Avatar of AlteredTundra


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3 mos ago
Current I saw a one-legged man at the ATM. He was checking his balance.
4 mos ago
Where do bad rainbows go? To a prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.
4 mos ago
@LG aw hell yeah! Keepin my eye out for it for sure!
4 mos ago
How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for his fresh prints.
5 mos ago
tfw the colonies have better healthcare than the mainland


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“What a fucking delightful turn of events.”

Ava stood next to Reyna in the perfect spectator seat. From where the back of Rey’s car was parked, she had an ideal vantage point to not only see who would pull into the parking lot and gravitating to the Sun-sized RV that AJ himself decided wasn’t enough, she would also be able to assume certain thoughts those would have just based off of who arrived and who liked or didn’t like them. And to say it was a mixed bag would be one hell of an understatement.

On one side of the spectrum, Ava herself was fond of a lot of people and had mutual friends in some others. Sami was an okay guy and Chris, too despite the two not being ultra-close to Ava herself. And yes, despite a particular closeness, Ava could hang with them and not completely hate it. Sami had a great view of the world and Chris was entertaining enough. So neither of them were a bad choice if push came to shove, but Ava knew who she would choose over them in a heartbeat.

Smirking, Ava settled into her natural state of appearing like she was drunk but was really trying to size someone up as soon as Ivy stepped out of Chloe’s car. Which one was she trying to get the attention of? Hard to say. Both were looking pretty fantastic as they were. Between the beige dress on Chloe that complimented her natural tones and the denim everything that highlighted Ivy’s everything, Ava was honest to god enjoying the view.

“A girl can get used to that view.” Ava spoke as she leaned against Rey's car, nudging her friend teasingly.

That was, of course, until two specific annoying bitches decided to make themselves known. One of them Ava could deal with. Valeria wasn’t unbearable. If anything, the person whose patience she was going to test nigh immediately was AJ, but as for the other one…?

“What a nightmare.” Ava rolled her eyes at the sight of bright pink hair. “Where’s Nate? I’m sure he can’t be--” Before she could finish her sentence, she did find Nate eventually. Why she didn’t scan the same place where Val had been was beyond her, but now she saw Leon’s abs and rolled her eyes. “And why is his fucking shirt off already? Jesus Christ! That meathead could have at least waited until we hit the road..”

Ava couldn’t say for certain but she just knew if she didn’t have some food now, she was going to blow up at everyone who was annoying her right now. So she grabbed a pancake and started stuffing her face.

Not A Damn Thing Changed — Lukas Graham — Not A Damn Thing Changed (Single)
Renegade — Hammerfall — Renegade
Ghost — Coheed and Cambria — The Color Before the Sun
Bayou — Mountains of the Moon — Bayou
Happy Home — Lukas Graham — Lukas Graham (Blue Album)
Kill Em' With Kindness — Selena Gomez — Revival (Deluxe Edition)
Out of the Black — Royal Blood — Royal Blood (Self-Titled Album)
Roundtable Rival — Lindsey Stirling — Shatter Me
Bad Vibrations — A Day to Remember — Bad Vibrations
Mister Asylum — Highly Suspect — Mister Asylum

Location — Meadow View Auditorium
Time — 8:00 AM

As the minutes timed closer to eight in the morning, the set time when a special assembly was announced (as well as being known for weeks now), the staff had met prior to the third years rolling in. They met behind closed doors and in the office of Emilia Beaumonte. When they all had gathered -- or at least those of the head of the major departments -- a wide variety of topics were brought up but none were prioritized higher than what came to the attention of the Head of Campus Security, Frank Robinson.

Frank was someone who took his job seriously. Unlike most who enjoyed the scenery a bit too much for their own good, Frank was a by the books kind of guy. As a former Meadow Police Officer who had been one of the toughest, yet surprisingly just, officers of MVPD’s recent history, he applied that to his job at Head of Campus Security. He took great offense when rules were broken and took it personally. At the same time, when rules were broken and he didn’t know about it, that’s an act of war to him.

For five years straight, he tried to stop this so-called “Great Bash” from happening and every year he managed to at least know about it and stop it from going all night but this year was different. The kids were getting craftier and Frank didn’t find out about the party until one of his officers brought a recorded fight of two students and a Youtube video, which now has over 50K views on Instagram, that was a bunch of cellphone recorded videos of the party.

