Avatar of Alisdragon911


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7 mos ago
Current Looking for male partner to do a Assassin/Spy Rp.
1 yr ago
Looking for male partner to rp a Batman Rp.


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Most Recent Posts

Jen is glad the battle is over but is worried Aki said to her before the battle. Kalama Kirara tell Jen Aki can shove it up his ass as you are not weak. Jen return her Pyoroar to her ball as Aura is a bit stun by that remark.
Jen is surprise on Liam’s choice of Pokémon as Aura is meditation as she is keeping a eye on Kelama Kiara and the battle.
Happy New Year, watching Twilight Zone while listening to fireworks.
Happy Holidays to Everyone.
I am still here.
Jen is thinking that is going to hurt but the battle is only getting started.
Kalama Kirara said good luck to her sister before perching on a large rock as Jen keeps a eye on her to make sure her Pyroar did not wonder off.
“I understand how you feel about me,” Kalama Kirara said as she shakes Dragaput’s hand. She would like to mend their sister relationship and friendship.
”I am sorry Dragaput,I know those are empty words to you. I want to prove to you I am sorry to you and the Pokemonlords that I am sorry.” Kalama óKirara said as the Pyoroar said wondering what her sister is going to say. If Dragaput insults her trainer again, then we are going to have a problem.
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