We're still open for sure, more people just means me needing to delegate to a co-gm a little more lol. Feel free to drop by the discord, it's pretty active with ideas.
Ayyyyyyy, It's good to see more interest. Also just as an aside, while the discord is incredibly helpful for the planning out of things like characters and talking about ongoing arcs, it's not required to participate. It just helps significantly and I'm able to respond a lot quicker to things there lol.
@Neziul By all means pop into the discord and pitch an idea, already got a few tumbling around in the channels.
As an aside, for anyone else lurking still got a good bit to actually work out character concepts and tune up character sheets, as I'm looking to get the OOC up on the second.
Appreciate the interest from both those who have joined already and those who have taken a peek in the thread so far, and going to make a note in that I'm going to be continuing to add things as we get to them even up to the expected launch of the RP. At the moment looking at adding in The Imperial Wedding into the timeline and workshopping some minor events that have come up as well.
It is a galaxy teetering on the brink of civil war, twenty years after the violent close of the last. The Clone Wars, as the series of conflicts were called, was supposed to have only lasted a couple years, planned out in detail by the Dark Lord of the Sith. Yet the most minute of changes, deviations or miscalculations slowly resulted in an event that was beyond even the man who was purported to have been the most powerful of his kind in millennia. A man who lived when he was supposed to have died, an apprentice with doubts that led him to question his own motives, another who would not be swayed and instead stayed true to the order that raised him. One after another these small changes that would have otherwise just been footnotes in history would drastically change the outcome of a war that was supposed to have been decided.
Where it truly came undone was with the First Battle of Geonosis. Hundreds of Jedi and entire battalions of clone troopers descended upon the planet to liberate not three hostages set to die at the hands of the Trade Federation, but to rendezvous with Obi-Wan Kenobi and the recently turned Count Dooku. It set the stage of the entire war, as without a clear leader another took control of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. One who did not have the same ideals as its founder, or the desire for true reform in the galaxy. The one who inherited the revolution was one who despised the Republic for everything it stood for. One who had lost everything in a war that, without knowing the truth of the conflict, the Republic interfered with and punished his people dearly. General Grievous, more machine than Kaleesh at this point for the wounds he suffered during the Kalee-Huk war. With his leadership the conflict became far more than what his 'master' intended.
He played his part though, at least initially. Battles were fought in those beginning stages where Sidious planned them, including the First Battle of Coruscant. There Grievous began to understand the Sith lord's intentions and made his own plan. It was one that as the months turned to years, made Palpatine realize that he could no longer crush the 'rebellion' and simply seize control over the Republic to create his empire. More than that, Dooku had turned back to the Jedi and more suspicion than ever was upon him. He had been backed into a corner, a wolf no longer among sheep, but among the hunters. The Republic and CIS bled each other for every system, the Clone Wars ramping up with every passing year and invalidating his plan with each battle. Palpatine had shifted from planning to destroy the Jedi in one fell swoop, to being forced to rely on them until the very end.
Five years into the Clone Wars the plan Grievous had set into motion was finally coming into play. Since realizing Sidious' plan, his true identity and what that meant for the CIS, he had steadily ensured that certain assets remained out of reach from both the Republic and even his own allies. More and more the CIS drew upon the finances of the Banking Clan, the resources of the Trade Federation and Bactoid, as well as every planet under their sway. As the Separatist leaders bickered among themselves as to who was stealing what, Grievous assembled a fleet that would be unrivaled. Thousands of warships sequestered away in old Sith Space and preparing for one final assault. When it finally came, he hit the Republic without mercy. Kuat, Kamino, Balmorra, Ord Mantell and even Corellia came under siege from what they believed to be the entirety of the CIS fleet. Without question the Open Circle Fleet rallied to defend these key worlds, pulling assets away from the defenses of others. And that was when Grievous struck the true blow. In a single night the CIS shattered the defensive fleet of Coruscant, the planetary shield that protected it, and tore the heart of the Republic from its chest.
It became known as "Knightfall" to those who survived, partially for the last stand of the Jedi Knights who held the line against overwhelming odds, only to fail. Under the rain of turbolaser fire from orbit, Cortosis Battle Droids ransacked the capital, relentlessly hunting any who did not perish with the bombings of the Jedi Temple and the Senate Building. It was there that Palpatine himself met his end, an irony of sorts for the Sith Lord who planned out the Clone Wars so carefully, only to fall victim to another's and be buried beneath the glassed ruins of the Republic he tried to control. If things had gone another way, it would have been there that the Republic died to thunderous applause, instead it shattered into a dozen regional governments without the jewel of Coruscant to hold them. Without the clone armies to defend them though, many would fall to Grievous and his new Confederacy. Some would question where the Jedi and their army went, only ever hearing the desperate calls for retreat.
In the aftermath of such a traumatic event though, others did stand tall among the wreckage. After a valiant stand against the odds, those remnants who were unable to rejoin the main fleets settled where they had fought so hard to keep free. Corellia became a new beacon of hope in the galaxy, declaring itself the true inheritor of the Republic and standing firm against the Confederacy. With the Green Jedi lords to govern them, they would secure much of the Core Worlds south of Coruscant, claiming the ruins of Kuat and working to rebuild the rings after the traitorous attack that destroyed them. Yet many hold doubts towards the Corellians, noting how they denied the Republic in Exile when they were still on the run from the Confederacy, and worse yet how many of the worlds that have joined with them, did so without a choice. Regardless of how noble their intentions, the severity of their crimes or the accusations against them though, much of the southern galaxy flourishes under their control.
To the north others contest the Corellians, and foremost among them the nascent Galactic Empire. Much like their rivals, they too arose from the remnants of defenders who had nowhere else to go. With the CIS swallowing up former Republic territory across the entire Outer Rim, the Eight Fleet under the authority of admiral Jira Renkar quickly moved to secure as much as they could around Ord Mantell with the help of the shattered remnants of the Republic military. Surrounded by the enemy and hearing the call to surrender, they instead chose to keep fighting, swearing to defend those who had been left to suffer at the hands of countless such invasions throughout galactic history. Though they did not start with a strong industrial base like some, they had something more. They had the hearts of the people, the steadfast loyalty of their military and an Emperor who could be believed in. And so an empire was built in the smoldering embers of the Clone Wars, admiral turned Emperor clutching the galactic north in a fist of iron against the tyranny of the CIS and vowing to destroy the separatists once and for all. Some say that while the propaganda depicts the Empire as a force of righteousness and justice, there is an underlying culture of violence and tyranny, but while those very same people have come to accept the new status of the galaxy in their own way… For the Empire the Clone Wars never ended.
And then there is Mandalore. It was there that the Republic in Exile found themselves unlikely allies in the form of Duchess Satine and the new Mand'alor. Already the two had been working on securing the future of their people, of both the more pacifist Mandalorians and those who wished to carry on their warrior culture, and so when the Jedi and the Republic came seeking their aid, they gave it freely. That moment joined ancient enemies together, two sides who had fought each other almost since the founding of the Republic, having nearly ruined the other many times over the millennia. Jedi and Mandalorians united, all past grievances set aside in order to secure the future of both of their peoples. It was on that foundation that the legitimate Republic government "officially" relocated to Keldabe City, "elected" Satine as chancellor and ceded military powers to the Mand'alor. Since that moment their standing in the galaxy depends greatly upon from whose lips it is said, with the Corellians decrying them as little more than a band of looters and mercenaries with stolen Republic hardware. Certainly their assault on Kuat that left it little more than ruins lends credence to such, and with the Jedi assisting freely through the new Jedi Enclaves, it's harder than ever for the GRM to play public relations.
Yet, while the Corellians sabotage their image at every turn, historians call their rise the "Third Great Crusade" and warn of the impending invasion… Many look to them as the true inheritors of the Republic. Under the mythosaur skull banner, all are equal and all have the same chance to earn their place. To be Mandalorian is a choice, one that every world in their republic has made, and all have so far benefitted from their protection and lended their arms towards securing their space. No matter whether they be Miraluka, Twi'lek, Kaminoan, Devaronian or just a regular human, all are considered to be Mandalorian under their Mand'alor and afforded the same rights whether they fight for their republic or work for it.
But while the Republics fight and vie for supremacy against each other, they ignore the threat surrounding them. The Confederacy still lives, though it has bled key worlds and founders over the last twenty years. Muunilist broke free in order to join into the Corporate Sector Authority. Dozens of sectors have been lost to the steady advance of the Empire. Most of their core world sectors were found to be too rebellious to keep direct control, instead handed over to the puppet-Republic under Alsakan. More and more the Confederacy burns under the rule of Grievous, who still sees it as his duty to dismantle the Republic completely, but struggles to maintain control over his own systems, much less those under occupation. Even Kalee is no longer his to command, as the Empire seized it years ago. It is a rebellion that has stagnated long past achieving their goal, without the sense to lay down their arms. More than that though, with the general meeting any resistance with force, crushing any who dare to rise up against him, it is inspiring more and more to treat with their republic kin. And they can taste the blood in the water.