So naturally, he brought this to the Headmistress’ attention. If you thought he took it personally, the Headmistress, though when the talks happened it wasn’t clear on how this affected her, when it was all said and done, she assured the muscular man that she would handle this in her own way.

Fast Forward a day and she stood solo against a podium centered at the central platform of the Meadow Auditorium that normally held assemblies (not to be confused with the theater and arts center where plays and the like were held).

As the third years started to arrive, their whispers became louder and louder. The ever professional and stone-faced Headmistress simply waited for all of them to be seated. Some appeared to be more energetic than others, making it apparent that about half the students who now sat and filled up almost every seat in the first seven rows, were clearly morning people while others looked like they barely slept the night before. Knowing what she does about some of them, she probably knew why a large percentage of the young adults she saw were running on low.

But she wasn’t going to lead with that. Emilia was a lot of things but she wasn’t about to make them feel worse. She had to lift up their spirits and to do that, she would begin with what she had planned on saying long before the news about their unsanctioned party came to light.

Emilia lifted her hand up, signaling them all to quiet it down and she began.

“It is wonderful to see you all here! I do apologize if this is just a tad earlier than any of us would prefer, but thank you for arriving on time. I wanted to take a moment to congratulate you Juniors. You have done what most in this world aren’t able to do for one reason or another,” she paused, her smile gracing them all as she surveyed the students left to right. “You have reached your third year of college! Be proud of this accomplishment. You are here and that much closer to getting your respective degrees!”

As she let that sit with them, she saw some faces that barely react and others that brushed what she said off as the usual rhetoric. And that was fine. She understood these young people couldn’t possibly appreciate the little things of what they have accomplished.

“Take a moment and congratulate yourself!” She clapped for them, hoping some would follow suit (some did).

After the moment passed, Emilia allowed them to sit in silence for nearly a minute. When that minute was up, her resting stone face soon turned frigid and her gaze matched it plenty. “And while I am most pleased with how far you all have come, there are a few among you who chose to celebrate your accomplishments in a way that disrespects those of you who abide by our rules, that disrespects the faculty, and that disrespects the prestige of not only this university but the entire Ivy League.”

As she spoke, she sighed that, if one really was paying attention, you could just feel the disappointment emanating from her. “I can’t express how dissatisfied I am with how you chose to behave. Of course, it brings me great joy that you could find reasons to enjoy your accomplishments, but what you did and…how you chose to make a mockery of everything Meadow University stands for pains me beyond anything anyone here can begin to comprehend.” She took a moment before continuing, inhaling and exhaling slowly. “And this is why it pains me, but because the few decided to break so many rules and because they thought they were so much better than you, as of right now, everyone who sits in this room is placed on Academic Probation until further notice.”

And that, as they say, was that. Emilia left the podium, left the platform, and left the students to sit with that. Whether they accept this new normal or try to appeal, this was going to be their life until they proved they could follow the rules of the university.
What a fresh take on this month's edition! Really looking forward to next month's issue! hopefully there'll be a next month

An @Altered Tundra, @HaleyTheRandom, & @Ejected Collaboration
featuring Ramona Martin, Nathaniel Blake, & Jasper Delamar

Jasper was definitely starting to feel a little out of it now. One one hand, alcohol made her act out and go along with bad decisions more willingly than she was sober. (A miraculous feat, truly). On the other hand, it made her calmer, and forced her to sit on her ass. Jasper was caught somewhere in the middle, currently unable to feel her face. It took her a moment to understand and process what Mona had said. Watching as she bounced away, Jasper didn’t realize what exactly Mona had said until her friend was halfway towards the lake.

Her spark reignited, Jasper winked at Nate before beginning to walk away. Grabbing the bottom of her shirt, Jasper pulled it off and tossed it on the ground, showing off the black bra underneath. Once she reached the edge of the lake, Jasper promptly removed her shoes. Too drunk to deal with her shorts, the girl gently eased into the water, before turning to smile at Mona.

”The water feels amazing,” she sighed.

