Avatar of AlteredTundra


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3 mos ago
Current I saw a one-legged man at the ATM. He was checking his balance.
4 mos ago
Where do bad rainbows go? To a prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.
4 mos ago
@LG aw hell yeah! Keepin my eye out for it for sure!
4 mos ago
How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for his fresh prints.
5 mos ago
tfw the colonies have better healthcare than the mainland


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My boy is live!

Avalice Academy — Class-C Lecture Hall

While most of his future, yet-to-meet-them classmates rushed to get to the academy, Caelum took the scenic route through the town. He remembered from the stories his father used to tell him about the visually-stunning cherry blossom trees in Avalice, how they were at their peak at the start of the spring semester and they were equally as awe-inspiring. So it was no surprise that the young man didn’t want to waste his chance to see them before class. Who knew when he might find himself with the perfect opportunity?

As he gazed, stopping to smell the flowers that surrounded the trees, Caelum smiled. Nature had always been something he enjoyed but the thing about it appreciated even more than the euphoria he felt by being in its presence was knowing what his father felt. Oh, how his father spoke so fondly of the trees and flowers and how he often lamented his regrets of not taking the time to appreciate the little things before his time at the academy was over.

“I’m doing this for you, father.” Caelum’s voice was low. Giving the trees and flowers one last appreciative look, he continued his stroll down the brick road that led directly to the Academy of Might and Magic. The boy would pick up the pace, his leather boots repeatedly stomping on the brick. His sword swung wildly left to right as did his bag.

Being so focused on making sure he wasn’t late, Caelum hadn’t noticed the distinct lack of students mirroring his urgent action. He didn’t want tot hink he was that late. He refused to entertain that thought. Caelum devoted all of his attention on making sure he got to his class before whoever the professor was noticed he was late.

Once inside, he made a hasty beeline for Class-C. Since it was his first year at the Academy of Magic and Might, he didn’t know if Class-C was the runt of the litter or if they were simply so over flooded with applicants that they were all on the same level. Nevertheless, when he caught the sight of the class name hanging over a door, Caelum zipped down the hallway and rushed into the room. His momentum, however, carried him further than he thought it would. Before he was able to do anything about it, Caelum’s unreasonably large head collided with a bed of black curls that leaned over a desk.

You haven't endured true pain until your head slammed into another at full force.

“Well, that could’ve been less painful.” Caelum rubbed his head as he stood up. As he rose up from the ground, he was face to face with the class and he turned around, noticing a rather intimidating man. Given the position he was at compared to the others, Caelum had to assume he was the professor. “My bad, professor!” Caelum gave the dark-haired professor his sincerest smile. “I’m Caelum Tempesta!” After giving his name, he quickly glanced at the ...girl that he bumped into. “I’m so sorry! I hope my big head didn’t hurt you too much. Sometimes my legs carry me too far.” He could only laugh at his own comment.
Working on my post right now. hoping to have it up within the next couple of hours. :)
I'll work on my post tomorrow. It's a bit late where I'm at but I'm super hyped! This roleplay has so many wonderful characters and I especially love the mood you've set @Blu!

Sonny didn’t know what got into him, but the moment he saw Rye and Mari in each other’s arms, it brought back something he thought he left behind him. Suddenly he was feeling like his old self. That old self that flaunted Nadia in Marisol’s face, the old self who enjoyed bringing up the whole Victoire incident, and, yes, even the old self who made light of her loving confessions. He never fashioned himself as the jealous type (not anymore at least), but something triggered in his mind to where he started to retreat back into old, familiar habits.

For the moment, he pushed those thoughts out, refocusing on where he was being dragged to. He should have figured Julie was tired. He also should have figured that asking her to dance with him to a song that clearly wasn’t meant for friends was too much. In a different life, maybe. But instead, they were by the towering fountain of punch.

As Julie poured him some punch into a red solo cup, the second his lips touched the rim and took a sip, he immediately tasted a stark difference to it before. “Yep. That’s spiked all right.” Sonny let a chuckle leave his mouth naturally and took another sip. He wasn’t a lightweight and he actually liked the way it tasted. He didn’t know what brand of alcohol it was, but given how he was feeling, this was bound to help him forget about it.