So it is that after twenty years, though the galaxy has changed much since the close of the Clone Wars, it is once again teetering on the brink of civil war...
tl;dr - The CIS won the Clone Wars, everything's a bit fucked.
So, if you haven't read the block of text above and are wondering just what this is, or if you did and would prefer a more succinct description of the RP, here it is. "After Knightfall" is a Star Wars RP, but not like most others for the key principle of the setting. While most RPs that take place in a fandom setting like SW are quite open about the canonicity of the RP itself, and how once the RP begins it is effectively in an alternate universe, this RP starts out as such before characters are even created. It began initially as just a joke of a question a while back, a "what if" of sorts, and over the years the RP setting grew into more than just a concept and into a story of its own waiting to be told. What if the CIS won the Clone Wars?
The gist of what the setting is about is described above, but basically the Republic is gone, the CIS won and Grievous is a significant emotional event still. Like, we're talking not just Legends Grievous, but the Tartakovsky Grievous that took on six Jedi Masters with only two lightsabers and zero fucks to give. But it has also been just over twenty years since the fall of the Republic, and dude is getting old and even more crazy. Galaxy still uses the galactic credit because "IGBC" and it's easier on everyone, but there really is no central government or even Jedi Order. Warlordism has become prevalent in many regions, with entire swaths of the galaxy unaligned either by choice or because their political situation is too unstable. The rising powers of the galaxy all hate each other to varying degrees, and are building up in preparation for another potential galactic war. Except the Empire, who has continued the Clone Wars for twenty-two years only stopping to fight what they call "The Great Enemy". But I digress, much of this can be gleaned from the foreword above, and we have a searchable lore document that will be posted in the discord for the RP.
So really, in this fragmented and war-torn galaxy there is the question of who are you? Is your character a Corellian Green seeking to expand his house by any means, or simply survive the game of thrones in the Hegemon's shadow? An Imperial doing her part to secure freedom for the people of the galaxy, even if it means "liberating" them first? Or maybe just a Mando sitting there on Mandalore fishing and trying not to think about how the whole thing is a powderkeg waiting for that spark...
But all that aside, my rules are fair and simple as can be expected from any other GM on the forum and I'll do my best to work with everyone who shows interest to ensure that the story they want to tell of their own character is given the same chance as everyone else. I pride myself on being rather flexible and working with people to make sure their ideas fit with the setting, though I will kindly ask not to take advantage of that as I will yeet a bitch lmao. All in all, I am hoping for a good run on this, a lot of effort has been put towards rebuilding the setting from the original idea, and I've got a couple people heavily invested in seeing this happen. So to that end, I look forward to seeing what interest comes, and am giving a generous two weeks for everyone with a serious interest to ask their questions, pitch their characters and prepare for what will surely be a wild ride with no brakes.
With the significant events of the few decades surrounding the start of the setting here, there has been another re-synchronization set during what would have normally been "The Battle of Yavin". Considering there is no canonical battle of Yavin in this setting, instead it is simply a moment where most of the galaxy has come to agree upon a re-synchronization of the standardized calendar.
32BRS - SHATTERPOINT: During the Battle of Naboo a shift in the force resulted in a change in the flow of a battle that would decide the fate of the galaxy. Rather than pursuing ahead to face the Sith Darth Maul personally, Qui-Gon Jinn waited for his padawan so that they could face him together. With both Jedi working in unison, the Sith was cornered and quickly brought down, sent hurtling down the reactor tube. Following this the Jedi Order was forced to acknowledge that the Sith had in fact returned and were operating in the shadows, giving Qui-Gon leave to continue his pursuit of the truth and elevating Obi-Wan Kenobi to knighthood for his assistance in bringing down the darth.
28BRS - DISTURBANCES WITHIN THE GORDIAN REACH: Following the revelation of the Sith surviving into the modern era, the Jedi Order issue an investigation into the former heartlands of the ancient Sith Empire. For several years there is nothing but ash and dust turned over on the countless dead worlds, with only the specters of old haunting the region. So in 28BRS the Jedi Council declares the region off-limits to all but those of master rank, keeping a cautious eye as silence once more falls on the Sith Worlds. With such little traffic in the region and the Jedi and Republic soon finding other concerns to focus their attention on, those few who do venture there are those either foolishly seeking forbidden relics or attempting to circumvent patrolled sectors. So as these people disappear, most simply write it off as smugglers and pirates falling to one another, or the odd misjump.
22BRS - THE CLONE WARS: With the defection of Count Dooku of Serenno back to the Jedi Order, the Clone Wars officially begin following his information during the rescue on Geonosis. With the Grand Army of the Republic some four-hundred Jedi descend upon the planet to cover the extraction and crush the facilities there, resulting in the deaths of a few Jedi, but also Jango Fett and multiple figures within the Confederacy. This serves as but an early victory among precious few, as for six years the war rages across the galaxy turning once peaceful worlds into battlegrounds. The Republic bleeds worlds from the Outer Rim and into even the Core Worlds as without the tempered hand of people like Dooku or his former master, Grievous seizes control of the CIS with the intent to bring only ruin in his wake. During this time both the Republic and CIS mobilize ever increasing forces, with newer and more dangerous weapons deployed with each passing year. Cortosis Battledroids, Planet-Killers and even Dark Jedi are turned loose upon untold millions of clones desperately defending everything from the ecumenopoli of the Core to the desolate planets of the fringes. Yet while both powers wage total war, they both suffer from their own internal problems. The CIS sees more and more tyranny at the hands of Grievous as he consolidates power solely under him, executing the Separatist Council, driving entire populations into forced labor and crushing his own rebellions with ruthless efficiency. No stranger to dissent themselves, the Republic sees many worlds simply secede and struggle with their own independence separate from both powers, as well as the Jedi Order struggling with the knowledge of the Supreme Chancellor being a Sith. An issue soon resolved.
19BRS - RISE OF MANDALORE THE PALADIN: Appearing as "The Challenger" a Mandalorian in an older style of blue Crusader armor comes to directly challenge the Sith Darth Maul who had seized power during the ongoing crisis on Mandalore. There, in front of the Deathwatch, Satine Kryze and Obi-Wan Kenobi the unknown Mandalorian savagely beats Maul to death in a duel for the title of Mand'alor. No words were exchanged, only blows between the two as Maul's lightsaber proved to be utterly ineffective against the beskar of the challenger's armor. Briefly the Deathwatch sees this as a victory for all Mandalorians, a proper and true Mand'alor rising from the unknown to steer their people back onto the right path, but that crumbles away when Pre Viszla takes his chance and also challenges for the title. This bout proves to be far different, and in a way only proves to the Deathwatch their initial suspicions were true somewhat. Victory is inevitable for the Mand'alor, beating down Viszla repeatedly and demanding him to yield until finally the two share unknown words and Viszla dies of his wounds. In the aftermath of these two short and brutal battles the Mand'alor makes himself known to Satine and Obi-Wan, declaring his intentions to reform Mandalorian society into a blend of the old Crusader lifestyle but with Supercommando virtues. A true honorable warrior society, one that respects and rewards all who would call themselves Mandalorian, not just those who fight. And it is as Pre Viszla is honored as a true Mandalorian and given a funeral in the old rites that the Deathwatch kneels alongside True Mandalorians, New Mandalorians and all those between ideologies to welcome Mand'alor Besk'Cabur, otherwise known as Mand'alor The Paladin.
16BRS - KNIGHTFALL: At the height of the Clone Wars as much of the galaxy burns in the shifting of frontlines between the CIS and the Republic, General Grievous executes his most brilliant and ruthless plan yet. Across the galaxy multiple key Republic worlds are hit simultaneously by the Confederate fleet in force, calls for reinforcement lighting up the holonet as the Republic struggles to hold onto what they have. It is only when much of the Open Circle Fleet departs Coruscanti space when the true reality of Grievous' gambit is revealed though. As the Republic seeks to shore up their defenses across the galaxy, the largest fleet yet drops above Coruscant and decimates the defending fleet within hours and begins the bombardment of the planet's surface. Much of the Open Circle Fleet remains in hyperspace unable to immediately redirect, so they hear the calls for reinforcement even as turbolasers turn the senate and temple districts into sheets of glass. By the eighth hour Coruscant has fallen and the call to retreat and regroup is issued, the Republic abandoning the fight completely. It is on this day that after over twenty-five thousand years the Republic and Jedi Order have finally fallen.