"Hell yeah," Mona said with a grin as she waved her arms around in the lake; the water had now stopped right above her waistline, and she no longer cared whether or not her hair got wet. "I hope you're prepared to get wasted tonight, Nate!" Mona yelled loudly as she gestured towards the boy who'd been just a tad too slow to beat Jasper into the lake. "There's three more tequila shots with your name on them!"

“Oh I am so game!”

Nate didn’t like to brag about it, but he was a little slow on the uptake. When the obvious was written in neon letters, he still had trouble seeing what was so clearly right in front of his eyes. So one could imagine just how long it took him to figure out just how much of a handful (no puns intended) these two were. But he wasn’t a quitter -- at least, not anymore! Even before he himself realized it, Nate’s shirt was gone, his wallet and phone tossed onto where the shirt had landed and Nate rushed into the shivering cold lake, immediately feeling just how freezing it was despite it being rather warm outside.

He stood rather close to the two ladies, hiding as much of his shivering body as he could, which even then it started to simmer down. “Yeah it is amazing!” when it’s not being unfriendly to my balls That last comment was for his own benefit.

Laughing as the alcohol continued to take over her body, Jasper splashed the two of them before diving into the water. Mona couldn't help but let out a high-pitched shriek as droplets of the cool water came splashing onto her face.

Shit that’s cold!

Nate stood there for a moment or two, coming to terms with just how refreshing that splash was despite how shockingly cold he found it. After that, he soon shot back with a splash of his own as he brought both of his slender arms up and raised up a mini-wave of lake water, hurling it directly into Jasper’s cocky face.

"Oh, so it's like that, huh?" Ramona said with a mischievous grin as she used the hair-tie on her wrist to put her locs into a quick bun. "In that case... I've got something for you both!" And without another word, Mona lifted her own hands and sent a wave of water towards both Nate and Jasper when she'd finally resurfaced. It was after then that she also decided to pull Nate by the shoulders in a successful attempt to dunk him underwater; afterwards, she retreated with her arms up to block whatever was coming next.

”Oh you guys are so on,” Jasper said, wiping her wet hair from her face. Sending another splash towards Mona, Jasper grinned at Nate once he resurfaced. ”Careful Mo. Don’t drown the poor guy.”

Nate’s long arms dangled above the water, fingers extended and his wrists moving around in the air, desperately reaching for something to latch onto while Mona had held him down with a surprisingly large amount of physical force. Around the same time Mona’s hands left his shoulders, Nate’s hands latched onto…something. He couldn’t tell exactly what they were but he grabbed them as if his last breath depended on it, not realizing that his legs were able to push him up and he immediately took advantage of this sudden realization.

Coming up from under the water, Nate’s breath was like it was the first breath of air he had taken ever. It only took him moments after the fact to see clearly - well, as clear as one could with the limited light of the moon - that what he grabbed onto wasn’t what he thought it was and, though somewhat delayed, he retracted his hands from Jasper’s chest and blushed. “I’m so sorry! I could have sworn that was your hands. I mean, they were soft like arm fat..I’m not saying you have it but like..” Okay, this was the part Nate never succeeded at. Apologizing when flustered was always a no win zone for Nathaniel Blake.

Jasper couldn’t help but laugh once again. In all reality, the young woman was more than accustomed to people grabbing her boobs at random times. Rather the people grabbing them meant to or as a joke, she didn’t know most of the time. What she did know, was that she didn’t really mind whenever it happened. Shaking her head as she smiled, Jasper watched as the young man's face switched through fifty different shades of red. Quickly deciding that she would like to see just how red Nate could turn, Jasper stood on her tiptoes and wrapped her arms around his neck before planting a drunken kiss on him. Releasing Nate and returning back to her normal height, Jasper shoved him back into the water before he had time to respond, causing Nate’s mouth to open as if he was going to say something and the noise of him screeching before bubbles of what was clearly him screaming from below muting his voice..

”Too much?” she asked, looking at Mona.

With wide eyes, Mona watched as her friend planted a smooch right on Nate's lips. And once the boy had been shoved back under water, she burst into yet another fit of laughs and shrugged her shoulders. "Hey, why not? But girl, all I know is if he wasn't already in love with you before, he definitely is now."

