Avatar of AlteredTundra


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3 mos ago
Current I saw a one-legged man at the ATM. He was checking his balance.
4 mos ago
Where do bad rainbows go? To a prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.
4 mos ago
@LG aw hell yeah! Keepin my eye out for it for sure!
5 mos ago
How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for his fresh prints.
5 mos ago
tfw the colonies have better healthcare than the mainland


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City Streets
As much as Zero claimed to be a leader and a man who liked to help out when the impatient woman pressed him on where he might have seen their friend, he froze up in an ironic turn of events. He truly did want to offer up any assistance that might lead them to find their missing friend and he did speak first when he approached them, but for a reason he has yet to grasp, he couldn't find the strength to answer back. It was as though it was sapped the minute this very intimidating woman stepped on every ounce of confidence he had just by looking into his soul.

He was a frost warrior, but her gaze was like a supernova that stripped him of all magic and armor.

Moments before he felt himself from hyperventilating, a friendly companion of thiers (he was assuming) joined the group, addressing the others in a way that gave Zero the impression they all knew each other. This was later confirmed when they acted more than just civil towards each other and the assertive woman whose name Zero didn't know was revealed to be Tessa, which he felt was a fitting name. Simply and to the point, much like her.

His heart rate was starting to calm down and he remained quiet among the reunited friends. He was an outsider, after all. That and he was mostly focused on trying not to say something idiotic or freezing up like the last time he opened his mouth, but this only lasted for a few seconds for the sight of a familiar spear came into view among the crowd. His smile grew wide and he pointed towards her.

"There she is!" Zero excitedly stated, seeing a short redhead join the others with a small group of her own.

The completed reunion only came as a reminder for Zero that he was the new guy. He didn't feel excluded per se, but there was no denying that his presence was not the priority until the spearwoman addressed him among the other newbies.

"Good day, Spearlady!" Zero greeted her with a smile. "I am Verglas Zero. I am a magical knight who specializes in frost. I have traveled as much as I can to take in the land!" In his head, what he just said sounded almost as cool as the element he commanded was.
Please allow me to preface that this decision didn’t come lightly and I have been slowly entertaining it for a couple of months now.

And for the past couple of months, though no fault but my own, I haven’t been feeling the spark for this roleplay as I once did. I’m not just referring to this iteration of the roleplay but all past ones, too. Even the second one, as bad as it was, had me with high hopes. In the beginning, it was great, of course. People were excited. I was excited, but with so many people dropping and so many people remaining active for a number of reasons (none of which I blame them for). I know people have their reasons just like I have my own for this.

Regardless of what the external factors were, I just don’t feel the spark for OA anymore. I know there are still posts being made and that’s why I wanted to give myself another shot, but I just can’t bring myself to prolong what I knew was coming weeks ago. I know it’s a roleplay a good number of you love and enjoy, but I think, for me, I don’t want to feel obligated to post for a roleplay that I GM.

So, with a heavy heart, I am closing Olympus Academy effective immediately. I do want to thank everyone for their participation and making OA into a decent roleplay for as long as it did last. There were a lot of great moments and I wish I could bring myself to make it work, but I don’t see it happening. My interests as far as roleplaying have definitely shifted in this past year and yeah.

If this causes some to dislike me, then I’m prepared to make that choice. I’m sorry if you feel as though your time was wasted but I wanted to be honest with everyone. Again, thank you for bearing with the roleplay for as long as you have. If you enjoyed yourself even remotely so, then I will consider this a successful roleplay!

Until we meet in some other roleplay, then!
I don't know man. I'm speaking from my own experiences and preferences and they all point me in the direction that Instant Messaging rps are wack. I can understand the appeal some have for it, though. To each their own and all that. It's just not my cup of tea is alls I'm saying.
Discord RPing is a bit of an abomination imo. Added to the character limits and all that, unless you really know how to use the markdown to make things pretty, you are limited to a very linear formatting. Now if you're just in it for the writing, then I guess it's cool or whatever, but for people like me who like equal parts writing and aesthetics, a forum coding -- even one as somewhat minimal as the Guild's -- is far superior than Discord's.
Oh and also, I'm not staff anymore.
Weed makes Tundy less anxious, thus not all drugs are bad.

Not gonna lie this looks pretty damn tasty.
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