16BRS - A COUP ON CORELLIA, THE RISE OF THE HEGEMON: Coinciding with the bombardment of Coruscant and the defense of the Corellian system, a power play is made on the planet itself. It had been a plan decades in the making, merely awaiting the right time to execute, and there was no better time than in the chaos of this moment. Half of CorSec turned as the Novar house guards marched on the Diktat's residence, simply walking through the doors and seizing power within the hour. It was a coup of ruthless efficiency and nearly bloodless, only a few injuries across Corellia and only the Diktat as a true casualty. Yet addressing his people, Aeron Fein Novar declares this a just and righteous moment for not him, but all Corellians. To the cheers of millions he declares the end of the diktats, and the end to bowing to any other than Corellia itself. With the remaining highest powers of Corellia bowing before him, he declares himself Hegemon and the beginning of the Corellian Hegemony.
16BRS - OPERATIONS "LANCE OF THE REPUBLIC"/"STORMCALLER": Broken, demoralized and in desperate need of resupply the forces of the Republic find themselves only a brief reprieve in the shelter of Mandalore. A quarter of the Grand Army musters out to become Mandalorian, with the rest knowing that something must be done regardless of if they move to the next port or remain with the Mandalorians. So it is that a plan is made and two operations are drawn up that splits the Open Circle Fleet in half.
STORMCALLER sees the efforts to relieve the Kaminoans of the CIS siege, coming in with a devastating blow from behind and an all too short reprieve. The Clones work desperately to evacuate the Kaminoans to the fleet proper, promising them shelter on Mandalore and leaving behind several regiments to man the defenses of Kamino. As the Open Circle Fleet departs ahead of CIS reinforcements, they hear of the defense and of how those clones who stayed behind bleed the CIS of thousands of droids for every dead clone, until the supports for the floating cities are detonated and take the entire invading force to the bottom of the oceans.
LANCE OF THE REPUBLIC is undertaken simultaneously and while initially it was to be a mere resupply, a turn is taken which sees a battle erupting over Kuat. Admiral Wilhuff Tarkin begins the operation with negotiations with Kuat of Kuat to resupply his battered fleet in both repairs and replacement ships. Up until now Kuat had been independent of the squabbles among the remnants, holding out with the defensive fleet that remained after Knightfall. Thousands of ships mill about the space around the orbital ring, three of them Mandator Dreadnoughts and with two belonging to Kuat, it seems the negotiations were always destined to fail. But this had been accounted for by Tarkin, sending in ARC troopers ahead of the negotiations. These clones stormed the planet-side headquarters of KDY, with the sole objective of raiding the servers and stealing the blueprints for every ship in the fleet. In orbit the raid becomes known and a shot is fired, detonations ripple across the ring as saboteurs make themselves known and Tarkin now issues his ultimatum. If the Republic cannot have these ships, then he will not allow pretenders or the CIS to have them. In the chaos of the opening battle fully half of KDY's forces defect, including one of the Mandator Dreadnoughts, issuing out a broadside on the other still in its docking cradle. There, either from the damage sustained in the broadside or through saboteurs, or a shipboard mutiny, the reactors become damaged and hit criticality. The Open Circle Fleet collects their commandos and Tarkin, pulling back with the defecting portions of KDY and watching as the ring is broken from the reactor detonation, falling back to the surface leaving untold devastation.
15BRS - THE FALSE PEACE, THE TREATY OF ALSAKAN: It has been a year since the devastation of Knightfall, the Republic fracturing into warlordism and the ongoing fighting against the CIS leaving much of the industrial heart of the galaxy still smoldering. Grievous still sees the war yet won though, even as his own advisors plead for seeking a resolution. While before he would have killed them for their audacity to suggest peace, the rising power in the galactic north has been a more significant issue than at first thought, and there is logic in keeping some of the other powers from re-engaging. So on Alsakan the representatives of the major powers in the galaxy are brought together. Corellia, Mandalore, Alsakan itself and the Confederacy meet to discuss terms and come to sign what most call simply the Treaty of Alsakan. Yet for Ord Mantell and the nascent regime there, they call it for what it is. A false peace. It may have ensured that the CIS is no longer at war with the Republic Remnants, but to many even beyond the galactic north, it is merely a twenty-year armistice.
15BRS - A CROWN OF IRON, THE RENKAR IMPERIUM: Since first answering the calls to reinforce Ord Mantell and the galactic north, the battle has been raging across the breadbasket of the galaxy from one world to the next. Admiral Jira Renkar of the Eight Systems Army with a number of Jedi such as Ki-Adi Mundi and Kit Fisto continue the war and expand their defenses from the fortress world to create a ring of iron. World after world is liberated with the droid forces sent scattering and with each world a call is heard. It starts small, the mere suggestion of those liberated and finding the first person to actually honor the pledge to defend them. Then it grows as more join them, taking up arms to fight alongside the clones and Jedi committed to them. Finally as Jira Renkar refuses to attend the summit at Alsakan it becomes a deafening clamor. They call him Emperor, king of kings and defender of the galactic north. For the last year and a half he had refused to give credence to these calls, seeing himself as a liberator of those in need, not a sovereign. Yet as the ink dries on the Treaty of Alsakan, he finally answers the call. With a crown of iron made from the mines of Ord Mantell itself, he sits upon a throne bearing the icon of the Eighth Systems Fleet. The words echo around the galaxy as it is declared "Kneel for the last time as Admiral, and rise as a man who kneels before no other… Emperor Jira Renkar of the Renkar Imperium."
15BRS - THE RUIN KINGDOM, THE ALSAKANI REPUBLIC: In the ashes of the Clone Wars chaos reigns over much of the Core Worlds. Coruscant had been seen as the jewel of the galaxy for thousands of years and the uniting power, with only one other competing in dominance. It is that power that now as the rest of the galaxy pulls away to look to their own people, begins the slow and tedious effort of rebuilding. Alsakan the eternal rival of Coruscant had been given the broken corpse and left to their own devices. Ostensibly independent when it comes to rebuilding and expanding, the Provisional Governing Region carefully restores order and rule of law to each world left in the wake of the CIS. As the Republic finally gasps out its last dying breath, the Ruin Kingdom rises to piece it all back together as best it can.
14BRS - THE KASHYYK-TRANDOSHA EXCLUSION ZONE: While much of the galaxy either falls to the CIS, one of the Remnants or simply descends into chaos, the eternal rivals continue their intermittent battles against each other. Both of them have finally shaken off the droid attacks and retaken their own respective space, now looking to a galaxy without the Republic to fetter them and demand peace. Briefly it looks as if the two are finally to enter proper war against each other, but the CIS and Grievous proves to be a mutual enemy and interrupts their mobilization. Countless assaults slowly see Wookie and Trandoshan working together to repel the invaders, each one bringing a spirit of cooperation to the rivals until finally as the last warship is left a smoldering wreck, they declare their systems to be united against all invaders. Trandosha and Kashyyk with their guns pointed outwards and back to back.
14BRS - THE CALL TO RETURN: After five years of stabilizing Mandalore and forming the skeleton of the Mandalorian Republic, it is finally time for the Paladin to push towards the second stage of their grand ideal. A home for all Mandalorians has been created, and all that is left is for them to see it for themselves. Only a few times before had the Call to Return been made, and each one a moment of galactic significance. This time though the call would not usher in a great crusade or pitch the galaxy into endless war, it was a call to come home, to build a better Mandalore and honor the new Mand'alor. It starts small with a few coming home to announce their adherence to the Resol'nare. Then hundreds arrive by the day, then thousands and as word spreads Mandalorians across the galaxy come to see the first Mand'alor since the Uniter to truly bring their people together. Yet there are those who see this call as but a prelude to war, and others displeased at the loss of their most dangerous assets…
13BRS - THE PIRATE BLITZ: The Hutts, having seen the collapse of the Republic and Jedi Order as a boon for business see their first major loss since Knightfall. All those Mandalorians who had once been loyal mercenaries for the Hutts now look back home and see something new and greater for their clans. The mass desertion of Mandalorians leaves many of the Hutt Cartels weakened initially, with those who had never been able to afford their services taking advantage and chaos ruling over the cartel for a full year until order is restored. With order comes retribution as the surviving Hutts look towards Mandalore with vengeance. Credits flow like water into the coffers of every pirate across the galactic east, the Hutts gathering the single largest pirate armada to ever take to space. These pirates move on Mandalore thinking them to be weak and vulnerable due to taking in the shattered Republic-in-Exile and their efforts in rebuilding, taking away from their military. So they enter the Mandalore system and issue an ultimatum. Return to serving the Hutts, kneel before the Cartel or be destroyed. The Paladin's only response to releasing his people back to service is a simply and blunt retort. "Come and take them." The battle is short and brutal as the pirates are a disunified lot and they had not been counting on the Open Circle Fleet to actually reinforce the Mandalorian fleet above the planet. Entire tribes of pirates are annihilated in volleys of turbolaser fire from Venators, the Mandalorian Republic proving itself in a baptism of fire and molten durasteel. A few hours pass and the Pirate Blitz is broken, the Mandalorians emerging as a true power and a true Republic.