Jasper pursed her lips in a thoughtful response. Shrugging her shoulders as she waited on the boy to resurface, she stood there, her arms crossed. ”I mean… he is a little cute?” Mona pondered this statement for a few moments before simply nodding in agreement.

As though he was caught in a time loop, yet again Nate arose from the depths of the shallow part of Lake Meadow and gasped for what - again - felt like his famous last breath and again, he was wheezing due to the lack of airflow. “I’m okay!” He grinned, breathing heavily. “...I think.” He inhaled a few times to make sure everything was fine. Aside from a few deep coughs that should have resulted in internal bleeding, he was fine. After he took just a moment, he blinked at the two. “So, yeah that kiss! Wowzers!” Nate chuckled. “Best kiss I’ve had since high school!”

Jasper rolled her eyes, returning back to her usual bitchy self. ”Oh shut up. Freaking nerd.”

Nate’s gaze stayed on Jasper and moved to Mona for a quick second as if searching for an answer in her eyes but he found nothing. So, as those blue gems returned to her round face, he spoke. “Sorry, did I say something wrong?” He asked, blinking in confusion.

"Uh, of course not," Mona said as she approached the pair and gently patted Nate on the back. "Sorry for almost drowning you, bud. But, hey! What do you two say to getting out of this cold ass lake and getting some more to drink? Especially you." Her last couple of words were directed towards Nate, who could probably tell from the look on her face that there was no way he'd get out of his 3 tequila shots. Boy, was she determined.

Jasper shrugged her shoulders. ”I’m down.” She began to make her way out of the water before she turned back to Nate. ”And nah man. You didn’t do anything. I’m just like… reaaaalllyyyy fucking drunk.” Stepping up onto the bank, the dark haired girl did her best to try and find her missing shirt. ”Does… anyone know where my shirt went?”

He was last out of the bank and Nate surveyed the surrounding area. Under the moon, he was afforded limited light, so he couldn’t necessarily find her shirt. “Wait…” He looked to the shirtless Jasper. “Didn’t you take it out in the lake?” He asked her, unsure about the whereabouts of her shirt, shaking his head quickly. “Well, nevermind that! Until then, you can just wear my shirt!” He squatted down and picked up his blue polo shirt covered in dirt. “I know it’s not your style but it’s gotta be better than nothing, right?” He chuckled with a grin.

”Nah, I don’t think I did…. Maybe? I dunno.” Still looking around, Jasper gave Nate a small smile when he offered her his shirt. Shrugging her shoulders as she took it from him, the girl attempted to shake off most of the dirt before slipping it on. The shirt was just a little bit too big for her, but that was fine. Spotting Mona, Jasper smirked at her friend before asking her a question. ”You really think he’ll survive another three shots?”

“Of course I can!” Nate proclaimed as he hiccupped. At least I think I can… The thought came as he felt a little woozy. He couldn’t tell if it was due to the booze or the repeated dunks he took in the lake.

After shooting a hesitant glance at both Jasper and Nate, Mona simply shrugged her shoulders and continued on to fix her skirt. “Well, I guess there’s only one way to find out.”

And it was at that moment, Nate truly was in for a long ass night.
It's Morphin Time — Brian Tyler — Power Rangers (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Closer (Chainsmoker and Halsey Cover) — Boyce Avenue (feat. Sarah Hyland) — Cover Sessions, Vol. IV
This Woman's Work (Maxwell Cover) — Greg Laswell — Covers
Such Small Hands — La Dispute — Somewhere At the Bottom of the River Between Vega and Altair
California Dreaming — Hollywood Undead — Five
Shallow — Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper — A Star is Born Soundtrack
thank u, next — Ariana Grande — thank u, next
Vengeance — Zack Hemsey — The Way
The Horror of Our Love — Ludo — You're Awful, I Love You
It's Not My Time — 3 Doors Down — 3 Doors Down
They get a bad rap because they are bad.

So knowing things about what might make a character more interesting is bad? Got it.
Okay guys. This one's gonna be RP related.

"Should likes/dislikes, hobbies, fears, etc. be included/required in a character sheet? What are some of the things that are absolutely mandatory for a character sheet? What are some things that we're better off leaving out?"