Turning around, Sonny half-leaned against the table. He made sure not to put too much pressure on it so he didn’t force the table to collapse. His eyes scanned the area. Part of him was searching for Mari and Rye but the rest of him just wanted to see who was all around. It was nice seeing some people who would otherwise be at each other’s throats get along for once. Of course, he centered on Santiago and Stella. It brought a smile to his face when he remembered she said they were getting along. Not that he ever doubted they would eventually move past their beef, but he knew how Stella acted. So that made him happy.

Sonny turned his gaze on Julie. “I hope you’re having fun. My pain in the ass mother would kill me if you weren’t.” He wanted to laugh but the scary part about knowing his mother inside and out was how likely it was she’d do that. He smiled again, knowing all she wanted for him was to be happy.

A moment after returning his gaze in front of him, Sonny felt a gust of wind pass him. It was like time slowed down for the two boys to lock eyes with each other and Sonny’s gaze followed Rye. Despite his friend slipping into the crowd, Sonny refocused and locked on Rye’s form as he came to a stop by the DJ’s booth. “What is he up to?” Sonny murmured, holding his solo cup with anticipation. Rye had his undivided attention and he couldn’t say if that was a good thing or not and seeing Mari cheering him on was never a good thing. They were up to something. Sonny knew it deep in his gut. Whatever those two had in mind spelled bad news for whomever their target was.

A @metanoia & @TootsiePop Collaboration
Featuring Kavi Salvador & Chrissie McCoy

As the pulsating beats of whatever song had been playing fueled him with the necessary energy to jump around and fist pump the night away, across from him Chrissie had been doing her own thing. It didn’t take Kavi long to notice that she had a style all on her own. While most, especially those who he had the pleasure — sometimes displeasure — of dancing with had their favorite two or three moves they repeated in a somewhat graceful fashion, he couldn’t help but be amazed that Chrissie truly was the theater queen she professed she was. The way she danced was reminiscent of something out of Footloose. The way her body maneuvered itself and the passion she felt and the genuine joy he saw on her face was something of a contagious thing.

Seeing her smile like that made Kavi don one of his own and he took her hand, twirling her so she was closer to him. When she was close enough, his free arm came around her waist and he placed it firmly on her lower back, bringing her closer to him. He lowered his head closer to hers because he was a little taller than her, positioning it close to her ear. “Seems like we have a few fans,” he said loud enough so she could hear. “They look jealous of how good you are.” Kavi saw some of the looks people were giving them earlier.

“Please.” Chrissie glanced over to the few individuals he was referring to, like her dearest Kavan, his boyfriend, Archer, Kavi’s ex, and… raising an eyebrow, letting her green gaze fall on Chanel’s form, who was fluidly moving with absolute skill and sex appeal, she took note of how many times the other girl looked at her. Or him? Both of them? Hm.

Perhaps Chanel still had some unresolved issues with Kavi. Well, she wouldn’t be the only one. With unresolved issues towards this man that is. From what Chrissie could gather, it seemed like it was Kavi versus the world. “This isn’t new for me.” She shifted her body to face Kavi once more, bored of the onlookers, and just in time to miss the sight of her cousin. Looking up at him, resting her hands on his chest, she delightfully simpered, curiosity getting the best of her, “One of these fans so happen to be a girl with strikingly dyed red hair. Does that bother you?”

“Not at all!” He was lying. Seeing Ariel over there, he couldn’t quite help himself but feel a little tilted about it. She was the person who initially asked for the break and she--no, I’m not going down that street again. Kavi had to stop himself and diverted his gaze from his ex and to his date. “She’s missing out. I’m a helluva good time. Not my fault she couldn’t handle me at my worst.” Was it cruel of him to say that? Probably. Part of him didn’t feel that way but they agreed to be friends, so he was free to be as handsy with anyone he wanted to.

Smirking, Chrissie leaned in, bringing her lips inches from his, “It doesn’t help you have such a hot date, does it?” And like the tease she was, she pushed away and stuck out her tongue. Two single people, not binded by anyone, with no fucks to give. That’s what Chrissie and Kavi were. “Sucks to suck! If she wanted you so bad, all issues aside, she wouldn’t have let you go.”

Just when he thought he had her figured out, the Queen of Teasing pulled away. And just when Kavi was getting comfortable. But the night was young. They could most certainly find themselves close enough later, so that’s the main reason why Kavi didn’t stress. “My thoughts exactly.” Kavi truly was tired of playing like he had to be the guy that had to change. Both he and Ariel were fucked up, so like the Devil’s Tango, it takes two.

