 8/13 and won't be able to respond to RP during that time. I will send replies as soon as I return. Happy summer!
7 yrs ago
Sorry for my disappearance! Out of town for a couple days; thought I'd have internet but I thought wrong. Will post as soon as I can!
1 like
7 yrs ago
That feel-good feeling when you catch up on RPs. For everyone currently writing with me; thank you for your patience. You're all wonderful :)
7 yrs ago
I finally put something in the bio section of this thing! I even made it pretty, ooooh!
7 yrs ago
RP'd with me, been gone for a while, and wanting to start something up again? Don't be shy; I'm active!
1 like


Why, Hello There!

Welcome to my nifty little hovel! *bows* Who you'll find here is an aspiring writer with over 15 years of various RP experience. I prefer plot-driven fantasy and/or supernatural RPs with a romantic twist. I write from the mid-casual to high-advanced levels and am fairly open-minded when it comes to mature content. I am always looking for new RP partners, so if any of this sounds interesting to you, don't be shy!


What I Look For in an RP Partner

You must be *this tall* to write with me. Please be over 18.

One liners are the devil. Though I prefer literate quality over quantity (especially when it comes to dialogue), if you're the type that practically writes a novel per post, I'll love you forever. If you can only crank out a couple of paragraphs but they engage me, I'll be just as excited. All I ask is a touch of effort.

Get your chit chat on. I like to make friends with my RP partners, so if you're the type that loves OOC chat, by all means yammer away! I also LOVE discussing the RP, so please please please don't hesitate to speak your mind if you're bored, stuck, have an idea, or just want to be silly in OOC with your characters. I am remarkably flexible and would rather rewrite scenes and/or scrap weeks/months of RP for something new than watch one die due to lack of communication.

Leave you slice-of-life, fluff, and tavern RP at the door. I have nothing against these things--in fact I expect any and all of these things in my RP and then some because that's the stuff of developing character relationships. However, I need more--conflict, a purpose, a goal, some sort of basic storytelling device to keep the RP going. Essentially, I need direction through plot; I get lost and anxious if all our characters ever do is talk.

Own your flakiness. We've all done it--ditched an RP without a word. It happens. I understand. But please tell me if you're just not feeling it or if you need to take a break for any reason. I am incredibly patient and have picked RPs back up that have been under hiatus for months and even years. Thus, your absence would be just that--absence. If you are someone that has suddenly ditched without a word and want to return, hit me up! I promise I won't gripe or fuss; I'm just happy to RP.

Get it--got it--good! If I haven't scared you away by this point, please drop me a PM! Even if you don't have a specific idea in mind, I am more than happy to help you brainstorm something awesome.

My Roleplays

Thread RP

Rising Winds and Shifting Sands (Active) with Nemaisare

Underneath (Active) with Nemaisare

The Lost Princess (Inactive) with Aelin

Crimson Moons (Inactive) with Love Dove

Vanish Into Light (Inactive) with El Taco Taco

The Empress of the Underground (Inactive) with mamagermany

A Journey for Peace (Inactive) with Arrayah

PM RP Partners


Light the Dark

Burning Daisies

Hellish Hin


NOTE: Avatar artwork is NOT mine (I wish it was)! It is Thorns by Candra. Used without permission.

Most Recent Posts

Prince Aleksander Dunham didn’t particularly enjoy hunting. He loved horseback riding, the sense of freedom he could only get from pushing his gentle horse in full gallop, the world streaking by. He enjoyed spending time with his dogs, these obedient, intelligent hounds that were ready to defend him under any circumstance. He cherished spending time in the forest near his castle home, away from expectations and rules and the pressures of social and political confinement. All these things together, however, were a tedious exercise at best. Trying to keep up and keep track of his noisy dogs in dense thickets was a chore, and there was nothing thrilling about barreling through a forest chasing after some creature for the name of sport. But hunting was his father’s favorite pastime, and every adviser insisted that the kingdom, in wake of the king’s recent passing, would feel more at ease to have their future king take up normal castle activities, especially those of his father. It symbolized his preparedness to be king, they said.

Except he didn’t feel prepared at all.

Not knowing a tactful way to push aside their arguments, he agreed to at least try this sport, hosting it with a bunch of noblemen in an effort to keep relations with the aristocracy of the kingdom.

Unfortunately for the prince, these men had galloped off in one direction after a wild boar, while his dogs were after who-knows-what, something they could not ignore. He had no choice but to follow them, hoping that he could round them up and get them back on course with the other men…

Until a woman fell onto the middle of the road from a steep hill beside it. Aleksander yanked hard on the reigns of his horse to prevent the poor girl from getting trampled on.

The dogs, however, had other plans, switching their focus to the girl, barking and growling as they backed her against the hill. Aleksander found this highly unusual; his dogs were trained not to harm humans unless someone was trespassing in the castle. So why were they intimidating this helpless woman so far from home?