I'll say it: I like all of the likes/dislikes and whatnot. Can it be a hassle sometimes? Oh, absolutely! If I'm not giving with the character, then I'll obviously suffer trying to figure out what sort of quirks or habits they have, but if I truly know the character like I do the back of my hand, I'll for sure get behind listing all of the things they like and what they don't like.

Now, of course, it obviously depends on the type of roleplay. As stated, it's more common in SoL than not. I just think they get a bad rap for all the wrong reasons.

An @Altered Tundra & @NeoAJ Collaboration
Joanna Penelope Hart had never been the type to initiate anything. For her entire life, she had always been the follower, the bottom to a top, and the sub in any situation you could think of. Whether it was taking a back seat to her three-minutes-older-than-her twin brother, Brad or obeying family law by being forced to move to London because of her sweet sixteen and what happened. She followed the leader for most of her life.

She even sometimes took a back seat to Lottie. She never cared because she realized that some people were meant to lead the charge in life and others were meant to follow the charging bulls of the world. Some were meant to have a fire lit while some existed to hold the candle to the open flame. But when Joey took some initiative and popped the E and drank until she felt her own fire being lit up, she knew this was right.

And what she knew to be right was kissing Jade.

When their lips touched, a magnetic explosion coursed through her body. For the first time in a while, she felt…alive. Maybe part of the reason was how hurt she felt that Lottie left her. And she knew it was wacky that she felt hurt by that. It wasn’t like they were together. They weren’t together. So there was no reason for her to feel like she betrayed anyone. No, there wasn’t any reason. Not only did she want to kiss Jade but she wanted to do it again, maybe even take it further than that.

“No, we’re not! She’s with Kiki. So, I’m not..”Joey turned around and saw up on the second floor where she saw someone at the window. For a moment, she thought she was seeing things but nope! She saw Kiki and a minute later she saw Lottie pull him away. Huffing, Joey pulled Jade into another kiss, though this time she began walking back. Slowly turning Jade around, Joey led her against a tree next to the table. She pulled away for a moment just to get some breathing room. “She’s up there with Kieran. And we’re not together.” So this could happen

Joey wanted to say to her but she stood there, just looking at how speechless her friend was. Joey was drunk, probably well on her way to being high and she was so, so, so confused. She felt like she was betraying Lotts but she was hurting so badly. “Jade, I don’t know what I want to do.”

That made two of them.

Jade wanted to be on the prowl. She wanted to be the same kind of person off the field that she was on the field. She wanted to be in control and taking charge of a situation and making the shot and burying the goal and getting the glory that she had yet to taste on a global stage.

She didn’t know she wanted this.

This was completely off the left flank. Joey was being so forceful. Jade didn’t know that the Hart girl had it in her. Seeing her around the sorority house, hanging around her roommate Lottie, following her tennis-playing best friend wherever she went. There was no way something this romantic should have happened like this.

And yet, here she was. The big girl on campus was pinned against a tree by a neon pixie. Jade was enjoying the hell out of it.

But it seemed like Joey was just as conflicted as Jade was. When Joey said that she and Lottie weren’t together, that her roommate was off with Kieran O’Connor… sorry, Kiki. Jade was never going to let him live that nickname down now that she was fully aware of it. Anyway, it did make sense that Lottie would choose to go after one of the stars of the Hawks’ hockey team. Note to self: ask Lottie if Kieran carries a big stick off the ice as well.

What did that mean for Joey, though? Here she was; lips quivering, the bourbon and the headbutt probably having done a number on her already, possibly having just realized that she was no longer in a relationship. Jade may literally have been the first person she ran into. Was it right to take advantage of such a situation? On the field, if an opponent made a mistake, Jade was more than happy to pounce on it for an easy opportunity to score. This was real life. The chance for error ranged far wider than just a missed shot on goal. She had to be responsible here.

Jade finally let her hand fall from the back of Joey’s neck and rest on the New York girl’s shoulder. “Joey… I’m not going to lie and say that this wouldn’t check something off a list for me that’s been there for a little bit, but you have to look at me for a second. Take a minute and take a breath with me, OK? I know you’ve already had more booze than me. I know you took a vicious hit to the head. I know you just saw your roommate with some half-naked dumbass jock. I just want you to take this minute, and make sure that you’re doing what you want, OK? Because if I’m truly what you want in that way, I’m more than happy to be that right now. But if you’re doing this because of all those other things, I don’t want you to hurt yourself like that.