12BRS - GREAT JEDI SCHISM: Seeking unity among the Jedi a summit is called, the first of what would be a semi-regular "Grand Council". The foremost leaders of the Jedi Enclaves, the Shadow Council, Green Jedi, Alsakani Judicials, and the Argent come together to discuss the future of the Jedi Order. At first there is much to agree on with the state of the galaxy, most present feeling that unity is necessary to truly heal. Where things break down is exactly who should be united under, with each order declaring themselves the most suitable. The discourse becomes intense enough that the gathered break fully from the idea of the Jedi Order and a few of the more prominent unaligned Jedi go into isolation. The loss of faith in those like Master Yoda becomes the deathblow to the Jedi Order, the fragments each declaring themselves the true inheritors.
10BRS - THE DESOLATION OF NEIMOIDIA: Rumors begin circulating around the actions of Corellia against those refusing to join the Hegemony. For most they are dismissed both by Corellia and by those wanting more evidence before making a statement. Yet still there are those who escape from the Hegemony and describe blockade tactics, loosing pirates and smugglers onto helpless worlds and even bombardment of civilians to enforce joining. It is only when Neimoidians being fleeing Corellian space in mass that the greater galaxy learns that the gleam to the Corellian Hegemony hides the terror sown in their shadows. Tales are told of the bombing of the Neimoidian purse worlds, millions vaporized in turbolaser bombardment, nuclear weapons being loosed on the populace and the entirety of their assets seized by Corellia as the population is forced into indentured servitude. With the galaxy clamoring for answers, all Corellia offers is that one of their former great houses was responsible for the destruction of Neimoidia, that Iseth Merr had allowed the scars of her past to cloud her judgment and action had been taken.
8BRS - THE IMPERIAL WEDDING: A question that had arisen at multiple points even before the Empire proper was established, succession became a greater concern as the Emperor himself was still taking part in battles. Nearing his forties the man had accrued his fair share of battle fatigue, and despite being still in his prime the Imperial Circle and the Shadow Council made an insistence on either choosing an heir or making one. After dealing with the harassing advisors, Jira finally relented and the Empire began to field offers from across the galactic north and beyond. For months an endless procession of candidates arrived on Ord Mantell to make their case, from minor nobles across the Empire itself to Corellians seeking Imperial ties, and even the Zygerrian queen. Eventually though a decision was reached, after a woman from beyond the borders of the Empire arrived with a noble house at her back and offers of more than just union between their families.
Within the year as the two became more prominent in the public spotlight, preparations had been made for an event equalling the declaration of the Empire itself. The palace had been renovated entirely, a public square opened for viewers of the event to watch the procession and prominent figures from across the galaxy in attendance as the holonet lit up with what would become known as The Imperial Wedding. Elara Safel, of the Great House Safel walked resplendent in white, and flanked by the blue-skinned family and friends of her house as Jira Renkar awaited upon the dais, behind him two thrones where once only one had stood, and his closest advisor Ral Karz holding a crown of iron. Corellian dignitaries watched in envy from the balconies alongside Alsakani and Mandalorians, each understanding the significance of this event beyond a simple union. And as the Emperor lifted the veil of his Empress and sealed the union, all of the Empire celebrated a dawning of a new era.
6BRS - THE BATTLE OF ILUM: With less than twelve hours notice, non-Imperial excavation teams on the surface of Ilum are promptly evacuated under the mechanisms of a treaty allowing the Empire to do so in case of ‘Emergency’, though no explicit reason is ever given. What little the wider Galaxy knows of the events that transpired there afterward comes from intel observing Imperial fleets suddenly taking a hard turn to the Galactic West across Imperial space, abandoned mining equipment sending out remote pings warning of erratic seismic activity and immense craters and damaged infrastructures observed by said teams when they were finally allowed back on the surface.
For their part, the Empire itself simply states it defeated a ‘Great Enemy’ there and refuses to elaborate further.
6BRS - THE DEVARONIAN CONSPIRACY: A curious discovery is made at Devaron's Astrological Survey Center, where numerous astronomers report a new celestial object and debate rages within the Hegemony as to what it may be and why. Multiple reports claim the object is in motion, yet known science doesn't support the idea of an object of that mass being capable of such speeds. Which leads into more physical debate and conflict between the intellectual community of the Corellian Hegemony at large. Beyond Corellia most simply feel that either the Corellians have become too confident with their legacy and have resorted to outlandish claims, or dismissed it outright in light of the Neimoidian Diaspora of four years prior.
5BRS - THE LAST TAUNG: To the stunned astonishment of near every living soul on Mandalore, the Paladin finds himself in the awkward position of having to personally answer an unusual call from Keldabe’s spaceport; namely that an old relic of a ship had touched down about an hour prior containing— among other things— two Humans, a Pantoran, another Pantoran with a rather unusual eye condition and a living, breathing Taung who claimed them all as his foundlings.
This was Atin Dral; once the sworn brother and general in service to Mandalore the Ultimate, who had broken faith with his sovereign over the conduct of the Mandalorian Wars millenia prior. A name that echoed no small amount of controversy in the Mandalorian psyche— vilified for his treason to his liege and the slaying of Cassus Fett just as much as he was venerated for being the first of all Alors to welcome non-Taung into his clan, not just as soldiers, but as his own sons, daughters and children. Birthing the notion that family was, indeed, more than just blood that would carry on through Mandalorian culture across generations and whose philosophical teachings— preserved by word of mouth across centuries— would be echoed by the likes of Mandalore the Uniter, Jaster Mareel and, perhaps unknowingly, The Paladin himself.
This immediately put the Paladin in an awkward position as certain elements among the Clans almost instantly began to agitate that a living Taung was an existential threat to the Paladin’s authority, while others actively encouraged it; seeing in the ancient Alor a way to finally be rid of the Paladin and his… eccentricities.
Atin himself, however, was chiefly concerned with the safety of his children, and was quickly put on guard by the atmosphere others seemed to be imposing between him and the Mandalore the longer they spoke, something the Paladin was quick to pick up and act on by offering to personally take the old general on a days-long tour of the world he’d missed for about four thousand years. Firstly, to ease the tension between the two men and secondly, to get him the hell away from that crowd at the spaceport.
Which proved to be quite fortuitous, as through visits to GAM High Command, an interesting little venture to the Jedi Enclaves and a hike through the forested highlands in the planet’s north where Atin grew up, the two became… actually quite close, realizing that they had more in common than not. Until finally Atin would suddenly challenge the Paladin after a moment of silent contemplation as they were walking right through the middle of Keldabe square. Not as a would-be usurper seeking to take command, but as one of the Mando’ade to another. To which the Paladin could only jovially agree.
Leading to a contest the Paladin would later remember as one of the toughest fights of his life. With both combatants seemingly evenly matched, but only one of whom was still young enough to reliably get to his feet after the second hour to offer his foe a hand up, which Atin accepted with a laugh as he swore his allegiance to the Mandalore on the spot, declaring:
“Aye, Mand’alor Besk’Cabur. I know your heart and I now know your mettle. Ye shall have my sword from this day, ‘til the day the last gasp of air leaves both of our bodies… so long as ye remain worthy of it.”
This statement alone sending shockwaves through not just Mandalorian Space, but the Galaxy as a whole. The approval of a Taung General doing much to legitimize the Paladin’s regime and be the final nail in the coffin to many doubters as well as causing a wave of trepidation to echo throughout the Galaxy, particularly in Corellia, where fears of a renewed Mandalorian Crusade had long been stoked by the Hegemony.
Atin, for his part, joined the Paladin’s inner circle, serving as his sword and senior military advisor. And being allowed to reform his clan in their ancestral homelands; in The Forge of Kad Ha’rangir, far to Keldabe’s north. Where thousands across the GRM would journey to serve under his banner and join his clan, warriors, artisans and average joes alike.
4BRS - THE DESTRUCTION OF TUND: During the visit of the Provisional Governor in the Centrality, the CIS were made aware of a supposed celestial event on the far borders nearing Wild Space. According to the Centrans, there was only an isolated planet in the area, inhabitable nominally but known for harsh wildlife. What the CIS investigative force found however, was that the planet of Tund had been recently scoured by some event, the world now left a desolate scorched rock with only vague ruins to hint at a civilization having lived there. Some trace baradium signatures implied the use of a baradium fission device, but with the remote nature of the planet the investigation was closed and Tund was declared a dead world.
0 - YEAR ZERO: In a rare moment of almost galactic unity, the major powers convene together to consider a re-synchronization of the Galactic Calendar. Those present accept the motion and year zero is declared. Only the Renkar Imperium refuses to change, having already established the Battle of Ilum as their own year zero.