“Corvin, Spot, Manchester, heel!” Aleksander barked as he swung himself off his horse. The large beast shifted her weight nervously, also on edge over being near this woman. And the dogs ignored the prince entirely, something they had never done before.

He frowned, pushing back his dark, heavy cloak that framed a tall, lean figure dressed in a dark-brown leather tunic over a woolen undershirt, black trousers, and sturdy brown boots. He pushed back from his face some of the long, chestnut-brown hair that had gotten loose from the braid, grey-blue eyes narrowing as he assessed the cowering woman before him.

“Back, dogs, back!”

Only after he stepped beside the dogs did they cease their barking, pacing anxiously behind Aleksander, never taking their eyes off of the girl.

Aleksander thought her beautiful despite her disheveled appearance but thought little of this stranger’s beauty beyond that passing thought, more focused on how frightened she seemed. He gave his best warm smile as he took a few steps forward. “Please don’t be alarmed,” he said gently. “My dogs are just over excited. I’m here to help. Are you lost? Injured?”
No problem, take your time; I'll allow you to start :)

Sounds like you had a nice weekend despite it being so busy!

My weekend was less busy than expected, mainly due to the weather, but it was still alright.

Re the bio: thank you! I figured that since I'm now a lot more active on this site, might as well make full use of its features.

Very excited for that first post! :D
Miria felt Curdle’s absence almost immediately; vibrant color drained into a dull pallet and vivid noises of the marketplace around her blended into indiscernible noise. She glanced behind her, meaning to catch sight of Curdle but seeing sand where he once knelt, fading humanoid shapes drifting over the area as though he had never been a part of this dream. It surprised her to feel a slight pang in her heart; she had expected that he would at least follow for a little while.

Her last words echoed in her mind, a reflection of the possible thoughtlessness in them. She did say she wanted him out of her head by morning, and that feeling still rang true. So, why did it bother her that Curdle had left to immediately? She didn’t understand it and decided that it was best not to. He was just an old jinni who needed her to help him pay respects to the remains of someone he loved.

She sighed, turned back around, and continued walking, each step erasing her consciousness of what had transpired like unraveling a ball of thread with each forward step. Soon, she was lost in her dream, as obscure as the shifting shapes around her.

But she did not forget, the memory touching upon her recollection, sightless and intangible, but present as the light of the morning sun over the surrounding sand dunes. Miria awoke, fed and groomed Raha, and prepared for the long journey with the rest of the caravan, her movements automatic to allow her mind to be elsewhere.

Was what happened even real? Miria checked her cart for the carefully-stowed urn, finding it tucked safely away, the sight of it summoning Curdle’s tears and his words of weary relief. Where she had gone wrong with Tamal, Fiira had gone right with Curdle. Where Miria believed she had attempted the impossible and been punished for it, Fiira and Curdle had dared to love each other, in whatever way that love signified, and had managed to survive the gauntlet of prejudice and cruel expectations. How common was a bond like theirs? How common was a tragedy like Miria’s?

The jinni that served Miria breakfast did not respond to his master beyond what he was ordered to do, his gaze empty as he ladled leftover stew into jer small bowl. A cluster of young jinn animal tamers who had been whispering to each other scattered when humans walked by, knowing that conversing with each other without permission was forbidden, but the humans seemed too busy with their own morning chores to care and the young jinn exchanged mirthful glances at each other. The sand jinni that lead the caravan, who was the key reason they did not all sink into the sand and die beneath the sun, ate her breakfast with her master. They spoke quietly, animatedly, the jinni relaxed, her master bemused, like two good friends engaged in conversation. Yet Miria could see the thick callouses beneath the heavy iron ring around her neck where the metal had chaffed painfully against her skin for years, and she could see glimpses of scars peaking over the collar of her tunic.

How well did society truly accept this human/jinn balance? Was there even a balance at all, or were the scales tipping below the surface, straining against what was natural, threatening change?

Miria pondered this as she finished her preparations, as the caravan moved once more, as they pushed through a long, hard day through the desert. Why had her compassion towards a jinni make her a tragic victim? Or did she simply have the misfortune of falling in love with a creature that never saw her or the world they shared the way Curdle did? How had Curdle not fallen into hatred like Tamal did?

When they finally stopped for the night, at the call of the sinking sun and the darkening sky, Miria sifted through her wares for the small bit of cloth she presented Curdle in their dream meeting. She held the fabric in her hands, the last evidence of her compassion she had held towards someone she didn’t understand, and spread it over the urn.

That evening, she weaved until her fingers ached and it was a struggle just to stay awake, and she slept. Curdle did not touch her dreams, and she greeted the morning with a mild sense of disappointment. The day toiled on, Miria’s focus occupied entirely on fighting with the rest of the caravan against a minor sand storm—weak enough for there to be no need to stop, strong enough to be a nuisance. The sleep she fell into that night was driven by exhaustion, leaving her no capacity to dream. Regret greeted her that following morning; she wanted to talk to Curdle again, if only to learn how his path differed from Tamal’s. She wanted validation for being weak and foolish enough to help a jinni instead of refuse him, of accepting his presence instead of loathing him.