Because I don’t want to be something you regret. I don’t think I can live with that. So Joey, I’m happy to stay here with you and we can do whatever you want. But you have to be sure that it’s what you, not the booze, not the concussion, not the hurt, it’s gotta be what you want. You get what I’m saying?”

As she brought herself to follow Jade’s advice, Joey took in a breath, which caused her to wince from the pain emanating from her forehead but she did it and a few more times, at that! With every inhale came a brief exhale and soon she was slightly less agitated than she had been and then she tried to process everything Jade had said.

If she was honest with herself right now, she was annoyed. She wasn’t annoyed at Jade (well not majorly so). No, her irritation was one-hundred percent directed at Lottie and KiKi. It was directed at how they were allowed to have fun and Joey, even though Jade did say she was fine with it if she was doing it for the right reasons (she wasn’t). But she didn’t know. Even now, as the usually bubbly girl sourily stared at the pair of enticing chocolate kisses and full lips she wanted to kiss again. She had enough of a buzz to know that maybe she shouldn’t but she wasn’t at the point to where Jade should feel guilty. Still, maybe that wasn’t the question she should be asking herself or Jade for that matter.

“I don’t know, maybe you’re right,” the girl spoke, biting her lip. “I don’t even know why I’m mad at them. Lottie and Kieran, I mean. There’s no exclusive anything, so it’s not like I have a reason to be buttmad at them, right?” She asked Jade, hoping for some outside perspective and maybe for someone to help her make sense of it all.

Jade slowly guided Joey to the ground, leaning her back against the tree that was not two minutes earlier was supporting Jade’s back for an entirely different kind of connection. She kept her arm wrapped around her shoulder though. She read enough teammates in the locker room to know that no matter what, Joey needed to feel that someone was looking out for her at this moment in time. “Well,” she started. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but until you told me you and Lottie weren’t together, I definitely thought you were together. I mean, you two are pretty much inseparable at the sorority. But even if you’re not, and my best friend ditched me to go hump some dumbass pucks-for-brains Canuck, I’d be pretty ticked about that. Course, y’all ditched me back at the house and I came here by myself, so who the hell knows anything?

“Anyway, the point I’m trying to make here is that you have a right to your feelings, Joey. You have a right to be really ticked off about how Lottie treated you tonight. Now, maybe she’s the type of girl who will make it up to you later, or tomorrow, or some time. But for now, your feelings are perfectly valid, and you have a right to be royally ticked.”

Jade wasn’t sure where she was going with this. A part of her brain still wanted her to add “And if fucking me under this tree will help you work out being ticked, then I’m happy to help.” But she couldn’t bring herself to do it. She didn’t get that much vodka into her yet. Besides, Evil Jade was just a rumor.

“Oh my God!” She chirped, frowning almost instantly, appearing about as distraught as anyone could. “I’m so sorry! We didn’t mean to intentionally leave you behind!” Joey looked like a puppy dog who just got yelled at for the first time by their master. “I mean, there was a lot going on before the party and I swear it wasn’t intentional!” She spoke, knowing full well exactly what made her and Lotts forget Jade, which only made Joey feel worse about it. “I just..this whole day was a mess and that’s even before what’s happening now.” She held her head, feeling the headache was getting worse by the minute.“I need to sit down.” Not waiting for the chance to park it on one of the couches inside the cabin, Joey slid down and sat on the cold ground, her legs feeling the full brunt of the coolness she leaned against the rough bark of the tree where she had pressed Jade against a few moments ago.

She felt like the entire room was spinning, or maybe she was. It was so hard for her to deal with what was happening. She didn’t understand why seeing Lottie with him bothered her so much, nor did she understand why she felt like she was betraying her best friend by kissing Jade. The image of Lottie being mad at her made her want to die and that’s exactly where her mind went as soon as she pictured the conversation that they might have. She assumed the worst and it was starting to show as Joey curled her legs close to her chest and locked her arms over her knees, and started to lightly sob, whimpering somewhat.