[hider=Character name][[center][h1][color=???]Character name/Title[/color][/h1] [img]Image or gif of character[/img][/center] [color=???][b]|[u] {Full Name} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]???[/indent] [color=???][b]|[u] {Age} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]???[/indent] [color=???][b]|[u] {Species} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]???[/indent] [color=???][b]|[u] {Gender} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Male/Female/Neither[/indent] [hr.] [color=???][b]|[u] {Force Sensitive/Alignment} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Yes/No - Dark/Grey/Light(Can be more specific in the alignment, if not fully in one of the three categories.)[/indent] [color=???][b]|[u] {Appearance} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Self-explanatory, cover at least the basics to some detail.[/indent] [color=???][b]|[u] {Equipment and Personal Belongings} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]All personal belongings, equipment or items of note that would be either on your character's person on a daily basis or in their quarters. Include as well anything that may be in storage in the cargo bays or hangar if applicable.[/indent] [color=???][b]|[u] {Physical Abilities} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Any and all strictly non-force abilities your character may have. This includes, but is not limited to combat skills, natural ability or learned skills.[/indent] [color=???][b]|[u] {Force Abilities} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Strictly force-abilities your character may have. Only include this section if your character is a force-user. Anything that may affect your character's ability to be influenced by the force would fall under the Physical Abilities section or the Limitations section, such as if your character was of a species naturally resistant, or was perhaps more susceptible to the mind trick power.[/indent] [color=???][b]|[u] {Limitations} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Any and all limitations that your character may possess.[/indent] [hr.] [color=???][b]|[u] {Personality} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]This, along with the Backstory section should be the more detailed areas of the CS.[/indent] [color=???][b]|[u] {Place of Origin} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Quite simply, where your character came from and a brief bit on their upbringing.[/indent] [color=???][b]|[u] {Background} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]A history of your character showing important events in their past.[/indent][/hider]
Going on a small road trip of just over two-thousand miles for a good few days to attend a wedding, going to get stuck in with things when I get back though and hopefully on a more regular posting schedule.
"Well, a little plain isn't so bad I think. Besides, not every event is a Docking Festival." She began, considering the mask that Manny was working on and the options as to how to go with the antenna. Perhaps a little more spring to the material could help, though there was only so much to work with and it wasn't like one could just make more out of nowhere. "If you coil the wires just a little bit, you could get some springiness to the antenna and use a small bulb or other item at the end to give them some motion." Corrine offered, now taking the time to clean up a little bit of her workspace and start sorting the pile of scribblings that her gupoo had been embedded in moments before. The ball was really more of a cursory concern for her, though Tessa had included her in the rounds of people being pulled into her orbit and almost insisted upon attending. Practically the entire homeroom class had agreed to go with varying degrees of enthusiasm, but she felt she might as well make an appearance at least for her mentor's sake considering the lengths she had gone to help everyone. All that was left was to actually get dressed into something appropriate, wash off a bit of the ink and grease, and actually show up. Well, the rain would help a little bit with part of that, a glance through one of the windows to see the darkening skies and the lights of the distant main buildings where it was all underway. Oh... The thought came to mind that the illuminaires were likely already in the ballroom setting everything up. They were a mixed bunch to be sure, with her own house's Melle being rather laidback at least as far as she had seen, and Eusebia's Myrion being significantly less so.
There was Anastasia though, who seemed to have the responsibility but also kind enough to not hold everyone to the same standard, at least as far as she was aware. The thought came to mind as to if she was attending with anyone in particular, but she shelved the thought as surely if an illuminaire of all people didn't have their pick of the school, then they would be a fair bit more occupied with their responsibilities of the night. And just like that Corrine shifted her focus to the one before her, waiting to see how the mask would turn out before collecting up her own in one hand to stuff into a bag and her gupoo in the other with a slight squeak of protest. "Suppose we should be off, yeah? Can't keep Tessa and everyone else waiting all night for us." An offered hand was all that was needed to hint that they head off to the dorm together, and as they approached the doorway and the gentle cascade of rain she momentarily ensured that Mr Puff was secure at her side and reached for a metal rod leaning up against the frame. "Ah, normally I wouldn't mind the rain but I'm not quite sure Mr Puff would appreciate it, especially after earlier. So, let's try and stay a little dry on the walk."
And with that she pushed a little bit of her vitesse into the rod in hand with some directed thoughts on what she wanted to create. The steel shimmered and shifted for a moment, beading upwards towards the end and spreading outwards in a thin spiderweb of film-like material. Such a small and simple thing was easy enough for her, having practiced using her gift for conveniences like this, so making a quick umbrella only took a moment, the shape forming almost as soon as she had made mention of her intentions and now an eerily fabric-like metal material shielding them from the rain with that familiar pattern of rain on a tin roof. That was the soundtrack to their journey back to the dorms, just the gentle patter of rain across the umbrella and the almost idyllic grounds as lights grew across the campus with the centerpiece being the main ballroom. The goal of the night for most, aside from the Willows she was sure.
It didn't take too long for them to reach Seraphine, thankfully not too distant from the workshops for those long nights when she 'forgot' to head back and get some sleep. Something she had been counseled on before by the professor, as there had been at least once where she woke up in the midst of another class entirely. Corrine returned the umbrella to its former state, the metal rod sat back into a bin in the common room and Mr Puff freed to wander as he tended to do normally, the ball of floof drifting lazily about the room as she turned to regard her accomplice for the night. "Alright, this is where we must part ways friendo. I gotta wash off a bit of the oil and grease, double-check my suit and do a little bit of finishing touches on this." There was a deadened metallic sound as she pat the bag that held her mask, the material softening the sound just enough. That also drew her attention to her hands in that moment, fingers working back and forth as she considered the more mechanical nature of them. Rare as it was, there were a few times where Corrine was a little more self-conscious of her nature, a frown creasing her lips for but a moment. "And I suppose there's that as well, maybe I'll get the good hands out for the night and make sure I don't hit the ballroom with two left feet again. Anyways, let's meet up again at the ball, yeah?"
Racks of tools, assorted schemata, works in progress arrayed on tables at the many workstations and the slightly acrid smell of burning material that never quite dissipated no matter how clean the students kept the building. Just like any other day where she found herself a fair bit of free time, this was where Corrine Marchesi had sequestered herself away for the night. It was deeper into the strangely tortoise-shaped building that her own station was, having taken the course several times now and working her way through advanced artificery to show for it. While most of the other students seemed to have an eye for keeping after themselves and cleaning their workspaces, Corrine's was perpetually in a state of chaos from her constant tinkering and theory-crafting. Sheafs of parchment were stuck to each of the three walls of her station displaying an eclectic array of assorted schematics and assemblies blown up across disconnected papers. It was how her mind worked, shifting from project to project as she came up with new ideas, new thoughts on old concepts, new concepts entirely, and old concepts worked into new designs. Sometimes, like tonight in particular, she obsessed over particular things. An obsession spanning from a few days to weeks until the idea came to fruition or a rapid unscheduled disassembly.
This time was an older idea of hers, a hand on the table matching her skintone having been replaced by the one she was currently using as the right hand. Instead of the normal four fingers and a thumb there were an array of telescoping digits with clamps and vices to allow more fine and stable manipulation of her work. Distantly she thought she heard the door open, a sudden chilly draft easing through the building made all the more obvious by the lack of forges working. With the swish of her left hand the work-glasses came up and set into her loose black hair as she turned to regard her visitor. It took a long moment to recognize the ever-shifting and ever changing girl, especially as she seemed to have a knack for not looking her age, but the moment she opened her mouth to speak she knew it to be Manny. Like her, she was someone from outside the more 'normal' society of those more intrinsically tied to the parliament. She had often enough gone on about the Free Peoples of Marthial to Manny, though knew better to ask too much about the Yharta, having glanced through a cursory bit of their history. Two quite different peoples, though proudly independent. In a way she felt like Manny was a bit of a little sister to her, with her own gift bringing her a share of problems like hers. Though she had to admit the lack of a pulse sometimes took her by surprise personally, and it certainly was an amusing time explaining to the healer from House Harold.
"Guoooooo....." The sound of Mr Puff broke the initial silence between Manny greeting her and her own response, looking over to find the turquoise ball of fluff lurking underneath a stack of loose papers, smears of ink causing them to stick. "Oh no." Perhaps it really wasn't ideal to bring the gupoo along with her on one of her light night benders in the shop, but she felt like he would get lonely otherwise. So she reached down to free the adorable little puffball from his prison of paper and set him up on a nearby stool before directing her attention fully to Manny. "Was the ball tonight? I thought it wasn't until next week... Ah, but your mask does look rather nice. I had planned on making one but-" As if on cue she caught the glint of metal off to the side and reached over to clear up a bit of space, a featureless mask laying there propped up against one wall of the workstation. "Oh, nevermind. I guess I already made it. Though I still need to go change if I'm going to actually attend, there was this thing I was working on here. That rotary mechanism I talked with you about a couple weeks ago? Had some more thoughts on scaling and material composition... Ah, right you're probably looking for the metal wire. Uhm... I think the professor recently restocked, so it should be with the rest of the supplies. I could probably work it for you if you need though, so let me know, yeah?"