As he scanned the ballroom shortly, he sighed out a bored breath. Out of all of those around, Kavi couldn’t say with any certainty that any were as interesting as Chrissie was. Maybe Ariana but she was with the jackoff of all jackoffs. King’s own Florida Man in the flesh. “So what’s the plan tonight? Cause a little mayhem for some unsuspecting suckers?” He nudged her shoulder teasingly.

“Oh yes-yes-yes.” Chrissie loved the sound of that. Turning on her heel to also scan the ballroom with her date, like predators looking for their next prey, she clapped her hands in excitement, “Ooooooh. I know just the person for me. My lovely friend over there.” She pointed at Shawna, who at the moment was with Jack and Sunshine, “She’s been going through a lot of growth lately. From Kellie, to a little fling with me, and now she has a pocketful of Sunshine! I honestly love this journey for her and should take a moment of my day to hear all about it. How ‘bout you?” The thespian was already treating Kavi like he was one of her best mates, bringing him into tea that not everyone was aware of. Like Chrissie’s and Shawna’s sex adventures.

Kavi followed Chrissie’s arm to Shawna and he saw Jack. He was thrown for a loop seeing Jack with Shawna. He didn’t know much about her (aside from how much she hated him), but she was the last person he expected that literal jackoff coming to the dance with. Then again, perhaps Kavi didn’t know him as well as he thought. He and the other boys liked to tease him for his name, so probably not a lot of opportunity to really get to know the guy. That aside, finding out that Chrissie and Shawna had a thing was probably the least surprising fact. Shawna had a bit of a rep and it was common knowledge her choices in partners didn’t always produce the best outcomes.

“Not sure yet,” he admitted, looking around for someone to play with for a bit. “But I’m sure, when something happens, you’ll know because people here like to get physical with me.” He let out a sigh, ”and not always in the way I like,” Kavi said low enough so that Chrissie was the only one who heard that.

“When that happens, if that happens, I’ll make sure to be your knight-in-a-cute-pink-dress, how’s that sound?” She cheesed up at him, before letting go and dismissing him with a slap in the ass. “Now go get ‘em tiger. Whoever… they are!”

He smirked and laughed. “And you better have some fun too. No use bashing them eyelashes of yours if you don’t go for maximum carnage.” They were truly like two peas in a pod in how they thought and approached many things. “Look for me later when you’re finished with Shawna and the Jagoff and I’ll give you the Kavi Salvador special.” As he walked away, hands in his pants pocket, Kavi turned his head and shot his date a wink.

“Sure thing, babe. You’re not hard to find.” After impishly waving back, her inviting stare looking over her shoulder, she brought her attention to her friend and her girlfriend, Jack had run off somewhere. Probably for the best. Chrissie wasn’t fond of the dude. Sauntering effortlessly, making sure they didn’t notice her, Chrissie came from behind Shawna and covered her eyes, “Guess who!” Following her introduction, she giggled like the childish teen that she was.

At the back of his mind, Kavi was unsure what he wanted to do or even who he wanted to approach. He saw Chrissie had already made contact with Shawna, so it was just a matter of him finding someone of his own. At one point during that initial departure from his date, Kavi had thought about giving Max a good kick in the nuts for old times sake, but he couldn’t find that idiot anywhere. So what was he to do now?

Stopping where he was for a brief minute, his ex-girlfriend caught his eye. She was alone for the most part. People were around her but she wasn’t engaging, it seemed. Contemplating his available choices, he took a quick, hefty sip of his drink and proceeded towards Ariel.

The closer he got to her, the more he became reminded of the awkward nature of their relationship. Exes could be friends but truly how different had things become between them? SInce taking their break, they didn’t talk anywhere as often as they used to. He knew it made sense. Part of the reason they took the break was to figure things about themselves they hadn’t been able to because they were together and always getting into fights. He truly thought he had changed and, in a way, he thought she was past some of her issues. As it turned out, neither of them had changed, not in the way it mattered, at least.

About a yard and a half away from her, Kavi waved at his ex with a genuine smile. “Nice dress!” Kavi noted, resisting every urge that was beckoning him to eye her up and down. Before, when they were together, it was cute, but now it was inappropriate. “You having fun?” Kavi asked, keeping his eyes at eye-level because he knew the temptation to go any lower, while totally worth it, might earn him another broken nose. Instead, he made it his mission to focus on other things - like the enticing babelicious date he came with.