Apparently Evil Jade was more than just a rumor. There was no need for the Colorado native to inject that petty barb in what was supposed to be a speech to make Joey feel better. Maybe she was in the vodka more than she thought. “Hey, hey, hey, Joey. Joey! Joey! Girl! It’s OK! I’m not really that mad! I’m kidding! Girl, come here!”

Jade didn’t have a lot of experience dealing with mental breakdowns, but she had seen enough comforting going on when looking over at opposing benches. She wrapped her arms around Joey and pulled her close. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to make you cry like that! I would never mean that! Fuck… It’s OK! It’s going to be OK! I mean, I can talk to Lottie and try and smooth things out? Or… I don’t know! Just please stop crying, Joey! I’m sorry…”

When Jade had mentioned she’d talk to Lottie, as if wanting the complete opposite, Joey clung to her for dear life, looking at her with a desperation in her eyes, glitter meshed with rainbow mascara and she slowly shook her head. “No don’t be!” She wiped her tears away and with it, an ungodly display of pixie dust transferring from her face to hands. “I’m okay! I swear! You don’t have to talk to her!” Joey masked an obvious cry for help under a smile that she had perfected. It was her go to when she wanted to prevent certain things from happening. Jade talking to Lottie was one of them.

“OK, OK, I won’t do that,” Jade affirmed. Whatever she needed to do to help Joey snap out of this state. “Joey, look. I can’t pretend to know what exactly the levels are between you and Lottie. Truth is, I don’t really have any experience with anyone that much. But, it’s obvious that this is hurting you in some way. And if I’m not going to talk to Lottie about it, then maybe you need to. You two need to figure out exactly what you have, because if you’re not together, and you’re not open, then seeing that maple-chugging beaver jockey with Lottie shouldn’t bother you to this point. I mean, you’re a freaking amazing girl! You come up with such great fashion designs those poutine-eating mountie huggers would have their minds blown. That Canucklepuck can’t compete with you!” She gave Joey an affectionate shake. “Now tell me that you got this, like the New York girl I know you are!”

Joey was a mess right now, but Jade got her to smile and giggle; not only did she manage that, but everything she said was correct. It wasn’t like Joey didn’t agree with her. But on some level, maybe she couldn’t bring herself to do that just yet - at least, not in the way Jade wanted her to. “I don’t know--” She caught Jade’s glance and perked up. “I mean, I got this!” She proclaimed with half the conviction she would have if she truly believed what she said.

Jade beamed, not sure if she totally got through to Joey but thrilled with the result either way. “That’s my girl!” She triumphantly leaned forward and planted another kiss on Joey’s lips.

I probably shouldn’t have done that. That definitely wasn’t smart. After all that talking. Why did I do that? Fuck! Brush it off Jade. Brush it off!

She quickly retreated from Joey’s face and looked at her. “I’m sorry, Joey! I got excited! That’s how we celebrate on the pitch!”

As she sat there, her eyes gazing upon Jade’s weary expression and still in shock -- well, not shock but more like she was caught off-guard. The more she thought about it, this must’ve been what Jade felt when Joey kissed her. Unprepared for the sudden union of lips and the pure electricity causing the heart to pump faster, because that’s what Joey felt as soon as their lips touched.

“I didn’t mind,” Joey smirked at Jade, somewhat fidgeting her fingers together. “You’re a great kisser, Jade Scott!” She giggled, nudging her shoulder. “I could use a dip in the lake. Need to rinse off all of this glitter and rundown makeup.” Joey stood up, brushing the dirt off her neon bodysuit. “Wanna join me?”

Crisis averted.

At least the initial one anyway. Still, Jade did manage to get Joey’s mind off her problems for the moment and if kissing Joey in a fit of excitement and potential passion was the way to do that, then who was she to judge? Things were great now! Joey was OK. Lottie could be dealt with once she was done sucking maple sap from that timbit-scarfing lumberjack. For now, some physical activity sounded like a great idea.

“You know, I didn’t bother wearing a swimsuit, but I don’t think that’s going to matter,” Jade answered. “Let’s get wet, Joey!”

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