Part machine — part Kissed Mystic, this seasoned 6th year from the House of Seraphine may have an artifice heart beating in her chest, but that won't stop her from exploring the true limits of her artificery skills and unusual gift to bring metal to life.
◈ A p p e a r a n c e ◈ A soft bronzed olive tone criss-crossed by pale jagged marks across her body in varying degrees, there is a story within a story to be told simply by the appearance of the young woman called Steelheart. The hard metal of her limbs, mechanical hands either utterly still and eerily unlifelike, or twitching with the motions of gears and mechanisms within conflict with the oft less serious nature of her expressive face. It's hard not to draw a smile from her, bringing a genuine brightness to her features as she lets her feelings sit out in the open for even non-psychiccers to be able to pick up on and just like that, the machine gives way to humanity. Yet just so, even while wearing her most life-like prosthetics, those almost indistinguishable from real flesh... There is the unmistakable toll that the life of a mystic such as her has taken upon her. From just the most visible, the large gash down the left side of her face and the artificial eye matching the natural emerald hued one. Scratches and claw marks marr her shoulders and back, some deeper than others and a discernable bite mark in her side that she's still grouchy about. But while she's not adverse to talking about most of her scars or her prosthetics, there is only one that she is a bit too sensitive about to actually speak of.
From her collarbone and marking a wicked path down towards her waist there is the one that gave her the name she bears. Born from an incident before arriving at the Academy, it was Tyren who put her back together and wove new ribs and repaired as much damage as he could, but the scar and her artificed heart still linger as reminders. So she tends to keep herself covered for the most part to hide at least that mark, keeping to the traditional school uniform unless necessary such as when working in the heat of the workshops or elsewhere. That said, she is rather partial to the battle uniform especially considering the frequency of her forays into the portals. That and it's a little easier to swap arms without having to deal with the robes... Just try not to fall for the "Need a hand?" gag. Beyond that she's a little oblivious to the school trends and fashion of the other girls. More than a few times she's been assumed a tomboy, to mild confusion and necessary explanation of the term. That was at least for a little bit in her earlier years, now there's a lot less of that especially as her jet-black hair has grown out quite a bit and she's entered into a phase of refusing to even so much as trim it, leading her to wear it in a loose ponytail.
◈ "Hahaha! I'm a genius! Oh no!" ◈
◈ N a m e Corrina Lucretia Parisi-Di Cosma Marchesi
◈ S p e l l c a s t e r N a m e Steelheart
◈ A g e, H e i g h t, a n d W e i g h t 20, 5'1", 96lbs(Without prosthetics//128lbs with "Vitae"//490lbs with "Murata")
◈ R a c e Mystic (Seraph's Kiss)
◈ G e n d e r Female
◈ Y e a r 6th
◈ P e t A turquoise Gupoo named "Mr Puff"
◈ H o u s e House of Seraphine
◈ I l l u m i n a i r e No
◈ C l a s s e s
◈ Gifts
◈ Artificing and Magi-Tech Advancements
◈ Portal Exploration
◈ Daemons
◈ General Combat Training
◈ Apprenticeship and Support
◈ A r e Y o u O n Y o u r H o u s e ' s W a a g a T e a m? Absolutely not.
◈ "I'm not asking if the island rapidly approaching our position has teeth or not, I'm asking W H Y it has teeth." ◈
◈ P e r s o n a l i t y Eccentric ◈ Aloof ◈ Mercurial ◈ Humble ◈ Loyal ◈ Unyielding
For someone called Steelheart as her mystic name, there are in truth very few times where she can be considered as cold as such. Sure she has her moments where she appears above everything, a cold and strangely above it all type of woman, but just the slightest bit of input from another will show the reality. She was really just entirely absorbed in her own headspace working through schematics for the next thing, thinking on the reactions between different compounds, or even just what she was going to eat that day for lunch. Assuming she even remembered to stop for lunch that is. Sometimes she can get so absorbed in her current project that she loses track of time, having to set reminders for her next class and even then barely paying attention. There's a bit of that weirdness to her in that aspect, always obsessing over something that not many of her classmates would really understand or care for, but in that one moment where someone actually does show some interest then she gets this excitement akin to girls talking crushes. It's a legitimate passion for her, but despite that she still stops and takes that effort to ensure she's not losing someone in all the technicalities or sciences of it. Because really, even if it is a passion for her and she's a bit(okay, a lot) weird about it, she still knows that not everyone is as into it as she is. And that's assuming someone can keep her focused on one topic for long enough. That coincides with her more... "Free-spirited" nature as it were. Corrine was never really someone who thought about being a mystic and for the longest time before she joined the academy, she flitted between dreams and intended professions. Even in the academy she has that nebulous focus when it comes to most things, moving from one subject to another and only ever staying invested in artifice.
But that's just one side of her, and for anyone who has ever seen the other side of Corrine Marchesi, it's not the part that matters most. It can come in those small moments between classes, in a pinch for a group project, or in the arena where she is needed most by her team. No matter the circumstance, no matter the obstacle, there is nothing to keep her from doing what she needs to do in order to help those who need her. At her core, that is the true heart of steel, the loyalty towards those who look to her to do everything in her power for them. That unyielding spirit that refuses to back down, giving her an almost indomitable presence at times even if it has cost her dearly. And yet, despite her accomplishments, despite how anyone who has worked with her will insist upon her reliability and ability... Corrine has this tendency to almost look past it. Not in the way of some who feel it to be expected, but as if she doesn't believe her own deeds. She sees herself as just like anyone else, just with metal hands.
◈ H i s t o r y
Just to help clarify a couple things in the background, even if they are explained nominally therein.
Thelathri Currents - Far Eastern region of the Endless Sea and home to the Marthallan people. Marthial - A region far to the east and home to a fiercely independent people with ideals of elected leaders and mercantilistic values. They nominally accept rule by the Parliament so long as their cultural heritage isn't infringed upon and that they do not overstep their authority. Tethered Islands - A common occurrence in Marthial, where a large number of islands were tethered together in the past to create larger single islands for farming and eventually where forests grew further connecting them together. Some of the smaller ones appear just as large islands, where some can be large enough to create the illusion of not being an island at all. Villanova - "The Inverted Island" "The Alabaster Mountain" "First Among Equals" "The Free City" and a dozen more names beside, it serves as the capital of Marthial and home to much of the primary infrastructure of their institutions. The Armata resides here, as well as the Marthallan Academy of Masonic Arts, the Grand Bazaar of Villanova and the Phoenician Observatorium. It can be seen from tens of miles away as a jagged white tooth rising up along the horizon, owing to the massive mountain of white marble and alabaster the island is composed of. At some point in the distant past it is believed to have once been just as any other island, but was struck by either another island or some leviathan and flipped upside down where it remains to this day. The Armata - A long standing tradition of the Marthallan peoples, and a way of reducing the strain on the Parliament in modernity, the Armata is the governing body of the mercenary companies prevalent in the region. Campagnia - A mercenary company native to particular regions of Marthial, typically calling one of the free cities home and sponsored by the local doge or signore. Campagnia Stregoni - A notable Campagnia known for employing exclusively mystics in their ranks and considered to be exceptionally skilled in warfare. In order to comply with the Parliament they are often called upon for duties outside of Marthial when needed. It is considered one of the highest honors among Marthallans to be considered a member of the Stregoni. Signore - An elected leader of one of the free cities. The Signore are typically considered to be the more reasonable of the two factions native to the Free Cities of Marthial, with the Doges their counterparts and heads of the aristocratic families of the merchant republics. It is always a Signore that rules from Villanova, elected every ten years, and only rarely is one a mystic. In those instances where a mystic is elected it is in a time of strife and they are called "The Captain and Defender". The last time such a person was elected was during the Liberation Wars.
Far to the east along the Thelathri Currents in the forested islands of eastern Marthial another was born to the family of carpenters called Marchesi. A humble family with humble roots, Corrina still had the whole world at her doorstep, just more so in the way of those frontiersman of eld. It was a rugged life far from the villages of the tethered islands, and farther still from the great cities of Marthial. But as much as it was a simple life of logging and carpentry, it was an enjoyable one free from all the trappings of civilization. As the years passed there wasn't a thought at all of what it may mean to be a mystic, instead looking to her older sister who was already establishing herself as a decent huntress, or her brother who was periodically studying in the nearby village to become a constable. In truth, the powers of a mystic were uncommon among the Marthiallans, and especially so outside the cities, so for Corrine and her family it was more of a surprise that her older sister Valeria manifested her gift at all. But it was that one moment that made her think of what it could be like to have that kind of power, to be able to go to Villanova with the gift and join the Armata as one of the famed Campagnia Stregoni. A war-wizard... It was something that tended to be the fantasy of the boys back in the village, but she couldn't deny the appeal of it.