The likes of Ivy and Chris should know Ava enough by now to know she was only having a little fun. If Val was so emotional and that easily affected by a simple comment, which again Ava was joking, she wasn’t gonna get anywhere in life. There were a lot of people worse than Ava and who would say worse things to the creampuff. Ava wasn’t exactly feeling this whole “poor Val” schtick she was putting on, as if she was any better than anyone else around them. Everyone had a couple of people they didn’t like. It’s not Ava’s fault that Val happens to have more than anyone in their right mind would.

“I swear if they are going to hold her hand like this, the entire trip is going to be a bust.” Ava lamented her frustrations with everyone taking Val’s side to Reyna, who was probably one of the few people here who wouldn’t jump down her throat.

What probably got to her most was Ivy and how quickly she was to jump down Ava’s throat about one little comment. It was early, so maybe Ava wasn’t as in touch with her feminine sensitivity (yeah, like she actually has that), but it was really pissing her off that Val was getting special treatment. Of course she could spare enough sympathy for the girl for having some problem with the entire female species at Beverly Hills High, but come on! To be so childish, she made a whole scene. That was something Ava couldn’t grasp.

“I’ll tell you this now, Rey,” Ava said, leaning closer to the latina, “if this shit keeps up, I’m just going to take the first plane back home. Lord knows I don’t need all this special snowflake B.S.” It was barely even starting and Ava was clearly not having it and that didn’t even include when she saw Nate and Josie together. “But whatever! I’m gonna hitch a ride on the RV. At least I can surround myself with beautiful people to distract me from the morons tagging along.” She forced herself to laugh and grabbed her bags and hoisted them over her shoulder, walking towards the RV.

As they got further into the ballroom, Stella took note of who was all here and where they were. In normal circumstances, she might be quick to look for familiar faces so she could join them or try and find some of her friends who might’ve already started enjoying themselves at the party, but she wasn’t feeling at all like herself. That wasn’t to say the girl was depressed at all nor was it to say she was unhappy about being here with Santiago or in general being at the dance. If anything, there was some kind of empty feeling building deep inside her. It was like a twisting torrent at sea that wasn’t quite yet ready to become a hurricane. It was like when the Wildebeests were on their way of killing Mufasa but not yet there.

It was like...jealousy that clung to the sight of Nicole and Carter. Yes, there was no doubt in her mind that, like she was here with Santiago as his friend, Nicole was with Carter as his friend and how everyone from their grade was with who they had come to the dance with as friends. So maybe Stella’s mood was shot and maybe seeing Chrissie and Kavi dance like they were so carefree and like they weren’t the cause for some people close to her hitting some lows was starting to get to her.

She glanced at her date, her friend who has been there for her more this past week than her own cousin was. Stella wasn’t even sure why she felt like this, but that was neither here nor there.

Refocusing what remained of the mental energy she had to spare, Stella hooked her arm under Santiago’s and dragged him to where she knew exactly she was assuming he’d want to be. Out of the corner of her eye when she was looking around the place a few moments ago, she noticed a pair, who were off on their own. As she smiled, eventually Stella and Santiago stopped in front of the two. “Hey Archer!” She smiled brightly at the boy and then saw his radiant date. “Aprill! You look amazing, sweetie! Such a beautiful dress, too!” She shot the mother-to-be the same smile. “What’s up? You two having fun?” She asked the pair.

Home (2019 Remaster) — Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros — Up From Below (Remastered)
Ladies and Gentleman — Saliva — Blood-Stained Love Story
The Taste of Regret — In Fear and Faith — Your World on Fire
Dead and gone (T.I. Cover) — Cute is What We Aim For — Punk Goes ...Pop Volume III
Silver Lining — Sons of the East — Burn Right Through
Into Oblivion (Reunion) — Funeral For A Friend — Tales Don't Tell Themselves
Jungle — Tash Sultana — Jungle
Knife Called Lust — Hollywood Undead — Swan Songs (Collector's Edition)
Welcome Home Armageddon — Funeral For A Friend — Welcome Home Armageddon
Everything I Could Never Say...To You — Lovelytheband — Finding it Hard to Smile
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