Avatar of AlteredTundra


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3 mos ago
Current I saw a one-legged man at the ATM. He was checking his balance.
4 mos ago
Where do bad rainbows go? To a prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.
4 mos ago
@LG aw hell yeah! Keepin my eye out for it for sure!
4 mos ago
How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for his fresh prints.
5 mos ago
tfw the colonies have better healthcare than the mainland


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On behalf of Theo, I thank you for the shoutout. Not sure how much it'll help but he appreciates the support!
Better than ever
@Sam Quint I appreciate the interest, but at this time, we aren't accepting any new character submissions. Sorry.
Welp, guess posting is gonna be halted for a bit roleplayerguild.com/posts/5133323
In Mahz's Dev Journal 4 yrs ago Forum: News
I'll be taking the forum down this weekend to upgrade the database and syncing the server up with the code.

Just for clarification, will it be down for the entire weekend and what days will you be taking it down?

Also will this result in us potentially losing stuff?
I am living for the eventual dual between Ines and Caelum and I know Caelum is just as excited for it as I am.

Avalice Academy Plaza || @Blu

For the longest time, or at least since his father passed into the afterlife, Caelum had always protected himself with Stormbringer and in turn, had been protective over Stormbringer. To him, the sword wasn’t just a tool to use in battle nor was it a prop most he had encountered treat their swords as. To him, it was one of the last things to remember his father by. It was a cherished relic of the love his father showed him. Stormbringer was a part of his soul. That couldn’t be denied.

As Ines asked to hold it, though he was hesitant because he had never let anyone hold it unless their name was Caelum, he wasn’t in a position to say no. Or perhaps Caelum was and he just felt like he was in such awe that one of the Miracle Seven was a special exception.

So Ines took it into her hand, unsheathing the sword and speaking about its name, praising its name. What had prompted the boy to blink not aimlessly but with a genuine confusion at Ines was how she knew it was originally his father’s. “How did you know?” He would begin to ask shortly before Ines revealed that there had been traces of his father’s mana within the blade itself. By this point, Stormbringer was back in his possession and he couldn’t help but stare down at it, gazing with much intrigue into the shining silver of the blade. It was faint but the same glow in the blade filled him with a familiar warmth his father did whenever he thought back to their time together. “I can’t believe I never realized it before,” Caelum muttered, sheathing Stormbringer and resting it in his lap.

And as Caelum was dealt with another revelation, one that resulted in his previous stutter to return, he didn’t have time to process that Ines actually said to him she wanted to face him one day. He thought maybe she was joking at the expense of his clearly inferior skills, but when another member of the Miracle Seven joined them, Weyrose and Ines confirming it for him that she wasn’t joking, Caelum swallowed a tense breath. His mouth was drier than a desert and his arms shook. Whether they shook because he was anxious at the thought of facing Ines one day or excited at the chance to prove himself remained to be seen. Still, it was, at the very least, something that could very well happen and that gave him something to work towards.

“T-thank you,” Caelum said, feeling like bowing his head was appropriate. “I’m not sure if I would be able to give you a fair challenge, though. I have a long way to go before I’m at your level.” Truth was, Caelum didn’t know where he stood. Part of him wanted to test his strengths right now just so he could confirm it. “My father taught me everything I know. He trained me the moment he knew I wasn’t like others in my village. I know one day, I would love to see where I stand in this world. I mean, doesn’t everyone wish to know where their strength resides when compared to those who might be stronger with them?” He looked up at Ines and Weyrose, smiling, arms shaking with excitement.
@metanoia Hey for my post can I have Caelum give permission for Ines to hold Stormbringer?

Yeah go for it! He would be hella honored to let her hold it/see it up close!
Caelum's such a nervous wreck, I'm shocked he managed to get out complete sentences
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