And then just a few months after her thirteenth birthday something happened which changed her life forever. She could feel things changing within her, a current about her that was not wind or water, but something else. For a while she thought of taking the test, to submit herself for inquiry at the local Armata offices, but she also thought of what it may mean to do so and not have the gift at all. So she waited. Weeks passed. Then months. The feeling lingered but she didn't have any discernable powers, so she just assumed it was something completely different, perhaps a shift in the natural vitesse of the region that she was more sensitive to or something like that. And it all just passed over until the captain of the local Campagnia came by with most of the Evening-Star Company to hunt a dangerous creature active in the area.
Six months later she awoke within the infirmary of Harold's Academy with an old man she didn't recognize working magic on her, and the Signore of Mharchia, the local city that governed her home region back in Marthial. It was weird for her though, since she knew that the Academy was quite some ways from her home and that generally only students and their guardians were allowed within the halls, and the latter only under specific circumstances. That was when she was given the briefest of details of what had happened. The Evening-Star Company had been destroyed, and in the chaos she had apparently been discovered as a mystic by Tyren the Bonemender. Her gift as it were was something very similar to his, the ability to create and bring life to artificial limbs and organs, having been manifested when she was injured during the event. Any other details of what happened were sparse, with Signore Sforza only reassuring her that it was through the actions of the Evening-Star that no one else was harmed and that when she graduates she would have her place in Villanova if she chose.
It was a lot to think about, especially considering she was sporting a rather gnarly scar down her chest and apparently a completely artificial heart. But as she started her first year in the academy and was already struggling enough with adjusting to the rather bustling corridors and so many people, Tyren chose to drop another bit of information on her. It was something to keep close and keep secret, not just because of the very nature of what was to be revealed, but also for what wasn't known just yet. She did not just have the gift of artifice and living metal, she was one of those distinctly uncommon people to have been born with the misfortune of having two aeonhearts. The Seraph's Kiss as it were, a mark upon her soul forever setting her as a target not just among the Ni-Seraphi but also her own people. To say it weighed upon her would be an understatement, her first year being a rollercoaster of trying to handle her courses and learning of mystics and their role in society, of the rest of the world she had never known about. It was an interesting sight of course to see her homeland and their tethered islands shown on a map, but it was just one of many for a country girl brought deep into civilization.
Of course it wasn't all treading water as it were, for as she learned and became adjusted to school-life she found herself enamored by the vastness of what a mystic was and all the differing schools of study and powers. Elementalists reminded her of her sister, who she found had graduated a few years prior as "The Stormcaller", and so her name was something of a known quantity among the upper classmen. One in particular made himself known towards the end of her second year, a certain Alasdair Kinnaird who was already looking at a prominent role in the Royal Guard. The issue came twofold with Alasdair "The Swordmaster of Hoenheimm". First was completely beyond her control, in that as a freshman he tried to gain the attention of her sister who was utterly uninterested. The second was also completely beyond her control, in that his gift was the creation of blades from the elements, and apparently some people were talking about her ability and how she could also make things. So one thing led to another and they were set to have an exhibition match with near-full combat. Three minutes into their match with minus an arm to show for it, victory was declared for Corrine and her standing among the Academy was forever changed.
Thankfully the following years were quite a bit less interesting as a whole to that incident. She nominally attempted to stay under the radar, denying the rank of Illuminaire in her third and fourth years despite being approached with a decent bit of support. Artificery classes were one of the few things to truly capture and hold her attention in the Academy, even if she was a little less than careful at times. At least there was Tyren there to guide her through some of the more dangerous experiments, and to help her put herself back together when things got a little volatile. Overall as she settled in over the years, she found herself actually liking the Academy and city-life, even making a couple friends among the other Artificers and medical staff. Though most recently she had to assert to a particular red-head that she really wasn't trying to get put in the infirmary. It probably would have been a little more believable if she wasn't there being treated for wounds taken from a minotaur on a portal expedition.
Looking forward though, Corrine has her sights set on something in particular. As the years have passed she has learned how to use "Living Metal" to a degree it's almost second nature to her. She can manifest tools for herself and others, can even change the shapes of existing items, but there is still that unknown factor lingering in the back of her mind. It comes from an old story from her homeland, and the name has been given to her second power. Once a king of Marthial of eld had entertained the heckling of a man in his court, and given him the crown for a single day. For that day he had power unrivaled, the ability to indulge in whatever his heart desired and to bask in the luxuries of a king. However, the king had seen to it that a blade hung above the throne at all times, tethered only by a single strand of maiden's hair. By the end of the day the man gave back the crown without hesitation, unable to bear the weight of such power and the dangers intrinsically linked to maintaining it. For all the children of Marthial it was supposed to be a tale evoking the ideals of a simple and virtuous life, and for the adults and learned people the ideals of a republic. For Corrine though, she felt the weight looming above her head as the years passed and she still knew nothing of this gift, of the pointed blade hanging over her just as the sword of...
In order to get the CS ready sooner rather than later, I'm just going to expand on already posted things as we go as sort of a writing exercise when I have the time and inspiration. I'll notify when changes are made, of course. DREAMS OF VILLANOVA
◈ R e p u t a t i o n Initially, Corrine was just that weird kid from out beyond the grapes as it were. Just a bumpkin according to the other kids who grew up closer to proper civilization and full of wonder at all that had been accomplished. Sure she was good with artificery, having a gift for knowing how things worked and good with her hands when it came to mechanics. Her status slowly rose like any other decent student with a passion, until she met someone else with something to prove. In the second year at the Academy and just starting to really come into her own, one of the 8th year students marked for the Royal Guard and supposedly some aristocrat.
There in front of half the school they had an exhibition match that was supposed to be his glorious send off, showing that he was the best in swordsmanship and out of those with the gift to create vitesse weapons. After almost two whole minutes of terror and panic later, Corrine was suddenly seen quite differently by the school. Now she's often on the list of support mystics for group projects, most students of her year and later knowing that while she is an agent of chaos and panic, she is utterly reliable no matter the circumstances, and will put forward her best effort possible. Not for herself of course, but for those who depend upon her because that's who she is. That, and while she has this larger than life reputation at times as "Planestrider", "Steelheart", "Nightbane"(don't ask), and all sorts of other epithets... Anyone who knows her understands that she's in reality incredibly humble and is just doing the best she can as someone who is at best, only nominally skilled. She's just really, really, so very lucky.
◈ G o a l s At the face of it, her goals are like any other mystic. To excel in her craft, to understand her gift until it becomes second nature, and to perhaps even achieve something great with it. She does want most of that, and her love of artifice shows it clearly that she enjoys what she does. To create something, to mend something with her hands is a feeling of accomplishment like nothing else for her. Yet... There are other things that she desires, that drive her more than all of that. At the core of it, what drives her to be the best artificer possible and to understand her primary gift, is to take back what she feels was stolen from her. Even if her prosthetics provide more for her than her organic limbs ever did, she can't help but want them back. And that's nothing to say of what she had to endure that others cannot see. But she also wants to understand her own nature, and the gift that she can't seem to manifest...
◈ R e l a t i o n s Tyren the Bonemender - Unofficial Grandpa//Mentor Massimo - Father and village carpenter Elisabetta - Mother and village innkeeper Valeria Parisi-Di Cosma Amantea "Stormcaller" - Oldest sister, graduated from the Academy ten years ago as the Illuminaire of House Seraphine six years in a row. Luciano Aurelianus - Older brother and regional constable, rather negative opinion towards mystics. Maria Vittoria - Older sister Gaetana - Older sister, local hunt-leader Leonora - Non-identical twin sister, platinum mad she isn't a mystic Serafina - Youngest sister
◈ M y s t i c C l a s s i f i c a t i o n Astra
◈ G i f t Metallo Vivo
◈ M y s t i c C o d e It is the bending of metal like water, the melding of flesh and machine into a single entity with the soft light of life. Artificery married to Medicine. Those who have born this gift and its variants pioneered the fields of artificery and magitech with the first prosthetics, with machines fueled by the very essences of life. While Corrine is not quite at those levels yet, she has a mentor in the way of Tyren The Bonemender, one of the few to actually artifice pseudo-organic limbs and organs that were near indistinguishable from their natural counterparts. She has learned this art in the traditional ways and in the spirit of those first Artificers, she has fully embraced the ideal of "Discovery requires experimentation". Her hands are steel, copper, bronze and star-metal. A finger can shift to form a pen, a welding point, a knife or a light. She can stride with the steps of metal legs, bound across distances and soar with the power of vitesse propelling her physically through the air. She is the maker, the mender, the muse, the work, and the artificer.
ARTIFICE: The most basic and most widely understood principles of her gift. It has an entire class about it in fact. But the idea of it is the fusion of machining and tinkering with vitesse and creating things that run off the arcane. Everything from lamps that ignite with the briefest pulse of vitesse, to flying machines and even firearms.
LIVING METAL: Where her gift differs from the vast majority of Artificery is that she can do it in the field and without tools. Called "Living Metal" or "Metallo Vivo", she is able to shift materials according to designs in her mind, spending vitesse to create things from the physical world around her. Most often this is just used in the way of quickly creating a tool for her more precise work, or a quick weapon on the fly when out adventuring the portals for class or even in duelling, but there is the capability to create far more complex things.