By the time the caravan reached Hudris, days later, Miria had all but dropped her expectation for meeting the jinni, suspecting that if he did show again, it would be at Sherahd. She fell into routine that evening, prepping her wares for sale the next morning, settling Raha in the stall they’d both be sharing for a week, and making sure she would be presentable to the public. She fell asleep that night like any other, too worried and excited about the uncertainty of the next day to afford a thought to her jinni acquaintance.


Miria stepped through a spacious house, none she ever recognized, its clay walls and mish-mash of stone and wooden floors decorated in a humble Mediterranean style of dark and earthy tones, indicating sophisticated coziness and thoughtful class. Each room, Miria noticed, had so many windows, every one overlooking a cluster of palm trees or the rooftops of neighboring houses down a sloping hill or the spread of sand dunes in the distance. She felt strangely at home here, relaxed, even as she explored every room for the first time, and she wondered idly who this home belonged to.

It did not cross her mind how crisp and vivid every detail of the house was, how rich the colors, how vibrant the sounds of birds chirping outside, her thoughts instead choosing to settle into this content feeling. How long had she felt so at ease?
I'm really excited for this RP, so I think I'll enjoy it plenty :)

And yay for taking that idea!

Now, for the number one question: Who is writing the first post? Or is there more to hash out before we begin?
I finally posted a CS, woo!

I promise I'll provide a picture for it soon :)

Re the playlist idea: Sure, why not :) I won't have songs right away, but as the RP gets going and picks up steam, I'll contribute. Music is my muse, so I love playlists.

Still can't decide about the wolf form. How about a mixture of both extremes? In passing glance, one would assume they've just seen a very large wolf--fur, ears, snout, tail. Upon closer inspection (if one lives to recall such a thing), the four-legged creature has hands instead of front paws, the length of the legs and torso suggests that they'd be just as comfortable walking on hind legs as they would on four, and their snarling wolf-like faces are strikingly expressive...

Honestly, I'm just thinking off the top of my head; this is my first werewolf RP (which I am excited about :) ) If you have a specific preference, by all means, let us please go with that, as I feel like I don't even know what I'm saying at this point, lol.
(picture to come)

Nathaniel Russet

Age: 32

Tall, lean, and broad shouldered, Nate has been known around his village to catch more than one woman's eye. Steel-grey eyes and a down-to-earth smile compliment his stylishly scruffy appearance--shoulder-length light-brown hair and a perpetual stubble over a strong jaw. Despite his looks, he is a no-nonsense sort of man, one that would rather work long hours than pin himself to a barstool flirting with women. Though he is the yarder for his small village, he dresses casually--flannel shirts, jeans, sturdy boots. He is a man of the land, his roughened and calloused hands proof of this, and he is one who would rather work shoulder-to-shoulder with the hard-working farmers and merchants of his town than hole himself up in a fancy room talking politics with stuffy money men. As such, there are mixed opinions about his leadership skills.

Nate rarely smiles, and what he says is always to-the-point, but his kindness and compassion is shown through his actions; he never turns down a person in need and goes above and beyond in service to his people. Still, there is a sadness in his eyes and subdued anger behind his countenance.

It is rumored that his wife and child were killed a few years ago by wolves...
Oooh, the 0th post! So many changes to this site; it's crazy. Yes, I can view and edit it :)

"Lol, no time for contemplation!" Of course there'll be that. I guess I'm just being a little aggressive with the plot? Impatient, perhaps?

Now knowing what I know in terms of Sherahd distance, I'll probably skip ahead either to the next night or the next little town they stop in, hehe, have another little dream meeting.

I'm horrible with pictures, I don't know why. I can never find the right one, so I get too picky and take forever. So, I'm perfectly fine with a description.

And I LOVE music playlists for RP! Keep the songs rollin'!

Oh gosh, which werewolf type... I don't know. I guess, if our two characters can't tell the other through scent alone due to being natural-born werewolves, being the more monstrous type would make it more obvious that "hey, a werewolf is killing stuff they're not supposed to!" instead of an ordinary wolf.

But then I've wondered if their forms would be different during a full moon...
No, this is good!!

I got a post, yaaaaas! <3

I don't think I'm going to do too much reflection on their dream conversation. Now I need to think about what's next!

What do you have planned for Curdle's escape? Or will he escape? How many days journey is it from Renna to Sherahd? I ask these things because I'm trying to determine how far to take the story in the next post. Should I get them all the way to Sherahd? Should I give them another few days before the next dream encounter? Do we need to switch focus to Curdle's predicament for the time being? So many possibilities!
This OC is very stylized--the best I've come across yet!

Additional pictures... Not at the top of my head. Oh! The werewolf side... do they look more like ordinary wolves (a la Twilight) or more like monster werewolves (a la Underworld)?

Also, do you prefer a specific format/level of detail for the CS? Do you require a pic?

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