Avatar of AlteredTundra


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3 mos ago
Current I saw a one-legged man at the ATM. He was checking his balance.
4 mos ago
Where do bad rainbows go? To a prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.
4 mos ago
@LG aw hell yeah! Keepin my eye out for it for sure!
4 mos ago
How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for his fresh prints.
5 mos ago
tfw the colonies have better healthcare than the mainland


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My diet consists of salt, sugar, and caffeine. Seriously, I'm addicted.
Aww poor Addison. ;-;

Ifrise Forest, Sovereignty of Dryadalis

Zestasia wasn’t remaining quiet because he didn’t want to speak but everything that may have come to his sometimes smallish brain had either already been said or might’ve incited even further anger upon him. The last time he spoke his mind, he received those judgemental glances from multiple members of the group that wondered if he was capable of contributing more than just buffoonery. While that wasn’t the point, part of Zes’ instincts told him to speak his piece. At least then some of the group would know where he was coming from.

Then again, did he want to risk it?

Truly, the boy was in a dilemma.

As the group went over the plan, Zestasia just nodded. He was keeping true to his internal promise to himself not to say anything stupid or that would otherwise earn him more judgment. However, when Pag had rubbed him on his head, Zes playfully shoved him to the side. "Stop it, Pag!" He laughed as he tried to refocus on the group.

When Clara, the de facto mother of the group (only because she seemed far more...experienced than the rest) had looked at him with what he could only assume was a compliment, he smiled back at her. “Oh yeah! Just leave it to me guys! If you get a booboo, I’ll save the day!” He proclaimed and pounded chest. He felt like a badass but he knew, somewhere among the faces of the group, was a snide comment waiting to be said.

Theo was near his boiling point.

Correction. He was past his boiling point.

He was tired of hearing Cassian’s voice belittle him, acting as though he was above Theo in any regard. He was tired of seeing him act like the pompous rich asswipe Theo had promised himself he never become. He was sick to death of seeing him get closer to Mac while he just stood in the back.

Theo lacked self-control some times and had a problem with his temper--scratch that! His temper wasn’t the problem but rather those who made him lose control of it. If it wasn’t Theo himself, then it was his father and mother; and if they didn’t make him lose his mind, then the kids he grew up with who teased his brother made him want to fight. There was always somebody who was to blame. There was always someone who made him see everything in front of him as red as his hair.

Honest to God, it was people like Cassian Lee that fed the beast inside Theodore.

When he belittled him, addressed him by his last name as if he was beneath using Theo’s name when he talked to him, and treating him like a child, Theo lost it. He didn’t hear anything but the thundering rage he felt. And, In an act that was otherwise blacked out, he hadn’t realized that he had rushed towards him and tackled Cassian to the ground until he was on top of Cass, aiming a balled fist towards the smug bastard’s face..

Love her! She'll fit in nicely!


The first thoughts going through her head was how much hers was hurting after it made direct contact with Jade's beautiful face. Joey was in a lot of pain sure and maybe had some sort of injury in her future, but for the moment, she was just happy to be near someone who didn't take off as soon as they saw a certain behemoth. And joey giggled, though with a wide smile, though clearly wincing through the pain, as her friend seemed worried about her. Joey brushed it off. It wasn't so much the collision that made her wince but the dizzy aftermath that came as a result and she just had to...forget.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine!" She again smiled, grabbing a drink from the table her hands were using to support her unsteady legs. "I just need something to drown this killer headache." Like a vulture clad in a neon leotard, Joey's bright eyes widened when she saw there was some bourbon left. The fact nobody had laid claim to that bottle was amazing. She reached across the table, popped the cap off after a few frustrating moments of struggling with it, and took a hefty swig of it straight from the bottle. "Now that's better!"

Up until she took those swigs of the bourbon, Joanna didn't feel like she was gonna enjoy herself. Feeling isolated and neglected by Lottie, her mind began to retreat back to the mindset she was back when she was a teenager. She felt enabled by all of the party vibes and party favors. At some point, she had pocketed some E in case she felt like upping her mood and blocking out certain feelings. She wasn't sure if she was going to pop them in her mouth and let the tablets do its chemical magic. Even as she held the bottle of Bourbon Whiskey in one hand, she thought about it. Like really considered it.

She wanted to forget for a while and felt something in her stomach churning as if the tension of the moment and pairing that with the music playing in the background, Joey felt like a teen again where everything but the moment was blacked out. She felt like a teen again because the closer she came to despair, the closer she was to throwing caution into the wind, which made Joey pull out one of the self-described "happy pills" from inside her neon outfit. She looked at the little Dimebag and bit her lip. Maybe it was because she had trouble knowing he limit in the past or unsure if it was the right decision but she just wanted to not feel the pain she was right now.

And like in the past, without giving a moment's notice, Joey's instinct took over as took out the lavender-hued pill and placed it on her tongue. With another swig of the burning whiskey to wash it down, Joey just let it work its magic. Maybe it was mind thinking there was an instant effect or what, but as Joey turned around, she first smiled a little less than she had been at Jade, seeing the girl's sweet, caring smile and that only made the colorful and spirited Joey overcome with the giggles. She walked closer to Jade and tenderly grabbed the back of the nape of her neck.

"I'm probably going to regret this," she muttered to herself before planting her lips on Jade's and she immediately felt a euphoric sensation course through her body as though every synopsis in her body was reacting the surge of electricity of that kiss.
Relations sheets suck

The sequel arrives
We Ain't Gonna Die Today — Atmosphere — Southsiders
You Love Me — Flora Cash — Baby, It's Okay
Loved Forever — Scary Kids Scaring Kids — Loved Forever
Broken Glass — Three Days Grace — Transit of Venus
American — Lana Del Rey — Paradise
The First Punch — Pierce the Veil — Collide With the Sky
Boy Division — My Chemical Romance — Chemical Weapons, Release 01
Here We Are — Eyeshine — Fall Seven Times, Stand Up Eight
Preface — Taking Back Sunday — Happiness Is...
Plague of Babylon — Iced Earth — Plagues of Babylon
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