WELD: Simply put, sticking something to something else, and often when it is not wanted. Okay, not that often but it did come in handy that one time. With the simple application of vitesse to two different objects, and a bit of concentration, she can induce a bond similar to a weld between two pieces of metal. If uninterrupted she's able to strengthen the bond, and even moreso if she's actually in direct contact with both objects. Like say, someone's shoes to the paving stones.
◈ L i m i t a t i o n s a n d W e a k n e s s e s Living Metal as a gift has helped Corrine quite a bit since she learned how to use it, especially in the way of being able to artifice her own prosthetics, but like any gift there are some downsides that are rather difficult to ignore. The biggest one is perhaps the actual viability of it in the field. Sure, she can take all the time she needs in a safe and secure workshop to rebuild an arm, a hand or what have you, but it is quite a bit harder to do so when under pressure. Like, both pressure in the form of her team needing something to assist in the current group activity, and actual physical pressure of something trying to eat her(again). It is primarily a power that requires either intense concentration or the kind of indomitable force of will to be able to invoke it regardless of what is going on around the user. And that's just Living Metal and standard Artifice. The biggest and most obvious drawback to Weld is that... Well, it's basically like gluing someone's hands together. Any mystic of decent enough skill would only stumble from tactical application, and with just a bit of vitesse be able to undo the bond just as easily.
◈ G i f t DAMOCLES
◈ M y s t i c C o d e "I saw it once, and it is to this day the only time she has invoked it. A flash of piercing blue light, streaking into the sky undaunted. I had to shield my eyes but I felt this wave wash over me even from afar, both heat and pressure but not destructive... I actually felt... Strange enough to say inspired. It was like this indomitable force of will was lifting me up and urging me forwards, giving me purpose and the strength to defy odds. And even when that faded, there was still that pillar of eerie blue light lingering, but rather than document the event further I did have other concerns in the moment. Since that day she hasn't been able to manifest it again, though very nearly I saw a hint of it when she fought The Swordmaster of Hoenheim in the Academy Arena."
◈ L i m i t a t i o n s a n d W e a k n e s s e s As a gift so far there are no actual benefits to having a second gift since she can't even use it, there being a rather distinct lack of understanding in how to use it. Normally, that would be solved through the mandatory Gifts class, but with the nature of the Seraph's Kiss and her own distaste for said "gift" there's not much to do about it. So she's got a second aeonheart that marks her as a relative delicacy to the Ni-Seraphi, already quite the weight on a young woman's shoulders, and she's only ever manifested her ability once without memory of doing so. With all that, there is no wonder that she has considered some rather forbidden means, only choosing otherwise by the counsel of Tyren.
Anastasia: Healer from Harold and the Illuminaire. Has had a few run-ins with her mostly due to her own accident-prone nature, so her reputation is completely transparent with her. Unsure if she's actually okay with being called Ana, but is certain she would much prefer she doesn't spend several days out of the week in the infirmary despite her protests that it's not just to visit her. Or as insisted: "I would like to insist strongly that I am not doing this on purpose. I actually do not like getting chewed on by things or for my work to literally blow up in my face." Overall pretty keen on the ginger, thinks she's a warm person and reliable.
Walter: A curiousity due to his gift of Alchemy, but as a first year she doesn't know too much about him. Apparently can be a bit opportunistic, but to her so are a lot of mystics.
Melle: Upperclassmen and someone she looked up to in her first couple years at the Academy due to sharing the same house. Feels that she's still a very reliable person despite her more recent lack of drive, just that maybe the high intensity burned her out. Has a gupoo named Sparey Airy and she's sent a few offers of letting their gupoos play together. Is on the short list for people to match with for team-games due to the potential versatility of her hammerspace.
Petyr: Fairly mysterious fourth year of her house, not quite certain of his motivations or how to really read him. Only thing she can be sure of is his interest in Waaga that she does not share, knowing that he's on their house's team and seems to be a little more driven during those activities. Despite that he's never come across as unreliable, even of late with his new friends.
Myrion: Illuminaire with Eusebia and a fellow Gupoo friend with one named Albondiga. Has a reputation for being quite reliable and hard-working, and she can tell he's not like most of the other students from the cities and a little more down to earth, or at least wasn't raised in opulence like some people. She's been cautioned about putting him on her list for team-games, but she feels the utility of his power drastically outweighs any potential danger. Has also sent a few offers to him for gupoo playdates.
Leah: Highest potential synergy of gifts on her list and one of the only ones she's noted for duos. Has a certain intensity about her but she's rather indifferent to it and regularly offers to spar with her both in combat classes and outside of them. Probably one of the most reliable classmates she can think of.
Primrose: Another unknown quantity, though this time due to the rather severe differences in their chosen fields. Has a Gupoo named Goo though, and despite the divide between their mindsets, has offered for their Gupoos to play together. Overall while she doesn't quite understand her, she knows that Primrose is quite knowledgeable when it comes to herbology and ecological fields and can be relied upon in instances where such is necessary.
Lisa: Another person for the team-games list due to her raw physical ability and her gift. She seems incredibly motivated but only towards things in her interest and can be questionably reliable. Overall the least arrogant noble at the Academy that she's met so far and thinks they could get along well, and while she's up for a spar any time, doesn't exactly look forward to being put on her back on the mats. Has emphatically insisted to avoid her face.
Fasha: Illuminaire and supposedly an incredibly reliable and likeable person, quite a few others profess just as much to her, but can't help but notice a strangeness about her. Hasn't actually had any run-ins directly with her as of yet, but notices a rather pleasant scent that lingers about her at all time and has felt noticeably relaxed in her presence. Someone to be careful around for sure.
Kaspaan: While he seems to be a bit too energetic for her and others, can be pretty chill at times. Sometimes has a bit of a frosty demeanor, and occasionally a little glacial in getting to where he needs to go, but feels he's reliable when necessary.
Lhoren: Seems pretty nice and kind to everyone around her, but has noticed that the girl's gift has unintended consequences like most telepaths. Has to be quite conscious of her thoughts around her which can be draining, and while she feels that she could really use a hug at times, is unsure if it would be wise considering her rather rough memories.
Raff: Another of the first years, and someone else with telepath powers to be careful about, but also so far seeming fairly sweet. Could most definitely use a hug and she's always sure to keep a few candies about for her just in case. Has a gupoo named Pooka that she's attempted to introduce Mr Puff to. Feels a bit of kinship towards her, but isn't entirely sure why.
Sylvia: Second year and a bit catty, but feels there's some similarities between them and understands the difficulty of having a gift not quite fully under control yet. Over all doesn't think she's a bad person, just a little adventurous and eerily quiet. Has snuck up on her more than once and nearly scared the bolts off her. Does wonder if she likes ear scritches like a cait..
Manny: Fresh face among the first years, perhaps literally. Same house though she seems to make herself scarce when it comes to classes. Incredibly friendly though and doesn't seem to mind listening to a treatise or three on artificiality. Also from outside the heartlands, so a bit of kinship there.
Taegan: Called her a peasant to her face, still entirely unsure what that was about and why some others seemed offended by it. Is an enigma to her, not quite able to pin down if they are a man or woman and it's been a few years since their first run-in. Really trying to avoid having to deal with them, considering her last encounter with a noble with an air of superiority.
Aurora: A bit strange, but has a passion for what she does so not too bad. Hard to get a read on her despite being from the same year, can be a decent partner in combat training though with those playing cards.
Beatrix: Incredibly energetic and passionate, has listened to a few stories from her and borrowed a couple books in between projects. Overall a genuinely nice person with a fascinating gift. Sure it's an elemental gift and while a lot of people seem to overlook it, she grew up in the shadow of another stormcaster and is reminded sometimes of her older sister in the rather ambitious nature of Beatrix. Sharing a few classes and a house helps, and genuinely thinks of her as a friend.
Arthur: Second year who still seems unenthused with being enrolled, recalls that he wasn't exactly a willing participant though has settled in a bit more she thinks. Has a talent and a passion for flight, though she can't really see it much. When he does choose to participate in their shared Daemons class he doesn't exactly seem too interested, but while he can be rather unreliable it's not like he's a hinderance and he's never bothered her so she's rather indifferent to his antics.
@Alfhedil Go ahead and move your character sheet over to the character tab. Once your character art is done, you can add it retroactively; that's when we'll make the character blurb for Corrina too. Aesthetically, it doesn't work without the character art. lol Thanks!
I appreciate the understanding and do hope the suggested revision for her power works well enough for both of you, as I feel it's still pretty close to the intention even if clarified a little more lol. Also I'll be sure to send over the headshot specifically once I get it back from art friendo.
Going forward I think if I ever make another character I'll probably just run their appearance through either of you first lmao, save a bit of headache for all parties involved.